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Border run or overstay?

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I hear that Chong Chom border is closed today and rumors say it reopens 26, but not sure about that.

Well my visa runs out today and Ive done 2 visa runs allready. I go home Norway around 5 of June. Should I just overstay until that day and pay or can I do a visa run even though I got overstay allready.. I am abit confused and worried cuz of stricter visa rules that has just happend..

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I am not sure they would give you another entry if the crossing was open. There have been reports of some crossings only giving 7 days if you have any previous visa exempt entries.

If you are near an immigration office you could go in today and apply for a 7 day extension, pay 1900 baht baht and be given 7 days to leave.

Or you could wait and try for a crossing when it reopens. The overstay fine is 500 baht per day.

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Is there another border crossing you can go to? If you have your return plane ticket with you, I would think that they would give you another visa exemption. (I'm not sure if you need to show them you have 10,000 Baht or not?)

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It's probably not a good idea to 'count on' it being business as usual for a while. A lot of posters deny anything will go wrong unless they deem you to be 'riff raff' at first sight (in other words, not exactly like themselves), and then will only say things like 'about time!', without knowing anything about you. And others are trying to predict doom on all levels, which is equally unhelpful.

Practically speaking:

1) several reports of only being allowed 7 days re-entrance. Might want to prepare yourself for the idea,. One person being let it, or not let in is unpredictable at this time. Normally, if I had only 1 extra week to wait, I would go to immigration office in Bangkok for a 7 day extension (1,900 baht). But, I don't know what it's like there right now.

2) Try to bring 20k baht in cash (or travellers checks), if you can. The word has been 20k, generally. A few rumored examples of needing to show this.

3) Definitely bring your air-ticket to exit Thailand (to hopefully well outside of SE Asia, for that matter) with you. If it's a ticket to Laos, that will probably look more questionable to them, than a ticket to another continent far away.

4) Bring a reciept or something for a hotel - not a long stay apartment. A few credible posters have mentioned they were given trouble because a long-stay apartment (or something that looks like one) means 'living in Thailand' - a 'hotel' indicates temporary.

5) Personally, I would trust a westerner speaking for an actual visa-run service, on the phone, rather than a rude poster who's shooting from the hip at this time. A lot of posters have emotional interests which aren't founded in reality.

Edited by John1thru10
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It's probably not a good idea to 'count on' it being business as usual for a while. A lot of posters deny anything will go wrong unless they deem you to be 'riff raff' at first sight (in other words, not exactly like themselves), and then will only say things like 'about time!', without knowing anything about you. And others are trying to predict doom on all levels, which is equally unhelpful.

Practically speaking:

1) several reports of only being allowed 7 days re-entrance. Might want to prepare yourself for the idea,. One person being let it, or not let in is unpredictable at this time. Normally, if I had only 1 extra week to wait, I would go to immigration office in Bangkok for a 7 day extension (1,900 baht). But, I don't know what it's like there right now.

2) Try to bring 20k baht in cash (or travellers checks), if you can. The word has been 20k, generally. A few rumored examples of needing to show this.

3) Definitely bring your air-ticket to exit Thailand (to hopefully well outside of SE Asia, for that matter) with you. If it's a ticket to Laos, that will probably look more questionable to them, than a ticket to another continent far away.

4) Bring a reciept or something for a hotel - not a long stay apartment. A few credible posters have mentioned they were given trouble because a long-stay apartment (or something that looks like one) means 'living in Thailand' - a 'hotel' indicates temporary.

5) Personally, I would trust a westerner speaking for an actual visa-run service, on the phone, rather than a rude poster who's shooting from the hip at this time. A lot of posters have emotional interests which aren't founded in reality.

" A lot of posters have emotional interests which aren't founded in reality."

" I would trust a westerner speaking for an actual visa-run service, on the phone"

Wow. You sure proved your own point, although I doubt you realize it.

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It's probably not a good idea to 'count on' it being business as usual for a while. A lot of posters deny anything will go wrong unless they deem you to be 'riff raff' at first sight (in other words, not exactly like themselves), and then will only say things like 'about time!', without knowing anything about you. And others are trying to predict doom on all levels, which is equally unhelpful.

Practically speaking:

1) several reports of only being allowed 7 days re-entrance. Might want to prepare yourself for the idea,. One person being let it, or not let in is unpredictable at this time. Normally, if I had only 1 extra week to wait, I would go to immigration office in Bangkok for a 7 day extension (1,900 baht). But, I don't know what it's like there right now.

2) Try to bring 20k baht in cash (or travellers checks), if you can. The word has been 20k, generally. A few rumored examples of needing to show this.

