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All you guys are so selfish , only self interest.

Only one thing would make me happy- world peace :)

And a hot 25 or so year old wife, along with any color Lamborghini

And to be able to speak fluent Thai , not Thai visa fluent but actually fluent , as I am sure if I did I would be able to achieve much more at 1/10th the costs

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Less mongers

Less overt prostitution

Less way-out-there weirdos (male and females)

Better roads

Better driving

Cheaper cheese and wine

Im not having a dig, im being honest!

... and what have you got? The West. Not havin a dig, just sayin.


Less mongers

Less overt prostitution

Less way-out-there weirdos (male and females)

Better roads

Better driving

Cheaper cheese and wine

Im not having a dig, im being honest!

Moving back home should achieve your happiness

ok you reminded me

less western women. that is a constant want and one of the major reasons for being here. if i never saw or heard from another western woman in my whole life i would be happy.

(edit:ignore list updated)

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I've got the lifestyle that I want right now. Have been in Thailand for 3 years and have had (and still have) some phenomenal times, some ups and downs, a relationship and a break up. I miss my buddies from home but when I went to visit last year I got to see that everyone has moved on with their lives and settled down so it's not like everyone is still going out all the time and I am missing out. I enjoy my job more than any job I have had and in my free time I can go where I want when I want and do what I want.

I really can't think of anything more I want right now.

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hi trans,

new it wouldnt be long till you was about,,,lol

this working magumba isnt to bad nowadays,i can speak to mac every morning on skype, and she has to say hi now and again in the day,,lol, the lads in the office dont mind now,, but at 53 it still makes me go red, daft old sod,,lol

i can remember waiting to use the phone offshore or on a barge, now its there all the time on your lap top, a doddle,

but i have got a lot of plans for our farm when i hang up the red wings,,lol,

mushrooms, frogs,,more pigs/ducks and chickens, not to mention veg,, bloody hell at the rate ill have to hire in help,,lol


Hire in help...that will at least double your workload.

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I wish my wifes grown up kids would bugger off and do something useful. Ooooooooop's one has, I bet not for long...........Apron strings.........coffee1.gif

Mate, they might check-out ... but they will never leave.

Yours to enjoy for life eternal ... facepalm.gif

Just be sure that when they find the love of the life month, they don't set up shop at your place.

Sometimes they will if you put a lock on the fridge.

One could look at this topic from a count your blessings sort of angle, instead of what you lust after in life.

I have good health, enough money, happily married for 15 years to a loving wife 20 years my junior, great house, no kids, great views, plenty of toys and hobbies. If you look at what you already have, it often makes one feel better than thinking about the things you don’t have.

edit: I forgot to mention Cookie! Thanks Harrry.

  • Like 2
One could look at this topic from a count your blessings sort of angle, instead of what you lust after in life.
I have good health, enough money, happily married for 15 years to a loving wife 20 years my junior, great house, no kids, great views, plenty of toys and hobbies. If you look at what you already have, it often makes one feel better than thinking about the things you don’t have.

You forgot to mention Cookie sad.png

  • Like 1
One could look at this topic from a count your blessings sort of angle, instead of what you lust after in life.
I have good health, enough money, happily married for 15 years to a loving wife 20 years my junior, great house, no kids, great views, plenty of toys and hobbies. If you look at what you already have, it often makes one feel better than thinking about the things you don’t have.

i agree totaly with this,

im more then happy with my life, ive got a great hard working wife shes brilliant, she works so hard on our farm its unbelievable, ive said to her get some one in to help, but she says im strong i can do myself,,(shes only 37 kilo,,lol)

we have a beautiful daughter thats growing and getting in to more trouble every day,,lol,i speak on skype at least once every day and the little one loves it,,lol

i dont need anything more to make me happy, ive got all i want,

im working now for the children, we have enough money, but i want to make double sure when im not here the people i leave behind will be ok and never have to worry, god im only 53,, but i like planing,,


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Going outside seeing the mohout cleaning the stairs his elephant just took a dump on.cheesy.gif See part 2 for flipside.cheesy.gif

You see, you do get out of life what you put in, people cleaning up their own shi*

( ok, enough already)


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Less mongers
Less overt prostitution
Less way-out-there weirdos (male and females)
Better roads
Better driving
Cheaper cheese and wine

Im not having a dig, im being honest!

