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California gunman 'was filmmaker Peter Rodger's son'

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California gunman 'was filmmaker Peter Rodger's son'

A Hollywood filmmaker believes his son carried out drive-by shootings that killed six people in California late on Friday, a family lawyer says.

Peter Rodger, who was assistant director on The Hunger Games, thinks the attacker was his 22-year-old son Elliot, the statement said.

The gunman died of bullet wounds after going on a rampage near Santa Barbara.

Police are investigating a video in which a man complains of rejection by women, threatening revenge.

Authorities have not confirmed the identity of the gunman, or that of the young man seen in the YouTube video.

But Peter Rodger's lawyer, Alan Shifman, said on Saturday that the "family believes the child was the perpetrator".

Read More: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-27561127

-- BBC 2014-05-25

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California gunman who killed six was director's son


SANTA BARBARA: A student who stabbed three people to death and then fatally shot three more in a bustling California college town was the mentally disturbed son of a Hollywood director, police said Saturday (May 24).

At least 13 people were injured and the shooter, named by police as Elliot Rodger, 22, apparently killed himself after the knife-and-gun rampage on Friday in Isla Vista, near the campus of the University of California Santa Barbara.

Rodger's father is Peter Rodger, an assistant director of the 2012 Hollywood blockbuster "The Hunger Games."

Police are investigating a disturbing video entitled "Retribution" apparently posted on YouTube by Elliot Rodger in which a man sitting in a car rants about women who rejected and ignored him for the past eight years, vowing to "punish you all for it."

The bloodshed was just the latest in a string of gun massacres that have rocked the United States in recent years and is likely to trigger more passionate debate about gun rights.

Police had "contacts" with Rodger on three separate occasions before Friday's killings, the first time in July 2013, Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown told a press conference.

Detailing how the horror unfolded, Brown said Rodger "repeatedly stabbed" three male victims at his apartment prior to the shooting rampage.

Once outside, Rodger targeted three women from across a street, killing two of them aged 22 and 19, Brown said.

Driving in his car, a black BMW, Rodger found his next victim, a 20-year-old student named Christopher Martinez, shooting him dead.

Police then went after him, Brown said, as Rodger shot indiscriminately at passers-by and drove all over the road.

Rodger was shot in the hip in a shootout, before zooming off once more and hitting a cyclist, throwing him onto the hood of his car

"The suspect's vehicle then collided with several parked cars and came to a stop," said Brown, but Rodger "was obviously dead with an apparent gunshot wound to the head."

Three nine-millimeter semi-automatic handguns were recovered from the BMW -- all legally purchased and registered -- and Rodger had dozens of unused rounds of ammunition.

- 'Day of retribution' -

Lawyer Alan Shifman, speaking for the Rodger family, said Elliot Rodger had been diagnosed as being a "highly functional Asperger's Syndrome child" and was being treated by "multiple" professionals.

In the YouTube video, the man believed to be Rodger speaks of a "day of retribution" for his life of "loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires."

"I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up blonde slut I see inside there. All those girls that I've desired so much, they have all rejected me and looked down upon me as an inferior man," he says.

The shooting came just weeks before the end of the academic year, with some students preparing for graduation ceremonies while others were about to take final exams. Rodger was a student but not at the university.

- 'Lost and broken' -

Richard Martinez, father of Christopher, choked up several times as he paid tribute to his son and blamed politicians and the gun lobby, asking in an emotional and at times angry speech: "When will this insanity stop?"

"Our family has a message for every parent out there: you don't think it'll happen to your child until it does," he said, his face contorted with despair and rage.

"Chris was a really great kid, ask anyone who knew him. His death has left our family lost and broken."

His voice shaking with emotion, Martinez rounded on politicians and the powerful National Rifle Association.

"Why did Chris die? Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA," Martinez said, raising his voice.

"They talk about gun rights. What about Chris's right to live? When will this insanity stop?"

- 'Pretty surreal' -

Andrew Jun, a third year economics and accounting student who witnessed the rampage, told AFP the situation was "pretty surreal."

"It's unbelievable that this kind of thing can happen," he said.

Other witnesses said they initially mistook the gunshots for fireworks or firecrackers.

Sienna Schwartz, her voice breaking, recalled how she came face-to-face with the gunman.

At first, she mistook the attacker's "little black pistol" for an airsoft gun.

"I turned around, and I started walking the other way. He shot, and I felt like -- I just felt, like, the wind pass right by my face," Schwartz told CNN as she choked back tears.