3) Definitely bring your air-ticket to exit Thailand (to hopefully well outside of SE Asia, for that matter) with you. If it's a ticket to Laos, that will probably look more questionable to them, than a ticket to another continent far away.

4) Bring a reciept or something for a hotel - not a long stay apartment. A few credible posters have mentioned they were given trouble because a long-stay apartment (or something that looks like one) means 'living in Thailand' - a 'hotel' indicates temporary.

5) Personally, I would trust a westerner speaking for an actual visa-run service, on the phone, rather than a rude poster who's shooting from the hip at this time. A lot of posters have emotional interests which aren't founded in reality.

Some good points, but let me give me some more feedback of my own:

1) I would also recommend getting a 7-day extension in the meantime. In any case, I would always recommend staying in a country legally and not going for overstay, ever. If the OP really has a ticket leaving June 5th, then in all likelihood doing a border run and coming back should allow him to re-enter with proof of outbound departure. An overstay is only likely to complicate things and I have noticed that ALL of the recent posters (except one) that have talked about being questioned at immigration and given a bit of a grilling had previous overstays, even if they were years ago. The one that didn't got an officer who was grumpy and likely didn't fill out his visa information correctly.

2) I think for visa exempt stays 10,000 Baht is the amount required. 20,000 Baht is supposed to be for tourist visa holders or for visa exempt travelers traveling as a family. However, 20,000 for visa exempt travelers was reported many times starting from when Vietnamese travelers were asked to hold up 20,000 Baht next to their faces as their pictures were taken at Aranyaprathet (this controversy happened about a month ago I think and has apparently been stopped).

3) Yes - that's a good idea, but I don't think an immigration officer is going to care if you're going to Laos or Lesotho. It's up to you where you want to exit to, particularly if the ticket is for Bangkok-Vientiane, rather than Bangkok-Vientiane-Bangkok. So any ticket to any other country will do. Also, would all immigration officers have such good knowledge of English (airline tickets are almost always only in English) or have such a vast knowledge of geography to know exactly where your destination is, how far away from Thailand it is etc.? In any case, they don't care. As long as it's outside of Thailand it will be fine.

4) Yes and no. You can still stay in an apartment; Thailand isn't China where they want you to furnish proof of paid accommodation bookings before arrival and even in China you can stay in someone's house if you want. If you live in an apartment (and there are many short term ones too) you can bring proof of that too. Better yet, bring an itinerary (not necessarily proof of the hotels you will stay, but proof of where you will be heading) for example, an itinerary that takes you around the country: Day 1: Enter at Chiang Khong, overnight at Chiang Rai. Day 2: visit hill tribe villages, sample coffee, go to Mae Sai border market. Overnight at Mae Sai. Day 3: Travel to Chiang Mai. etc. etc. Day 10: Leave by flight TG... to Kuala Lumpur. Well you get the picture.

5) No comment.

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It's probably not a good idea to 'count on' it being business as usual for a while. A lot of posters deny anything will go wrong unless they deem you to be 'riff raff' at first sight (in other words, not exactly like themselves), and then will only say things like 'about time!', without knowing anything about you. And others are trying to predict doom on all levels, which is equally unhelpful.

Practically speaking:

1) several reports of only being allowed 7 days re-entrance. Might want to prepare yourself for the idea,. One person being let it, or not let in is unpredictable at this time. Normally, if I had only 1 extra week to wait, I would go to immigration office in Bangkok for a 7 day extension (1,900 baht). But, I don't know what it's like there right now.

2) Try to bring 20k baht in cash (or travellers checks), if you can. The word has been 20k, generally. A few rumored examples of needing to show this.

3) Definitely bring your air-ticket to exit Thailand (to hopefully well outside of SE Asia, for that matter) with you. If it's a ticket to Laos, that will probably look more questionable to them, than a ticket to another continent far away.

4) Bring a reciept or something for a hotel - not a long stay apartment. A few credible posters have mentioned they were given trouble because a long-stay apartment (or something that looks like one) means 'living in Thailand' - a 'hotel' indicates temporary.

5) Personally, I would trust a westerner speaking for an actual visa-run service, on the phone, rather than a rude poster who's shooting from the hip at this time. A lot of posters have emotional interests which aren't founded in reality.

"3) Definitely bring your air-ticket to exit Thailand (to hopefully well outside of SE Asia, for that matter) with you. If it's a ticket to Laos, that will probably look more questionable to them, than a ticket to another continent far away."

This is totally absurd and make no sense, I remember I was in Malaysia with an exit ticket to Thailand, and I did it so many times, even when I was in Thailand or Taiwan, I always did this way, with one exit ticket to somewhere else IN SE ASIA and not another continent.

