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PDRC leader Suthep praises Army Chief for declaring martial law


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Annnddddd! Bingo - he just broke another law as of this morning.


The POMC has declared that any broadcasting of individuals who are not government officials will be prohibited from giving any political views or opinions on national television, as the center wishes to prevent escalation of protests and crowds becoming riled up after listening to such broadcasts.

Therefore, according to the martial law that has recently been invoked, all operators of media, which include print media, television, radio, press, hosts and/or anchors will not be allowed to interview or invite any individual who is not currently in a governmental position to publicly air their political opinions.

The NNTB is allowed to report it under that law (government organisation), but he's not supposed to say it.

He has the right to get up on stage and say it to the people there.

If a reporter reports it, then it is down to the reporter or the medium, so long as Suthep has not broadcast it himself.

Prayuth has allowed the protests to continue at their sites.

It is a bit different to what is happening at the UDD camp which is actually broadcasting their rally on internet radio.

So you jumped the gun on that one matey.


Well said.

It never ceases to amaze me these supposedly educated people that can come up with that kind of nonsense. I think the PTP will also be making their demands.

Now it is all going to be academic because the Army is involved and with out them the EC and the government can not guarantee a safe election so all sides must listen to the other side.

Truth be known I think both sides are glad to have this happen. It will allow them to make concessions and still save face. Be interesting to see if any of the smaller parties change their Allegany.

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Fortunately he is working for the betterment of Thailand. Hate to think of what would have happened if he had just said it is OK carry on with your corruption and disregard for the people you are supposed to be serving.

I agree, his effort should bring about some long needed changes for the betterment of Thailand, so lets hope the next few months / year can instil some good policy that can't be eroded again by the likes of Thaksin's of this world.

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The military claimed for months it would not get involved yet another broken promise. I feel sorry for those in a Thailand who strive for a better life only to be denied by factions who refuse to accept a Government that millions of people voted for in democratic elections, sadly this will never change !

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Should we be worried that Suthep is giving out what looks like a wedding bouquet to the army folk? That smile is another point of concern.

I resisted making a similar comment ..but since you broke the ice, it does look like one of those wedding photos so in vogue at present.

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"accepted by the common people". That is why we have election. This idiot invent words and made plans on a daily basis. Imagine how the country if Suthep has his way.

Here you see only bought and coerced elections; hence the anti-gov't protest. Why are posters so daft to notice or deny that? To start such elections, the goal was to stop the graft of PTP, and all the violence, intimidation, incompetence and lack of fulfilled promises that went along with it; before a real election could begin. Starts with getting Thaksin out of the picture buying up money people with no education looking for a handout,from funds acquired only through dishonesty. Why is that reiterated and so many guys on here come in and pretend that isn't what has happened and that isn't the reason for what has come down to the current climate?

Edited by gemini81
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"accepted by the common people". That is why we have election. This idiot invent words and made plans on a daily basis. Imagine how the country if Suthep has his way.

Here you see only bought and coerced elections; hence the anti-gov't protest. Why are posters so daft to notice or deny that?

Because it's not true. No respectable journalist, organization, foreign government or even opposition politician has ever said that the 2011 election was won by anyone other than the party that received the most votes. If that's not the case, please post a link. Just one will do!

A determined search of the 'net will reveal isolated incidents of shenanigans, but this is true anywhere in the world. Whatever else it also has, Thailand has "free and fair" elections.

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Annnddddd! Bingo - he just broke another law as of this morning.


The POMC has declared that any broadcasting of individuals who are not government officials will be prohibited from giving any political views or opinions on national television, as the center wishes to prevent escalation of protests and crowds becoming riled up after listening to such broadcasts.

Therefore, according to the martial law that has recently been invoked, all operators of media, which include print media, television, radio, press, hosts and/or anchors will not be allowed to interview or invite any individual who is not currently in a governmental position to publicly air their political opinions.

The NNTB is allowed to report it under that law (government organisation), but he's not supposed to say it.

He has the right to get up on stage and say it to the people there.

If a reporter reports it, then it is down to the reporter or the medium, so long as Suthep has not broadcast it himself.

Prayuth has allowed the protests to continue at their sites.

It is a bit different to what is happening at the UDD camp which is actually broadcasting their rally on internet radio.

