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US on martial law in Thailand: must be 'temporary'


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The way it works is this.

The moment you stop being a democracy, your aide stops immediately and automacically and sanctions are AUTOMATICALLY imposed.

There is no negotiation on this in US law, you are a democracy or you are toast!! Same as happened last time for those of us who remember.

Really want to bankrupt the country as well as more civil strife? what better way than an appointed PM!!!

As much as I detest Suthep and want this crisis over via an election I have to point out the hypocrisy here.

The US just last year helped oust a democratically elected government in Egypt to be replaced with a military coup. The same military they fund to the tune of billions, second only to Israel.

The US acts out of self interest, nothing else. As the US shifts its attention to China Thailand actually matters a damn to them for the first time since Vietnam. It seems they have made their call very much on the anti PDRC camp and understandably so.

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US citizens urged to exercise caution after martial law imposed

BANGKOK, 20 May 2014 (NNT) - The US embassy in Thailand has warned its citizens in Thailand to avoid protest sites and closely follow the latest news reports following the invocation of martial law in Thailand.

The message posted on the US embassy website said U.S. citizens are advised to stay alert, exercise caution, and monitor media coverage. They are also urged to avoid areas where there are protest events, large gatherings, or security operations and follow the instructions of Thai authorities.

The message added that even demonstrations meant to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence.

The US State Department has earlier made known that it is concerned about the political crisis in Thailand and noted that the military's declaration of martial law must be temporary and not undermine democracy.

-- NNT 2014-05-20 footer_n.gif

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For those who were pedaling a strong U.S. response have got in return a highly expected one. There was never any question that the U.S. would take a hard stance over this, as indeed - if anything - the situation has vastly improved overnight. There is calm and control on the streets of Bangkok. The fiery speeches on both sides have stopped. The work of the Senate, Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission goes ahead peacefully. The PDRC has not been crushed. The U.S. has affirmed that free expression needs to be respected. And it looks just like all of these things are in place.

And the US has reiterated its support for an election

This development underscores the need for elections to determine the will of the Thai people," she added.

Absolutely right. Free elections with robust political parties. No bribes or intimidation. No one would argue against that who supports democracy.

However, any government so elected that lies, cheats, breaks the law and refuses transparency, audit or debate deserves to be removed and its officers impeached.

Do you agree?

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The way it works is this.

The moment you stop being a democracy, your aide stops immediately and automacically and sanctions are AUTOMATICALLY imposed.

There is no negotiation on this in US law, you are a democracy or you are toast!! Same as happened last time for those of us who remember.

Really want to bankrupt the country as well as more civil strife? what better way than an appointed PM!!!

As much as I detest Suthep and want this crisis over via an election I have to point out the hypocrisy here.

The US just last year helped oust a democratically elected government in Egypt to be replaced with a military coup. The same military they fund to the tune of billions, second only to Israel.

The US acts out of self interest, nothing else. As the US shifts its attention to China Thailand actually matters a damn to them for the first time since Vietnam. It seems they have made their call very much on the anti PDRC camp and understandably so.

What you say is ok, but I want to check the last bit. Are you implying that the US prefers a Shin government knowing it's totally corrupt and therefore easily bought?

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Yawn..... They don't give a toss what you think over there in your imperialist ivory towers while you dictate to the world.

One of the world's youngest nations trying to tell the rest of the world how to run their countries some of which contain civilizations thousands of years in the making.

Pathetic parasites.

One of the worlds youngest nations...yes, but the largest, richest, and most powerful nations as well.

Age is not indicative of strength or wisdom..in fact it is usually indicative of weakness and a feeble mind.

Wake up!

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I do not believe this will go far enough, you can not cure or cut out a cancer with out prolonged therapy and treatment. Yes, Corruption is a Cancer and it goes from Government House to the street dealings.

Democary is not obtained with "Bought Votes", over here they buy them with these special projects and in the USA with Welfare, same thing !!

Good luck Army and God Speed !!


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We do not want your advice USA. Stop invading other nations and the world may respect your advice.

