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Soldier neighbour threatening me and girlfriend


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So I am staying in an apartment building in Bangkok where we have this couple living next to us that like to make noise pretty much every night from 2am to 6 am. This includes talking loudly and banging around with things as if they are cooking all night. My girlfriend has talked to them many times, asking them to please be quiet after 12, but they just seem to smile and then completely ignore it.

The other night I was going nuts after being awake for several hours, despite using ear-plugs, and banged the wall to make them be quiet. This resulted in the woman walking over to our room, banging the door, and then start shouting bad things at my girlfriend. Everyone went down to the reception, where the staff said that they could do nothing about them being noisy, despite the fact that the room on the other side of the noisy couple recently moved out because of them.

So after the talk in the office the couple made it very clear that we should be very "careful" since the man is a soldier, "and soldiers are very big now in Thailand". Two days after, they approached my girlfriend in 7-Eleven and again told her to be very careful, and that they had no intention of being quiet at night.

We have also seen a sudden influx of visiting soldiers to their room, and one of the apartment staff (who is sort of on our side) has warned us that we should be careful with these guys.

My question is, is there anyone you can contact regarding soldiers that behave like this? I can´t imagine that even the Thai army would be OK with soldiers threatening people just because they want peace and quiet at night. The next delivery of threats is just a matter of time, so I´m gonna catch it on video either way, just to have something to back up my side of the story if something happens.


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"one of the apartment staff (who is sort of on our side) has warned us that we should be careful with these guys"

And very wise advice me thinks, these guys have access to tanks, assault rifles, grenades, and various other bits of kit which can spoil your day

I don't think the Military has a customer complaints department.

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OP, your best bet is to move. Do you want to watch your back all the time by ruffling feathers ?.

This is LOS, use your farang head and do the wise thing. After all, it is only a rented room, go look for another. If you were in farangland it might be a different matter, but your not.....

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Thanks for all the answers.

My first option is of course to move, even if it is just to another floor and room in the same building. I just want to have some options in case things get out of hand before we have time to do so.

When I have three soldiers banging on my door at 3am I want to know where to call, since I have a hard time seeing the police helping me with soldiers.

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Lawless Thailand......... Mate get yourself and your partner outa there quickly! Don't put yourself or your girlfriend at risk.. Not worth it!

Or they could leave a "Harrods" bag outside their front door before they left...whistling.gif

Sorry.... tongue.png

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" . . . is there anyone you can contact regarding soldiers that behave like this?"

There very well may be but here is the dilemma; 1. Either by contacting a superior the soldier is talked to, which of course equals the dreaded - LOOSING FACE (or perhaps even worse, who knows?), or 2. Nothing is done - your complaint is ignored.

Clearly scenario No. 2 is preferable because if No. 1 happens, you're life is certainly ended.

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Soldiers are a law unto themselves into this country, trust me think of you own personal safety in this situation and your girlfriend.

Don't let your pride affect your actions, remain calm and invest in good ear plugs or better all together move out to a nicer place and forget the whole sorry incident.

Don't <deleted> about about with soldiers in this country unless you have some serious people backing you up because these guys will always have friends to call upon to kick the shit out of you or worse.

Again I know it's tough but don't let your pride get in the way of looking after your girlfriend.

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