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PDRC agrees to end protests and its supporters sent home

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hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.

Do you (and Winton liking it) actually live in Thailand? Im curious because of all this "we won" and "you lost" banter.

Sitting in the house with no tv and soon no internet, banned from going out, with soldiers on the streets. Does that feel like a victory to you?

It's a bit of a pain right now, but a 10pm to 5am curfew won't affect most people. Just cut short partying a little bit. Hopefully just for a few days. I'm fortunate in that I have a lot of books to read otherwise the loss of tv programming would be devastating. However, I'll suffer through it. Haven't seen any soldiers about, however I did hear that there are a few around (Chiang Mai).


hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.
This is a disaster for democracy there is no such thing as a partial victory - this whole episode has brought immense shame on Thailand and it's wonderful people who deserve much better.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.

I heard the same after the last coup and the net result wasn't much different.

There are and will be no winners until the corruption on both sides can be removed and a true democracy that works for the people established. Until the politicians can put the needs of the county before their own nothing much will change for the better. Sadly there seems no real desire to deal with these issues on either side.

I fear it will once again be a case of one step forward and one or two steps back.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Finally, the final push.

See you again after the next election when the Amart's man isn't elected.

A lot to say for a 2 day member!

How many other usernames do you have?

says someone with 86 posts ;) who appointed you the title of post police? :D

do you think that people with very few posts or a short time frame only now the news from within that? This has been going on for 7 months, and how many times in that 7 months, have the words "final" been used?

Good on the General today, he didn't even bother telling the audience this was their "final" chance, he just went in there with the big stick, and hammered the lot of them!!


hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.

I heard the same after the last coup and the net result wasn't much different.

There are and will be no winners until the corruption on both sides can be removed and a true democracy that works for the people established. Until the politicians can put the needs of the county before their own nothing much will change for the better. Sadly there seems no real desire to deal with these issues on either side.

I fear it will once again be a case of one step forward and one or two steps back.

There is no real desire for reform from either side really that is the sad thing.

Nothing is changing anytime soon in Thailand,

The only sure thing to come out of this military coup is that it wont be the last one.

Red shirts yellow shirts there really is no difference not sure why people take sides either way.....

  • Like 2

Sky News reported that there were very violent exchanges at todays "talks" or did they report that talks broke out at todays violent exchanges?


I don't see how this is going to help "heal" the divide, if anything it's going to widen it.

Have to wait for the next poll to come out.

75+% agreed with military marshal law. My guess there will be similar numbers for this coup.

Seems people are sick and tired of Shin democracy and want the real thing, if thats possible.

Like military democracy? Half empty half full. wink.png



hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

Anyone sticking it to a despotic regime deserves a medal IMHO. It's the scum in Dubai that should be ashamed.

  • Like 2

hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.

I heard the same after the last coup and the net result wasn't much different.

There are and will be no winners until the corruption on both sides can be removed and a true democracy that works for the people established. Until the politicians can put the needs of the county before their own nothing much will change for the better. Sadly there seems no real desire to deal with these issues on either side.

I fear it will once again be a case of one step forward and one or two steps back.

There is no real desire for reform from either side really that is the sad thing.

Nothing is changing anytime soon in Thailand,

The only sure thing to come out of this military coup is that it wont be the last one.

Red shirts yellow shirts there really is no difference not sure why people take sides either way.....

Two good true posts. Much is the pity.



hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

You should be ashamed for giving your support to this rogue red government, which was not elected but bought.....

so please hope Prayuth will round all you guys up as well, than Thailand will be a country of smile again...


hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.

Do you (and Winton liking it) actually live in Thailand? Im curious because of all this "we won" and "you lost" banter.

Sitting in the house with no tv and soon no internet, banned from going out, with soldiers on the streets. Does that feel like a victory to you?

It's a bit of a pain right now, but a 10pm to 5am curfew won't affect most people. Just cut short partying a little bit. Hopefully just for a few days. I'm fortunate in that I have a lot of books to read otherwise the loss of tv programming would be devastating. However, I'll suffer through it. Haven't seen any soldiers about, however I did hear that there are a few around (Chiang Mai).

Have you thought what all this might mean to folk here on their annual holidays.



hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.
This is a disaster for democracy there is no such thing as a partial victory - this whole episode has brought immense shame on Thailand and it's wonderful people who deserve much better.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The disaster for democracy are the fake elections...vote buying and cheating


hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

Anyone sticking it to a despotic regime deserves a medal IMHO. It's the scum in Dubai that should be ashamed.

The scum in Dubai doesn't has shame, only thinking in $$$ on his account and sure he made his profit.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

Au contraire, the people that should be ashamed are the allegedly educated people like yourself who supported the corrupt ineptocracy that has brought this 'lovely country' to it's knees and to the verge of bankruptcy with a display of corruption that makes President Marcos look like St Francis of Assis.

Your support of Thaksin and Shinclan has been ashamedly sickening. I will leave it there eh!

I do not support Shin or Thaksin oh intellectual giant of farangland

I support paradigm shift towards a classless society and have NO affiliation to reds or shins

I see the larger picture whilst you gobble up the yellow propaganda that they feed you and say 'more, more, more'

we will see...