Maybe the fact that they can and do attack other countries, as well as many give aid and financial and military support to Thailand and other countries are damn good reasons to take respect their advice!

So you advocate either giving in to a bully or accepting a bribe then?

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We do not want your advice USA. Stop invading other nations and the world may respect your advice.

If you don't want US advice, then stop trying to live like them... you corrupt bastards. Looks like you are too late....all thai's are just like american's....congratulations

Amazing Thailand....home of the free and the brave.....oh, wait???

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The way it works is this.

The moment you stop being a democracy, your aide stops immediately and automacically and sanctions are AUTOMATICALLY imposed.

There is no negotiation on this in US law, you are a democracy or you are toast!! Same as happened last time for those of us who remember.

Really want to bankrupt the country as well as more civil strife? what better way than an appointed PM!!!

As much as I detest Suthep and want this crisis over via an election I have to point out the hypocrisy here.

The US just last year helped oust a democratically elected government in Egypt to be replaced with a military coup. The same military they fund to the tune of billions, second only to Israel.

The US acts out of self interest, nothing else. As the US shifts its attention to China Thailand actually matters a damn to them for the first time since Vietnam. It seems they have made their call very much on the anti PDRC camp and understandably so.

What you say is ok, but I want to check the last bit. Are you implying that the US prefers a Shin government knowing it's totally corrupt and therefore easily bought?

All the Govts here, the army,police, civil servants etc etc are ridiculously corrupt, not just the TS Govt. Yes TS was corrupt as was every other Govt before him. The only mainstays in that entire period are the police and army, which will continue to be corrupt because its impossible to reform, especially when perhaps the only persons who could do it (the army) are as bad as everyone else ( they just have bigger guns) and hide behind the LM laws.

You think if the army/police gave a toss about corruption we would be in this position today?

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What you say is ok, but I want to check the last bit. Are you implying that the US prefers a Shin government knowing it's totally corrupt and therefore easily bought?

Are you genuinely so naive as to suggest that Suthep isnnt corrupt? Just because he made millions from it rather than billions like Thaskin doesnt make it any less reprehensible.

The US probably has a better the devil you know attitude. Obama and Yingluck got on famously, to the point Obamas Mrs threw a tantrum. Thailand has over recent years been open to US military requests and been cooperative. For self interest reasons they will back a government proven to be friendly to them over one potentially headed by a raving lunatic who hates foreigners.

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The way it works is this.

The moment you stop being a democracy, your aide stops immediately and automacically and sanctions are AUTOMATICALLY imposed.

There is no negotiation on this in US law, you are a democracy or you are toast!! Same as happened last time for those of us who remember.

Really want to bankrupt the country as well as more civil strife? what better way than an appointed PM!!!

No it does not work that way. Please think a minute. If it worked that way Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Vietnam would not be getting aid. There is no such automatic law. If the army takes over Thailand there will be strong retaliation. Not a bit of it will be automatic, though, any more than aid was cut to Pakistan after the last military coup.

There is most certainly negotiation. There is tortuous negotiation. Consider "the last time for those of us who remember" but some of whom forget the tortuous negotiation over whether even to hold Cobra Gold. For example. Remember that? Remember the outcome of that negotiation?

US aid couldn't bankrupt or raise a small village market in Chumpol province. It is so tiny you can barely see it. If you are the grasping, greedy American type, claiming every tiny bit of credit you can, it's barely a few million dollars. In reality, it's way less. America has *huge* stick in Thailand but aid isn't really part of it so you'd notice.


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Why was the US totally silent on the rape and pillaging of Thailand by this despotic government?

Why silent on the total lack of law and order in Thailand?

Why silent on the endless stream of threats and intimidation of the NACC, the Constitution Court, the government workers and the protesters by this government and CAPO?

Why silent on all the government MPs and officials endlessly flying off to Dubai, Hong kong or Singapore to meet with the fugitive criminal?

No double standards you say? Total BS I say.

If the US really wanted to help Thailand, then they should have been screaming from the rooftops since this government came to power by illicit means.

If you think the US should not meddle, then clearly in your example, they didn't. If there's any double standard here it is the fray saying US DON'T MEDDLE alongside you saying they didn't meddle enough, or at least not against the right group, and not early enough.

