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If not, they need to take a leaf out of the books of the Brit admin in Malaya back in the 50's.

Um. The Brits aren't in Malaya any more.

That should be an indication of how well it worked for them.

Yes , it worked very well indeed so that Gt Britain was able to hand Malaya back to self rule. As they eventually did with all their colonies, leaving a strong legacy of law, education, medical, roads, railways and much more.

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If not, they need to take a leaf out of the books of the Brit admin in Malaya back in the 50's.

Um. The Brits aren't in Malaya any more.

That should be an indication of how well it worked for them.

Yes , it worked very well indeed so that Gt Britain was able to hand Malaya back to self rule. As they eventually did with all their colonies, leaving a strong legacy of law, education, medical, roads, railways and much more.

yeah we notice how well some of those african colonies did! lol

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yeah we noticed how well the brit methods worked in afghanistan against islamists!! lol

Nothing to do with the Malayan emergency. wake up !rolleyes.gif

islamists are a different kettle of fish than malaya was . u wake up

Can you please give us your definition of "Islamists"

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I think the OP wrote this wearing a white suit drinking a gin and tonic on his verandah reminiscing on the days when the Brits could tell the locals how to run things.

Typical english; they criticize the US but really think that their forgotten little island should run the world.

If the yanks had been involved in the Malayan insurrection, it would either still be going on, or Malaya would have been bombed to obliteration............that's the yank way when they loose control.

Might i remind you......Viet Nam !

Well, perhaps you can get a job as a history revisionist since you seem to know so much about what could have happened but didn't.

Also, there are plenty of soldiers in the US army who are from southern states; and are not considered "yanks."

To us you are all YANKS !

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If not, they need to take a leaf out of the books of the Brit admin in Malaya back in the 50's.

Um. The Brits aren't in Malaya any more.

That should be an indication of how well it worked for them.

Yes , it worked very well indeed so that Gt Britain was able to hand Malaya back to self rule. As they eventually did with all their colonies, leaving a strong legacy of law, education, medical, roads, railways and much more.

yeah we notice how well some of those african colonies did! lol

Yes indeed, everything went well as long as the British were there, but with that restraint gone, these African countries reverted to tribalism. The Brits were then out of it,nothing to do with them. lol! or perhaps you don't understand this.

But there are many other countries apart from the tribalistic African countries which are now stable..............India Singapore,Malaysia,Australia,New Zealand,Malta,Canada, Zanzibar, Mauritius, Hong Kong. Guess i have missed a few, but at the end of the day British Colonialism did a lot of good for these countries and passed on a good legacy, in most cases handing over these countries in good order gracefully and in friendship. Hence the Commonwealth of Nations. Something which the YANKS will never be able to boast of !

Edited by oldsailor35
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If not, they need to take a leaf out of the books of the Brit admin in Malaya back in the 50's.

Um. The Brits aren't in Malaya any more.

That should be an indication of how well it worked for them.

Yes , it worked very well indeed so that Gt Britain was able to hand Malaya back to self rule. As they eventually did with all their colonies, leaving a strong legacy of law, education, medical, roads, railways and much more.

yeah we notice how well some of those african colonies did! lol

Yes indeed, everything went well as long as the British were there, but with that restraint gone, these African countries reverted to tribalism. The Brits were then out of it,nothing to do with them. lol! or perhaps you don't understand this.

And after Northern Ireland is returned to the republic and Scotland comes to its senses, you'll still have Jersey, Guernsey and Gibraltar.

Rule Britannia!

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One of the methods used by the British Army was to dip bullets in pigs blood. This was and is very effective, because if a Muslim cannot get to a Mosque or be blessed before he dies he's not going to Muslim Heaven.

FYI all Buddhist mothers in vunerable areas have been issued with handguns by the Thai Military.

In Malaysia mentioning the name of the Muslim name of God by a non-Muslim is a criminal offense. Converting a Muslim to another religion is a criminal offense. The list goes on. The main reason Malaysians have problems with the Brits is because they never tried to defend it during WWII but the Brits were completely overwhelmed by the Japanese.

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If the yanks had been involved in the Malayan insurrection, it would either still be going on, or Malaya would have been bombed to obliteration............that's the yank way when they loose control.

Might i remind you......Viet Nam !

Well, perhaps you can get a job as a history revisionist since you seem to know so much about what could have happened but didn't.

Also, there are plenty of soldiers in the US army who are from southern states; and are not considered "yanks."

theyre all yanks to anyone who isnt one

And people from Uk are all limeys to anyone who isn't one. wink.png

Edited by Eliot Rosewater
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yeah we noticed how well the brit methods worked in afghanistan against islamists!! lol

The US is providing counterinsurgency training for the Thai Armed Forces. I do not know whether other countries are involved (e.g. Israel training the Singaporean special forces) There is a correlation to the UK experience in Afghanistan in that after learning some bitter lessons in Iraq & Afghanistan they studied the US Field Manual 3-24 & implemented some changes to the British Army COIN doctrine, previously based on Northern Ireland, and had a radical overhaul. At the heart of this change are the concepts of understanding the ‘Human Terrain’ and securing the population, a shift away from focusing on the insurgent, I guess you could say very similar to the successful Malaya campaign. Are the Thai armed forces implementing this strategy?


