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Royal Thai Navy seize control of Pattaya Police Station

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Doesn't the US have joint military exercises with Thailand next week?? Those guys will be blowing up when they get shore leave with this curfew...


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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Who do I contact for hiring jet skis now?

The Thai Navy tongue.png

When you take it back, if they say it's damaged....................................it's damaged! smile.png

Judging by the 'scruffy' condition of the RTN boats tied up alongside in Naton (Samui) they would'nt even notice.

They are a far cry from the craft of the Royal Navy or the Royal Australian Navy. Mostly crew members are lying around on deck sleeping. Do that in the two other navies and the shit would hit the fan. whistling.gif

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Who do I contact for hiring jet skis now?

The Thai Navy of course ..... it's all starting to make sense now.

Edit - Joe Pai beat me to it - but the original comment from Payboy was worth two comments.


For all the hype and type there seems to be no validity to this story. As at this time, Police Inspectors are at their desks as on any other day ......

the navy was certainly there around 12 last night


Was the curfew enforced in Pattaya? 50% of the locals didn't make money last night?

The curfew was enforced in Pattaya last night. The bars closed and streets empty by 11pm.


Will the coup leaders follow the example of Georgia and sack the entire (well, almost) police force? I wait with bated and hopeful breath.

Didn't the City of Chicago do just that in the 1920? And I'm not sure but I believe that corruption is rife there again.



Now lets see if they will apprehend the driver of that dark blue Honda Civic from Soi 4 North Pattaya ,who sells drugs to tourists.

Just look for that distinctive logo on both front doors.

There is a reserve parking lot for this Honda Civic at Supachai's resident. Please check it out.


For all the hype and type there seems to be no validity to this story. As at this time, Police Inspectors are at their desks as on any other day ......

the navy was certainly there around 12 last night

Were you there?



But in all seriousness why would the Navy seize the Police station. Police (Red)..... Military (Yellow) ? Surely not. Will be interesting to see if this happens elsewhere.



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Didn't he just spend 3-4 million baht of his own money to renovate or expand the police station? Thought I read

a story about that 6 months ago or so. Don't think he got much of a return on his investment. Looks like Suthep

will be auctioning off that position shortly. alt=whistling.gif>

The question remains where he obtained "his own money" for the renovation.

From his salary?

No from he's extra income, it's called: "tea money" clap2.gif


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Didn't he just spend 3-4 million baht of his own money to renovate or expand the police station?

Where does a policeman get that kind of cash, Watson?

Bribes Mr. Sherlock, bribes whistling.gif


Now lets see if they will apprehend the driver of that dark blue Honda Civic from Soi 4 North Pattaya ,who sells drugs to tourists.

Just look for that distinctive logo on both front doors.

does the logo mean it selling drugs? I wonder why you know


Now what will happen with the jet ski scammers ????? So instead of splitting the money with the

police, they get to keep all of it ? Or maybe now when the Indian tourists go to the police station

about being scammed, the Navy soldiers will tell the scammers to screw off or be shot...

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My god. For years myself and others have been saying that the Pattaya " police" force is an odious nest of vipers whose sole function is to strip money from people. Now apparently the military sees things the same way. Taking over the police station, and have the chief of police who probably paid 100 million baht for the position, on the run in Bangkok is simply funnier than hell. I never believed in karma before, but if things keep up this way I may start....

I presume senior police officers on gardening leave today (maybe a chosen few inspecting the inside of the cells and experiencing the hospitality) and replaced with Thai Navy officers.

Junior ranks work as normal with a naval rating in tow, a few navy ratings on guard duty outside Soi 9 for show.

Wonder if the Navy will enforce the last governments road safety campaign, expect to see all police on motor bikes wearing crash helmets just like all military personnel do.

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Will you laugh when they take over all the police duty's including "Immigration" I think the laughter will quickly subside then. My greatest worry is if they start doing something really silly like going through what we expats own/hold in Thailand with our Thai wives, especially as my wife has changed her name to mine. I could be a very lucrative form of robbery.


Will you laugh when they take over all the police duty's including "Immigration" I think the laughter will quickly subside then. My greatest worry is if they start doing something really silly like going through what we expats own/hold in Thailand with our Thai wives, especially as my wife has changed her name to mine. I could be a very lucrative form of robbery.

The police should never ever have had control over immigration. If Prayuth wants to get

serious about reform, hopefully he will strip control of immigration away from the police.

Having the mafia in control of immigration simply cannot be a good thing.... But in any

event, taking control of the Pattaya police station is an interesting shot over the bow.

Why are you worried about ownership ? If you have a condo you own it. End of story.If you have a house your wife owns it. End of story. If she changed her name to yours, she is still a Thai

national so of course would not affect her ability to own property. If you tried to flim flam the

system by owning property in a phony Thai company name, then of course you are at the mercy

of the government....

The Thai police are like the ruling elite but with guns. For umpteen years they have done whatever they wanted to do, and the most horrific punishment for them if they got caught committing crime was to be transferred to the dreaded inactive post. You cannot see the humor of them being smacked aside like a rotten little child and pushed in the corner? Wow....


Whose going to pay for the Police station renovations and extension now the Police Chief has legged it?

Because there was nothing unusual about the Police Chief paying for it all with his own money,, nothing at all. I see no reason why he would want to run away.

"Please move along folks, nothing to see, no suspicious behavior and mysterious wealth going on here"!


For all the hype and type there seems to be no validity to this story. As at this time, Police Inspectors are at their desks as on any other day ......

the navy was certainly there around 12 last night

Were you there?


across the road, about 20 fully armed guys jumped out of a truck and a couple of hummer type vehicles and quickly surrounded the building


My god. For years myself and others have been saying that the Pattaya " police" force is an odious nest of vipers whose sole function is to strip money from people. Now apparently the military sees things the same way. Taking over the police station, and have the chief of police who probably paid 100 million baht for the position, on the run in Bangkok is simply funnier than hell. I never believed in karma before, but if things keep up this way I may start....

Karma is the way of Buddhists. And that should give you a clue as to the way Thai people think.


Didn't he just spend 3-4 million baht of his own money to renovate or expand the police station?

Where does a policeman get that kind of cash, Watson?

He's moonlighting at Big C checkouts in the evening.

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