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Pakistan woman stoned by family outside Lahore court


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Talking of being closer to home than you think.....

This brutal murder is truly shocking and a tragic situation.

However it could be seen as the overt and brutal face of something that is occurring on a far greater scale and spanning multiple cultures, religions and political systems.

That is probably of the the best examples of a Red Herring - a diversionary tactic - that I have ever seen. The topic is honor killings and they are usually committed by Muslims. One study found that, worldwide, 91 percent of perpetrators were Muslims. So much for those trying to claim that they are just as common in other cultures.


Sorry that you chose to miss the point I was making.

If you can find in my comments or the posts I link to any attempt to claim that " honour killings" are just as common in other cultures, please feel free to highlight that.

I did not say that you claimed that "honor killings" are just as common in other cultures - other posters did that - I said that you were trying to change the subject completely, to divert from the topic of the thread:

"honor killings" - which are overwhelmingly committed by Muslims.

If you are a POS, perhaps the only way you make ourself feel better about yourself is to try and compare yourself to other POSs in this world.

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Yes, profound ignorance and cruelty spreads over many areas where there are people.

Even so, I'll have to side with those who see 'honor killings' as usually happening within Muslim regions. They're happening in the US also. Guess where? Yup, mostly at places where Muslims reside.

The intense cruelty of killing one's own daughter (or his boyfriend) for no good reason stems from cultural as well as religious insanity. It's a combination thereof. Besides catching and convicting ...perpetrators should not be able to make any more babies. Historectomies for women, and slice off dicks and ball sacks for men.

And a questionaire for any in those regions who seek a marriage license: If any who plan to marry, express a willingness to murder or maim their offspring for any offense, then deny marriage certificate unless they swear on the Q'ran that they've mended their perverse thinking.

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No one has responded to the post about honour killings in Catholic Central and South America.

Latin America... Hot blooded.. Passionate people... So not the same...

Latin America[edit]

Crimes of passion within Latin America have also been compared to honor killings.[44] Similar to honor killings, crimes of passion often feature the murder of women by a husband, family member, or boyfriends and the crime is often condoned or sanctioned. In Peru, for example, 70 percent of the murders of women in one year were committed by a husband, boyfriend or lover, and most often jealousy or suspicions of infidelity are cited as the reasons for the murders.[163]

Tell that to the victims.

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No one has responded to the post about honour killings in Catholic Central and South America.

Latin America... Hot blooded.. Passionate people... So not the same...

Latin America[edit]

Crimes of passion within Latin America have also been compared to honor killings.[44] Similar to honor killings, crimes of passion often feature the murder of women by a husband, family member, or boyfriends and the crime is often condoned or sanctioned. In Peru, for example, 70 percent of the murders of women in one year were committed by a husband, boyfriend or lover, and most often jealousy or suspicions of infidelity are cited as the reasons for the murders.[163]

Tell that to the victims.

Your point is ?

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It's nothing to do with religion. It's cultural.

It's a mixture of both.

No it's not.

Don't hear of many Christians or Buddhists doing it.................So ? rolleyes.gif

Edited by oldsailor35
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If you tried explaining that to intelligent aliens from another planet, they'd say, "Yea right. That can't be true. No species kills its own for such ridiculous reasons. No species can be so cruel."

While I agree with your sentiments, the problem is not confined to horrific headline events like this. The fact remains that most homicides worldwide are committed by people "near & dear" to the victim. Shooting or poisoning a family member or acquaintance certainly sounds less spectacular than this incident, but the end result is still the same and the logic behind the murders rarely would be considered sane by intelligent aliens or the rest of us.

In Canada:

Over the past 10 years, police identified just over 1,500 homicides committed by family members, accounting for about one-third (35%) of all solved 1 homicides (Table 4.1). The rate of family-related homicides has ranged from 4 to 6 victims per million population over this period.


In the US:

A survey of murder cases disposed

in 1988 in the courts of large urban
counties indicated that 16% of murder
victims were members of the defendant's
family. The remainder were murdered by
friends or acquaintances (64%) or by
strangers (20%). These findings are drawn
from a representative sample survey of
State and county prosecutors' records.
The survey covered disposed charges
against nearly 10,000 murder defendants,
whose murder cases accounted for over
8,000 victims.


Unsound minds and madness are a different situation altogether. Nothing to do with religion or culture.

