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Mozzies in house


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I realize this topic has been talked to death so if their are no responses I fully understand. I was wondering for those folks who have a house, do you get many mozzies who come inside your house and make you mad. I can envision a time in the not-to-distant future, if and when I decide to rent a house, to constantly being bombarded with mozzies trying to bite you. I am certain that I will be needing a mosquito net hanging down to my bed to give me relief from the incessant mozzies so I can get a decent nights sleep. My experience in Thailand has been that the mozzies are honed in on me like radar and I am constantly being bit by them. I can see living with my thai gf and her daughter and they seem to be somewhat impervious to the constant onslaught of the mozzies so they wouldn't be as diligent in making sure the doors are closed.etc.

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I rent a house which has every window and door screened. However, the odd mozzie gets in, and I spray the rooms with "KAYARI" mosquito spray which is a natural product made from flowers, and not a relative of the nerve gas stuff.

One in a while I also use a small electric plug-in gadget with mats containing natural repellents, also based on pyrethrum flowers.

All products on sale at TOPS, and the sprays at MAKRO as well.

Some of the other sprays are banned in many western countries.

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Get a few cans of a good mozzie killer, bung the kids or pets out of the way if you have any, then spray through the house from top to bottom, blitz the house, spray in every nook and cranny. They like to hide in dark places like behind cupboards wardrobes etc. Then bugger off out for a few pints and some grub et voila.

Be careful near food, delicate materials etc.

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We have a mosquito net to cover the whole bed.

Since last november its not been needed though.

Mosquito season may well be upon us from now to october buy so far I think its too hot for them.

We do have at least a dozen jingjok security guards living in the house and they are kept in check by a monster gekko aswell.

The most annoying at the moment are the flying ants,termites which love to play kamikaze into everything we cook.

....would that be extra protein, carbs or fat? I never did check.

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If I'm really annoyed by them, I use a plug in thing with small mats. Very cheap and effective, but the screens are a worthwhile investment, or a deal breaker on a new rental.

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Its just one of the inconveniences of living here,just been bitten on the ankle,now

,that seems to be one of their favored places to bite,also they seem to know

what part of your back to bite thats just out of reach,we have all screened

windows and doors,but they still get in ,seem to hang around the door just

waiting to be let in when you open it.

Just as long as the bedroom is Mozzie free at night,been bitten through the

day i can just about put up with.

regards Worgeordie

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My house is generally mosquito free--Mosquito screens on all windows and the door, plus at night I plug in an Electric 'UV' style lamp thing that incinerates with a satisfying 'ZAP' every time one strays into the house.......However, lately, my En-suite bathroom has begun to get plagued by huge ones; at first I assumed they were entering via the drain pipes, somehow--but having blocked these off and they were still appearing I have narrowed down their entrance to the ceiling light--an old style round, white, opaque glass shaded version--which must have enough gap for the beggars to squeeze through--so, I spray the bathroom in the middle of the day, [when no one uses the en-suite] and so far the area has stayed Mozzie free through the night--strange. These mosquitoes were huge, also.

As one poster has already said--get rid of any standing water around your property--this is a real Dengue producing area--and you don't want Dengue fever.

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We put a "pop-up" large tent made totally out of mosquito netting right on the king size bed. Fits perf.

zippered entrance on both sides. Worked fine til it died from lack of care. Not expensive. You can get them in a round, flat cloth bag at a lot of plastic goods shops or sometimes by vendors on the side of the road. Get the large sized one. Zip it up again after you exit in the morning.

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We bought a new house adjacent to a ginormous tree-selling business that waters their stock every day. Initially there were gazillions of mozzies day and night. Being a tender skinned farang I was permanently wielding the zapping tennis racquet and spraying incomers. I should add that every door and window has a screen. After many months and many bites despite using repellent on my skin I found a device that has, over a year drastically reduced the problem.

