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Gunman kills one, wounds 3 on US campus

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Gunman kills one, wounds 3 on US campus

SEATTLE: -- A lone gunman killed one person and injured three others on a Seattle college campus before he was subdued by a student as he tried to reload.

Those wounded, including at least one who was critically hurt, were being treated in hospital after the shooting on Thursday at Seattle Pacific University.

A man in his 20s died and a critically injured 20-year-old woman was taken to surgery, Harborview Medical Center spokeswoman Susan Gregg said.

A 24-year-old man and a 22-year-old man were in satisfactory condition. None of the victims was immediately identified.

Seattle Police Department described how the gunman opened fire in a lobby of a science building on the campus.

Full story: http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-world/gunman-kills-one-wounds-3-on-us-campus-20140606-39mpt.html

-- The Age 2014-06-06

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So sad to hear of yet another round of destruction and avoidable murder and attempted murder. How much longer, and how many more lives must be lost?

Heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of those involved.

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Of all the rights I cherish, the right to bear arms is the least important to me.

There, that should get the discussion moving.

  • Like 2

Of all the rights I cherish, the right to bear arms is the least important to me.

There, that should get the discussion moving.

Mental illness is the problem a hand gun is just the weapon of choice. Remove the gun and substitute some other form of weapon and you will find mental illness is at the root of the problem. I'm not a gun lover, but simply removing guns does not solve the problem. Some one needs to invent a nutter detector, then there will be the argument over who and what degree of nuts. I do not see mankind evolving out of this any time soon. I cede you guns what next?


Of all the rights I cherish, the right to bear arms is the least important to me.

There, that should get the discussion moving.

Mental illness is the problem a hand gun is just the weapon of choice. Remove the gun and substitute some other form of weapon and you will find mental illness is at the root of the problem. I'm not a gun lover, but simply removing guns does not solve the problem. Some one needs to invent a nutter detector, then there will be the argument over who and what degree of nuts. I do not see mankind evolving out of this any time soon. I cede you guns what next?

Accession to the league of rich democracies who don't need guns? We do pretty well without having to worry about being shot.

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Of all the rights I cherish, the right to bear arms is the least important to me.

There, that should get the discussion moving.

Mental illness is the problem a hand gun is just the weapon of choice. Remove the gun and substitute some other form of weapon and you will find mental illness is at the root of the problem. I'm not a gun lover, but simply removing guns does not solve the problem. Some one needs to invent a nutter detector, then there will be the argument over who and what degree of nuts. I do not see mankind evolving out of this any time soon. I cede you guns what next?

In other countries, the mentally mostly shout at people the don't like.

OK, occasionally they'll stab someone or push them under a train, but shooting rampages are rare.


I'm sure those who claim this is all necessary to protect them from over reaching government will be along shortly. As if regular elections, independent courts, term limits and miserable pay weren't enough.

Death of five people including two police officers. One of the suspects yelled, "This is a revolution,"



Of all the rights I cherish, the right to bear arms is the least important to me.

There, that should get the discussion moving.

Mental illness is the problem a hand gun is just the weapon of choice. Remove the gun and substitute some other form of weapon and you will find mental illness is at the root of the problem. I'm not a gun lover, but simply removing guns does not solve the problem. Some one needs to invent a nutter detector, then there will be the argument over who and what degree of nuts. I do not see mankind evolving out of this any time soon. I cede you guns what next?

Accession to the league of rich democracies who don't need guns? We do pretty well without having to worry about being shot.

We've established in another thread that the US is a more violent nation than most Western countries, and that one demographic that makes up only 12% of the population commits about 50% of the crimes. We've also established that in the US guns are 3rd on the list of methods to commit murder. Knives first, then beatings and strangulation. Then guns.

Since I don't plan to bring a knife to a knife fight, or even a lethal beating or strangulation, I'll keep my gun, thank you.

Edit. Again the US isn't a democracy for which I am most thankful.

Guns are the low hanging fruit out of the three causes you mention. Just because it is number three doesn't mean you should do anything about it. Easy to do restrict access to some 22 year old in the suburbs who has no use for it without restricting access to farmers, hunters and protective services personel ie people who have some sort of vague need to own one, and which for the most part I have no issue with having access to guns.

The alleged shooter, who was not a student at the Christian college, had been twice hospitalized for mental health issues, police said. He said he had a "rage" inside him, according to officers.
In 2010 and 2012, police picked up a severely drunk Ybarra and took him for mental evaluations. He was hospitalized following both encounters. In the first episode, he called 911 to report "a rage" inside him.

In the second encounter, Ybarra was suicidal and lying in the middle of a road, police said, according to CBS. He asked cops to shoot him so he could become "famous."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/seattle-pacific-university-shooter-wanted-kill-cops-article-1.1820756#ixzz347WJ8UGU

Twice hospitalized with mental health issues and he could still get his hands on fire arms... crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif


There is NO statement in the US Constitution that guarantees citizens the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Anybody that is remotely familiar with US history knows that statement is from the Declaration of Independence.

It is NOT a part of the Constitution.

From the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness


Rather convienient that isn't it? Certainly dodged a bullet there (excuse the pun).

What would the NRA and the Death Penalty boys do with those clauses put into law? I bet they'd be calling for a revision of the consitution....hahaha

As an aside, if the Declarationof Independence means nothing, or at least the words in it are worthless.....then, when shall power be reverted to no. 10 Downing Street?


There is NO statement in the US Constitution that guarantees citizens the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Anybody that is remotely familiar with US history knows that statement is from the Declaration of Independence.

It is NOT a part of the Constitution.