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Pakistan stoning victim's husband condemns police

The husband of a Pakistani woman stoned to death in broad daylight outside a Lahore court says police stood by and did nothing to stop the attack.

Farzana Parveen, who was three months pregnant, was killed by her family on Tuesday for marrying a man she loved.

"We were shouting for help; nobody listened," her husband, Muhammad Iqbal, told the BBC.

Correspondents say there are hundreds of so-called "honour killings" of women in Pakistan each year.

UN human rights chief Navi Pillay said she was "deeply shocked" and urged Pakistan's government to take "urgent and strong measures".

"I do not even wish to use the phrase 'honour killing': there is not the faintest vestige of honour in killing a woman in this way."

Mr Iqbal described the police as "shameful" and "inhuman" for their failure to stop the attack.

"We were shouting for help, but nobody listened. One of my relatives took off his clothes to capture police attention but they didn't intervene.

More here - BBC News

-- BBC 28 May, 2014

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The cultural issue of honor killings in places such as Pakistan and India, often by extremely brutal methods, is terrible. But can murders of females due to domestic violence be termed 'honor killings', in my opinion it's a 'yes'. As indicated by karenbravo this phenomenon is not exclusive to Islamic societies. In Colombia the number of females murders attributed to 'honour killings' runs at approx. 150 p.a.' Australia one a week, in Russia it's a huge problem and so on.

The OP is yet another opportunity for some to continue their vilification of Islam even when it’s pointed out that 'honor killing' is contrary to the guidance of the Koran. The Koran was the most advanced, for its time, supporter of women’s’ rights that has since been abused by men, contrary to the original Islamic teachings.

Domestic violence does not usually mean the whole family publicly ganging on one member.

Most monotheistic religions attempt to project, at least to some extent, a modern day image of acknowledging women rights

and their place within religion's teachings. Seeing as most of these writing are somewhat ancient, one cannot expect them to

conform with progressive values, no matter how one tries to twist them.

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Talking of being closer to home than you think.....

This brutal murder is truly shocking and a tragic situation.

However it could be seen as the overt and brutal face of something that is occurring on a far greater scale and spanning multiple cultures, religions and political systems.

That is probably of the the best examples of a Red Herring - a diversionary tactic - that I have ever seen. The topic is honor killings and they are usually committed by Muslims. One study found that, worldwide, 91 percent of perpetrators were Muslims. So much for those trying to claim that they are just as common in other cultures.


Sorry that you chose to miss the point I was making.

If you can find in my comments or the posts I link to any attempt to claim that " honour killings" are just as common in other cultures, please feel free to highlight that.

I did not say that you claimed that "honor killings" are just as common in other cultures - other posters did that - I said that you were trying to change the subject completely, to divert from the topic of the thread:

"honor killings" - which are overwhelmingly committed by Muslims.

The topic of this thread is the brutal murder of a woman in Pakistan.

While you seem stuck on the point that the killers most probably were Muslim in a majority Muslim nation, the simple point I was making was that this is a brutal and shocking example of the fact that in many cultures/nations women are valued less and treated accordingly.

My prime concern is how can such events be prevented in the future rather than using it as an excuse to criticise the Muslim faith. Removing Islam from the equation would not necessarily improve the lot of women in Pakistan. What is required is a change in the cultural stance towards women throughout many parts of the world.

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Here we go again! All this slandering and disrespect on this forum. No matter were you go on TV forums, the same people appear as if they have nothing better to do. So much hate-speech directed at innocent people just because they are Muslims, or anyone else for that matter, and of course only such media is published because they want you to hate Muslims. You’ve fallen for the bait once again! No wonder this world is like it is and has become a hell-hole.

The problem is human beings who always want to control, just like the scum who write on these forums to control and divert the topic in order to slander people.

I am absolutely disgusted with the people on these TV forums and I would certainly never recommend anyone to read the rubbish written here by the few who incessantly have to spoil it for others. I’m out of here – good riddance to bad rubbish!

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Yes, leave the poor Pakistanis alone.

Last updated 19:55 29/05/2014

Authorities have arrested three men, including two police officers, for allegedly gang-raping and hanging two teenage sisters from a tree in a village in northern India.

Villagers found the girls' bodies hanging from the mango tree Wednesday morning, hours after they disappeared from fields near their home in Katra village in Uttar Pradesh state, said police Superintendent Atul Saxena.

