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Harnal 0.4mg (tamsulosin) has worked for me. Been taking it for a year now.

That's what the urologist at Bangkok/Pattaya Hospital has prescribed for me. I have been taking it for 12 days without any changes (other than a retrograde ejaculation), how long before you noticed a difference?

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All joking aside,

ejaculation relieves prostatic congestion.

Regarding hospitals on india; although i have never been there it appears some are excellent and others less so, just like in thailand. theres absolutely no lack of very smart indian doctors that do well outside of india in usa, uk, etc etc.

overall higher english language skills are likely a big plus there.

Looks as if I will have to "choke the chicken" a lot more frequently then.

Not just the hospitals itself in India,which as you say can be excellent,others less so,just have to do a bit of homework,but the cost of drugs, Crestor, a statin, in major pharmacy here in Thailand 2000 baht for a months supply,there 100 baht months supply,genuine too.

Likened for everything medically/surgical cost wise. The surgeon giving advise on latest surgery was Indian,just gave me a thought was £1000 on NHS, £5000 private in UK guess in India it would be something of the order of £100 or less

Afterthought... talking about piss, think the monsoon season starts over in India on June 12,will be pissing down for about 3 months ,cheap flights on offer then,something like £60 return at times,looked at flight few days ago got it down to $132 return, it was going out next few days Air Asia or Jetgo or something like,but need visa and visa on arrival not starting until October, my previous visa ran out last year

Paid 660 Baht for months supply of Saw Palmetto yesterday,give it a shot






Besides Flomax and Proscar, which have already been mentioned in this thread, you may wish to consider Cardura. Side effects of Cardura include lowering of blood pressure and promotion of erections -- welcome for most of us. All three of these meds are available in generic forms in Thailand, have proven clinical track records, and are generally available without prescription.


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You do understand that prostate surgery will most likely leave you impotent.

That will save him a fortune on viagra

Not really a joking matter.


Should you ever experience a total blockage, you have an emergency situation and need to go to an emergency room ASAP (like right now). After experiencing that twice, I now keep a catheter handy at all times -- especially when traveling. Using it is quite easy, once you learn how to insert a soft flexible tube into a body orifice that we males consider next to sacred. Get over it!!


It is widely known anyone can assemble observations in a data set to reach desired conclusions. Regardless of the merit of a study only a fool would allow such results to negate the observations of thousands over thousands of years. Herbs do assist in BPH Tx. Perhaps you might blend the two schools of medicine and proceed from the least invasive?

I edited this post because I took issue with the dosage used in the study in reference earlier. This dose, while approx 320mg/ Day is the standard dose, I felt a higher dose was more useful. This is not the place to go into detail about such a thing and delete that note.


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Have you try TCM? Traditional Chinese Medicine I mean. There are quite a number of TCM in Singapore.

Where does it all end? Chinese traditional medicine, Indian traditional, American Indian, Western medicine or bloody Haitian witchdoctors? Unfortunately, when you get to the age where you need help with the prostate you haven't got a lot of time to be giving them all a trial run.


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All joking aside,

ejaculation relieves prostatic congestion.

Regarding hospitals on india; although i have never been there it appears some are excellent and others less so, just like in thailand. theres absolutely no lack of very smart indian doctors that do well outside of india in usa, uk, etc etc.

overall higher english language skills are likely a big plus there.

I know that doctors say that regular sex/orgasms lessens the chance of prostate enlargement or cancer, but I can honestly say that I haven't missed many days in achieving an orgasm since I reached puberty, and yet I still have an enlarged prostate.

I believe the doctors refer to penile insertive rather than anal receptive.


I lived in the US for 10 years, had problem with BPH but the doctors there kept on putting me on medication which helped only for a short time on a daily basis. Quality of life was poor. When I got to Thailand, went to see a urologist in a private hospital, the doctor used a scope to confirm my BPH (prostate size) and recommended an operation. I took the operation, stayed 2 nights in the hospital to ensure bleeding had stopped before being discharged. I have had no problem ever since (9 years now), no sexual dysfunction either. My brother had the same problem and had the same operation, has been problem free ever since (6 years).

