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Former pop star Gary Glitter faces 8 sex charges

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Gary sure does have a difficult time controlling his libido. w00t.gif

Well he and Rolf Harris can entertain the rock spiders in the clink, he has been convicted for the same offence a few times and has not learned a thing, lock him up for the rest of his life.mad.gif.pagespeed.ce.z6RtN005qs.gif

Not the same offence - a similar offence, and don't forget that these offences happened more than 3 decades ago - not defending his actions, but that's an awful long time ago, and a lot of people seem to be jumping on this "nail a celebrity for sex charges" bandwagon!

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You may find this hard to believe, but my ex back in the UK grew up next door to his mother who the beast used to go and stay with regularly. I was living with her before the sex abuse was uncovered back in the early to mid nineties.

At the time of those offenses, my ex would have been around 12 and she did tell me that he was always asking her to kiss him on the cheek.

Now we know he wasn't only being 'a friendly neighbour'.

Makes my skin crawl to think my ex may have actually been one of his victims.

I support mandatory castration for paedos.

You are correct, I don't believe it. It's not "hard" to believe I just DON'T believe it

To be quite honest... I couldn't give a flying fart if you believe it or not.

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I'm not familiar with GG's songs, but it's a bit unfair that, because of his fame, there's so much focus on his private dallyings. I'd bet a lot of T.Visa posters wouldn't want their dirty laundry looked at with a fine tooth comb and magnifying glass.

It is unfair that these children have been molested.

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An inflammatory post and reply have been deleted. Suggesting that posters who disagree with you are pedophiles will get you suspended.

Stay on topic and feel free to express your opinion about the OP. Your opinion about other poster's opinion is off-topic.

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Gary Glitter is getting what coming to him but what gets me is the establishment is riddled with pedophiles that have gotten away with it for years as they are protected by others in public life and friends in high places, Jimmy Saville to name one

liberal MP Cyril Smith was at it for years but it never became public until after his death also ex prime minister Edward Heath has stories connected to him and his boat Morning Cloud all over the internet.... others are still alive and continue to be protected from prosecution

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If they are "dallying" with 13 year old girls, perhaps they have earned a look at their "dirty laundry".--chuckd


Isn't that the age you take a wife--in what is considered one of the most industrialized , & advanced countries in the world---Japan...... or even South Korea

I am not writing in defense of GG--but I expect to get all the knee jerk reactions anyway. The only thing that amazes me about people like him (who have a lot of money & seem to be partial to younger girls) is that they don't go to country's where its not looked at as illegal. Austria, Germany, Portugal, Italy & Canada its 14---& Spain was 13 until quite recently. Argentina, Mexico & Chile its 12--Most of the world (Population wise) its 14 --China & south America.

Why go & be put in Jail somewhere its not. http://www.ageofconsent.com/ageofconsent.htm

The other point, (which I am sure will make me even more popular) is the misuse of the word Pedophile- A person who is attracted to pre-pubescent children, I don't think that covers Glitter & because the tabloids use it, doesn't make it so. A few years ago a British Tabloid was sued--Successfully -- by an English Teacher who had been Jailed for having sex with one of his students (15) efebafile is the word for a person attracted to Pubescent young girls, 14-15-16. But its much more sensational for the Tabloids to class them all the same, the fact that in the majority of the world--those girls are deem to be ready for marriage, seems to escape them.


I think the concern or issue is old men sexually abusing young girls. Girls 13 to 15 are young girls and it is illegal for disgusting old creeps to engage in sexual relations with females this young.

You seem to confusing or mixing concepts. You cite age of consent to have sexual relations data, but imply that this is the age one can legally marry.

You state one can legally take a wife of 13 in Japan, but I believe a female can only marry in Japan at 16 with legal consent of her parents and at 20 without legal consent of her parents.

In Germany, a 16 year old female needs both court permission and parental consent to get married.

The disturbing suggestion you make is that is somehow legal or morally okay for disgusting geriatric creeps to travel to other countries if they want to have sex with a young girl. Just because a female can legally have sex at the age of 14 or 16 does not make it legal or morally acceptable for old men to try and have sex with them at that age.

