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Academic Writing Class in CM for Ph.D level -- Any recommendation?


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Hello there,

I need to brush up my English for academic purpose for my Ph.D research.

There are plenty of Language school in CM, but I wonder if there any good one?!!

It will be a writing class that I need. Any name of teacher/ school would be really appreciated !!

Thank you.

P.S. I looked around at Language forum but it seem no one really answer anything there, so I m trying here.

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This could be a real challenge in Chiang Mai. I can not imagine a language school in Chiang Mai that would do at all. They are basically at best for preparing students for English language qualification tests for entering colleges and universities abroad. You might inquire at the British Council or AUA. As well, others will have gone before in your department, no doubt. Why don't you seek them out?

Are you talking about research or authorship? It isn't just "brushing up" that is important.

Your first task is to check with the institution for which you are preparing your dissertation and the department. Have you spoken with your dissertation advisor? There should be written guidelines. Any good tutor-editor will be familiar with various styles, such as the Chicago Manual of Style, perhaps the mother of all dissertation style bibles. You need to know which style is acceptable. And so on...

Good luck!

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Thank you very much for your input Mapguy!

Yeah. I know it might be a real challenge to find one but I will check with British Council or AUA as you suggest when I am in town again next time.

Perhaps they could recommend some name for private tutor.

I got all the guidelines, MLA and also Chicago Manual of Style. I just lack of practice writing it!

I thought having a class would help keeping me in line.

My writing at school in USA was pretty ok but somehow as I dont use it as often anymore, the good skill seem to be vanished.

That how I meant by brush up. Sorry i wasnt clear.

Thanks again :)

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This course is one of the best things I've ever seen come out of Canada. It's called "Hyper-grammar," and it is challenging to most native speakers. Thanks to The University of Ottawa's Writing Centre. It's 100% free.....http://arts.uottawa.ca/writingcentre/en/hypergrammar. It's so good the Teacher's Unions hate it. They do use The Oxford Dictionary. but they use US syntax standards.

We used MLA Handbook in Uni; a very authoritative reference book.

Edited by Thighlander
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What is your field? If you are in the sciences or education your dissertation will have to be written according to APA format. Since your basic writing skills are OK, your challenge will be learning the academic form of writing (no first person and no first person point of view, etc.) Although I haven't looked, I feel sure that the kind of instruction that you need is available through some agency or school on the internet. It's a matter of learning basic thesis or dissertation composition, then having an instructor correct and critique your compositions and that can be done from a distant location. Good luck!

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My field is about cultural heritage.

Thank you very much everyone above for suggestion.

Yes I need to read more publication. That part of the reason I move to Chiangmai for I think.

Its more quiet and have more time to study.

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Are you looking for free instruction through a uni or on-line reading only or rather are you willing to pay some money for a personal tutor in CM? From what univ are you seeking your degree? How old are you? Thanks, maybe i can help.

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I teach this course at the Ph.D level to a class of about 20 Ph.D. candidates in business. Maybe we could do something online as I am not in the area. PM me if you're interested.

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Thank you very much for your input Mapguy!

Yeah. I know it might be a real challenge to find one but I will check with British Council or AUA as you suggest when I am in town again next time.

Perhaps they could recommend some name for private tutor.

I got all the guidelines, MLA and also Chicago Manual of Style. I just lack of practice writing it!

I thought having a class would help keeping me in line.

My writing at school in USA was pretty ok but somehow as I dont use it as often anymore, the good skill seem to be vanished.

That how I meant by brush up. Sorry i wasnt clear.

Thanks again smile.png

You are welcome!

Another suggestion. Check out Endnote, if you are unaware of it. It is the granddaddy of all aids. VERY good.


Also, as a superb general source of general assistance, Purdue University's OWL has been in business for donkey's years and is very accessible.


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Thanks everyone for your input.

Its surely a paid lesson I am looking for.

I study Architecture and Cultural Heritage. The program is a jointed program with University of Hawaii.

I need to booth up my skill for research writing and so on.

Someone just PM me that he has Ph.D in English and his school is near wat among.

Perhaps I will go to talk to him next trip I am in CM. smile.pngsmile.png

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Thanks everyone for your input.

Its surely a paid lesson I am looking for.

I study Architecture and Cultural Heritage. The program is a jointed program with University of Hawaii.

I need to booth up my skill for research writing and so on.

Someone just PM me that he has Ph.D in English and his school is near wat among.

Perhaps I will go to talk to him next trip I am in CM. smile.pngsmile.png

(...A 'jointed' program with University of Hawai) and what other university?

By what you have written, you need to sit down wherever you are, concentrate, and start writing on your own using the excellent resources on the internet as noted. There's no need to come to Chiangmai or wherever to attain peace and quiet.

Given what you have composed here, your written English is not yet anywhere near PhD standards.

Do a language audit at AUA or wherever to confirm your level, and then brush up at whatever levels you require. Style formats are simply 'well-written' English using the required format. Suggest you first attempt several sample theses and then bring these with you to whomever you choose to study. Again no need to travel initially as the internet can be your friend.

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