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Any chance to reclaim the money from my GF


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Rule No one

1) Time spend with a thai girlfriend or wife must be paid for as all western men have a generous heart

2) Thai girls do not have sex for love, sex is given to recieve thanks financially from a man

3) Western men want Thai girlfriend because they can not get the same at home. Thai girls want a western man as she can not get a personal ATM at home

this is called an arrangement of convienience

so you both got what what you wanted

now remember, you made your bed, now you have to sleep in it

I am sure you have many great memories, and thats what you paid for

Edited by tezzainoz
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forget it... and to all the other falangs out there sendiing money.. to ur so called girlfriend... when ur gone the mouse will play, just like you,, and ur money is going to her thai boyfriend... so he can go out to drink with his friends.. i dont care if you believe me or not... iam a private investigator. and see this shit everyday....... and for getting ur money back..thats a hoot!!!!

have a better chance seeing god.......

DO NOT SEND MONEY TO THESE GIRLS PERIOD.. spend it on them when your here... they have other falangs sending them money, not just you.

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This is probably the dumbest post i have seen on any website did she not tell you she was Thai or what..1 week or 8 years doesn't entitle yountonshit bud, gift is a gift unless you're an Indian you can't ask for it back. If you agreed in a contract to loan her money its possible but i think all your lost sleep over this is driving you INSANE... You deserve to pay for being a dumbass, why give another human being a free ride...ever...regaurdless!

If you didnt learn your lesson from this stunt you'll never hve anything good..just be smart next time guy.

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This is probably the dumbest post i have seen on any website did she not tell you she was Thai or what..1 week or 8 years doesn't entitle yountonshit bud, gift is a gift unless you're an Indian you can't ask for it back. If you agreed in a contract to loan her money its possible but i think all your lost sleep over this is driving you INSANE... You deserve to pay for being a dumbass, why give another human being a free ride...ever...regaurdless!

If you didnt learn your lesson from this stunt you'll never hve anything good..just be smart next time guy.

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But I do provide money to her monthly by Bank Transfer ( I keep all the bank receipt ). It`s not a small amount of money.

I just wanna is it any way or method that I can claim those money that I ' Borrow ' to her ?

It's similar to go up on a high tower, pee down, then run down as fast as you can and try to catch your pee with a bucket. If you know what I mean. -thumbsup.gif

you didn't mention that the bucket is full of holes.

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Any advise .

Probably one of the more ridiculous questions posed on Thai Visa ... and believe me you're up against stiff competition.

Assuming you ever dated a woman anywhere else in the world and eventually broke up with her, did she refund you all the money you spent on her?

Did you think you were making hire-purchase (installment plan) payments and she came with a money-back guarantee?

For some reason your post makes me think of something ... now what is it ... rhymes with roll or toll or something like folderol ... no can't remember what the word is.

ITS TROLL, ITS TROLL,..... LOL, this is the BEST Troll Post I think I have ever read!! Thanks for the great evening laugh, and to the many other great re-posts!

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“Any chance to reclaim the money...”

I would say as private eye in Bangkok, Warren Olson, used to say to his clients: »Count your loss and move on...« sad.png
No, apart from stopping future transfers, I would not count on it... whistling.gif

Edited by khunPer
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The other half after 12 years ran off with my dogs ( that hurt ) my Civic , I hate to think of how much money ( putting through university etc ) I had spent

I was upset at the time and even shed a tear or two.

We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughter, travel and adventures - but it's all water under the bridge, I look back with fond memories and moved on very quickly.

So advice to the OP - remember the good times and just move on to the next chapter in your life and don't spend time being bitter- life is too short.

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Anyone that sends money to a girlfriend in Thialand is an idiot. The only thing your doing is making it harder on the other guys that are to smart to send them money. These girls exspect a cash payment from every falang. What about the other guys that were sending her money? Should they get a refund too ?

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Rule No one

1) Time spend with a thai girlfriend or wife must be paid for as all western men have a generous heart

2) Thai girls do not have sex for love, sex is given to recieve thanks financially from a man

3) Western men want Thai girlfriend because they can not get the same at home. Thai girls want a western man as she can not get a personal ATM at home

this is called an arrangement of convienience

so you both got what what you wanted

now remember, you made your bed, now you have to sleep in it

I am sure you have many great memories, and thats what you paid for


Speak for yourself big fella.

Now I know why your all bitter and pro Suthep. Shacked up in Issan paying your wife for sex, would make any man want to rebel

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Of course you'll be able to reclaim the money, just ask her or her boyfriend nicely... . Are you mad???? Well obviously yes is the answer as you've been sending the slapper money each month. Jog on mate.

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Other than its being a troll, don't you guys all recognize something? Especially those who have taught Thai students English?

Or those who have worked with Thai workers and read their writing in English?

So you are assuming that the OP is a Thai ?

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Hey Dude-you have been had ,just like so many thousands of other silly very naive Farangs who have been kept on the string-she will have had several guys just like you sending her money all along as well so she wont be that bothered that you have dropped out.She has had eight years(amazing)to find other suckers and she will have used the time well.It is a hard lesson but these Thai girls are so expert at making us believe that you are the only one,so forget about the money and count yourself lucky that you didnt pay for twenty years before waking up.Cheers.Heres a tissue.In Thailand it is all about money in their dealings with Farangs eg.the visa system(re-entry etc.)double pricing etc.etc.The village talk is about how much money they have conned out of Farangs,Cheers.

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Can you "undo" all the sex she gave you?

The answer is the same to your question.

Expensive sex I presume! I knew Ann(with the long fingernails) in Pattaya, at the last count she had @ 7 on the leash; built a mansion in Issan.

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Disappointing thread. OP is mediocre trolling of course, but topics like this are best read for the replies... and yet shame on you folks for having little more to say than endlessly repeat the obvious.

It's either "You were scammed, now move on" or "Can this stupidity be real, surely it's a troll?"

I guess the blandness of the trolling is matched with its nourishment. Where are the amusing anecdotes? Where are the witty comments? We falang had been cuckolded, gulled, sapped, scammed, drugged, robbed, used, abused, bled dry, kicked off the farm, launched off balconies, wound up dead in a ditch for the insurance.... the magnitude of our suffering at the hands of these sirens is unfathomable.

And yet this is the best we can do, oh woe is us we deserved every minute and each and every satang of it. We couldn't possibly change it for the world.

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I am sorry to break the news for you OP , but you are plain stupid.

But I hope for your sake that you're just trolling with only 2 posts on TV .

If not I wish you all the best, and remember nothing is free in this world.

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