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Jim will fix it for u, Rolf let's em play with his dijjerydoo......and Gary wants all the kids to be in his gang. Added to these few, we then have the Pedo Priests and the caring Mother Mary the virgin Nun all........ of the Catholic Church ! A good bonfire would save the world a lot of costs and grief with these fokkers.

I read an article recently that said they had to delay Jimmy Savilles burial cos apparently the bin men were on strike at the time !

Rolf Harris hasn't been accused of having sex with under age girls, as far as I can see. The accusation seems to be that he was a bottom pincher. "One alleged victim claimed that the entertainer had grabbed her bottom when she was waitressing at an event there in 1975, although prosecutors say she may have got the date wrong."

Gary Glitter seems to be a creep of the highest order, but still 30 years ago, how can you gather evidence?

Jimmy Saville is dead, wouldn't the correct time to accuse him be when he was alive?

Rolf Harris is currently facing twelve charges, including a sexual assault on a 7 year old girl looking for an autograph. Another of the charges is that he sexually assaulted the 13 year old best friend of his daughter in her bed. He later wrote to the girl's father apologizing and begging forgiveness. Hardly a "bottom pincher"!

Regarding Savile, he was reported many many times over the years, some officers investigating him had dossiers inches thick, but when they were ready to pull him in orders came from on high to drop it. He was untouchable, Some young victims from 'naughty girls' residential homes who reported assaults, (up to and including rape), were actually punished for doing so. "How dare you say such wicked things about Uncle Jimmy" etc etc. Savile received protection from right to the top of the British establishment. He could pretty much come and go as he pleased at Buckingham and Kensington Palaces. It is a fact that he celebrated New Year eleven times at Chequers with the Thatchers. Yet it now emerges that it was common knowledge in the Yorkshire police force for decades that Savile was a sexual abuser of under age kids. It beggars belief that the security services were unaware of this. If myself or indeed any member of the public were invited to dinner with the Royal Family or Prime Minister of the day, we would certainly be vetted before being allowed to pass through the doors. The idea that senior police officers who ordered the dropping of cases against Savile were acting on their own initiative is also laughable. They were clearly instructed from on high to do so. It doesn't take a genius to work out why Savile was untouchable, he openly boasted about his activities in his autobiography, and stated that if he was pulled he would take half the establishment down with him. Hence the official reason given as to why he was never prosecuted. 'Not in the public interest'.

Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris, DLT and all the other celebrities, who should certainly be prosecuted if there is evidence, are nevertheless fodder for the Sun and Mail readers, an attempt to show that 'something is being done', whilst a lid is desperately being kept on the real scandal of organized paedophile rings involving some very high profile establishment figures indeed. Anyone who doubts this should check out, 'Elm Guest House', and 'Haute de la Garenne' childrens home Jersey. Google is your friend.

Another poster mentioned Sir Cyril Smith. Sir Cyril Smith was a 28 stone, 'larger than life', Liberal member of parliament in the 1970s and 80s, a household name, very high profile. During this time he was also a serial abuser of boys as young as eight in schools and childrens homes in the North of England. In 2012 the Crown Prosecution Service formally admitted that Smith should have been charged with the sexual abuse of boys during his lifetime. There was "overwhelming evidence" that young boys were physically and sexually abused by Smith. In April 2014 it was reported that there had been 144 complaints against Smith from boys as young as eight, but attempts to prosecute him had always been blocked. In 2012 a former special branch officer stated that a dossier of abuse allegations against Smith which the police claimed was "lost", was actually seized by MI5. At the time of these allegations the Liberal Party were in a pact with the minority Labour government, effectively keeping them in power. Sources from the security services have subsequently admitted that if a prosecution went ahead it would have opened a can of worms, probably brought down the government and created a political crisis. So the decision was made not to go ahead,"in the public interest" Big Cyril was subsequently awarded a Knighthood!




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I'm not familiar with GG's songs, but it's a bit unfair that, because of his fame, there's so much focus on his private dallyings. I'd bet a lot of T.Visa posters wouldn't want their dirty laundry looked at with a fine tooth comb and magnifying glass.

You need to bone up on the history of something like this before you go comparing TV posters to Gary Glitter. Apart from the fact you seem to think everybody should go easy with him for raping kids because of his fame - this is not a new thing with Glitter - he was expelled from Vietnam in 2008 after serving 3 years for molesting an 11 year and a 12 year old girl. He was also expelled from Cambodia in 2003 after a bit of jail. He'd all ready served time in the Uk for child pornography.. and you're defending this slag?