The girls, who were 14 and 15, had gone into the fields because there was no toilet in their home.

Autopsies showed they had been raped and strangled before being hung from the tree, Saxena said.

He said the three men were arrested Wednesday, after angry villagers blocked the main highway near the village to protest alleged police apathy and inaction in the case.

Senior Uttar Pradesh government officials rushed to Katra following the protests and ordered the arrests.

Saxena said the head of the Katra police station had been suspended for not acting immediately when the girls' family complained they were missing.

India tightened its anti-rape laws last year after nationwide protests over a crime considered rampant in the country.

Records show a rape is committed every 22 minutes across the nation of 1.2 billion people, though activists say that number is low because many victims are reluctant to come forward.

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Here we go again! All this slandering and disrespect on this forum. No matter were you go on TV forums, the same people appear as if they have nothing better to do. So much hate-speech directed at innocent people just because they are Muslims, or anyone else for that matter, and of course only such media is published because they want you to hate Muslims. You’ve fallen for the bait once again! No wonder this world is like it is and has become a hell-hole.

The problem is human beings who always want to control, just like the scum who write on these forums to control and divert the topic in order to slander people.

I am absolutely disgusted with the people on these TV forums and I would certainly never recommend anyone to read the rubbish written here by the few who incessantly have to spoil it for others. I’m out of here – good riddance to bad rubbish!

Yes the world now has become a hell hole cos certain folk following certain stuff want to kill for nothing....If your OK with that then perhaps you are best out of here. Were is the slander ? We cannot verbally down grade folk who senselessly kill the innocent in your opinion?

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If you tried explaining that to intelligent aliens from another planet, they'd say, "Yea right. That can't be true. No species kills its own for such ridiculous reasons. No species can be so cruel."

While I agree with your sentiments, the problem is not confined to horrific headline events like this. The fact remains that most homicides worldwide are committed by people "near & dear" to the victim. Shooting or poisoning a family member or acquaintance certainly sounds less spectacular than this incident, but the end result is still the same and the logic behind the murders rarely would be considered sane by intelligent aliens or the rest of us.

In Canada:

Over the past 10 years, police identified just over 1,500 homicides committed by family members, accounting for about one-third (35%) of all solved 1 homicides (Table 4.1). The rate of family-related homicides has ranged from 4 to 6 victims per million population over this period.


In the US:

A survey of murder cases disposed

in 1988 in the courts of large urban

counties indicated that 16% of murder

victims were members of the defendant's

family. The remainder were murdered by

friends or acquaintances (64%) or by

strangers (20%). These findings are drawn

from a representative sample survey of

State and county prosecutors' records.

The survey covered disposed charges

against nearly 10,000 murder defendants,

whose murder cases accounted for over

8,000 victims.


Unsound minds and madness are a different situation altogether. Nothing to do with religion or culture.

In US, police won't stand by all amused watching some loser beat a women to death with sticks and bricks and do nothing to help or intervene. Speaks volumes about you if you cannot or refuse to see the difference.


Pakistan stoning victim's husband condemns police

The husband of a Pakistani woman stoned to death in broad daylight outside a Lahore court says police stood by and did nothing to stop the attack.

Farzana Parveen, who was three months pregnant, was killed by her family on Tuesday for marrying a man she loved.


Edited by F430murci
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Here we go again! All this slandering and disrespect on this forum. No matter were you go on TV forums, the same people appear as if they have nothing better to do. So much hate-speech directed at innocent people just because they are Muslims, or anyone else for that matter, and of course only such media is published because they want you to hate Muslims. Youve fallen for the bait once again! No wonder this world is like it is and has become a hell-hole.

The problem is human beings who always want to control, just like the scum who write on these forums to control and divert the topic in order to slander people.

I am absolutely disgusted with the people on these TV forums and I would certainly never recommend anyone to read the rubbish written here by the few who incessantly have to spoil it for others. Im out of here good riddance to bad rubbish!

Yes the world now has become a hell hole cos certain folk following certain stuff want to kill for nothing....If your OK with that then perhaps you are best out of here. Were is the slander ? We cannot verbally down grade folk who senselessly kill the innocent in your opinion?

Don't know what some people's disconnect is, but my world is not a hell hole and is, in fact, a wonderful place. Thank God I live in a wonderful place as opposed to some hell hole like some of these countries have become because of certain types of people that inhabit these countries.