What would you expect them to do anyway?

Maybe they shared your opinion, had enough of this Shin/PTP stuff, and were the Third Hand behind Suthep's movement to topple this government? It's happened before. Suthep did, after all, run this operation with almost military precision. Not as good as the practiced precision of the Thai Army in a straight up coup, but a real grass roots, People's Revolution. That's right up the US' street. Seeing how you feel above, the US taking down this government should please you to no end.

Of course, this isn't over yet.

Edited by 55Jay
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Team America; World Police.

Enough said

Yes, but without them, Russia and China would go on an unprecedented land grab free for all, so be glad there is some balance of power, even if not perfect.

Keep on Yankee Bashing! And every thime your arse is in a bind and ready to be hung you come running and please help and bail us out.

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Team America; World Police.

Enough said

Yes, but without them, Russia and China would go on an unprecedented land grab free for all, so be glad there is some balance of power, even if not perfect.

Oldest Democracy the Yanks are and when someone needs the arse bailed out they all come running.

Edited by hardy1943
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The audacity...marshal law must be temporary...does the US see Thailand as a vassal state...which must adhere to US pressure...? Just another example of American hubris...

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The audacity...marshal law must be temporary...does the US see Thailand as a vassal state...which must adhere to US pressure...? Just another example of American hubris...

They're doing it to bait and take a piss at those who gobble the foreign aid, and endless help..you took the bait. Haha.

Biggest guns win; ask the Thai army.

Edited by gemini81
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Two flame posts removed. Please be civil. Seems any topic with US, America, etc. in it predictably brings out the bashers inflammatory rhetoric. I would suggest bring the posturing down a notch or else posts will be removed without notice.

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Team America; World Police.

Enough said

Yes, but without them, Russia and China would go on an unprecedented land grab free for all, so be glad there is some balance of power, even if not perfect.

Keep on Yankee Bashing! And every thime your arse is in a bind and ready to be hung you come running and please help and bail us out.

the world does not need you I wish USA would stay out of it and mind their own business. They have caused more deaths worldwide pretending they care about democracy when all they are doing is protecting their own interests. No wonder most people in world hate americans

We don't want you don't need you and wish you'd just go away

How is it to be hated so much Anyway USA is a has been power trying desperately in its dying day to cling on. Sooner Putin and chinese put USA in its place the sooner ill like it and ill take my chances without USA thank you and so would most of world

Who cares what USA says anymore - has beens

hmmm... Lots of America bashing going on... don't like or even "hate" America, that's fine, but you haters surely are speaking for yourselves, don't confuse that!

It makes me laugh when I read "We don't like you", "We don't need you"... Pathetic idiot, speak for yourself.

The whole world is in imbalance... all countries have their own problems... yes EVEN America... just don't forget what WE brought to YOUR table, in just a short history, while you ' monkeys are still crapping in your streets and playing with your iPhones.

Just thank <insert favorite deity here> (actually more like America, BTW) that you're not running around shouting "sieg heil", or slaves to the Japanese, or <insert big bad dictatorship here>...

America... stinging a bit... sure... Has beens? I highly doubt it. Cowards, never!

Just a funny image to stick it to all you haters just a li'l bit mo'


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... - if anything - the situation has vastly improved overnight. There is calm and control on the streets of Bangkok. The fiery speeches on both sides have stopped.

Isn't it a little early for such statements?

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The US , now worldwide known as being spys and liers , better stays out of Thailands internal affairs .

The US is involved by default. The entire point of calling this 'martial law' rather than a coup is to avoid a withdrawal of US military funding, like what happened after the last coup.

See also: The Egyptian 'non-coup'.