While I agree with everything you said, you seem to have missed that these are new charges on 30-40 year old crimes - all you state actually came after these crimes. Personally I don't think sex offenders should be allowed passports - or at least passports should carry a warning (which would have the same effect - i.e. no airline would carry them as they would likely be turned around at immigration). It just allows them to visit countries where they can get away with donking some poor kiddie.

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There can be fewer more abhorrent crimes than robbing a child of it's innocence and scarring them for life.

There cannot be any time limit on pursuing such vile people and bring the full weight of justice down on them.

I might also add that some parents are totally irresponsible in trying to dress and make up their kids as though they were adults.

Every child has a basic human right to have a childhood - the world over.

Agree - but one should be careful to blame attire on other's inability to control their base desires. This is still used in places like this one, Thailand, when women are raped (by their taxi drivers etc). One might fancy their mates wife, but holds back due to propriety - one might be attracted to a 15 year old girl that looks much older and dresses provocatively, but holds back for reasons of morality (or at least fear of the law). People that cannot control that urge are dangerous and there simply are no adequate excuses for allowing them to roam the streets.

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Gary sure does have a difficult time controlling his libido. w00t.gif

Well he and Rolf Harris can entertain the rock spiders in the clink, he has been convicted for the same offence a few times and has not learned a thing, lock him up for the rest of his life.mad.gif.pagespeed.ce.z6RtN005qs.gif

Yes, the "Glitter has gone out of Gary." I think he was "done" for something similar here in S.E. Asia some time ago. Has Rolf Harris been convicted yet? seem to have lost track of those proceedings. Understand he tried to be "entertaining" in Court a week or two ago but was quickly told to be quiet.

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If they are "dallying" with 13 year old girls, perhaps they have earned a look at their "dirty laundry".--chuckd


Isn't that the age you take a wife--in what is considered one of the most industrialized , & advanced countries in the world---Japan...... or even South Korea

I am not writing in defense of GG--but I expect to get all the knee jerk reactions anyway. The only thing that amazes me about people like him (who have a lot of money & seem to be partial to younger girls) is that they don't go to country's where its not looked at as illegal. Austria, Germany, Portugal, Italy & Canada its 14---& Spain was 13 until quite recently. Argentina, Mexico & Chile its 12--Most of the world (Population wise) its 14 --China & south America.

Why go & be put in Jail somewhere its not. http://www.ageofconsent.com/ageofconsent.htm

The other point, (which I am sure will make me even more popular) is the misuse of the word Pedophile- A person who is attracted to pre-pubescent children, I don't think that covers Glitter & because the tabloids use it, doesn't make it so. A few years ago a British Tabloid was sued--Successfully -- by an English Teacher who had been Jailed for having sex with one of his students (15) efebafile is the word for a person attracted to Pubescent young girls, 14-15-16. But its much more sensational for the Tabloids to class them all the same, the fact that in the majority of the world--those girls are deem to be ready for marriage, seems to escape them.


Some countries, like the UK, can prosecute at home in the UK for citizens that have sex abroad with underage girls based on UK age limits - so going to countries (I believe the youngest age of consent is 12 (Angola) - although it used to be 9 in one of the African countries (can't remember which) - some countries do not have an age, but set it at "puberty". Bahrain is 21 if unmarried!) would not help if they were caught - of course it would be harder to be discovered though (boasting and social media give-aways aside).

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If they are "dallying" with 13 year old girls, perhaps they have earned a look at their "dirty laundry".--chuckd


Isn't that the age you take a wife--in what is considered one of the most industrialized , & advanced countries in the world---Japan...... or even South Korea

I am not writing in defense of GG--but I expect to get all the knee jerk reactions anyway. The only thing that amazes me about people like him (who have a lot of money & seem to be partial to younger girls) is that they don't go to country's where its not looked at as illegal. Austria, Germany, Portugal, Italy & Canada its 14---& Spain was 13 until quite recently. Argentina, Mexico & Chile its 12--Most of the world (Population wise) its 14 --China & south America.

