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Democrats express support for martial law


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Democrats express support for martial law


BANGKOK, 21 May 2014 (NNT) – The Democrat Party has expressed support for the Army’s invocation of martial law following an internal meeting.

Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said the meeting has discussed about the political situation at present in the wake of the martial law, while agreeing that the law will ensure peace and order in the country and prevent further loss of lives and property.

The party also saw that when exercised with caution, the martial law will not violate the constitutional rights of members of the public.

Mr. Chavanond added that the party has consistently agreed that all sides must come together to resolve the current crisis.

However, the party expressed concern that some political groups who oppose to the use of martial law may attempt to defy it with force, which could lead to widespread violence.

-- NNT 2014-05-21 footer_n.gif

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of course they would, the Democrats have been itching for martial law/a coup since the beginning - its probably the only way for them to get back in power.

Edited by moonao
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If it stops protesters from being systematically attacked, maimed and murdered, surely it is worthy of support - unless you think violence and intimidation is a legitimate political tool.

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Thaksin brought it on himself by leaving the drunk Chalerm and the idiots Suraphong and Tarit in charge of security at CAPO. It was stupid enough to appoint them in the first place but after Chalerm and Suraphong were binned as ministers he should have had the good sense to replace them with more effective, neutral figures. The army knew perfectly well the people allowed by the police to bring military weapons into the capital and fire at will at the PDRC are the same people that were hired to fire on soldiers in 2010. What did he expect the military to do?

If he can't win the stalemate, a coup is the best thing for him in the hopes of galvinising international opposition towards the military and re-invigorating the red shirts whose support has flagged since farmers got bilked in the rice pledging scam.

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Next step is for them to express their support for an election and to confirm their full participation in it. Surely not too difficult for a party called The Democrats.

Their name is just a wrapper. A brief history of the party shows them to be reactionary royalists - not much change in some 70 years - and thoroughly undemocratic when the opportunity arises..


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Martial law is working. Transcending any time that anyone can remember, the Pheu Thai party, the UDD, the Democratic party, and the PDRC got together this afternoon in the same room and talked, along with members of the National Election Commission and the Senate, with Prayuth officiating. By that measure, Prayuth has managed to be more successful in two days than Yingluck and Niwattumrong have been in three years. Bangkok is now safe also for the first time in ages. The rallies are contained. Chalerm is catching up on soap operas, while Tarit is now the one in the room who hopes no one else can see him. Yes, things have changed dramatically. It's called a breath of fresh air. And it's called an opportunity for the parties to get their act together and actually meet and talk with each other rather than posture.

Well said!

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the agenda of any progressive force should be - no negotiation with culprit Thaksin or his sisters, brothers, cousins etc. Everybody is OK but not them. Shinavatras should be put in political vacuum without any possibility to interfere in policy. They should feel the soil burning under there feet. The word "shinavatra" should become a synonym of greed and unscrupulousness.

This is the only way for Thailand to protect itself from left-populist dictatorship - the worst thing can happen to any country.

Edited by Jeffreyake
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Martial law is working. Transcending any time that anyone can remember, the Pheu Thai party, the UDD, the Democratic party, and the PDRC got together this afternoon in the same room and talked, along with members of the National Election Commission and the Senate, with Prayuth officiating. By that measure, Prayuth has managed to be more successful in two days than Yingluck and Niwattumrong have been in three years. Bangkok is now safe also for the first time in ages. The rallies are contained. Chalerm is catching up on soap operas, while Tarit is now the one in the room who hopes no one else can see him. Yes, things have changed dramatically. It's called a breath of fresh air. And it's called an opportunity for the parties to get their act together and actually meet and talk with each other rather than posture.

Well said!

+ 1

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of course they would, the Democrats have been itching for martial law/a coup since the beginning - its probably the only way for them to get back in power.