So you jumped the gun on that one matey.

no he hasn't gatherings of more than 5 people are banned

I think that you are wrong about gatherings of more than 5 people being banned. I didn't see that as one of the announced measures/restrictions. I do agree that they "could" ban gatherings. They also "could" impose a curfew. They however have NOT done so. The general gist of things seems to be to just restrict political violence and propaganda and have people carry on their lives and business without restriction.

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This poor excuse for a man is living proof that some people will follow a complete and utter hypocrite. The military ought to ashamed of themselves for promoting him in the media!

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"accepted by the common people". That is why we have election. This idiot invent words and made plans on a daily basis. Imagine how the country if Suthep has his way.

Here you see only bought and coerced elections; hence the anti-gov't protest. Why are posters so daft to notice or deny that?

Because it's not true. No respectable journalist, organization, foreign government or even opposition politician has ever said that the 2011 election was won by anyone other than the party that received the most votes. If that's not the case, please post a link. Just one will do!

A determined search of the 'net will reveal isolated incidents of shenanigans, but this is true anywhere in the world. Whatever else it also has, Thailand has "free and fair" elections.

Red villages, bribes, handouts etc. can't be generalized as true and a norm from other countries if you wanna compare; unless to similar banana republics. You're not going to pull up instant google admissions to see that votes were bought then or in other elections, it or see data reports of course; its not in the books any more than the rented mobs paid handouts in 2010, c'mon. What are you thinking?

Just get talking to some local rural farmers, namely Isarn, and some basic reasoning and observation will show you what a farce the elections are, and of course they get handouts. Keep them poor and they are really easy to buy too. That is why PTP campaigns heavily there, easy to swindle on the backs of the uneducated and poor.

Edited by gemini81
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Annnddddd! Bingo - he just broke another law as of this morning.


The POMC has declared that any broadcasting of individuals who are not government officials will be prohibited from giving any political views or opinions on national television, as the center wishes to prevent escalation of protests and crowds becoming riled up after listening to such broadcasts.

Therefore, according to the martial law that has recently been invoked, all operators of media, which include print media, television, radio, press, hosts and/or anchors will not be allowed to interview or invite any individual who is not currently in a governmental position to publicly air their political opinions.

The NNTB is allowed to report it under that law (government organisation), but he's not supposed to say it.

He has the right to get up on stage and say it to the people there.

If a reporter reports it, then it is down to the reporter or the medium, so long as Suthep has not broadcast it himself.

Prayuth has allowed the protests to continue at their sites.

It is a bit different to what is happening at the UDD camp which is actually broadcasting their rally on internet radio.

So you jumped the gun on that one matey.

Same as what Tarit has been warned for. Looking for anything that can be turned, twisted and magnified to claim a lawsuit as a means of intimidation.

Thankfully, the military leaders are more sensible and pragmatic.

Never see these posters complaining about the views of a convicted criminal fugitive being quoted on Thai or foreign media.

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The military claimed for months it would not get involved yet another broken promise. I feel sorry for those in a Thailand who strive for a better life only to be denied by factions who refuse to accept a Government that millions of people voted for in democratic elections, sadly this will never change !

You don't see anything wrong with a government lying, cheating, breaking the law, refusing to debate, refusing transparency and accountability, attempting to suppress free speech and criticism, and openly cavorting with and taking instruction from a convicted criminal fugitive?

Would you like to list the outstanding achievements of PTP in their 3 years of office? You could use their own 2 years submission to parliament that was eventually made for starters. Not lengthy reading.

The people spoke when the final straw, a cheating through of a bill aimed at whitewashing the criminal who own PTP, was attempted.

Of the people I know who voted PTP in 2011, 90% now regret it and are bitterly disappointed at being so badly let down,

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Brutus also smiled when he walked with Julius Ceaser wink.png

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Were you there too?

I was indeed, but that was in another lifetime :D

I've seen many Brutus type characters in my job over the past 10 years, working hand in hand with each other, only to have one stab the other in the back to ready his own cause, to further their careers.

The name Prawit Wongsuan is being touted as the senates choice for interim PM and he's another old school member of a certain Military clique which I was reading about yesterday.

Interesting times in the days to come for the Thai people for sure

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Suthep is disposable and may need to take a powder for the team. I wouldn't be supprised if he disapeared, with the quote under him, 'where is wally'. Such a loss could give great mileage to the current process in galvinising support for Sutheps mob.