We were practising hearts and minds with local Asian populations ,when the rangers and green berets, their training in jungle warfare and counter insurgency ,was taught them by us brits and ghurkas at the jungle warfare school in kota ttingi in Malaya and active training on different actions in borneo,having personally taken part in such training myself(did not have my white suit or Singapore sling with me)As far as I know these training opportunities are still used by US special forces, also green beret units used the hearts and mind programmes in Vietnam that they learned from us lowly brits with the dyaks and sakai in borneo and Malaysia in the late 50,s and early 60,s, we also had 6 years to watch the US version of hearts and minds in Thailand, building estates of houses near their thai bases to house their prostitute mistresses, introducing their culture of px supplied bars, and sad though it is the vast increase of the mighty dollar also brought the drug culture and STD problems to the land of smiles, by the way I was there <Iwas THAT SOLDIER!!!wai2.gif

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One of the methods used by the British Army was to dip bullets in pigs blood. This was and is very effective, because if a Muslim cannot get to a Mosque or be blessed before he dies he's not going to Muslim Heaven.

FYI all Buddhist mothers in vunerable areas have been issued with handguns by the Thai Military.

In Malaysia mentioning the name of the Muslim name of God by a non-Muslim is a criminal offense. Converting a Muslim to another religion is a criminal offense. The list goes on. The main reason Malaysians have problems with the Brits is because they never tried to defend it during WWII but the Brits were completely overwhelmed by the Japanese.

Ah! that "old wives" tale of Pigs blood. But you got it wrong. It was first mooted as a rumour that Bullets were smeared in pig grease.................Al bullshit though............Please excuse the pun !

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yeah we noticed how well the brit methods worked in afghanistan against islamists!! lol

The US is providing counterinsurgency training for the Thai Armed Forces. I do not know whether other countries are involved (e.g. Israel training the Singaporean special forces) There is a correlation to the UK experience in Afghanistan in that after learning some bitter lessons in Iraq & Afghanistan they studied the US Field Manual 3-24 & implemented some changes to the British Army COIN doctrine, previously based on Northern Ireland, and had a radical overhaul. At the heart of this change are the concepts of understanding the ‘Human Terrain’ and securing the population, a shift away from focusing on the insurgent, I guess you could say very similar to the successful Malaya campaign. Are the Thai armed forces implementing this strategy?


We were practising hearts and minds with local Asian populations ,when the rangers and green berets, their training in jungle warfare and counter insurgency ,was taught them by us brits and ghurkas at the jungle warfare school in kota ttingi in Malaya and active training on different actions in borneo,having personally taken part in such training myself(did not have my white suit or Singapore sling with me)As far as I know these training opportunities are still used by US special forces, also green beret units used the hearts and mind programmes in Vietnam that they learned from us lowly brits with the dyaks and sakai in borneo and Malaysia in the late 50,s and early 60,s, we also had 6 years to watch the US version of hearts and minds in Thailand, building estates of houses near their thai bases to house their prostitute mistresses, introducing their culture of px supplied bars, and sad though it is the vast increase of the mighty dollar also brought the drug culture and STD problems to the land of smiles, by the way I was there <Iwas THAT SOLDIER!!!wai2.gif

lol. didnt work worth a shit in nam and it will never work with islamists

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"...they need to take a leaf out of the books of the Brit admin in Malaya back in the 50's."

Some would say that it was what the Brit admin did do that started this mess in the first place!

Wrong! have a look at the Communist incursion into S Asia, Thailand included.

Don't get me wrong, I despise the people that inflict death and injury on innocent people, but Pattani and Yala were annexed to Thailand from Malaysia, by the Brits.

I have no idea how the "communist incursion" has anything to do with it. I'd be happy to be enlightened by you...always willing to learn.

wrong again! Pattani and yala used to belong to thailand the brits took kelantan for example and the other southernmost states out of thailand.

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It Has long been a controversial subject amongst british soldiers who get pulled in to conflicts to support the US ,that they become statistics in the US kill count!!take Desert storm for example, most of the british casualties were victims of US in friendly fire,all british vehicles were marked clearly and so called friendly forces were informed of british forces troop movements, but that did not stop Audie Murphy and his gunships and tankbusters from attacking british convoys, mind you abit to much wacky baccy on your pancakes does tend to blur the judgement abit,I owe quite a bit to US medics who pulled me back from the dead,and have still after 50 years got some good septic mates ,but why do the rest have to be such Axxxxxxes, big deal slotting an insurgent from a mile away,after all sniper is a trade, while doing arecce to find a so called secret US radar and observation station in the mountains below mukdaharn, all we needed to do from miles out in the ulu was follow the music of marvin gaye, as we came up on the facility we scared up a couple of laos who were hiding in the scrub watching the base, they were armed and loud OOE we were not, so discretion was the better form of valour,just another example of the lack of professionalism in the average grunt, as they explained to us their order of the day was if it moves shoot it,if it shoots back Bomb it to FXXXING Oblivion, does that by any chance ring any bells

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