Are you leading the charge for those that want to oppose Martial Law? Are you one of those people the Dems are speaking of that may incite violence? Remember these forums are monitored more closely now so many people with BIG FAT MOUTHS may end up on the wrong side of the Airport Terminal.

I would be very careful if I were you as I have seen many of your postings and feel that you may walk a thin red line. Very SHIN

Edited by marcusd
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Martial law is working. Transcending any time that anyone can remember, the Pheu Thai party, the UDD, the Democratic party, and the PDRC got together this afternoon in the same room and talked, along with members of the National Election Commission and the Senate, with Prayuth officiating. By that measure, Prayuth has managed to be more successful in two days than Yingluck and Niwattumrong have been in three years. Bangkok is now safe also for the first time in ages. The rallies are contained. Chalerm is catching up on soap operas, while Tarit is now the one in the room who hopes no one else can see him. Yes, things have changed dramatically. It's called a breath of fresh air. And it's called an opportunity for the parties to get their act together and actually meet and talk with each other rather than posture.

Yes Scamper TRUE. And The good General requested MANY UMPTEEN ZILLION times they all speak. No one spoke. no one did anything except threaten and speak of millions marching on Bangkok.

the general warned and begged and stated many times to come together.

No one cared nor listened and stated he would COUP. now he as outsmarted them, which is not really that hard given the total IQ would be less than the number of parliamentarians!

The General NOW has the floor and hold the strings and the idiot puppets will now dance to a different puppet master. GO GET EM GENERAL PRAYUTH!

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Have you never considered the point Scamper, that he warring factions had/have NO choice but to respond to the Generals requests ? Which isn't a bad thing, but unfortunately you just can't resist having a little dig at the Yingluck administration can you? The problem prior to all of this is that the 2 main rivals were calling the shots, and wouldn't entertain each other, and were "noising " each other up, but now the Big Dog is barking and all of a sudden, there's a change in their attitudes, which again I give praise to the General for grabbing these coco's by the balls, and telling them to shut their pie holes there's a new sheriff in town again isn't a bad thing.

Bangkok you say is safe now, it always has been, it's the protest areas that have been the trouble spots, and westerners were told to avoid these areas, but overall Bangkok has been pretty safe, it depends I suppose on your interpretation of what safe means though. many tourists would also say that they never felt unsafe either, apples and oranges really.

The General is stamping his authority on things again, a good thing, but it can can all go to ratshit very very quickly if there's no compromise, and the Senate decides to appoint an Interim Government in the coming days you could dress it up as much as you like, but the outside world would see it as the final act, and call it a coup, and many people are still,sceptical that this martial Law isn't a precursor such an act, as in a coup.

There has to be some compromise from all sides, otherwise if there's already been a decision behind closed doors to appoint the Interim PM then the events over the past couple of days have been a sham and a smokescreen, which I hope isn't the case, I do like the Generals no nonsense attitude and if he keeps his word, then he will be supported by all Thais alike, but if he doesn't then he has only himself to blame for any violence that happens as a result of him not keeping his word, I've an open mind as to what's going on, my gut feeling is that the PTP will be forcibly removed from their current caretaker positions, through the courts and the senate, and the hardliner Prawit will become the interim PM who knows really, just my opinion, for what it's worth, which is nothing really.

As long as all sides can talk, it can't be a bad thing wink.png It's a game of musical chairs, and when the music stops, someone is going to have to leave the game wink.png

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

OMG HAGGIS!!! OMG!!! I never thought I would be stating that I actually agree whole heartedly with you.

Yes Lets hope the General gets it right. But one thing where I differ is that the Courts will probably bring the Government down because lets face it, they have not been too good or caring have they? Naughty in fact

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of course they would, the Democrats have been itching for martial law/a coup since the beginning - its probably the only way for them to get back in power.

