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Soldier neighbour threatening me and girlfriend

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Yeah my girlfriend is out checking out options for a new apartment now, but it still brings my **** to a boil to let people get away with crap like this, and having to retreat because the worthless owner of the apartment complex won´t throw people out when they act uncivilized.

I guess you haven't been here very long. People used to know about this stuff. If the people in reception have warned you not to antagonize this couple it means the guy is a member of one of the military factions that runs extortion and protection rackets, gambling casinos, massage parlors, and drug sales. He's connected. He can cause bad things to happen to you. Don't blame the apartment owner; he has even more to lose here than you do, and no more power. I don't know what country you're from, but the nearest equivalent I can think of for the U.S. is a sheriff's deputy in Broward County, Florida, or a judge in a small town, or maybe a vice cop in a big city. Don't mess with him.

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I'm sure this has been said a thousand times but heed the warning, you or anyone are no match for the military.

On your way out, I would wai and apologize.

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You're obviously here on holiday? or severly fresh behind the ears, why waste your time writing a well versed,has to be said. But totally bizzare post? If you have the time which you obviously do,and going by your response, to some posts you're not up to speed as to how things work Here .Go find out,and find out!!. you have No Idea what your dealing with!!! my friend. YOU are not in your homeland!!! if your not happy,go home!! you will lose,and can not win.

If it´s obvious, why phrase it as a question? But no, I am not here on holiday, but on studies for the last three or so years. I interact with hundreds of Thais every week and have many Thai friends, none of which sadly knew how to handle soldiers abusing their status. Writing this has by no means been a waste of my time, if you don´t count reading and responding to this useless post of yours.

Please elaborate as to how I´m not "up to speed to how things work here". Throughout this thread I have pointed out that I am fully aware of the fact that the best option is to change apartments. The reason for wanting to find out another option was merely to have a backup.

You also say that I should go home if I am not happy? So what you mean is that Thai people can act however the hell they want against foreigners and we have to simply accept it or go home? I strongly disagree.

By your style of writing, I´m probably wasting my time here as you seem like the type that likes to be heard but has very little to say.

Have a nice day, and please refrain from answering any of my posts in the future with your gibberish.

a soldier is NOT a typical thai person. you know damn well what you have to do and yet you sit here telling us how it sticks in your craw to do it! well nobody cares about your bruised pride. stay and get a shit kickin (or far worse) if you like

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Its easy enough to move, after you've moved, get your revenge, post you neighbour something unpleasant, damage his fina, superglue his locks, etc etc.


the management of my apartment building respond immediately and effectively to anyone making noise; thais and foreigners have been asked to leave.

sounds like a) your apartment building is badly managed and B) your life is being ruined because of this. the solution is obvious. move out.

give your business to someone who knows how to manage an apartment building and improve the quality of your life. win/win.

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Do they come to the room next door in their camo with M16's?

I just wondered because I met a US Marine guy in a bar who trained with Dan Inosanto and Bruce Lee, he also had a game of football in Saddam Husseins palace after it was bombed and later on in his career he went to a barbecue in a cave in Afghanistan with Osama Bin Laden to cook his own Tandoori chicken recipe, just with the sole purpose to gather intelligence and find out where he was moving to next.


And still people consider and want to BUY A CONDO

who will your neighbors be





mix in some alcohol


You answer that yourself

OH i forgot

what about the 5,000 watt hi fi system playing the same 3 songs over and over at any time day or night

with the volume setting on 13

renting is good man


You're obviously here on holiday? or severly fresh behind the ears, why waste your time writing a well versed,has to be said. But totally bizzare post? If you have the time which you obviously do,and going by your response, to some posts you're not up to speed as to how things work Here .Go find out,and find out!!. you have No Idea what your dealing with!!! my friend. YOU are not in your homeland!!! if your not happy,go home!! you will lose,and can not win.

If it´s obvious, why phrase it as a question? But no, I am not here on holiday, but on studies for the last three or so years. I interact with hundreds of Thais every week and have many Thai friends, none of which sadly knew how to handle soldiers abusing their status. Writing this has by no means been a waste of my time, if you don´t count reading and responding to this useless post of yours.

Please elaborate as to how I´m not "up to speed to how things work here". Throughout this thread I have pointed out that I am fully aware of the fact that the best option is to change apartments. The reason for wanting to find out another option was merely to have a backup.

You also say that I should go home if I am not happy? So what you mean is that Thai people can act however the hell they want against foreigners and we have to simply accept it or go home? I strongly disagree.

By your style of writing, I´m probably wasting my time here as you seem like the type that likes to be heard but has very little to say.

Have a nice day, and please refrain from answering any of my posts in the future with your gibberish.

Check the size of the "brain on brad" 3 years and you have to waffle on about a noisy neighbour, nuff said Brad, you where dissrespctfull with some of your comments,on the way things work here.And YES Thai people can do,and act "HOWEVER" they want. THAT IS LIFE, If you can't accept this "obviously not" Go home my friend. or find a new appartment?