Moving back home should achieve your happiness

....oh you are one of "those". Duly noted.

All you guys are so selfish , only self interest.

Only one thing would make me happy- world peace smile.png

And a hot 25 or so year old wife, along with any color Lamborghini

And to be able to speak fluent Thai , not Thai visa fluent but actually fluent , as I am sure if I did I would be able to achieve much more at 1/10th the costs

...at least mine were fairly realistic. Yours are way out there..except the fluent Thai part..which i am pretty much there already. Its known as effort...you'll get there if you try hard enough (i mean the Thai language part)


ok you reminded me

less western women. that is a constant want and one of the major reasons for being here. if i never saw or heard from another western woman in my whole life i would be happy.

Did Lara's post really deserve that vitriolic riposte?

Seems like any thread is an excuse to vent one's disdain for Western women.

Thank you :) ..but its water off a ducks back. Does not concern me because im all too aware of the "type" of men who judge entire nationalities on there own personal issues with women. Same as the flip side with some men who stereotype all Thai ladies as prostitutes. Sadly these mindsets exist.

Not quite sure what you mean by your 2nd sentence. I would have thought any man who had such issues with women was not intelligent enough to judge anybody. :) After all, it's mostly a question of being smart enough to understand negative attitudes and filtering them out. Up to you, mister.


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Less mongers

Less overt prostitution

Less way-out-there weirdos (male and females)

Better roads

Better driving

Cheaper cheese and wine

Im not having a dig, im being honest!

Moving back home should achieve your happiness

....oh you are one of "those". Duly noted.

All you guys are so selfish , only self interest.

Only one thing would make me happy- world peace smile.png

And a hot 25 or so year old wife, along with any color Lamborghini

And to be able to speak fluent Thai , not Thai visa fluent but actually fluent , as I am sure if I did I would be able to achieve much more at 1/10th the costs

...at least mine were fairly realistic. Yours are way out there..except the fluent Thai part..which i am pretty much there already. Its known as effort...you'll get there if you try hard enough (i mean the Thai language part)

Yes I am sure you are, very fluent.


Had the good luck to do the Thailand bit before concrete hit Pattaya and Phuket, sadly 1st marriage was not to be, but after 50years still great friends with the inlaws in deepest Isaan, even with English wife no3 we get back as often as we can,being 90% disabled doesn't help, but after 16 years in aus, we packed a bag, stuck the dog in a box and here we are in the wilds of Bavaria on our way to southern spain, I am thinking of applying for another 6 hours in a day, just don't seem to have enough time these days,My enhancement wishes for the inlaws village would be, a 160kph speed limit through my yard,an automatic refill and oilcheck on my 60,s SWB Landrover, every one drives it, but no one fills the fxxxer uptongue.png last of all when I fall off my perch please put an ample supply of Mekhong in the box with meclap2.gif

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If you're not already truly happy, then no change in your external environment will give you lasting happiness.

im happier when the pigs are 100kilo and the flowers are out in our garden,,lol

but i do understand what you meen,

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anytime anyone in thailand isnt happy,

they should do this:

go to plentyoffish.com

type in female, ages 35-45

then look in aghast at what they look like and weigh

then, they demand to be entertained, wined and dines, traveled about, and at 40 still undecided if they want kids

it makes me want to cry

I will never forget my Thai wifes first day in America. Just got off the plane and was walking down the concourse when

she said " Oh No,Oh No what happen to girl here, big body,big butt what happen here?

Later she said " Why everyone look at me, look,look. American girl give me bad look.

As I've have told her a few times since, look at them and then go look in a mirror.

You are a 100lb Stunner. To this day my wife ask's me " Why people stare at us " in America.

I have the most wonderful Thai wife in the world. : )

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