Great removal of classes I am all for it.. and without Taksin and corruption I have no problems with the reds winning. I only had a problem with corruption, misuse of power. Had they played by the book and not try to get Taksin home and 25.000 corruption cases removed it would be ok.

I asked you once before how do you suppose to finance your handouts to poor.. does that mean that office workers now have to pay more tax (they are not that rich). Just curious how you really think to get money for new projects. Because in my opinion the middle class is already paying enough and its almost impossible to tax the rich.. even if you tax them there are not enough rich to pay for much. They might have a lot of money but not income.

I probably went too deep with my questions as most reds never think about stuff like how to do it.

You might have went to deep, when you started typing...?

Just a guess...nobody knows what the Red think,

and all we've been pounded with recently has been the Yellow followers.

The Red has been mute through most of this.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I don't see how this is going to help "heal" the divide, if anything it's going to widen it.

Have to wait for the next poll to come out.

75+% agreed with military marshal law. My guess there will be similar numbers for this coup.

Seems people are sick and tired of Shin democracy and want the real thing, if thats possible.

A poll is probably considered disruptive and forbidden by the military.


I am not sure anyone else...but the General...could command the authority...to bring the chaos to a halt...I believe he will bow out gracefully...once law, order, and the government has been restored...who else could do this...?


hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.
This is a disaster for democracy there is no such thing as a partial victory - this whole episode has brought immense shame on Thailand and it's wonderful people who deserve much better.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The disaster for democracy are the fake elections...vote buying and cheating

Well, won't have to worry about that anymore. There won't be any more elections for a long long time and if and when there ever are they will just be an empty sham with few people north of Bangkok bothering to turn up at all.

Thai Democracy will be reformed into the grave to be replaced by the good 'ol oligarchy of former times.

To paraphrase Henry Ford it will be ' Any color you like as long as its yellow '

Until that is, the economy is so wrecked that they will have another coup, to overturn this coup and the whole thing will start all over again.

On the subject of vote buying, I do hope this ' army government ' don't get off on the wrong foot by paying the 8,000,000 civil servants ( who Sondhi Limongkul claims are even more corrupt than politicians ) 2000 baht a head for their loyalty to the Democrats.

I would also hope that once corruption has been done away with by the new ' government ' , rich people won't be able to use their money after a traffic accident to avoid jail time. Won't that be a great thing to see ! I'm sure it will be right up there on the armies agenda to clean up the country.

I also hope the army considers buying a few more submarines and blimps plus a few hundred of those great bomb detectors they got so expensively. They need them don't they ( even if they don't work they look splendid )

Yes , I'm warming to this vision of a corruption free country at last, led by the men in green.


What the red-shirts are unable to comprehend is that farang don't care too much who is in government as long as they do not rape the country for it's wealth. Some of us pay taxes here as well you know - probably more than you.

Make the consequences of corruption so great that it's not worth it - like lifetime politics bans, hefty jail sentences for the guilty, punishments for those bringing repeated politically motivated legal action, an anti-corruption organisation which is well funded and carries clout and a police force which is independent of political control or affiliation to enforce the rules.

The only people who can object to this are those who want to get a bit of free honey for themselves. Well unlucky for you the General has taken the pot away. Hopefully for good.


I don't see how this is going to help "heal" the divide, if anything it's going to widen it.

Have to wait for the next poll to come out.

75+% agreed with military marshal law. My guess there will be similar numbers for this coup.

Seems people are sick and tired of Shin democracy and want the real thing, if thats possible.

So there is a poll of 75+% for martial law eh? And 75% tired of Shin democracy?

In that case, if we had an election today the "Democrats" would romp home.

Come on, let's do it. Your people are bound to win, so let's put it to the people. Yes?

(You seem a bit doubtful... Hmm? I wonder why?...)

  • Like 1

What the red-shirts are unable to comprehend is that farang don't care too much who is in government as long as they do not rape the country for it's wealth. Some of us pay taxes here as well you know - probably more than you.

Make the consequences of corruption so great that it's not worth it - like lifetime politics bans, hefty jail sentences for the guilty, punishments for those bringing repeated politically motivated legal action, an anti-corruption organisation which is well funded and carries clout and a police force which is independent of political control or affiliation to enforce the rules.

The only people who can object to this are those who want to get a bit of free honey for themselves. Well unlucky for you the General has taken the pot away. Hopefully for good.

If, as you imply, Thaksin "rape[d] the country for all its wealth" how is it that the country did so well economically during his period of government, 2001 to 2006?

I concede that the Yingluck government hasn't been so successful, but at least she was elected! (unlike some people) And earlier governments in Thai history were much more corrupt.

You say "hopefully for good" - so you want democracy to die forever in Thailand?

You complain about taxes - but they are about half what they are in the UK.

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Hasn't anyone noticed the large number of pro-yellow posters with under 500 posts and writing Thainglish who attack anyone who criticizes the PDRC in the slightest?

They are watching you -- the last thing anyone needs in this family argument over dinner is for foreign guests to be taking sides over dessert.


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Looks like the PDRC have been used and now abused, their leaders have been double crossed and arrested as part of the political void that has been orchestrated in Thailand by the Elite.


hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.

don't think so... wait the long game

next election reds win... and again.. and again... get over it

Binj, you have never once condemned the red shirt extremists for their killing of innocent demonstrators, including small children, so the disgrace and shame lies squarely with you...!!

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