Why go & be put in Jail somewhere its not. http://www.ageofconsent.com/ageofconsent.htm

The other point, (which I am sure will make me even more popular) is the misuse of the word Pedophile- A person who is attracted to pre-pubescent children, I don't think that covers Glitter & because the tabloids use it, doesn't make it so. A few years ago a British Tabloid was sued--Successfully -- by an English Teacher who had been Jailed for having sex with one of his students (15) efebafile is the word for a person attracted to Pubescent young girls, 14-15-16. But its much more sensational for the Tabloids to class them all the same, the fact that in the majority of the world--those girls are deem to be ready for marriage, seems to escape them.


Some countries, like the UK, can prosecute at home in the UK for citizens that have sex abroad with underage girls based on UK age limits - so going to countries (I believe the youngest age of consent is 12 (Angola) - although it used to be 9 in one of the African countries (can't remember which) - some countries do not have an age, but set it at "puberty". Bahrain is 21 if unmarried!) would not help if they were caught - of course it would be harder to be discovered though (boasting and social media give-aways aside).

Don't some of these countries have the equivalent to statutory rape laws? US states typically have sexual consent age of 16, but a 16 urar old cannot consent to sex with someone over 18. It's a strict liability crime as neither consent nor mistaken belief as to age is a defense.

You are correct that some countries, including US can prosecute you if commit statutory rape or rape of child in another country even if permissibly in the other country.

Edited by capcc76
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I'm not playing devils advocate & I don't agree with kiddie fiddlers but those generally in a position to protect the young usually appear to be the worst & the very worst are sometimes those in high standing in a community.

In Ireland the big scandal a few years ago was the priests with scores being outed - The age of consent varies between countries but the Vatican City is still the lowest at 12 years young, what does this portray to the weak minded who relish in this disgusting practice.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand.

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Gary Glitter is getting what coming to him but what gets me is the establishment is riddled with pedophiles that have gotten away with it for years as they are protected by others in public life and friends in high places, Jimmy Saville to name one

liberal MP Cyril Smith was at it for years but it never became public until after his death also ex prime minister Edward Heath has stories connected to him and his boat Morning Cloud all over the internet.... others are still alive and continue to be protected from prosecution

Ted Heath was my local MP (Old Bexley) - and met him a few times. He gave my wife her level 4 (highest) EFL certificate and signed the back. He wasn't much of a PM though, and had a short run at the job too.

There have also been several false accusations and miscarriages of justice with celebrity sexual assault charges - Mathew Kelly was demonised in the media after being accused of molesting a young boy, but later cleared (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1423028/Matthew-Kelly-in-the-clear-over-child-sex.html) - it ruined his career, Michael La Vell was another, and Nigel Evans MP, and so on....GG is not a nice person (I used to be a fan as a little boy, I have an old reel-to-reel of my singing "My Gang" aged 3!) but how safe are accusations after 3 or 4 decades???

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I'm not playing devils advocate & I don't agree with kiddie fiddlers but those generally in a position to protect the young usually appear to be the worst & the very worst are sometimes those in high standing in a community.

In Ireland the big scandal a few years ago was the priests with scores being outed - The age of consent varies between countries but the Vatican City is still the lowest at 12 years young, what does this portray to the weak minded who relish in this disgusting practice.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand.

I was looking for information on statutory rape laws and ran across this article which notes the need for increased protection and labels creeps seeking out sex with 13, 14 or 15 year old children as "incurable" and need to be dealt with for life. This seems applicable to GG and British authorities should be ashamed for not dealing with him more harshly.

Around the world the age of consent is moving slowly upwards to sixteen, but not fast enough. For billions of people the age of consent is 13, 14 or lower. This contributes to an enormous sex-slavery industry that seems immune to prosecution. A low or non-existent age of consent also creates a foggy area of opportunity for paedophiles and countless numbers of men flock to Southeast Asia and India.

Global society needs to deal with pedophillia differently because the offenders are incurable and will re-offend whereas statutory sex crimes are most often not repeated (a statutory sex offence is consenting sex with a fully-developed person who is under the age of consent and is a crime in most countries).


