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NACC questions officials in Thai rice corruption case


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Anti-corruption commission questions officials in rice corruption case

BANGKOK, 3 June 2014 (NNT) - Director-General of the Internal Trade Department Somchart Soithong on Tuesday traveled to the office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to testify in the rice subsidy corruption case following the findings that rice worth many billions of baht has disappeared from the government’s warehouses.

The NACC is looking into irregularities in the ousted government’s rice subsidy scheme and will inspect assets and liabilities of the political-title holders involved in the program.

Mr Somchart is one of the four witnesses including Permanent Secretary for Justice Rangsan Sriworasart, Inspector of the Ministry of Finance Kulit Sombatsiri and the manager of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives. The NACC will question the four of them until 6 June.

Around 2.8 million tons of rice in the rice support program were found missing and a large quantity of rice was reportedly spoiled. Total damages were estimated at over 500 million baht.

-- NNT 2014-06-03 footer_n.gif

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A director of the Public Warehouse Office said it was incorrect that rice was missing, so the powers to be suspended him. Many others have been transferred in order to railroad the case through unopposed.

I think a big difference betwen railroading and finding out the truth.....in any case, a loss of over 500billion is worth investigating....without interference from possible involved people.

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So would I be right then is presuming that the NACC were able to complete an audit of all the warehouses, within the last 10 days, and have indeed found a discrepancy of close to 300 Million tonnes, but had been unable to do this over the past 2 years?

The reason I'm asking is did they not already state that they didn't have the resources or the finances to check over 2-300 warehouses, where the ice was alleged to have gone missing?

And yet, now that the Military are now in power, they were able to indeed are able to present a clear case of missing rice, in the quantities that was allegedly "missing" in the space of 10 days?

They're in the wrong line of work if that's the case, they should be coppers, if this is indeed the case and there's 300M Tonnes missing, then it's quite right that those responsible for it's theft, are punished accordingly.

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A director of the Public Warehouse Office said it was incorrect that rice was missing, so the powers to be suspended him. Many others have been transferred in order to railroad the case through unopposed.

I think a big difference betwen railroading and finding out the truth.....in any case, a loss of over 500billion is worth investigating....without interference from possible involved people.

A few extra zeros crept in there. "ONLY" 500 million was the OP. thats 1/2 a billion. Still more than my pension.and investments............. And more that a few rice-farmers worth of scamming.

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So would I be right then is presuming that the NACC were able to complete an audit of all the warehouses, within the last 10 days, and have indeed found a discrepancy of close to 300 Million tonnes, but had been unable to do this over the past 2 years?

The reason I'm asking is did they not already state that they didn't have the resources or the finances to check over 2-300 warehouses, where the ice was alleged to have gone missing?

And yet, now that the Military are now in power, they were able to indeed are able to present a clear case of missing rice, in the quantities that was allegedly "missing" in the space of 10 days?

They're in the wrong line of work if that's the case, they should be coppers, if this is indeed the case and there's 300M Tonnes missing, then it's quite right that those responsible for it's theft, are punished accordingly.

Extra zero everywhere. Surely the OP says 2.8 million tons?.

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Didnt the PTP government and YL make a statement about a week before they were ousted that they were not missing any rice and it was just a clerical error because the missing rice was in government stock. Now the NACC states that their really was 2.8 mill tons missing. Shouldnt the headlines be " another lie by YL and the PTP unfolded in the rice scheme" ?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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So would I be right then is presuming that the NACC were able to complete an audit of all the warehouses, within the last 10 days, and have indeed found a discrepancy of close to 300 Million tonnes, but had been unable to do this over the past 2 years?

The reason I'm asking is did they not already state that they didn't have the resources or the finances to check over 2-300 warehouses, where the ice was alleged to have gone missing?

And yet, now that the Military are now in power, they were able to indeed are able to present a clear case of missing rice, in the quantities that was allegedly "missing" in the space of 10 days?

They're in the wrong line of work if that's the case, they should be coppers, if this is indeed the case and there's 300M Tonnes missing, then it's quite right that those responsible for it's theft, are punished accordingly.

That the rice has been missing has been known for a long time. With the boss running things no one had the courage to stand up. Remember the last woman in the finance department who insisted that the program was generating a loss much larger than being publicly stated. Where did her career go. It went down a long and lonely road. That alone tells you all you need to know.

