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Drinking and walking around shopping malls...

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Feed some soi animals, volunteer at either animal shelter or kids orphanage , go for a work out , join the police volunteers or rescue volunteers, learn some Thai , go for a coffee and list goes on

learn some Thai I think this is the key goal. Imagine, if you can speak the language then new horizons are opened. You will be able tofind local friends both for company and possibly romance, why not. Go for it!

Learning the language will occupy some of your time constructively. I intend to settle to Thailand and I am currently studying using self study methods . I have completed Pimsleur and now apart from the free U tube lessons I am doing a course which I have purchased for 49 USD.

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Of course not silly, you can hire jet ski's, dodge russian's and indian's, hangout with bitter alcoholic expat's, go to gogo bars and sleep with hookers as well...whistling.gif


Maybe learn to speak thai or join the rec room at the embassy hotel on suk road. My good friend plays racket ball there. I guess the most important thing is to try and make friends with people from your home country. I used to jog five miles every other day. It gets to be pretty boring when your not surrounded by similar types of people. I don't drink or smoke but I love the women! Even that gets old after about a month or so.... Ok not really lol


You could join an internet forum, stay at home and complain about all things Thai every waking hour.

Seems to work for many Farangs here on TV.

So why do you think this may be?

So have you got any ideas?

This may be because they found out that a good exchange rate on their home currency was not the gateway to heaven. Nor did it make them any more special than the same creatures that they saw in the mirror every morning in their home countries. So now their self discontent is manifested by their venomously lashing out at others around them.

Ideas? Difficult without knowing what you like. Physical stuff like jogging and swimming. Start a free English education group for local kids. Start a group for perfecting the art of making lau kao.

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I can understand him partially.

I lived near Suvannahbumi Airport (long before opening and for a short while during operation), in a nice village with a small lake.

Could walk with the dogs or rode bicycle around the lake without the danger, to be wiped out the next moment....

Sometimes a barbecue with friends or neighbours at the lake.

Five minutes away, we had a well maintained Park with an Aircon Gym and Pool, where people met all the day for sporting activities, like football, badminton, etc.

Lot's of smaller restaurants near the road, where you could enjoy a dinner or just a beer, without the permanent noise pollution.

Not (too many) drunken idiots and "some other kind of people" anyway.

Ohh, and I've learned cooking during my jobless period.

But I moved due to the airport noise and for business reasons.

Didn't like it from the first day, but unfortunately can't move now.

Pattaya is what it is and always was and I suspect, it won't change in the near future. (except more traffic/noise/people and everything related to that)

If you're looking for a really nice, civilized and clean place to live, Pattaya should be probably not your first choice...

(I would choose another location, if I could, definitely wai2.gif)

For the last time I'm talking about Thailand not just Pattaya, it's pretty much the same everywhere here.

Name me one street anywhere where there are normal people just wandering around the shops on their own or with family at their leisure, free of danger, maniac drivers, being pestered etc on wide clean even pavements...it simply doesn't exist here. In most countries you can go out your front door (on foot) go for a stroll around the local shops, the park etc spend an hour and come back...

Siam square is one, I think you need to move to Bangkok its a big city like London with the BTS/MRT, Rail, Parks, Golf clubs, Bowling, English style bars, Massive

modern Shopping centers, Zoo, Hi So American style housing estates, Aquarium, Biggest market in Asia, Modern Gyms, Bath houses, Canals and river boats,

Beautiful women, walking streets, every kind of restaurant you could name, Roof top bars, and the list goes on.....

Have you every even been to Bangkok?

I lived there for 7 years. Next.

Okay i am back on the 20th, do you wanna meet up for a beer burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif F..ALL else to do lol.

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Of course not silly, you can hire jet ski's, dodge russian's and indian's, hangout with bitter alcoholic expat's, go to gogo bars and sleep with hookers as well...whistling.gif

I'd personally go with the hanging out with bitter ex-pats, it's actually great fun, especially if you're like me & go hyper-extrovert after 6 Chang; you can get away with most anything. Just bring your partner to ensure you don't wind up somewhere you can't talk your way out of!w00t.gif

Well that's what I do but I normally don't get bitter till the next morning. The partner can come occasionally as well, hyper extrovert after 6 chang? Vodka lipo maybe a quick 6 Chang would make me an introverted, sleepy not quite bitter yet, unsatisfied expatcheesy.gif


PP, it's like everywhere else, and I mean everywhere, it all gets run of the mill after you get used to it day after day.

What did you do in your home country to alleviate the boredom ?


I suggest you take up Buddhism, you are in the perfect location-you will learn that happiness is a state of mind, not derived from external, delusional, attachment-prone, sources.............''nothing is so hard to bear, as a succession of fair days''.........


You could join an internet forum, stay at home and complain about all things Thai every waking hour.

Seems to work for many Farangs here on TV.

You could also go to BJ-bar/short time bar/soapy massage parlour and "live the life". Seems to work for many Farangs here on TV.



