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Any chance to reclaim the money from my GF


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Did you take the precaution of writing up a rental or lease agreement for your "girlfriend" if so check if the small print includes anything regarding infidelity. I had a similar problem a few years ago but fortunately my paperwork was intact so it was just a case of returning her to the bar and replacing with a newer model.

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Sure you can CLAIM it back. Will never see a cent though.

I wish people wouldn't trust people in such a way.

If you met a girl in your home country would you start making her monthly payments?

Lazy people are not just born, they are made that way, by easy money. You gotta work.

Girl's gotta work. Even if its at 7/11 (Which is now 5 to 10).

Wish you luck and just don't be so gullible next time.

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Borrow to her? If it’s a loan and you have appropriate paperwork and a witnessed signature to prove the loan and the amount I am sure you could have some recompense for the debt in court, but if you gave it as a gift then I am sure she and her new boyfriend would have appreciated your money, safest bet just put it down to experience and a learning curve and walk away.

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Under Civil Law you can sue her A local attorney can handle it for you

Good luck

Sue her for what? Accepting a Gift?

If it were an expensive Engagement Ring involved he may have a case. If he had a Promissory Note declaring it was a loan, again different. But to sue just because he decided to give her money, and when things didn't go the way he expected, he wanted it back....Forget About It!

The Judge would just say the same thing we are all saying here. That it was a Foolish and Careless thing to do!

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Cheating is an acknowledged profession in Thailand, so she is fully in her right to fool you out of as much money as she can.

Most of the country flourishes on fools like you!

Thank you anyway you and the likes of you keep the Baht strong and make sure we are never presented with problems of subsequent governments printing loads of Baht to spread around ;-)

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But I do provide money to her monthly by Bank Transfer ( I keep all the bank receipt ). It`s not a small amount of money.

I just wanna is it any way or method that I can claim those money that I ' Borrow ' to her ?

It's similar to go up on a high tower, pee down, then run down as fast as you can and try to catch your pee with a bucket. If you know what I mean. -thumbsup.gif

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Im a lawyer and we specialise in cases like yours. Yes you can claim all of your money back. Its simple, just send us copies of your bank statements showing all the payments you made to her and we'll take care of the rest. PM me and il send you an email address where you make a one off payment and you will have all of your money back within one week.

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Sometimes I wonder if posts like this are just there to boost TV traffic.

But if potential advertisers were to check out what sort of thing is driving the click count, what advertising demographic would be drawn to sign on?

Maybe the treasure map sellers and the Nigerian Lottery?? And lawyers of course.


Im a lawyer and we specialise in cases like yours. Yes you can claim all of your money back. Its simple, just send us copies of your bank statements showing all the payments you made to her and we'll take care of the rest. PM me and il send you an email address where you make a one off payment and you will have all of your money back within one week.

Edited by Suradit69
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Im a lawyer and we specialise in cases like yours. Yes you can claim all of your money back. Its simple, just send us copies of your bank statements showing all the payments you made to her and we'll take care of the rest. PM me and il send you an email address where you make a one off payment and you will have all of your money back within one week.

I take it the offer was made with tongue in check or are you as stupid as well.

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