Well actually the not-yet-stepped-down Dept. PM, MoFA and ex chief advisor to CAPO Surapong expressed the desire to having Martial Law declared as he thought the army could then legally help with 'safeguarding' the new elections. It would seem a misunderstanding on his part though as the army doesn't do elections. Even in 2007 they lifted Martial Law two months before the General Elections as critics told them their present during elections would be seen as intimidating by voters.

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Next step is for them to express their support for an election and to confirm their full participation in it. Surely not too difficult for a party called The Democrats.

I am confused

Please can you tell us why you want an election that is not fair to all parties

I would have though first we need freedom of speech for all parties

and no convicted person allowed to run for any political position

Again please explain why your against these things ??????????

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That's what they have been looking for months, by lynching people , by throwing bombs to their own people . Next step is to make laws so that they -the eternal losers- will get in power forever whatever the electoral results.

As usual, as it has always happened in the past 80 years, at every protest, they will shoot and massacre innocent Thais.

The Chinese-Malay mafia who is enslaving 65 millions of Thais wants to rule forever with the support of the few mercenaries racists like Suthep or the brain-less-washed "educated" Middle class (mostly Chinese, Indians or fake Thais like Abhisit) .

The losers will be the real Thais, the good ones, the ordinary people we see on the street.

Edited by max72
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of course they would, the Democrats have been itching for martial law/a coup since the beginning - its probably the only way for them to get back in power.

Well actually the not-yet-stepped-down Dept. PM, MoFA and ex chief advisor to CAPO Surapong expressed the desire to having Martial Law declared as he thought the army could then legally help with 'safeguarding' the new elections. It would seem a misunderstanding on his part though as the army doesn't do elections. Even in 2007 they lifted Martial Law two months before the General Elections as critics told them their present during elections would be seen as intimidating by voters.

The Army does "do Elections". They like the chance to be able to vote in them without intimidation from the PDRC. Not that the PDRC were likely to have a go at these, they prefer easier targets...............


Thai soldiers stand in a queue before voting at a polling station in Pattani, southern Thailand on

January 26, 2014.


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of course they would, the Democrats have been itching for martial law/a coup since the beginning - its probably the only way for them to get back in power.

wow! you mean the Shins should remain in power to further rip off the country?

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Next step is for them to express their support for an election and to confirm their full participation in it. Surely not too difficult for a party called The Democrats.

It would be good for people like Prbkk to attempt looking further into what democracy is.

It is not a ballot box that allows you to take the entire countries wealth to a criminals pocket Prbbk.

Do you get that. Democracy is about looking after the entire Nation.

Pheu Thai did not practice democracy.

Western leaders support the martial law, a far as I have heard.

Edited by peterquixote
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Have you never considered the point Scamper, that he warring factions had/have NO choice but to respond to the Generals requests ? Which isn't a bad thing, but unfortunately you just can't resist having a little dig at the Yingluck administration can you? The problem prior to all of this is that the 2 main rivals were calling the shots, and wouldn't entertain each other, and were "noising " each other up, but now the Big Dog is barking and all of a sudden, there's a change in their attitudes, which again I give praise to the General for grabbing these coco's by the balls, and telling them to shut their pie holes there's a new sheriff in town again isn't a bad thing.

Bangkok you say is safe now, it always has been, it's the protest areas that have been the trouble spots, and westerners were told to avoid these areas, but overall Bangkok has been pretty safe, it depends I suppose on your interpretation of what safe means though. many tourists would also say that they never felt unsafe either, apples and oranges really.

The General is stamping his authority on things again, a good thing, but it can can all go to ratshit very very quickly if there's no compromise, and the Senate decides to appoint an Interim Government in the coming days you could dress it up as much as you like, but the outside world would see it as the final act, and call it a coup, and many people are still,sceptical that this martial Law isn't a precursor such an act, as in a coup.