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If they are "dallying" with 13 year old girls, perhaps they have earned a look at their "dirty laundry".--chuckd


Isn't that the age you take a wife--in what is considered one of the most industrialized , & advanced countries in the world---Japan...... or even South Korea

I am not writing in defense of GG--but I expect to get all the knee jerk reactions anyway. The only thing that amazes me about people like him (who have a lot of money & seem to be partial to younger girls) is that they don't go to country's where its not looked at as illegal. Austria, Germany, Portugal, Italy & Canada its 14---& Spain was 13 until quite recently. Argentina, Mexico & Chile its 12--Most of the world (Population wise) its 14 --China & south America.

Why go & be put in Jail somewhere its not. http://www.ageofconsent.com/ageofconsent.htm

The other point, (which I am sure will make me even more popular) is the misuse of the word Pedophile- A person who is attracted to pre-pubescent children, I don't think that covers Glitter & because the tabloids use it, doesn't make it so. A few years ago a British Tabloid was sued--Successfully -- by an English Teacher who had been Jailed for having sex with one of his students (15) efebafile is the word for a person attracted to Pubescent young girls, 14-15-16. But its much more sensational for the Tabloids to class them all the same, the fact that in the majority of the world--those girls are deem to be ready for marriage, seems to escape them.


Some countries, like the UK, can prosecute at home in the UK for citizens that have sex abroad with underage girls based on UK age limits - so going to countries (I believe the youngest age of consent is 12 (Angola) - although it used to be 9 in one of the African countries (can't remember which) - some countries do not have an age, but set it at "puberty". Bahrain is 21 if unmarried!) would not help if they were caught - of course it would be harder to be discovered though (boasting and social media give-aways aside).

Don't some of these countries have the equivalent to statutory rape laws? US states typically have sexual consent age of 16, but a 16 urar old cannot consent to sex with someone over 18. It's a strict liability crime as neither consent nor mistaken belief as to age is a defense.

You are correct that some countries, including US can prosecute you if commit statutory rape or rape of child in another country even if permissibly in the other country.

I like the USA law with respect to age difference - that makes perfect sense. A 16 year old boy having sex with his long term 15 year old girlfriend (assuming 16 years age of consent) is a lot different from a 40/50/60+ year old having sex with a 15 year old - age gap makes a difference with minors due to grooming and power difference (authority). The UK does it slightly different by using the same laws, but having a sliding scale on sentencing - and pre 13 extra protection

The Sexual Offences Act 2003 introduced a new series of laws to protect children under 16 from sexual abuse. However, the law is not intended to prosecute mutually agreed teenage sexual activity between two young people of a similar age, unless it involves abuse or exploitation.

Specific laws protect children under 13, who cannot legally give their consent to any form of sexual activity. There is a maximum sentence of life imprisonment for rape, assault by penetration, and causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. There is no defence of mistaken belief about the age of the child, as there is in cases involving 13–15 year olds.

In each UK country, a man would commit rape if he intentionally penetrates with his penis the vagina, mouth or anus of another person, male or female, without that person’s consent or if they are under 13. This is the only sexual offence which can only be committed by a man.


GG would be subject to this - even when abroad. However, this came in in 2003, cases dating back 30-40 years would not.

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I'm not playing devils advocate & I don't agree with kiddie fiddlers but those generally in a position to protect the young usually appear to be the worst & the very worst are sometimes those in high standing in a community.

In Ireland the big scandal a few years ago was the priests with scores being outed - The age of consent varies between countries but the Vatican City is still the lowest at 12 years young, what does this portray to the weak minded who relish in this disgusting practice.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand.

I was looking for information on statutory rape laws and ran across this article which notes the need for increased protection and labels creeps seeking out sex with 13, 14 or 15 year old children as "incurable" and need to be dealt with for life. This seems applicable to GG and British authorities should be ashamed for not dealing with him more harshly.

Around the world the age of consent is moving slowly upwards to sixteen, but not fast enough. For billions of people the age of consent is 13, 14 or lower. This contributes to an enormous sex-slavery industry that seems immune to prosecution. A low or non-existent age of consent also creates a foggy area of opportunity for paedophiles and countless numbers of men flock to Southeast Asia and India.

Global society needs to deal with pedophillia differently because the offenders are incurable and will re-offend whereas statutory sex crimes are most often not repeated (a statutory sex offence is consenting sex with a fully-developed person who is under the age of consent and is a crime in most countries).