It uses odour pads that emit an attractant and then sucks the mosquito's into a bag where they are dehydrated and die. My Thai partner was utterly sceptical but is not now. Every two months when I change the pad I empty an amazing quantity of mosquito corpses. The machine requires an electrical supply and runs 24/7. I bought it from the agent here from their website www.bio gents-thailand.com and it was delivered in three days by EMS.

The black lights and U/V zappers do not work but kill many benign insects. Mosquitoes are not attracted to light, in fact go to the darkest place. Humans emit odours and CO2 which the females home in on and extract your blood for the egg making process. Males do not bite.

Dengue is spread by the smaller ones that are active morning and evening. Their activity periods are getting longer thanks to global warming, and there is no cure for dengue yet available. And of course malaria is spread by the night duty!

Get a house with screens. Eliminate standing water wherever possible and get a Biogents machine. Use a natural skin lotion as well and you will hardly ever be bitten if my experience is anything to go by.

I have no financial interest in this business.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Did you say there is a local agent for Biogents in Thailand?

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Hello WhiteTrash. You can buy the machines and the consumables by going to their website and ordering there. It took about 4 days to put the money into their account and have the until delivered by EMS. The site is www.biogents-thailand.com.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Hello WhiteTrash. You can buy the machines and the consumables by going to their website and ordering there. It took about 4 days to put the money into their account and have the until delivered by EMS. The site is www.biogents-thailand.com.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thanks, did you buy the CO2 one?

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WT, on the Thai website shop the CO2 one is not available. I bought the larger model the Mosquitaire. The dengue carrying mosquito is not attracted to CO2, unlike the malaria carrying one.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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WT, on the Thai website shop the CO2 one is not available. I bought the larger model the Mosquitaire. The dengue carrying mosquito is not attracted to CO2, unlike the malaria carrying one.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What kind of range does this cover ?, it doesnt really say on the site. I dont really have too much of a constant problem, just some nights in the bedroom, sometimes in the lounge at varying times throughout the year, to buy 2 would be a bit excessive for my 2 storey/ 2 bed townhouse.

ETS: Doh! sorry the smaller covers 100m sq .. what about the larger ?

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is there a name on the machine so we can look it up on other websites ?

what do they cost in Thailand ?

I assume www.biogents-thailand.com. is just an agent and does not make them , are they available in the USA ?

thanks for the info

I did a Google search and the first two times nothing of interest came up. Then Bingo!. That Thai site appeared.

No mention of cost and I'm waiting for a reply from them, (based in Phuket)

The advert says that model is non-CO2.

In Papua New Guinea, where malaria is rife, into the towns and all, we would soak our nets in a pyrethrum powder/water mix. The mozzies land on the net and that kills them. Pyrethrum is safe for people.

Nets needed doing monthly, and I stayed malaria - free until one female b.. of a mozzie got into my tent.

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If I'm really annoyed by them, I use a plug in thing with small mats. Very cheap and effective, but the screens are a worthwhile investment, or a deal breaker on a new rental.

What you use works but there is something even better that a local pointed out and even out on the back porch it keeps them away outside! Inside, you will never see a mosquito. It is a unit that plugs into any electrical socket with a replaceable little jar of liquid that screws into the bottom of the small device.

One replacement jar of liquid costs 69 baht and lasts a month or more even outside. Haven't seen a mosquito for over a year!

You will find this device with the mosquito repellants and insect sprays at Tesco Lotus. Had it over a year now and cannot remember the device packaging but the replaceable little jars come in a small red box with thin yellow lightning bolts. The little box has a hang tag but the product is always displayed on a shelf. The only English on the box is a tiny version of the logo on the upper left of the left side panel and it says Shieldtox Power Gard, Actually, just noticed this tiny English version of the logo is on the rear of the hang tag as well.

BTW, what attracts mosquitos is the carbon dioxide when mammals exhale.

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Get a high floor condo mate. No mossies, no flies no snakes...who needs a house.

