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Considering trying to live/work in Thailand, need advice on living costs/work options


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Ok so, I came to Thailand last year for what was supposed to be a few weeks, turned into eight! I have my cards and overdraft now paid off and £2000 now saved, so im ready now to start considering moving there for what I would hope to be 5-6 months. with a view to have 3k when i arrive

Work wise, I'm hoping to take some work there with me, I have a handy earner through Ebay, I got into buying a bulk lots and deadstock and im now also having my own baseball caps manufactured and for the last few months I have made between £600-800 profit after all fees etc, currently this will only rise because I have more stock coming.

However! Ebay cant be relied on... I did receive a ban for a week because of a listings policy infringement by mentioning rayban in the title! I know the next one will be for one month... which would be a total spanner in the works

also If I operate this from Thailand, I would be having to pay someone to post the items and giving a cut of the profit.

so... what other things could I do in Thailand... I have seen a british guy working in a bar, which i have years of experience in, I could also setup another ebay account to sell things from markets etc.. would that be worthwhile?? I also seen a documentary on expats in Thailand... some wealthy ones had other brits working for them, one had a P.A, one had a butler and one had a cleaner/gardener/general dogsbody, there was also a decorator, french guy, he was working cash in hand for europeans at their homes.

My preferred destination would be Samui, I just loved it there, the chilled beach life etc however if it were much cheaper elsewhere and equally nice I would consider it

Sorry if that was a bit of a long im just regurgitating all my thoughts in my head

so to break it down

starting budget £3000 enough?

stay time 5-6months

income already £350-£400

whats would be my weekly cost of living ?

what would i expect to pay in a "decent" place monthly, including breakfast?

if you have taken the time to read all that thank you very much! any thoughts good or bad please let me hear your honest opinion

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Because you are asking about accomodation 'with breakfast', I'd say Agoda might be worth a browse. It depends what your definition of 'decent' is.smile.png

At the low end, you can rent fan or hostel/dorm rooms for as little as GBP 5 per night.

If you are happy in a guesthouse with AC, WiFi and breakfast, you're probably looking at GBP15-20 per night with a long term agreement for six months.

Don't forget to take out a travel insurance policy for the full six months.
As for cost of living, that's impossible to say. If you want Thai food budget GBP2 per meal but few Westerners could or would subject themselves to that for six months. You've got to remember all the prices on Samui are inflated due to tourism.

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Don't know what the sp on Tourist visas is today but you used to be able to get a double 60 day and extension, but as said they're cracking down. There's also the ed visa option which entails you learn Thai (usually) at an accredited school so many hours a week. Reasonable cost and worth looking into as a huge advantage learning the language.

Regards funds, as long as you're not a big drinker/mongerer you should be ok on that 3k, though having been here already you should have some inkling.

If you could keep eBay going that'd be ideal but keep stuff like that quiet as technically you'd still be working. Writing online, teaching English, scuba are options, bearing in mind cash in hand is verboten.

Samui is one of the most expensive places to live but nonetheless guessing there'd be half decent apartments there for 10k baht (200 quid) month. Paying 'per night' will always be more expensive.

It's doable and sounds like you have your head screwed on, just check out visa situation through Thai consulate in Hull.

Good luck

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Based on my having lived here 13 years, I would suggest that your £3,000 stake

would see you through three months, irrespective of income. That means renting

or leasing a room, eating three meals a day, enjoying some entertainment, and

buying incidentals.

As to work, and given your experience, you might have success seeking a job

managing a bar or nightclub, probably not tending bar (which would mean taking

work from a Thai employee). Introduce yourself to some of the many Brits who

own nightspots and feel them out. On the negative side, those who are looking

for managers would no doubt prefer long-term commitments rather than a six-

month stint.

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From what I've read, if you are lucky quite quickly you might be Ok, but if you hit a bump in the road, you'll be wiped out almost immediately.

My comment would be, plan more, try to get something lined up or viable before you arrive and have a bit more behind you.

Plan for 3 months with that money, take a little of the pressure off, enjoy it and maybe use this trip as a fact find and organise for the next.

Edited by CharlieH
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I think you may be a bit naive about Thailand...good luck with your adventure...

way way way naive

but come anyways....because even if you don't have a job, there are so many foreigners here who all chip in to take care of those less fortunate until they get on their feet. So, don't wait....come now. You can always rely on a foreigner to pick up the first tab. Cheers.

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Ok so I am a bit green when it comes to the talk of visas.. I wasn't intending on getting a visa and thought i could sneak under the radar, unless a job opportunity came along that would allow me to be eligible for a visa

@ggt please elaborate, I'd like to know what you mean by that?