I believe GG was only prosecuting for having child porn on his computer - not for having under age sex - these charges came later and proof was hard to come by with respect to the Cambodian kiddies that were living in his house with him (with their parent's consent) - it was obvious he was paying the parents and the girls and they pretty much admitted as much to reporters, but not enough to be able to nail him. Thailand refused his entry based on his notoriety as a paedophile, although at that point it had not be proved he is/was. The charges for sexual assault were actually in Vietnam and have nothing to do with the UK.

From March 2005, Glitter resided in Vũng Tàu, Vietnam. In late 2005, at age 61, Gary Glitter was arrested by Vietnamese authorities and charged with molesting two under-aged girls, aged 10 and 11, at his home in Vũng Tàu. He initially faced possible child rape charges carrying the death penalty, but prosecutors did not find enough evidence for those charges, so Glitter was instead tried for lesser child sexual abuse charges. Early in 2006, he was convicted of committing obscene acts with minors and sentenced to three years imprisonment. On one of two appeals, in 2007 this was reduced by three months. He was released from prison on 19 August 2008 and returned to London three days later, after being refused entry into Thailand and Hong Kong.

As he had served his crimes in the country, the UK could not reasonably recharge him with it again for the same incident.

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Is this particular news blog and comments all for real. How can anybody who is educated to a reasonable level be trying to defend or justify a convicted pedophile? You can aurgue that countries have different age of consent levels but that just shows that you are on the same sick level as Gary. So it okay to have minor sex if I go live in country x y or z. What a crock of shxt. If you had a daughter or son you would be happy for her or him to go and have sex with someone older that yourself when she/he is under the age of consent of the UK or even or younger depending on your country of residence - if your answer is yes your one sick person whatever country or religion you are from. Its a parents responsibilty to look after their kids until they are mature enough to look after themselves. Especially to save them from people like pedophiles.

Edited by sesdave
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I'm not familiar with GG's songs, but it's a bit unfair that, because of his fame, there's so much focus on his private dallyings. I'd bet a lot of T.Visa posters wouldn't want their dirty laundry looked at with a fine tooth comb and magnifying glass.

You sound like you have something to hide too.

The guy fiddled with kids & you defend him .So ,so wrong on so many levels.

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Is this particular news blog and comments all for real. How can anybody who is educated to a reasonable level be trying to defend or justify a convicted pedophile? You can aurgue that countries have different age of consent levels but that just shows that you are on the same sick level as Gary. So it okay to have minor sex if I go live in country x y or z. What a crock of shxt. If you had a daughter or son you would be happy for her or him to go and have sex with someone older that yourself when she/he is under the age of consent of the UK or even or younger depending on your country of residence - if your answer is yes your one sick person whatever country or religion you are from. Its a parents responsibilty to look after their kids until they are mature enough to look after themselves. Especially to save them from people like pedophiles.

I don't think anyone has defended him - can you point me to any post that has? The points being discussed is more with respect to how safe 40 year old charges can be - especially in light of the many charges in the UK against celebrities that have been over thrown due to lack of evidence - and that wrt the UK (under which as a British citizen he is subject to) what charges can he face for crimes out of the country. Some have stated that other countries allow for younger sex, so a number is arbitrary based on cultural definitions of morality - but the emphasis has not been on condoning it, AFAICT, but on simply expressing that it is a draw for those people that would exploit it - and others (like my self) stating that many of our home countries can still prosecute on it even when abroad and legal locally.

//Edit: By the way he is convicted of having child pornography in the UK, and of "obscene acts with minors" in Vietnam, but not paedophilia (whether guilty or not - he has no such conviction). Oh he also was convicted of DUI and got a 10 year driving ban in the 80s sometime.

Edited by wolf5370
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It is very disgusting on Thai Visa how we always have so many users defending child molesters and talking about how normal it was to marry 13 year olds hundreds of years ago when people lived to 30 and slavery was legal. Truly frightening. Especially considering that some might be teachers at international schools.

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It is very disgusting on Thai Visa how we always have so many users defending child molesters and talking about how normal it was to marry 13 year olds hundreds of years ago when people lived to 30 and slavery was legal. Truly frightening. Especially considering that some might be teachers at international schools.

Again, point out the posts of anyone defending this or any other child molester - go on, I can't find any. Who mentioned a 100 years ago? - missed that post too. Or perhaps you just assumed we did...which of course would say far more about you than us, eh?

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