You're obviously here on holiday? or severly fresh behind the ears, why waste your time writing a well versed,has to be said. But totally bizzare post? If you have the time which you obviously do,and going by your response, to some posts you're not up to speed as to how things work Here .Go find out,and find out!!. you have No Idea what your dealing with!!! my friend. YOU are not in your homeland!!! if your not happy,go home!! you will lose,and can not win.

If it´s obvious, why phrase it as a question? But no, I am not here on holiday, but on studies for the last three or so years. I interact with hundreds of Thais every week and have many Thai friends, none of which sadly knew how to handle soldiers abusing their status. Writing this has by no means been a waste of my time, if you don´t count reading and responding to this useless post of yours.

Please elaborate as to how I´m not "up to speed to how things work here". Throughout this thread I have pointed out that I am fully aware of the fact that the best option is to change apartments. The reason for wanting to find out another option was merely to have a backup.

You also say that I should go home if I am not happy? So what you mean is that Thai people can act however the hell they want against foreigners and we have to simply accept it or go home? I strongly disagree.

By your style of writing, I´m probably wasting my time here as you seem like the type that likes to be heard but has very little to say.

Have a nice day, and please refrain from answering any of my posts in the future with your gibberish.

a soldier is NOT a typical thai person. you know damn well what you have to do and yet you sit here telling us how it sticks in your craw to do it! well nobody cares about your bruised pride. stay and get a shit kickin (or far worse) if you like

Hope it happens!!



Your second post, "the worthless owner" you are obviously well educated as you like to "quaff" but that comment puts you right in the gutter my friend? What deams him worthless? he's a lot more going on than you Brad


When do they sleep? of the day time if there up all night? maybe they have to put up with your noise as well, it works both ways, sounds like the problem is thin walls which is common in BKK. If you like living there and don't want to go the expense of moving put in some sound proofing its cheap as shit and then go and invite soldier boy for a beer and get on his good side, he might come in handy one day if you need a favour. Play the game my friend its just like training pets. Good luck.


Yeah my girlfriend is out checking out options for a new apartment now, but it still brings my **** to a boil to let people get away with crap like this, and having to retreat because the worthless owner of the apartment complex won´t throw people out when they act uncivilized.

this is only my opinion based on living in thailand for forty years. first, you have to present a strong presence! the Thai's are basically cowards who do not want confrontations unless they 8unless they percieve that you are weak and easily intimidated. second when do they sleep? if it is the day time, turn up your radio, and then go out for a couple of hours! if they complain barter with them! be prepared to move if it does not work. the day before you move, when you have moved all your furniture, turn your radion on for 24 hours, full blast ! then leave! if the manager cannot control his tenets, you don't owe him any consideration. and the additional army soldiers, look them in the eye. don't flinch! don't dsay anything but stare them down! I have had problems with thai trash in the past and it has worked everytime. of course I am six feet towo, 210 pounds and just look like i am waiting for a fight.I have never had to punch a thai, but i have had them calal the police on me.

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If your a confrontational type of guy with principles .

And you intend staying in Thailand for a long period of time.

Take a martial art and get a good lawyer!

You are on a long painful learning curve.

This is a backward country.

Uncivilised in many ways.

Nothing like where you come from.

As I'm sure you already understand.


convert to islam tell your imam the story

they will send the bom squad

Or stay with Buddhist, and pay some one to deliver a food offering (red Fanta etc) for the ghost of a really bad man who died in this room when the building was being constructed.

Then see the little squirmy b1tch squirm. many Thais are terrified of ghost of a bad man.

Or buy a cell phone signal blocker and turn it on when you are not home, will drive her nuts and maybe she will move out !!!

You can't use logic or win with normal thinking.


Would you enter the Chimp enclosure in Dusit Zoo and tell the chimps to stop throwing their sh!t around?


You're obviously here on holiday? or severly fresh behind the ears, why waste your time writing a well versed,has to be said. But totally bizzare post? If you have the time which you obviously do,and going by your response, to some posts you're not up to speed as to how things work Here .Go find out,and find out!!. you have No Idea what your dealing with!!! my friend. YOU are not in your homeland!!! if your not happy,go home!! you will lose,and can not win.

If it´s obvious, why phrase it as a question? But no, I am not here on holiday, but on studies for the last three or so years. I interact with hundreds of Thais every week and have many Thai friends, none of which sadly knew how to handle soldiers abusing their status. Writing this has by no means been a waste of my time, if you don´t count reading and responding to this useless post of yours.

Please elaborate as to how I´m not "up to speed to how things work here". Throughout this thread I have pointed out that I am fully aware of the fact that the best option is to change apartments. The reason for wanting to find out another option was merely to have a backup.

You also say that I should go home if I am not happy? So what you mean is that Thai people can act however the hell they want against foreigners and we have to simply accept it or go home? I strongly disagree.

By your style of writing, I´m probably wasting my time here as you seem like the type that likes to be heard but has very little to say.

Have a nice day, and please refrain from answering any of my posts in the future with your gibberish.

a soldier is NOT a typical thai person. you know damn well what you have to do and yet you sit here telling us how it sticks in your craw to do it! well nobody cares about your bruised pride. stay and get a shit kickin (or far worse) if you like

Read my earlier post. The soldier has apologized, blamed it all on his girlfriend and instructed us to knock on his door or call him if they are too noisy. Case closed.