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So would I be right then is presuming that the NACC were able to complete an audit of all the warehouses, within the last 10 days, and have indeed found a discrepancy of close to 300 Million tonnes, but had been unable to do this over the past 2 years?

The reason I'm asking is did they not already state that they didn't have the resources or the finances to check over 2-300 warehouses, where the ice was alleged to have gone missing?

And yet, now that the Military are now in power, they were able to indeed are able to present a clear case of missing rice, in the quantities that was allegedly "missing" in the space of 10 days?

They're in the wrong line of work if that's the case, they should be coppers, if this is indeed the case and there's 300M Tonnes missing, then it's quite right that those responsible for it's theft, are punished accordingly.

Extra zero everywhere. Surely the OP says 2.8 million tons?.

Oops my bad!! :o sorry about that :D

I know this may sound very wrong, apart from the revenue lost/stolen it's 3 million tonnes less to have to try and shift onto the market, when the market is saturated and the price is very low, the supply is greater than the demand at the moment, and someone is going to have to make a brutal decision as to how they're going to get rid/sell the current stock pile, they're going to have to accept massive loses, and perhaps write off a portion of it.

Is the subsidy scheme now dead, or is there farmers still committed to selling their rice to the Junta? Isn't it madness to keep accepting stock, when they can't shift what they currently have? Would it not be a better idea to subsidise the farmers to STOP production for 12-18 months, to allow the Junta to sell off/destroy their current stock? The Millers are maybe now wringing their hands if the scheme is dead, as it means more business for them, for these guys, this is the silver lining in their cloud, and they know they can basically hold the farmers to ransom and pay them what they want, as in take it or leave it ?

I hope that those responsible for the thefts are rightly punished,

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So would I be right then is presuming that the NACC were able to complete an audit of all the warehouses, within the last 10 days, and have indeed found a discrepancy of close to 300 Million tonnes, but had been unable to do this over the past 2 years?

The reason I'm asking is did they not already state that they didn't have the resources or the finances to check over 2-300 warehouses, where the ice was alleged to have gone missing?

And yet, now that the Military are now in power, they were able to indeed are able to present a clear case of missing rice, in the quantities that was allegedly "missing" in the space of 10 days?

They're in the wrong line of work if that's the case, they should be coppers, if this is indeed the case and there's 300M Tonnes missing, then it's quite right that those responsible for it's theft, are punished accordingly.

300 million tonnes of ice?

Or 2.8 million tonnes of rice?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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..and who has oversight of the NACC?

They are basically independent which immediately placed them as another of Thaksin's enemies seeing he couldn't buy or threaten them. Checks and balances are such wonderful tools to keep criminals, sorry Thai politicians to points of law and order.

They report to the Senate, which currently does'nt matter diddly squat, as the other group they report to (which is the real karma bitch for Yingluck and her brothers lackeys) is the criminal court.

The NACC does not report to the Senate which no longer exists. It is an independent agency under the 2007 Constitution which no longer exists.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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A director of the Public Warehouse Office said it was incorrect that rice was missing, so the powers to be suspended him. Many others have been transferred in order to railroad the case through unopposed.

I think a big difference betwen railroading and finding out the truth.....in any case, a loss of over 500billion is worth investigating....without interference from possible involved people.

A few extra zeros crept in there. "ONLY" 500 million was the OP. thats 1/2 a billion. Still more than my pension.and investments............. And more that a few rice-farmers worth of scamming.

He's correct. 500 billion baht loss for the rice scheme

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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So would I be right then is presuming that the NACC were able to complete an audit of all the warehouses, within the last 10 days, and have indeed found a discrepancy of close to 300 Million tonnes, but had been unable to do this over the past 2 years?

The reason I'm asking is did they not already state that they didn't have the resources or the finances to check over 2-300 warehouses, where the ice was alleged to have gone missing?

And yet, now that the Military are now in power, they were able to indeed are able to present a clear case of missing rice, in the quantities that was allegedly "missing" in the space of 10 days?

They're in the wrong line of work if that's the case, they should be coppers, if this is indeed the case and there's 300M Tonnes missing, then it's quite right that those responsible for it's theft, are punished accordingly.

300 million tonnes of ice?

Or 2.8 million tonnes of rice?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

LOL yeah a typo on my part, the ice must've melted!! :D

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