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Thaksin calls on NCOP to return happiness to Thais

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Thaksin calls on NCOP to return happiness to Thais

BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra Sunday wrote on his Twitter micro-blogging page that the National Council for Peace and Order must return happiness to Thais.

He said he was sad that another coup happened in the kingdom and added that conflicts in the country stemmed from divisiveness and lacking of fair rules and framing.

Thaksin said he would like to see Thais turn to one another and smile happily like what happened a decade ago.

He urged the NCPO to treat all sides fairly and respect the human rights as well as basing its actions on the international practice and rule of law.

-- The Nation 2014-05-25

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So on one hand he wants NCOP to return happiness to the Thai's yet on the other he talks about setting up an exiled gumbyment with his sister ?.

Allrighty then.

Does he realise if he had of done his 2 year sentence (which would not have been in an 8x4 cell eating sticky rice with 30 other's) he would be allowed back into the country years ago to run his <deleted> rather than using relatives as proxies ?

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Human Rights Watch, the New York-based campaign group, accused the junta of playing a power game to destroy Mr Thaksin, a former premier who outflanked the old urban elite and won power thanks to the support of millions of rural Thais grateful for his subsidised healthcare, crop-growing and microcredit schemes.

“The military and others in Thailand are so desperate to rid the country of Thaksin and his allies that they are now holding the entire country hostage to their whims,” said Brad Adams, Human Rights Watch Asia director.

The military says it took over because it was clear there would be no agreement to end the debilitating political crisis . The country has been without a functioning government or parliament since December, and the economy has started to shrink.

Gen Prayuth has pledged to repay rice farmers owed an estimated $3bn under a financially disastrous rice subsidy scheme run by the ousted government.

The junta has said the detentions of Ms Yingluck and others are only temporary measures to help damp the turmoil and give those involved in it “time to think”.

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So many misunderstandings come from texting errors, I thought I had better edit his message:

He said he was sad not to be in power since another coup happened in the kingdom and added that conflicts in the country stemmed from divisiveness that he had created and knows that he is lacking of fair rules and framing.

Thaksin said he would like to see Thais turn to one another and smile happily like what happened a eight years ago.

He thanked the NCPO for treating all sides fairly and for respecting the human rights as well as basing its actions on the international practice and rule of law that they control so well now.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He also thinks he is the PM

Posted Today, 16:17

RT@Saksith: Thaksin tweeted again, saying ”as an elected PM,” he is ”saddened” by ”tragic events caused by another coup”: twitter.com/ThaksinLive/st…

Well I'll be bugg!!d, there I was thinking, where is that PM Thaskin.

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So on one hand he wants NCOP to return happiness to the Thai's yet on the other he talks about setting up an exiled gumbyment with his sister ?.

Allrighty then.

Does he realise if he had of done his 2 year sentence (which would not have been in an 8x4 cell eating sticky rice with 30 other's) he would be allowed back into the country years ago to run his <deleted> rather than using relatives as proxies ?

I doubt it as he still has several other charges waiting for him in criminal courts. The one that I hope the Junta and Khun General Prayuth takes personal and does pursuit is the scum bags attack on Thailand, the Army and it's people. There is the question of the Army soldiers murdered by Thaksin's Men in Black that the fugitive peoples court convicted criminal scumbag should still have to answer for.
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If Thaksin wants peace for Thailand, do nothing and make no comments. Stay back, relax and watch the army takes care of the job. Good luck, Thailand.

Really! He should sit back and enjoy his billions and retire. SURELYwith all his money he could make his home in exile the same as his home here and import all the thainess an his friends to him

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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til now i've not commented to any of those political threads.because i think it is not our business nor we should try to understand the whole thing with western perceptions and furthermore it would be quiet advisible to keep low profile in such a fragile situation(i.e.free media,internet acess and so on). but why can't this guy just disapear from Thailand's political stage.does he really want a civil war?isn't he(and his cronies) rich enough?is he on an ego trip?me thinks a black ops in Dubai would contribute to the prosper of Thailan and its people.

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T S's son didn't get to personally tell his father how happy he was that the Army had taken over and most of Thailand was now happy

Photos appeared online which show Mr Panthongtae being escorted by soldiers at Chiang Mai International Airport

Maybe booked on a flight to Dubai ??

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Oh, when will this tosser give it up... Nobody want to know the ramblings of a fugitive on the run who,s co-conspirators are all about to face harsh justice.. He was always a deluded fool who should have been terminated in 2006, so much turmoil and suffering could have been avoided.... Then again had the original election fraud been upheld by the EC court rather than than being bribed, or even the bomb on his aircraft been timed better, so much of Thailands development could have been so different for the whole country not the select band of crooks and thugs running riot in The issan provinces.

Edited by Bkkbound
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This abominable HYPOCRITE!

When he was in power he trampled on human rights, intimidated the press and disregarded pretty much every law that would have curbed his grip on power. And now he's bleating about these issues?

Shut the %$@# up, Thaksin!

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I'd be happy if Thaksin would shut the f#ck up!


And stop financing terrorists...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Mr. The has many faces each one appears when suits him

Sent from my C1904 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Thaskin should come to my village, the people have never been happier

the night of the coup was a full village party, the only 2 people I know who where not happy where my self and a another farlang whose duty is was to pay the cost

Thai wife and all her friends are happy

Dear Mr, Thaskin

I speak on behalf of the majority of farlang married to Thai women



(which has nothing to do with the coup but who cares as life is now full of smiles in my area

Guess loosing face is always someone else's fault

where is the village?

north south east center?

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So on one hand he wants NCOP to return happiness to the Thai's yet on the other he talks about setting up an exiled gumbyment with his sister ?.

Allrighty then.

Does he realise if he had of done his 2 year sentence (which would not have been in an 8x4 cell eating sticky rice with 30 other's) he would be allowed back into the country years ago to run his <deleted> rather than using relatives as proxies ?

I doubt it as he still has several other charges waiting for him in criminal courts. The one that I hope the Junta and Khun General Prayuth takes personal and does pursuit is the scum bags attack on Thailand, the Army and it's people. There is the question of the Army soldiers murdered by Thaksin's Men in Black that the fugitive peoples court convicted criminal scumbag should still have to answer for.

No they have been separated...don't want to play card with each other.

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