It's not just a problem with apartments it's a problem everywhere. Doesn't matter if you're living in an exclusive gated community there will always be some dick who wants to park outside your house or has dogs barking all night, leaving his trash cans outside etc. And it's not just Thailand.

This guy sounds like a conscript because no professional soldier would behave like this, but it's your fault for not being assertive, so now you're his bitch. Soldiers are trained to take orders not requests.

When you go to your new apartment assert yourself and shout at people who give you the slightest amount of shit, or spend the rest of your life on your knees.


See ya, good luck in the new apartmentwai.gif

You're obviously here on holiday? or severly fresh behind the ears, why waste your time writing a well versed,has to be said. But totally bizzare post? If you have the time which you obviously do,and going by your response, to some posts you're not up to speed as to how things work Here .Go find out,and find out!!. you have No Idea what your dealing with!!! my friend. YOU are not in your homeland!!! if your not happy,go home!! you will lose,and can not win.

If it´s obvious, why phrase it as a question? But no, I am not here on holiday, but on studies for the last three or so years. I interact with hundreds of Thais every week and have many Thai friends, none of which sadly knew how to handle soldiers abusing their status. Writing this has by no means been a waste of my time, if you don´t count reading and responding to this useless post of yours.

Please elaborate as to how I´m not "up to speed to how things work here". Throughout this thread I have pointed out that I am fully aware of the fact that the best option is to change apartments. The reason for wanting to find out another option was merely to have a backup.

You also say that I should go home if I am not happy? So what you mean is that Thai people can act however the hell they want against foreigners and we have to simply accept it or go home? I strongly disagree.

By your style of writing, I´m probably wasting my time here as you seem like the type that likes to be heard but has very little to say.

Have a nice day, and please refrain from answering any of my posts in the future with your gibberish.

a soldier is NOT a typical thai person. you know damn well what you have to do and yet you sit here telling us how it sticks in your craw to do it! well nobody cares about your bruised pride. stay and get a shit kickin (or far worse) if you like

Read my earlier post. The soldier has apologized, blamed it all on his girlfriend and instructed us to knock on his door or call him if they are too noisy. Case closed.


Read my earlier post. The soldier has apologized, blamed it all on his girlfriend and instructed us to knock on his door or call him if they are too noisy. Case closed.

Excellent, well done, so it's all on her. Wherever I've lived here (from cheap apartments to nice moobaan houses) most of the noise is perpetuated by the 'fairer' sex. Get in her face and treat or like an equal ;)


I can't believe how gullible the farangs on this thread are.. if he's a 'soldier' then what's he doing up all night? shouldn't he be on an army base going to bed under a mosquito net at 9pm? There's been a coup and most of the army have been called up, what's he doing up all night?

In Thailand the military is powerful, a 'soldier' is nothing, every Thai male is a 'soldier' - it's called conscription. My Thai family has soldiers in it, beleive me it's not like being Pryuth, it's being a low level grunt, it's much less then being a cop. his bitch tells you he's a soldier to scare you and it worked.

If this soldier shoots a foreigner(and your family complains to their embassy) he will go to prison for life, if he beats the shit out of you, he will not have enough money to pay the cops off, he will goto prison for years, if he's prosecuted in a military court the punishment is harsh.. soldiers do not go around beating people up in this country with impunity.

IDEA: provoke them a little more, then try to get their threats on tape or video.. that's all you need, then goto the police with the evidence and the other complaints, especially the building managers that are on your side.. they will be done, you will enjoy watching them pay their asses off to get out of the mess..

One more point, the POLICE are now part of the military takeover, just the head was chopped off, the rank-andfile are now part of the junta, they will not be intimidated by these grunt-morons, more likly they will enjoy putting them in their place. also if the normal police dont work out, try the tourest police. The police hate trash people who are hated by decent people, again make it clear that everyone else in the building are on your side.


Yeah my girlfriend is out checking out options for a new apartment now, but it still brings my **** to a boil to let people get away with crap like this, and having to retreat because the worthless owner of the apartment complex won´t throw people out when they act uncivilized.

I guess appealing to the National Council for Peace and Order is out of the question? /sarc

Seriously, the two apartments I've lived in in the last five years had/have 8-10 inches of concrete and rarely any noise makes it through. What kind of construction are your walls I'm wondering.


Sometimes people think I am insane to live in an Isan village with my wife and famlily.

But here people are quiet from 9 pm to 5 am and they would not insult you.

I would not change with someone living an appartement with Thai neighbours from this level of society.

I am afraid you have to move.

Firearms are easily used here.

Dear BenQ,

I'm not jealous to your quiet Isaan life, cause the people are in silent from 9pm to 5am, ecpect the drunks, but all night you have to listen to dog barking and from 3am to cocks. At 5am the village is awaken already and they are loud as they can. I tried to sleep a few times in Isaan village but for the next night I moved to city hotel to rest.

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