By grisly coincidence, in 2001, the son of "Ally McBeal" and "The Wire" television series director Daniel Attias ran down four pedestrians with his car on a crowded street just a block away from the scene of Friday's assault.

Witnesses said that part-time college student David Attias got out of the car after his deed and shouted "I am the angel of death."

He was ruled insane and locked up in a state hospital after being initially convicted of second-degree murder.

-- Phuket News 2014-05-25

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So, UG, you think it's acceptable to refer to him as 'gay as a goose?"

Yes I do. There is nothing insulting or demeaning about the term.

al·lit·er·a·tion noun \ə-ˌli-tə-ˈrā-shən\

: the use of words that begin with the same sound near one another (as in wild and woolly or a babbling brook )

Edited by Ulysses G.
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He also stabbed some people to death and purposely ran some over with his car. This can't all be blamed on guns.

Oh there you go. It's not guns that are the problem it's knives and cars. I'll lay odds the gun was used first. When will Americans wake up to the simple fact that a single shot rifle is for hunting, shotguns are for bird hunting an skeet, an automatic rifle is for mowing down people, and a handgun is for close quarter killing, Why, why, why does any body need or have the right to buy a handgun or an automatic rifle? Maybe it's because the USA is a sick society.

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So, UG, you think it's acceptable to refer to him as 'gay as a goose?"

Yes I do. There is nothing insulting or demeaning about the term.

al·lit·er·a·tion noun \ə-ˌli-tə-ˈrā-shən\

: the use of words that begin with the same sound near one another (as in wild and woolly or a babbling brook )

You might want to ask a goose about that.

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He also stabbed some people to death and purposely ran some over with his car. This can't all be blamed on guns.

Oh there you go. It's not guns that are the problem it's knives and cars. I'll lay odds the gun was used first. When will Americans wake up to the simple fact that a single shot rifle is for hunting, shotguns are for bird hunting an skeet, an automatic rifle is for mowing down people, and a handgun is for close quarter killing, Why, why, why does any body need or have the right to buy a handgun or an automatic rifle? Maybe it's because the USA is a sick society.

Maybe it's because mainstream media glorifies gangs and guns and killing and the multitude of violence that our eyes and ears are brainwashed with. Yo Hollywood.

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He also stabbed some people to death and purposely ran some over with his car. This can't all be blamed on guns.

Oh there you go. It's not guns that are the problem it's knives and cars. I'll lay odds the gun was used first. When will Americans wake up to the simple fact that a single shot rifle is for hunting, shotguns are for bird hunting an skeet, an automatic rifle is for mowing down people, and a handgun is for close quarter killing, Why, why, why does any body need or have the right to buy a handgun or an automatic rifle? Maybe it's because the USA is a sick society.

Knowing that such weapons exist in the hands of loonies and criminals, you choose to opt out of your right [obligation] to self defense and give them the tactical advantage over you and your loved ones?

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Right, so the family knew he was a nut-case but he still has access to a semi-automatic. Oh wait, this is the US where any moron can get their hands on a gun.

and thailand is an exception you think ? here they buy it illegal and on the cheap ... or they use their fancy car to kill some people and walk scott free

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Right, so the family knew he was a nut-case but he still has access to a semi-automatic. Oh wait, this is the US where any moron can get their hands on a gun.

and thailand is an exception you think ? here they buy it illegal and on the cheap ... or they use their fancy car to kill some people and walk scott free

The specific news is about the USA, not Thailand. I do also not remember their being a deadly rampage in Thailand every week or so.

And I am not a US hater as someone has put it, I just think the gun laws are way to lax. But I am sure the NRA will be along shortly to say that every citizen needs to carry assault rifles to open up the Wild Westcoffee1.gif.

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Right, so the family knew he was a nut-case but he still has access to a semi-automatic. Oh wait, this is the US where any moron can get their hands on a gun.

and thailand is an exception you think ? here they buy it illegal and on the cheap ... or they use their fancy car to kill some people and walk scott free

The specific news is about the USA, not Thailand. I do also not remember their being a deadly rampage in Thailand every week or so.

And I am not a US hater as someone has put it, I just think the gun laws are way to lax. But I am sure the NRA will be along shortly to say that every citizen needs to carry assault rifles to open up the Wild Westcoffee1.gif.

You might want to take a look at the Thailand news section, since there has been a lot going on in the country.

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So, UG, you think it's acceptable to refer to him as 'gay as a goose?"

Yes I do. There is nothing insulting or demeaning about the term.

al·lit·er·a·tion noun \ə-ˌli-tə-ˈrā-shən\

: the use of words that begin with the same sound near one another (as in wild and woolly or a babbling brook )

You might want to ask a goose about that.