Some things I have enjoyed...dodging motorcycles on Sukumvit and Threpesit roads...going to the night market on Threpesit and being jostled around by impatient and rude farangs...going to the Floating Market...designed as a tourist trap with no memorable mementos...actually...Soi 6 Jomtien has a gaggle of ladies that can make you forget the daily frustrations...and there are a couple of excellent fish market restaurants at the South end of Jomtien Beach road...other than that...unless you enjoy the heat...you are not going to be impressed with Patts...


I've decided my previous comment regarding Pattaya nightlife was, although true and not particularly offensive, a bit too predictable and somewhat under-informed.

I would like to withdraw my contriburtion to this conversation.

Mods: please feel free to delete this comment


You could join an internet forum, stay at home and complain about all things Thai every waking hour.

Seems to work for many Farangs here on TV.

Start a gang.

  • Like 1

You could join an internet forum, stay at home and complain about all things Thai every waking hour.

Seems to work for many Farangs here on TV.

Perhaps the OP could go around doing gardens for such farangs.

The regular ones seem to be accident prone and mostly sit around throwing cigarette buts around.


Go Karting at a choice of venues.

In this heat? Are you insane.

Anyway, I'm off for a coffee then to feed some stray dogs.

More food equals more poop and puppies so don't forget to pick up the poop and neuter/spay the puppies.


I can understand him partially.

I lived near Suvannahbumi Airport (long before opening and for a short while during operation), in a nice village with a small lake.

Could walk with the dogs or rode bicycle around the lake without the danger, to be wiped out the next moment....

Sometimes a barbecue with friends or neighbours at the lake.

Five minutes away, we had a well maintained Park with an Aircon Gym and Pool, where people met all the day for sporting activities, like football, badminton, etc.

Lot's of smaller restaurants near the road, where you could enjoy a dinner or just a beer, without the permanent noise pollution.

Not (too many) drunken idiots and "some other kind of people" anyway.

Ohh, and I've learned cooking during my jobless period.

But I moved due to the airport noise and for business reasons.

Didn't like it from the first day, but unfortunately can't move now.

Pattaya is what it is and always was and I suspect, it won't change in the near future. (except more traffic/noise/people and everything related to that)

If you're looking for a really nice, civilized and clean place to live, Pattaya should be probably not your first choice...

(I would choose another location, if I could, definitely wai2.gif)

For the last time I'm talking about Thailand not just Pattaya, it's pretty much the same everywhere here.

Name me one street anywhere where there are normal people just wandering around the shops on their own or with family at their leisure, free of danger, maniac drivers, being pestered etc on wide clean even pavements...it simply doesn't exist here. In most countries you can go out your front door (on foot) go for a stroll around the local shops, the park etc spend an hour and come back...

Siam square is one, I think you need to move to Bangkok its a big city like London with the BTS/MRT, Rail, Parks, Golf clubs, Bowling, English style bars, Massive

modern Shopping centers, Zoo, Hi So American style housing estates, Aquarium, Biggest market in Asia, Modern Gyms, Bath houses, Canals and river boats,

Beautiful women, walking streets, every kind of restaurant you could name, Roof top bars, and the list goes on.....

Have you every even been to Bangkok?

Sounds much like Pattaya except for BTS/MRT, canals and river boats but then Pattaya does have massive amounts of sea to play, swim, dive and fish in which Bangkok doesn't.

Have you ever even been to Pattaya!!!


Which takes getting off the couch and going for a walk. Have you walked every street there? I live in BKK and whenever I'm in the mood to get out and do something, all I have to do is pick a neighborhood, go there and start walking. I can get on a klong or river boat, pick a stop at random and just get off and start walking. Chances are I've never been there.

I'm a photographer so I take a camera. I mean look at this. I took the Phrakanong klong boat to a wat, got off 'cause it looked interesting and saw this lady whose job it is to ferry people across the klong. I paid her 20 baht to give me a ride so I could shoot her. Interesting time, I got a photo I really like, and I was canoed by an old lady on a klong which I'd never done before and she made some extra $ that I could easily afford. For me sights like this are the real Thailand and a big reason I live here vs the US where I came from.

Still bored?

Just stay the hell outta malls. Why would anyone find that entertaining? Wandering aimlessly looking at sh_t you don't need or want. You can find that crap in any country anywhere and, whatever it is, unless you are on a mission, you probably don't need it. Yes it's hot here. Embrace it, don't fight it. Realize you're gonna sweat no matter what and just move. I'm able to deal with it because I'm getting something out of it. I'm bringing photos back home. When the light starts to fade or I'm just plain cooked or bored with the place I've travelled to, I go back home to my shower and AC and look at what I created.

Feed some soi animals, volunteer at either animal shelter or kids orphanage , go for a work out , join the police volunteers or rescue volunteers, learn some Thai , go for a coffee and list goes on

Go for a coffee???


  • Like 1

Of course not silly, you can hire jet ski's, dodge russian's and indian's, hangout with bitter alcoholic expat's, go to gogo bars and sleep with hookers as well...whistling.gif

Lol... yeah, you can think of new ways to hide your wallet when you're sleeping. I used to put my wallet in my shoe, then lift the bed and put one leg of the bed on top of my wallet (which was in the shoe). Don't crack your atm card doing this. I remember one hooker and her 2 year old kid sneak in and grab the wallet out of my trousers while I was errrrrrr busy with the mom. That was in the PI, but I am sure it could be the same here. (Read some stories how somebody used to hide under the massage beds and grab your wallet.