Just have sure you have an exit ticket, that's all folks!

Opinions and personal views are good, but facts helps much more in most cases.

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OP- am i correct in assuming you are on overstay now? Which I'm not sure some of these replies are aware? Or am I wrong?

IF you are already on overstay I do not think that you can clear that at Immigration and get a 7 day extension, I think that can only be cleared on exit....so I wouldn't recommend that.

Also, if you do leave the country at a border, then you have left on your own free will and there is no guarantee they have to let you back in.

I would recommend not worrying about it, enjoy your last days in Thailand and on June 5th clear the overstay on your exit from the Kingdom, they won't care as long as they get paid and likely you will get in a much shorter line at Immigration when you depart!

(My last two exits were overstays, one of 2 days after I was given a 7 day extension and the other was 6 days after a border run's 30 days ran out....nothing was said to me about either at all and now I've got a fresh 90 day Visa in my passport again)

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OP- don't forget that, should you choose the overstay option, you'll probably need to run the gauntlet of military checkpoints en route to the airport for your return flight home next month before parting with the overstay fine at Immigration there. The might prove particularly problematic if you've booked an overnight flight - assuming, of course, that the curfew is still in force then. Instead of flying back to Norway, you might well instead find yourself obliged to "report" to some military establishment!

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What about if you have already done a 7 day extension ? Can you do another if you pay 1900? Or is that not possible

Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see!!

You can only get it once.

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So what's the latest on visa runs I need to be here another 7 days, I work in the uk and I'm building a holiday home so can I go to ranong and get another week? With all the chatter on here I'm not sure what I can do anymore. It's a bit depressing especially once you've ploughed all this money into a house. I'm not a sex tourist and I'm not trying to work illegally.

Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see!!

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So what's the latest on visa runs I need to be here another 7 days, I work in the uk and I'm building a holiday home so can I go to ranong and get another week? With all the chatter on here I'm not sure what I can do anymore. It's a bit depressing especially once you've ploughed all this money into a house. I'm not a sex tourist and I'm not trying to work illegally.

Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see!!

How many visa exempt entries do you have now?

They have set the maximum to 3. I have seen no recent reports on what they are doing in Ranong at the moment.

The next time you come here you should get a tourist visa before traveling.

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I have Been here now 36 days without a crossing and have a 7 day extension ,however i have crossed before 2 times at ranong and left after. But have since left and been in the uk for 6 weeks. I don't stay any longer usually than 5 weeks but this is a exception. I have too too complete the paperwork. It's a mess all the visa thing to be fair but I understand the reasons

Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see!!

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You should try for a crossing since you had a break since the others while you were back in the UK.

It is not that hard to get a single entry tourist visa. You can apply by mail to the embassy.

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I just got back from the border crossing near Kanchanaburi they are not hassling anyone about anything. The immigration chief there is actually very friendly about as far from a hassle as you can get very chatty very touchy in the Asian friendly kind of way. Thumbs up to the Immigration up there good job!

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Kanchanaburi ?Is that closer to ranong from hua hin then?

Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see!!

It is about half the distance of going to Ranong form Hua HIn.

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Kanchanaburi ?Is that closer to ranong from hua hin then?

Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see!!

The people doing the paperwork have a visa company contact. I just rode my bike up since my home is in Kburi. Tel: 0821922488 email [email protected] Also onthe sheet is a visa taxi contact from Kburi 0813844441 or 0849150001. Hope that helps. If you dont want to use a visa run company its actually really cheap just to rent a motorbike and drive the 75km to the border its all good roads and no traffic because its BFE.

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Ok so I'll try that tomorrow any tips on where to head for? It's west of Bangkok on the map is that correct

Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see!!

Victory Monument has vans running every 30 minutes to Kburi they will drop you off anywhere you like between town and Nong Bua. If you are not worried I would suggest a motorbike rental its pretty strait forward to get there(1 hour 1hour 15 depending on how fast you ride I like the amazing countryside so I putter). Here is the map for the van company to Kburi. If you are looking for the cheapest place to crash Jolly Frog has 150baht flop house quality shared rooms.



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Just did the visa run to Chong Chom border. According to police officer and the local tout the border was never closed for farangs as some claims. I had to pay overstay 4 days and I had no problems with getting 15 days visa evenI allready had 2 previous Visa runs. Did not show any flight papers or anything.

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I am unfortunately in the same position as the OP. However I already decided to overstay. I leave on the 31st. It'll be about a 30 day overstay. My own mistake for being in this position, I could've gone for another run before they "clamped down". I put it off for a few days, which turned into a few more then they clamped down and I decided to risk the overstay. Shouldn't be a problem though...right?? About 15,000 baht. Can you bargain with these guys??

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