If you choose to have the operation, just make sure that the surgeon has lots of experience under his belt.


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All joking aside,

ejaculation relieves prostatic congestion.

Regarding hospitals on india; although i have never been there it appears some are excellent and others less so, just like in thailand. theres absolutely no lack of very smart indian doctors that do well outside of india in usa, uk, etc etc.

overall higher english language skills are likely a big plus there.

I know that doctors say that regular sex/orgasms lessens the chance of prostate enlargement or cancer, but I can honestly say that I haven't missed many days in achieving an orgasm since I reached puberty, and yet I still have an enlarged prostate.

I believe the doctors refer to penile insertive rather than anal receptive.

Is that supposed to be funny?


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I lived in the US for 10 years, had problem with BPH but the doctors there kept on putting me on medication which helped only for a short time on a daily basis. Quality of life was poor. When I got to Thailand, went to see a urologist in a private hospital, the doctor used a scope to confirm my BPH (prostate size) and recommended an operation. I took the operation, stayed 2 nights in the hospital to ensure bleeding had stopped before being discharged. I have had no problem ever since (9 years now), no sexual dysfunction either. My brother had the same problem and had the same operation, has been problem free ever since (6 years).

If you choose to have the operation, just make sure that the surgeon has lots of experience under his belt.

What operation did the urologist perform in Thailand?


There are many excellent comments here. Personally I thought I had a prostrate problem, but did not have an operation.

I just went to see my frind the doctor.

He asked me how much water I drank daily. Nothing, nothing out.

I now try to drink about 1.5 to 2 litres of water, and I do not have a prostrate problem. In Thailand especially your body requires plenty of liquid.

You could also try an occasional XXXX Beer.

Good luck


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There are many excellent comments here. Personally I thought I had a prostrate problem, but did not have an operation.

I just went to see my frind the doctor.

He asked me how much water I drank daily. Nothing, nothing out.

I now try to drink about 1.5 to 2 litres of water, and I do not have a prostrate problem. In Thailand especially your body requires plenty of liquid.

You could also try an occasional XXXX Beer.

Good luck

If only it was that simple.


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I lived in the US for 10 years, had problem with BPH but the doctors there kept on putting me on medication which helped only for a short time on a daily basis. Quality of life was poor. When I got to Thailand, went to see a urologist in a private hospital, the doctor used a scope to confirm my BPH (prostate size) and recommended an operation. I took the operation, stayed 2 nights in the hospital to ensure bleeding had stopped before being discharged. I have had no problem ever since (9 years now), no sexual dysfunction either. My brother had the same problem and had the same operation, has been problem free ever since (6 years).

If you choose to have the operation, just make sure that the surgeon has lots of experience under his belt.

What operation did the urologist perform in Thailand?

with 2 posts i wonder if "adisornc" is a marketing shill?


Some great advice here,thanks.

Bought the Saw Palmetto,straight from the "off" I will give it a shot,but sometimes I wonder if it is mind over matter. Times I have just opened the door coming in from outside and the urge to pee overcomes,just at that point ,just when so close to the pan too,why not half hour before?

I do not need any encouragement for an erection,like the Rock of Gibralter as I wake and stays all day too,until relief at 700 baht a go,defying nature,could shag a barbers floor any time of the day or night the way I feel,must be the heat, or the size of the prostate, anyway thats me.

Will be investigating that uroflow method though

Why mention a barbers floor Loppylugs? Is that because it has hair on it?


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I lived in the US for 10 years, had problem with BPH but the doctors there kept on putting me on medication which helped only for a short time on a daily basis. Quality of life was poor. When I got to Thailand, went to see a urologist in a private hospital, the doctor used a scope to confirm my BPH (prostate size) and recommended an operation. I took the operation, stayed 2 nights in the hospital to ensure bleeding had stopped before being discharged. I have had no problem ever since (9 years now), no sexual dysfunction either. My brother had the same problem and had the same operation, has been problem free ever since (6 years).

If you choose to have the operation, just make sure that the surgeon has lots of experience under his belt.

What operation did the urologist perform in Thailand?

with 2 posts i wonder if "adisornc" is a marketing shill?

Do you actually contribute to a post or just make disparaging remarks?