@joshstiles thats not an option, I never have and i never will sponge from anybody

@soutpeel, thats funny but you shouldn't assume, im most definitely not there to "tap as many ladies as possible" im not a big drinker usually, and im not a fan of the thai women, after my first visit I was there with three lads and we drank almost every day and I know I could blow my money in no time, in those 8 weeks i never once paid for a girl either, and il take it to my grave that i will never pay for a woman, not to be cocky but.. i dont need to pay!

@charlieh yes thats what worries me there is bound to be some snag at some point.. and there always is

So i'm thinking now I should stay at home another 6weeks and take £4.000 then rent would be what around £1400-£1500? which would leave me around the £16 per day mark without having to rely on ebay, but im also gonna stay with a mate for a few weeks until i get on my feet.

I do also have a contingency I could also take out a £1000 overdraft just before I go, I don't mind coming home with a small debt because i will walk straight back into my next job.

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I think you may be a bit naive about Thailand...good luck with your adventure...

way way way naive

but come anyways....because even if you don't have a job, there are so many foreigners here who all chip in to take care of those less fortunate until they get on their feet. So, don't wait....come now. You can always rely on a foreigner to pick up the first tab. Cheers.

"...so many foreigners here who all chip in ..."


Maybe it slipped your mind that this was Thai Visa where everything, no matter how preposterous, is taken literally ... and the O/P already has demonstrated a frightening colonial-minded naïveté.

To the O/P make sure you have a open return air ticket and that mom & dad will accept collect phone calls.

Edited by Suradit69
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Ok so I am a bit green when it comes to the talk of visas.. I wasn't intending on getting a visa and thought i could sneak under the radar, unless a job opportunity came along that would allow me to be eligible for a visa

@ggt please elaborate, I'd like to know what you mean by that?

@joshstiles thats not an option, I never have and i never will sponge from anybody

@soutpeel, thats funny but you shouldn't assume, im most definitely not there to "tap as many ladies as possible" im not a big drinker usually, and im not a fan of the thai women, after my first visit I was there with three lads and we drank almost every day and I know I could blow my money in no time, in those 8 weeks i never once paid for a girl either, and il take it to my grave that i will never pay for a woman, not to be cocky but.. i dont need to pay!

@charlieh yes thats what worries me there is bound to be some snag at some point.. and there always is

So i'm thinking now I should stay at home another 6weeks and take £4.000 then rent would be what around £1400-£1500? which would leave me around the £16 per day mark without having to rely on ebay, but im also gonna stay with a mate for a few weeks until i get on my feet.

I do also have a contingency I could also take out a £1000 overdraft just before I go, I don't mind coming home with a small debt because i will walk straight back into my next job.

Slip under the radar? This country is at present controlled by the military,really mate,you need to rethink this whole thing,or do i detect a trace of Jasmine fever in your desparation to return?

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I just reported the survey site post. I DON'T KNOW that it's a scam, but it stinks just the same. If you're inclined to go for it ... be prepared to be one of those "less fortunate" who will be asking the foreigners to "chip in" so you can have a bite to eat once in a while!

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Ok so I am a bit green when it comes to the talk of visas.. I wasn't intending on getting a visa and thought i could sneak under the radar, unless a job opportunity came along that would allow me to be eligible for a visa

You are getting 'visa' and 'work permit' confused.

If you dont get a visa, which if you like is a permission to stay, then you have to leave the country after 30 days. You need a work permit to legally carry out ANY type of work, paid or unpaid.

For your proposed stay I would suggest a double entry tourist visa, this will enable you to stay 60 days per entry plus it can be extended by 30 days giving you 90 days per entry, so you do a border run after 90 days and your good for the next 90 unless you leave of course before that ends.

You can get the visa from Cardiff, Birmingham or Hull Thai Consulates.

How did you stay 8 weeks previously without a visa ?

Edited by CharlieH
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Your "plan" is so often seen on blogs and elsewhere that it is almost in the category of the "family buffalo died" in its naiveté. Thailand brings out the dreamer in many men.

Problems for you.....

-getting work permitcheesy.gif

-affording living there, not enuf.sad.png

-import, export and shipping fees on whatever you are selling on eBay if coming into Thailand.facepalm.gif

-dependable ISP.facepalm.gif

-getting money in and out.cheesy.gif

And the biggie.......... you do not have a visa!!! Read up about that and just vacation here for 29days at a time.biggrin.png

Edited by metisdead
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Thanks to some of you for your constructive posts, @choakmydee thats exactly what I want to do, however i know it could be tricky to maintain it but that would be a gem and I was posting this to try and find a contingency incase my Ebay fails for some reason

@charlieH yes I came previously on a double entry, I probably should have explained that but yes my plan was for a 60 day and to do a border run, I want to get over to Vietnam that's if earning money went according to plan.