There has to be some compromise from all sides, otherwise if there's already been a decision behind closed doors to appoint the Interim PM then the events over the past couple of days have been a sham and a smokescreen, which I hope isn't the case, I do like the Generals no nonsense attitude and if he keeps his word, then he will be supported by all Thais alike, but if he doesn't then he has only himself to blame for any violence that happens as a result of him not keeping his word, I've an open mind as to what's going on, my gut feeling is that the PTP will be forcibly removed from their current caretaker positions, through the courts and the senate, and the hardliner Prawit will become the interim PM who knows really, just my opinion, for what it's worth, which is nothing really.

As long as all sides can talk, it can't be a bad thing wink.png It's a game of musical chairs, and when the music stops, someone is going to have to leave the game wink.png

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Both parties are corrupt. There is no "win win' and everything will remain the same here in the LOS...Sadly, there will be no happy ending..unless you go for a massage....555555

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That's what they have been looking for months, by lynching people , by throwing bombs to their own people . Next step is to make laws so that they -the eternal losers- will get in power forever whatever the electoral results.

As usual, as it has always happened in the past 80 years, at every protest, they will shoot and massacre innocent Thais.

The Chinese-Malay mafia who is enslaving 65 millions of Thais wants to rule forever with the support of the few mercenaries racists like Suthep or the brain-less-washed "educated" Middle class (mostly Chinese, Indians or fake Thais like Abhisit) .

The losers will be the real Thais, the good ones, the ordinary people we see on the street.

do we love the drivel that comes here, no we do not , tell us about the lynching max , some people say the bombs are thrown by low brain redshirts,

nice you care about the ordinary Thais mad max but the rice farmers would like to get paid

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It's simple - military Government is bad government - have a good look around the World if you don't believe me. And more importantly it is backward - check when the last military Government existed in South America - used to be a Continent of endless coups - now its Grown up. Even Africa is moving on - hasn't been a coup in Nigeria for decades - Ghana has gone civilian and a lot more. There are still some dark spots - Uganda and Rwanda with distinctly military style Governments. When was the last coup in SE Asia - me thinks somewhere in the Land of Smiles in 2006 - and hey - that didn't work very well - didn't that bright military event actually write the 2007 Constitution that is the root cause of the last 7 years of un-government and crisis. Can hardly wait for the 2014 version. As the days turn into weeks I think many here in Thailand will start to realise that a coup is a coup is a military Government. And unfortunately the average Military is not designed to govern - in fact, I seem to remember that they are meant to protect.

Edited by KevinB
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of course they would, the Democrats have been itching for martial law/a coup since the beginning - its probably the only way for them to get back in power.

Well actually the not-yet-stepped-down Dept. PM, MoFA and ex chief advisor to CAPO Surapong expressed the desire to having Martial Law declared as he thought the army could then legally help with 'safeguarding' the new elections. It would seem a misunderstanding on his part though as the army doesn't do elections. Even in 2007 they lifted Martial Law two months before the General Elections as critics told them their present during elections would be seen as intimidating by voters.

The Army does "do Elections". They like the chance to be able to vote in them without intimidation from the PDRC. Not that the PDRC were likely to have a go at these, they prefer easier targets...............

-- photo removed, no need to repeat --

Thai soldiers stand in a queue before voting at a polling station in Pattani, southern Thailand on

January 26, 2014.


The Army doesn't do elections, we have the E.C. for that. The Army makes sure that with elections soldiers will be in the position to vote that's all.

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The Army doesn't do elections, we have the E.C. for that. The Army makes sure that with elections soldiers will be in the position to vote that's all.

The EC does Elections.........................yeah , right coffee1.gif

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Election committees who avoid elections and democrats who support martial law and army intervention

Its worse than the twilight zone

You forgot "and a not-yet-stepped-down Dept. PM, MoFA and ex chief advisor to CAPO Surapong asking for the Martial Law to be declared to 'safeguard' elections.

BTW just read that in Ukrania with the elections coming Sunday 55,000 police officers and 20,000 volunteers will be deployed to 'safeguard' the elections.

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