Edited by celso
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BigRick ,yes your right if it was not for the Americans or many other country's that took part in WW1 and 2 i might be speaking German now but as I am not that old,only a mere 55 i would have excepted that as the norm. As for building bridges for the Japanese a bit low towards the POW and the Asian slave labours that die, could say the underwater scrapyard called Pearl Harbour could have been extended to other areas of America if not for the solders of the then commonwealth and America or the wonderful job America did in Vietnam (nothing wrong in coming second )

As this is about Thailand America and Europe should leave it to the Thais. I think Gen. Prayuth will get things done in his time not Obama or Cameron let them interfere in the middle east because them and Bush the younger and the idiot Blair have done a great job of screwing that up.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Since Thailand ceased to be a significant strategic importance to the US, which then stopped pouring in billions of taxpayers' money to prop up military dictatorships, the US government became irrelevant to the political situation in Thailand. It can cut off its foreign aid without anyone noticing, whereas in the late 60s it would have caused the military government to collapse. The US would do well to remember its current irrelevance and military impotence. The total size of the US military is now much less than the forces deployed in the First Gulf War. If they opened hostilities on more than one front simultaneously today, one of them would have to be purely through unmanned drones piloted by IT nurds looking for weapons of mass destruction on their computer screens in Texas. By around 2040 the US national deficit will have ballooned to the extent that they will no longer be able to pay a salary to the president let alone keep on its military. All the national budget will be consumed by debt service. Better get used to the new position in the world and fix your own structural problems.

Sounds like a great movie. Who is starring?

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The way it works is this.

The moment you stop being a democracy, your aide stops immediately and automacically and sanctions are AUTOMATICALLY imposed.

There is no negotiation on this in US law, you are a democracy or you are toast!! Same as happened last time for those of us who remember.

Really want to bankrupt the country as well as more civil strife? what better way than an appointed PM!!!

Thailand receives financial aid from US?

The last time, for those of us who remember, Thailand managed ok without US approval.

Please refer to ...






... for applicable US financial aid information.

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Why does the US Government have to stick their beaks in, they think they are the police of the world, Let Thailand and the Thai people sort this out themselves, it might take time but hopefully they will get there

Well considering we shoulder a disproportionate amount of the burden for the UN,IMF,NATO and regional security in Asia your right as an American I say we say the rest of you let you clowns pay for it. Clearly we made a mistake in WW1 and 2 supporting our future enemies. (Europeans). Always a hand out when you are begging but like letting that ungrateful hobo in your house for a free meal they think they own the place once they are full. The irony is Europeans bad mouthing the states the same Europeans who subjugated the world with colonialism and two world wars that cost well over 100 million lives. Funny how if we did not come along a lot of you commonwealths would be still building Japanese railroads in Kanchanaburi.

What is it with all this "we" business? Speak for yourself (and perhaps your little group of "likers") but you don't speak for me or a huge number of other Americans (probably the vast majority) who are sick and tired of constant interference in the affairs of other countries. And can we get a break from World War 1 and World War 2 pleading? World War 1 began almost a century ago! Most of the people with a right to comment on World War 2, meanwhile, are in their 80s and 90s. They are the ones who fought it--so no hanging on their coattails.

Spoken like a true Obama socialist libtard. Actually I know a fair amount of Americans that feel we need to stop spending so much money protecting other peoples assets. NATO what exactly does it do for the US? We sure spend a lot of money on it more so than everyone else. The Pacific fleet what again are our interests? So history only has to be selective? Why do you get to define a time line? History is a big picture kind of thing. World War 2 is relevant in the history of SE Asia or have you not read any history on your host country? The US has been a strong Allie of Thailand for almost 200 years(at least diplomatic relations) So it is our business because we sell them military hardware we also have the largest naval port in Asia on standby right next to Pattaya. There are very few surviving WW2 veterans. I find a bit of humor living in Kburi and watching a bunch of pretend ANZAC wannbes pretend to be heroes missing the age gap by at least 20 years. Last time I checked if you are 60-70 it would make you 0 and 10 when WW2 happened. The reason why I say this is because my deceased grandfather was a veteran of the Pacific theater and to hear some Aussie dickbag talk crap about America makes me just a little bit protective about the sacrifices our country made in the past. We spared Thailand from the fury of Britain and France after WW2 they really had a bone to pick. So go cry me a river and &lt;deleted&gt; with "likers" what is this West Side story? People agree or disagree it does not make them a group just because they don't drink your Kool-aid.

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