The General is pushing the elites agenda. He has contempt for the caretaker leader as stated in past reports. Its the civil servants and the military that are in control (Thai Elite).

There is no diference between Suthep and Mr T in present form, but that is not what this is now about.

Edited by Chris Lawrence
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Suthep and the PDRC - unlike Jatuporn and the UDD - have not broken Prayuth's parameters. The UDD has brazenly decided to broadcast their rally ( which by the way, numbers less than 1,000 during the day ), after Prayuth took the UDD off the air-waves. Suthep and the PDRC have done nothing of the sort. The political rhetoric continues from all sides. None of that has been suppressed and none of it will be suppressed. It needs to be reiterated that Prayuth brought martial law to bear in order to control the violence. None of the rallies have been deemed unlawful. Movement, though, is prohibited. As a result, you may have noticed that Suthep says not one peep about a national strike, and does not say one peep about a march. That's called compliance.

In terms of Suthep's conditions, all of Suthep's four conditions will likely happen anyway - with or without him. Almost certainly a neutral prime minister will be nominated through the Senate. And the Senate will likely take great pains to choose someone who is acceptable to both Pheu Thai and the UDD, but is affiliated with neither, and without question any person connected to Thaksin would be immediately disallowed. So those are three conditions met already, because Thaksin's influence would be gone, someone would be chosen from neither party, but acceptable to both. In terms of the fourth condition - the person must be acceptable to the common people - that's just too inexact to be taken seriously. So Suthep's position is pretty much aligned with current inclinations anyway. He affirms a reform process under an interim prime minister before a general election. That's actually likely to happen. What Suthep needs to realize and be reassured by - is that he doesn't have to actually do anything - because this is the direction the wind is already blowing. He needs to take a step back. He has already taken a step back by not announcing any provocative strikes or marches. But he needs to let the process play out. As it is.

noise, noise, noise

come elections PTP or their equivalent will win

Unless the electoral process is "reformed".

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Democracy gives the common man the illusion that they, in some way, have an affect on the selection and operation of the government. It's just another opiate for the already distracted masses. Give them bread and circuses, and make it mandatory to vote. Lmfao.

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It is still not enough for him. He will never stop no matter what the final outcome is. He wants a total dictatorship with him as the supreme commander just like in north korea. When are you people going to arrest this piece of trash.

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"accepted by the common people". That is why we have election. This idiot invent words and made plans on a daily basis. Imagine how the country if Suthep has his way.

Here you see only bought and coerced elections; hence the anti-gov't protest. Why are posters so daft to notice or deny that?

Because it's not true. No respectable journalist, organization, foreign government or even opposition politician has ever said that the 2011 election was won by anyone other than the party that received the most votes. If that's not the case, please post a link. Just one will do!

A determined search of the 'net will reveal isolated incidents of shenanigans, but this is true anywhere in the world. Whatever else it also has, Thailand has "free and fair" elections.

Red villages, bribes, handouts etc. can't be generalized as true and a norm from other countries if you wanna compare; unless to similar banana republics. You're not going to pull up instant google admissions to see that votes were bought then or in other elections, it or see data reports of course; its not in the books any more than the rented mobs paid handouts in 2010, c'mon. What are you thinking?

Just get talking to some local rural farmers, namely Isarn, and some basic reasoning and observation will show you what a farce the elections are, and of course they get handouts. Keep them poor and they are really easy to buy too. That is why PTP campaigns heavily there, easy to swindle on the backs of the uneducated and poor.

Isnt vote buying as you claimed a yellow or red card offense by the EC? Between you and the EC with the full investigative resources, would I believe you with your basic reasoning and observation? It is a fair election mate. If there are vote buying, it's on both sides. The EC and international observers have not raised any issues and EC have validated all MPs. Give it up with your continuous rethoric on the same subject. That also include populist policies which all parties and government are guilty to win votes and remain in power anywhere in the world.

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It is still not enough for him. He will never stop no matter what the final outcome is. He wants a total dictatorship with him as the supreme commander just like in north korea. When are you people going to arrest this piece of trash.

Supreme commander? No that's Thaksin's goal. Why do you continue to distort what he has said with this 'mind-reading' rubbish.

He wants an interim PM - not himself - and the good riddance of the Shin kleptocracy, reforms (which you have been reminded of before), and then an election.

Probably too reasonable for you to grasp.

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