From the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness


Rather convienient that isn't it? Certainly dodged a bullet there (excuse the pun).

What would the NRA and the Death Penalty boys do with those clauses put into law? I bet they'd be calling for a revision of the consitution....hahaha

As an aside, if the Declarationof Independence means nothing, or at least the words in it are worthless.....then, when shall power be reverted to no. 10 Downing Street?

What bullet did I dodge and where did I say the Declaration of Independence means "nothing" or the words in it are "worthless"?

The rest of your post is simply more of your empty rhetoric.

  • Like 2
There is NO statement in the US Constitution that guarantees citizens the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

So that makes it ok?

I wonder how many gun people, "ammosexuals" I have seen them referred to as, agree with this but are also pro life anti abortionists?


Off-topic post deleted. Continued off-topic and inflammatory posts will earn warnings.


There is NO statement in the US Constitution that guarantees citizens the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Anybody that is remotely familiar with US history knows that statement is from the Declaration of Independence.

It is NOT a part of the Constitution.

From the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness


Rather convienient that isn't it? Certainly dodged a bullet there (excuse the pun).

What would the NRA and the Death Penalty boys do with those clauses put into law? I bet they'd be calling for a revision of the consitution....hahaha

As an aside, if the Declarationof Independence means nothing, or at least the words in it are worthless.....then, when shall power be reverted to no. 10 Downing Street?

What bullet did I dodge and where did I say the Declaration of Independence means "nothing" or the words in it are "worthless"?

The rest of your post is simply more of your empty rhetoric.

So it is an important document - just not the bits you don't like??


There is NO statement in the US Constitution that guarantees citizens the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Anybody that is remotely familiar with US history knows that statement is from the Declaration of Independence.

It is NOT a part of the Constitution.

From the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness


Rather convienient that isn't it? Certainly dodged a bullet there (excuse the pun).

What would the NRA and the Death Penalty boys do with those clauses put into law? I bet they'd be calling for a revision of the consitution....hahaha

As an aside, if the Declarationof Independence means nothing, or at least the words in it are worthless.....then, when shall power be reverted to no. 10 Downing Street?

What bullet did I dodge and where did I say the Declaration of Independence means "nothing" or the words in it are "worthless"?

The rest of your post is simply more of your empty rhetoric.

So it is an important document - just not the bits you don't like??

What ARE you talking about? Which document are you implying there are parts of I don't like?

Both documents are extremely important to the US and both documents I agree with.

This all started as a result of ClutchClark stating erroneously the "rights to life, liberty and happiness" are stated in the Constitution.

He was totally incorrect, as are you.

Those rights are denoted in the Declaration of Independence and are nowhere written into the Constitution. Nowhere have I said I disagreed with those words nor the thought that goes along with them.

Period, end of story.

He was wrong and you are beatdeadhorse.gif

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It's a good job the killer didn't use a knife or he wouldn't have needed to reload and thus be disarmed.

By sheer coincidence on the very same day that 20 children were murdered by a deranged gunman in Sandy Hook in Dec 2012, another excuse for a human being had a rampage in a school in China.

Mercifully "only" 22 children and an adult were injured in the Chinese school.

China has seen many examples of such rampages by assailants equipped with knives, cleavers or machetes. Even Uighur insurgents have used cleavers in their attacks, most recently at Kunming train station in March this year. The reason they go so equipped for mayhem? The tight restrictions on gun ownership in China and thus the limited availability of such devices that are solely designed to kill, and to kill efficiently and with minimal effort. You don't see too many insurgents running around with blades, unless they have no choice, as the gun has largely replaced them as the preferred killing device and as the clip below highlights blades can be pretty useless in close quarter engagements...

Try googling "Barrett 50" and you can pick up one of these beauties in the US for about $9-10 grand....What function is served by allowing civilians access to such hardware in the US? Particularly military grade hardware designed purely to kill humans out to a range of 2300 metres as achieved by a PPCLI corporal in Afghan. Now remind me, where did PIRA get their Barrett 50s from that they used to kill 7 soldiers and police officers in Co. Armagh in 1992-97? Thank you 2nd Amendment....


It's a good job the killer didn't use a knife or he wouldn't have needed to reload and thus be disarmed.

Not sure your point but if its that age old pro-gun argument that knives are as deadly as guns then I simply ask you why all the gun nuts are so obsessed with owning guns for personal defense instead of knives?



The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the right to bear arms vests in individuals and they are the law of the land.

Is that the second amendment of 1791 that i just googled? Seems crazy that a >200 y/o document is allowed to do so much damage to modern society when it is clearly an out of date and destructive law.

You might want to contact your Congressional delegation and voice your complaint to them.

The people you are reaching on this forum do not have the power to amend the Constitution.

I don't have a Congressional delegation. I'm from a much saner place, despite our deranged current leader.


The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the right to bear arms vests in individuals and they are the law of the land.

Is that the second amendment of 1791 that i just googled? Seems crazy that a >200 y/o document is allowed to do so much damage to modern society when it is clearly an out of date and destructive law.

You might want to contact your Congressional delegation and voice your complaint to them.

The people you are reaching on this forum do not have the power to amend the Constitution.

I don't have a Congressional delegation. I'm from a much saner place, despite our deranged current leader.

Well that narrows the field down to N. Korea, Scotland or Venezuela....


When i watch documentaries of anything USA, sorry but many come across like they want the wild west days back.

However i agree that a mad man can mass murder in a campus with a knife but common sense says that a semi or automatic weapon can kill more, quicker.How the hell can a young lad get an automatic weapon so easy, is beyond me.No excuses by the yanks of their right to protect themselves, its a mad world out there and USA seem madder than most.

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