Police stand by and watch a pregnant women killed in a horrible manner by her family for marrying who she loved and this is some how the medias fault for trying to paint Muslims in a bad light. Give me a break . . .Certain people don't need the media's help. They are doing a great job all on their own.

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Yes, leave the poor Pakistanis alone.

Last updated 19:55 29/05/2014

Authorities have arrested three men, including two police officers, for allegedly gang-raping and hanging two teenage sisters from a tree in a village in northern India.

Villagers found the girls' bodies hanging from the mango tree Wednesday morning, hours after they disappeared from fields near their home in Katra village in Uttar Pradesh state, said police Superintendent Atul Saxena.

The girls, who were 14 and 15, had gone into the fields because there was no toilet in their home.

Autopsies showed they had been raped and strangled before being hung from the tree, Saxena said.

He said the three men were arrested Wednesday, after angry villagers blocked the main highway near the village to protest alleged police apathy and inaction in the case.

Senior Uttar Pradesh government officials rushed to Katra following the protests and ordered the arrests.

Saxena said the head of the Katra police station had been suspended for not acting immediately when the girls' family complained they were missing.

India tightened its anti-rape laws last year after nationwide protests over a crime considered rampant in the country.

Records show a rape is committed every 22 minutes across the nation of 1.2 billion people, though activists say that number is low because many victims are reluctant to come forward.

Victims reluctant to come forward. Imagine that when police and officials are the perpetrators or do nothing but watch.

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Disappointing to note the usual indignant commenters shouting "Islam is peace" and "Don't blame Islam" in this forum. But not a single word of compassion from them for the victims (women, gays, lesbians, non-muslims).

Seems to be the norm. We all know that most religious folk don't want hassle, even non religious folk are mostly the same, BUT, when folk make excuses for those who do kill via a religious book, well, I become lost for words..............coffee1.gif

Please point us to where "folk make excuses for those who kill via a religious book" in respect of this brutal murder.

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To think we live in the 21st century while this sort of barbarism takes place.

Well we do, but Islam is still in the year 1435.

And Thailand reckons its 2557, as ever way ahead of the rest of the world.....

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Yes, leave the poor Pakistanis alone.

Last updated 19:55 29/05/2014

Authorities have arrested three men, including two police officers, for allegedly gang-raping and hanging two teenage sisters from a tree in a village in northern India.

Villagers found the girls' bodies hanging from the mango tree Wednesday morning, hours after they disappeared from fields near their home in Katra village in Uttar Pradesh state, said police Superintendent Atul Saxena.

The girls, who were 14 and 15, had gone into the fields because there was no toilet in their home.

Autopsies showed they had been raped and strangled before being hung from the tree, Saxena said.

He said the three men were arrested Wednesday, after angry villagers blocked the main highway near the village to protest alleged police apathy and inaction in the case.

Senior Uttar Pradesh government officials rushed to Katra following the protests and ordered the arrests.

Saxena said the head of the Katra police station had been suspended for not acting immediately when the girls' family complained they were missing.

India tightened its anti-rape laws last year after nationwide protests over a crime considered rampant in the country.

Records show a rape is committed every 22 minutes across the nation of 1.2 billion people, though activists say that number is low because many victims are reluctant to come forward.

Victims reluctant to come forward. Imagine that when police and officials are the perpetrators or do nothing but watch.

I am sure you have noticed that this horrible incident happened in Uttar Pradesh (UP), India and it seems highly likely that the perpetrators were Hindu rather than the "dreaded mooslims". The victims were certainly Hindu being Dalits.

Interestingly UP is one of the worst states in India for selective abortions and thus has a highly skewed gender imbalance. Seems that being low caste, female and young marks you out as potential targets when the culture regards such people as being of little concern.

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In US, police won't stand by all amused watching some loser beat a women to death with sticks and bricks and do nothing to help or intervene. Speaks volumes about you if you cannot or refuse to see the difference.


Pakistan stoning victim's husband condemns police

The husband of a Pakistani woman stoned to death in broad daylight outside a Lahore court says police stood by and did nothing to stop the attack.

Farzana Parveen, who was three months pregnant, was killed by her family on Tuesday for marrying a man she loved.


They watched a loser beat Rodney King, did they not?

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