Ive been sitting looking through all my sales based on the last 9 weeks and there hasnt been a week where I have earned less that £140 profit... if i was paying someone say £5 per package their cut would be £35.. which leaves me with a minimum of around £100 per week to use...

going by my questions about me actually trying to seek some kind of work, I would have liked to for experience and to keep myself busy, but from all your comments it seems a bit unrealistic... and slightly frowned upon

someone saying about my "desperation" to return, i don't know which part I seemed desperate, its just that island I loved and would really like to return because a very good friend lives there, and I also have a money maker lined up with him but nothing certain... I would love to go to Samui but if it is going to be extremely difficult.. i guess i could just go to somewhere in europe where I could remain legally and has equally as good beaches.

as a said, Thai women don't do a thing for me in the slightest so no, no Jasmine fever lol

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@charles my stuff will be shipped from the uk. money will be transferred from my paypal to my bank account and transferred to credit card, isp will be from a friends place, never much of an issue, i will only need around 2 hours every weekend, and whats wrong with the 60 day visa? why 29 days?

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Thanks to some of you for your constructive posts, @choakmydee thats exactly what I want to do, however i know it could be tricky to maintain it but that would be a gem and I was posting this to try and find a contingency incase my Ebay fails for some reason

@charlieH yes I came previously on a double entry, I probably should have explained that but yes my plan was for a 60 day and to do a border run, I want to get over to Vietnam that's if earning money went according to plan.

Ive been sitting looking through all my sales based on the last 9 weeks and there hasnt been a week where I have earned less that £140 profit... if i was paying someone say £5 per package their cut would be £35.. which leaves me with a minimum of around £100 per week to use...

going by my questions about me actually trying to seek some kind of work, I would have liked to for experience and to keep myself busy, but from all your comments it seems a bit unrealistic... and slightly frowned upon

someone saying about my "desperation" to return, i don't know which part I seemed desperate, its just that island I loved and would really like to return because a very good friend lives there, and I also have a money maker lined up with him but nothing certain... I would love to go to Samui but if it is going to be extremely difficult.. i guess i could just go to somewhere in europe where I could remain legally and has equally as good beaches.

as a said, Thai women don't do a thing for me in the slightest so no, no Jasmine fever lol

Thai women don't do a thing for you? Either gay,or blind one would then assume,or you have never been with one,then,sir,you will change your mind.

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@charles my stuff will be shipped from the uk. money will be transferred from my paypal to my bank account and transferred to credit card, isp will be from a friends place, never much of an issue, i will only need around 2 hours every weekend,

so if 2 hours a work how do you propose you get a WP then ?....you don't qualify

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I wasn't planning on a visa for my Ebay work, i would just do a border run and just be on an extended holiday which would be legal. Anything constructive to say at all? I done this for 8 weeks last time while backpacking, i just wanted to do. I cant help feel your just trying to burst the bubble rather than be helpful. probably because you have some sort of visa issue yourself that you cant get round

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I wasn't planning on a visa for my Ebay work, i would just do a border run and just be on an extended holiday which would be legal. Anything constructive to say at all? I done this for 8 weeks last time while backpacking, i just wanted to do. I cant help feel your just trying to burst the bubble rather than be helpful. probably because you have some sort of visa issue yourself that you cant get round

guess again dear boy....you do realize the reason the immigration is cracking down on visa runners is because of exactly what your proposing to do and have done in the past ?

Actually I have no visa problems and I have a WP already so your probably wrong...wink.png

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@marko kok prong why do I justify myself I have no idea, yes there are a few hot Thai women... yes I have slept with 2 ok..and didnt pay, truth be told there is just something about them i find gross which i dont want to say and insult anyone. and why would I suddenly change my mind? what do they do that so fantastic that I would change my mind they cant do anything other women cant. thats usually the words of not very attractive men who couldnt pull their own thumb back home, and get a cute little thai girl and then think they are a legend.

I'm into blondes and fair skin always have been.. I'm mad for scandinavian women and I would have one coming to visit me I met last year, but this has really nothing to do with my post. I have read all i need to read on this please stick to the topic or not

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right so @soutpeel since you know will you please elaborate.. you keep giving me snippets of information but not explaining yourself, this is forum for advice.. thats why im here and these are the questions im asking, so if you cant be helpful why are you on a forum? I dont know about a visa runner crackdown.. I dont know about work permits... THIS IS WHY IM HERE.


as for.. "dear boy"... wise up

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