I know a lot of guys would love a situation where the donger was a size that King Kong could only admire, times I have to carry a jacket in front to hide it,even the women I take ,nothing under thirty, too small,fact is older the better as long as they are good lookers. Likened to a major operation the insertion bit, Cha Cha Bow Bow

Could be a porn star if younger


Have you tried Pelvic floor exercises. Search on the internet..it has no side affects and may help you. It is recommended to people who have urination problems or erectile disfuntion by UK doctors and urologists here in Thailand. It is free, no side affects and might just help you. give it a try. It worked for me and allowed me to conceal the fact that I had protrate cancer.


No the surgery will not leave you impotent unless you have cancer in which case they snip your tubes running to your testicles. I had this operation over 12 yrs. ago in Mexico. They give you a spinal and you lay on the table and you watch the operation on a TV screen. They will also give you a video of the procedure. Prior to the operation they take small plugs through your rectum for cancer screening and you also drink a low level nuclear cocktail and after half an hour they do a full body scan to see if the nuclear material has lit up any cancerous spots. Prior to the operation you sign an agreement saying they can go further if cancer is detected. They also take a tissue sample for biopsy while you are on the table. I heard that the operation only lasts about 10 yrs. and you must have it done again. After the operation the doctor checked me out in the bathroom and I was peeing like a race horse. Now it has slowed down considerably.


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Go to Tesco and get a can of Pumpkin Seeds, give it a week, Mai Pen Rai...
U won't even get up in the middle of the night

What section of Tescos has canned pumpkin seeds?


Hey your prostrate is not enlarged by what you thing There is a rare worn here in Thailand that crawls up the urethra and wraps itself around the prostate gland. Makes the prostrate swell really bad

Its called the ubba yanba throttle worm Just drink bear like the rest of the blokes and it should kill the worm

cheesy.gif Just having a piss at you Hope you smiled make your day brighter Good luck with it


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Hey your prostrate is not enlarged by what you thing There is a rare worn here in Thailand that crawls up the urethra and wraps itself around the prostate gland. Makes the prostrate swell really bad

Its called the ubba yanba throttle worm Just drink bear like the rest of the blokes and it should kill the worm

cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> Just having a piss at you Hope you smiled make your day brighter Good luck with it

Your user name is a bit of a misnomer.


I've tried Harnal, but not only is it expensive it only worked for a couple months. I tried Saw Palmetto initially for over a year....it did not help me... at all.

So, after seeing a local Urologist, he suggested "Doxazosin" (another variation of "Cardura") . I've been taking this for about three years now and has helped me tremendously. 2mg. Side effects - possible reduced blood pressure, but I have not noticed any reduction. It is also much cheaper than many alternatives here.


There are several different types of medication which can be used for this, should have the advice of an experienced urologist.

Surgery for benign enlargement of prostate should not be considered unless management with medication alone failed.

I would urge you to see a urologist and try medical management first before going to India for surgery. Dr. Viroj at Bumrungrad and Dr. Thanoo at Samitivej are both recommended.

I strongly second recommendation to Dr. Viroj. Had visited half a dozen other specialty surgeons,

all of whom glanced at my prostate diagnosis briefly and offered to cut me open the next day or

so. Dr. Virog STUDIED my history and asked if he could perform his own examination before

rendering an opinion, following which he advised against surgery (and that potential income to

him and Bumrungrad) and in favor of radiation and hormone treatment.

A qualified urological surgeon and honorable man (IMHO).


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I've tried Harnal, but not only is it expensive it only worked for a couple months. I tried Saw Palmetto initially for over a year....it did not help me... at all.

So, after seeing a local Urologist, he suggested "Doxazosin" (another variation of "Cardura") . I've been taking this for about three years now and has helped me tremendously. 2mg. Side effects - possible reduced blood pressure, but I have not noticed any reduction. It is also much cheaper than many alternatives here.

How much is Doxazosin?


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Go to Tesco and get a can of Pumpkin Seeds, give it a week, Mai Pen Rai...

U won't even get up in the middle of the night

What section of Tescos has canned pumpkin seeds?
The Irony of it is , The Nut Section. Bags or Cans ...

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