I have a condo 25 floor and still attack by mozzies. I think it come from neighbours having stagnant water in flower pots or clogged drains or something.

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What you use works but there is something even better that a local pointed out and even out on the back porch it keeps them away outside! Inside, you will never see a mosquito. It is a unit that plugs into any electrical socket with a replaceable little jar of liquid that screws into the bottom of the small device.

One replacement jar of liquid costs 69 baht and lasts a month or more even outside. Haven't seen a mosquito for over a year!

You will find this device with the mosquito repellants and insect sprays at Tesco Lotus. Had it over a year now and cannot remember the device packaging but the replaceable little jars come in a small red box with thin yellow lightning bolts. The little box has a hang tag but the product is always displayed on a shelf. The only English on the box is a tiny version of the logo on the upper left of the left side panel and it says Shieldtox Power Gard, Actually, just noticed this tiny English version of the logo is on the rear of the hang tag as well.

BTW, what attracts mosquitos is the carbon dioxide when mammals exhale.


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My house is generally mosquito free--Mosquito screens on all windows and the door, plus at night I plug in an Electric 'UV' style lamp thing that incinerates with a satisfying 'ZAP' every time one strays into the house.......However, lately, my En-suite bathroom has begun to get plagued by huge ones; at first I assumed they were entering via the drain pipes, somehow--but having blocked these off and they were still appearing I have narrowed down their entrance to the ceiling light--an old style round, white, opaque glass shaded version--which must have enough gap for the beggars to squeeze through--so, I spray the bathroom in the middle of the day, [when no one uses the en-suite] and so far the area has stayed Mozzie free through the night--strange. These mosquitoes were huge, also.

As one poster has already said--get rid of any standing water around your property--this is a real Dengue producing area--and you don't want Dengue fever.

They are most likely coming from your water tank through your toilet into bathroom, I am serious have seen it in my house many times, answer a drop of oil on the water after every flush as it gums up their wings.

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We have 5 of the plug-in units purchased from Tesco. They work great and our home is mosquito free. You will need to replace the cartridges every 60 to 90 days.

There are many different styles of "plug-in units." Can you be more specific with a name or photo?

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We bought a new house adjacent to a ginormous tree-selling business that waters their stock every day. Initially there were gazillions of mozzies day and night. Being a tender skinned farang I was permanently wielding the zapping tennis racquet and spraying incomers. I should add that every door and window has a screen. After many months and many bites despite using repellent on my skin I found a device that has, over a year drastically reduced the problem.

It uses odour pads that emit an attractant and then sucks the mosquito's into a bag where they are dehydrated and die. My Thai partner was utterly sceptical but is not now. Every two months when I change the pad I empty an amazing quantity of mosquito corpses. The machine requires an electrical supply and runs 24/7. I bought it from the agent here from their website www.bio gents-thailand.com and it was delivered in three days by EMS.

The black lights and U/V zappers do not work but kill many benign insects. Mosquitoes are not attracted to light, in fact go to the darkest place. Humans emit odours and CO2 which the females home in on and extract your blood for the egg making process. Males do not bite.

Dengue is spread by the smaller ones that are active morning and evening. Their activity periods are getting longer thanks to global warming, and there is no cure for dengue yet available. And of course malaria is spread by the night duty!

Get a house with screens. Eliminate standing water wherever possible and get a Biogents machine. Use a natural skin lotion as well and you will hardly ever be bitten if my experience is anything to go by.

I have no financial interest in this business.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You misspelled the web site ... it's www.biogents-thailand.com.

The site says "Biogent’s mosquito traps target the Mosquitoes that carry deadly Dengue Fever and Chikungunya" so do you know for sure that it also attracts/kills other kinds of mosquitoes ... esp. malaria-carrying ones?

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Growing lemon balm works quite well to keep them away.

By "lemon balm" do you mean Melissa officinalis? I'm skeptical. Do you mean citronella?

When you say it works quite well. Are you speaking from personal experience in Thailand or other tropical country?

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