Can't argue with someone who clearly has their gaydar turned on. I can't say I would have known.


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i predict the next mass murder will be within 4 weeks in The USA. I also predict it will be with a gun

Something is very over there and its not just the nut jobs as they roam freely world wide

Edited by zorro1
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I'm guessing they pried the gun from his dead, cold hands. Or he dropped it after he topped himself. What a good job he couldn't get into the building, otherwise it could have been much worse.

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Well, Poor Little Elliott, the "Supreme Gentleman", is getting his posthumous payoff now. News outlets have published his complete, 140 page autobiography, and his uncut video is now a "viral sensation." Clearly a deeply disturbed, mentally ill young person, under the "care" of numerous therapists. (Lot of good that did him,) He wanted a girlfriend, but he was too far inside his own messed up head to find someone, to do the work that makes up a relationship. As the saying goes, there's a nut for every bolt, and if he had put himself out just a bit, it shouldn't have been too hard to find a girl to ride in his fancy car and take on dates. He wasn't a bad looking guy, and it seems that lots of girls would have grooved on his Hollywood connection, at least.

He was drowning in self-loathing and self-pity, and his ego was just monstrous.

People can go on and on about "gun control", but it's not going to change a thing. We have a lot of insane people in America. Ban guns, they'll come running out of the darkness with edge tools.

I disagree with a previous poster's assertion that this guy was gay. Just having a "pretty face" and pouty lips doesn't make one a homosexual. Coddled, rich little mama's boy yes, but not gay.

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I read about this last night on Drudge Report and my mind went immediately to this forum and the potential of a thread being introduced. I then thought about what sort of posts would be made.

I next thought about Pavlov's dogs and the salivating that took place then.

I am now on the thread that I assumed would follow today. Mostly non-Americans salivating over gun deaths.

For the record, he murdered three by knife and three by handgun. Where are the howls against knives?

By the same token, where is the outrage against the entertainment industry that glorifies murder and wanton killings? His luxurious life was paid for by the fruits of his father's profession in the entertainment field, yet there is no uprising against Hollywood or the entertainment industry.

An inanimate object cannot kill people. It is no more the fault of the gun than it is the fault of the knife that six people were murdered.

At some point in time, many of you critics need to realize the root cause of all the murders is the probable insanity of the people committing those murders.

PS: It isn't only in the US either.

3 dead in shooting at Jewish Museum of Belgium


Hello chuckd,

I've only read a couple of rant posts here, mainly from the gun lobiest themselves.

I will add a little rant, why not ?

Knives are a dangerous thing in the wrong hands, so are firearms. In all my years on the street I was never shot but I was stabbed, twice, so for me there's personal experience in the mix.

I couldn't really give a rats arse about what happens in the states, however, clearly there is a problem, these incidents speak for themselves. There are better ways to do things.

I no long hope and pray that these sort of incidents stop, with the easy access to firearms (& knives if you prefer) will ensure the killing never stops. I do however hope and pray that no law enforcement officers are killed by guns. If I were responding to one of these school type killings I would ALWAYS prefer to respond to the knife ones, as an experienced law enforcement officer, I know my chances of survival are a lot higher when I come up against a knife in an incident like this.

If there are to be any more deaths from school type shootings I sincerely hope that the slaughtered people are the gun slingers, their families, their loved ones. I hope if anyone dies it has to be those that did their utmost to allow this to happen, perhaps they are just too stupid, not sure. Sadly, that probably won't happen and more innocent lives will be wasted. There is a better way but some people are just too blinded to see it.

As far as it goes, the Police would be much better off arriving at an incident where someone has gone on a stabbing frenzy as opposed to a session with a high powered, semi auto or worse.

When you arrive into Thailand fresh off the plane, most are aware that the roads here are dangerous, enter at ones own risk. Clearly if you arrive into the states, it would seem your chances of dying in flurry of rounds is more likely than if you lobbed up to somewhere else. A lot of tourists drown at Australian beaches, makes sense, Australia has a huge coastline and good weather to match. Perhaps if you roll down the street in Iraq, chances are you might get decapitated, so whatever.

It would seem, the states as a greater whole gets what it gets, too bad.

Ohh yeah ...... it is somewhat evident in the video that little Elliot is one strange little turd with a really strange attitude. You probably wouldn't want a creep like that to have access to anything over a plastic spoon. I wonder how the creep got his hand on the firearm.. Pity nobody picked up on him being capable of this before it happened. Hope he rots in h e l l.

Edited by neverdie
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