Seriously....Lots of good ideas in the thread...but all common sense


Taking Thai lessons has the advantages of possibly meeting similar minded students in class and enabling you to ask locals where is worth visiting.

Sounds much like Pattaya except for BTS/MRT, canals and river boats but then Pattaya does have massive amounts of sea to play, swim, dive and fish in which Bangkok doesn't.

Have you ever even been to Pattaya!!!

When I read this the first time, (especially the bold part), I thought, oh another sarcastic statement.

But actually, I'm not sure any more.

However, does somebody seriously enjoy swimming in these sewage?

When we lived in BKK, we sometimes made short trips to Bang Saen.

Water and beach are not perfect, but compared with here, first class.

But I don't know the current beach/water conditions in Bang Saen.

Fortunately, I don't need beaches and the sea.


But maybe, I've just to adjust my "sarcasm-detector"?



Sounds much like Pattaya except for BTS/MRT, canals and river boats but then Pattaya does have massive amounts of sea to play, swim, dive and fish in which Bangkok doesn't.

Have you ever even been to Pattaya!!!

However, does somebody seriously enjoy swimming in these sewage?



Which takes getting off the couch and going for a walk. Have you walked every street there? I live in BKK and whenever I'm in the mood to get out and do something, all I have to do is pick a neighborhood, go there and start walking. I can get on a klong or river boat, pick a stop at random and just get off and start walking. Chances are I've never been there.

I'm a photographer so I take a camera. I mean look at this. I took the Phrakanong klong boat to a wat, got off 'cause it looked interesting and saw this lady whose job it is to ferry people across the klong. I paid her 20 baht to give me a ride so I could shoot her. Interesting time, I got a photo I really like, and I was canoed by an old lady on a klong which I'd never done before and she made some extra $ that I could easily afford. For me sights like this are the real Thailand and a big reason I live here vs the US where I came from.

Still bored?

Just stay the hell outta malls. Why would anyone find that entertaining? Wandering aimlessly looking at sh_t you don't need or want. You can find that crap in any country anywhere and, whatever it is, unless you are on a mission, you probably don't need it. Yes it's hot here. Embrace it, don't fight it. Realize you're gonna sweat no matter what and just move. I'm able to deal with it because I'm getting something out of it. I'm bringing photos back home. When the light starts to fade or I'm just plain cooked or bored with the place I've travelled to, I go back home to my shower and AC and look at what I created.

Feed some soi animals, volunteer at either animal shelter or kids orphanage , go for a work out , join the police volunteers or rescue volunteers, learn some Thai , go for a coffee and list goes on

Go for a coffee???





Which takes getting off the couch and going for a walk. Have you walked every street there? I live in BKK and whenever I'm in the mood to get out and do something, all I have to do is pick a neighborhood, go there and start walking. I can get on a klong or river boat, pick a stop at random and just get off and start walking. Chances are I've never been there.

I'm a photographer so I take a camera. I mean look at this. I took the Phrakanong klong boat to a wat, got off 'cause it looked interesting and saw this lady whose job it is to ferry people across the klong. I paid her 20 baht to give me a ride so I could shoot her. Interesting time, I got a photo I really like, and I was canoed by an old lady on a klong which I'd never done before and she made some extra $ that I could easily afford. For me sights like this are the real Thailand and a big reason I live here vs the US where I came from.

Still bored?

Just stay the hell outta malls. Why would anyone find that entertaining? Wandering aimlessly looking at sh_t you don't need or want. You can find that crap in any country anywhere and, whatever it is, unless you are on a mission, you probably don't need it. Yes it's hot here. Embrace it, don't fight it. Realize you're gonna sweat no matter what and just move. I'm able to deal with it because I'm getting something out of it. I'm bringing photos back home. When the light starts to fade or I'm just plain cooked or bored with the place I've travelled to, I go back home to my shower and AC and look at what I created.

Feed some soi animals, volunteer at either animal shelter or kids orphanage , go for a work out , join the police volunteers or rescue volunteers, learn some Thai , go for a coffee and list goes on

Go for a coffee???






Happiness comes from happy people

If you are boring, you will always be bored

LOL, I was going to start a post saying bored people are often just boring people.

He comes on the Pattaya forum and gets tetchy when it is assumed that he is talking about Pattaya, makes sneering replies when people suggest that he might do some voluntary/charity work or enjoy simple things like going out for a coffee, (when he is talking of missing exciting things like window shopping!!). Ever been to Paris OP? For many there, going for a coffee appears to be the highlight of their day.

Amazingly it has taken 18 years to conclude that this is not the place for him.

You might find London less than perfect when paying four quid a pint.

I generally go on the piss in the afternoons (approx one pound fifty a pint on average), visit a massage parlour, then pass out by tea-time.

Mornings I generally work on my next book or write poetry, well sonnets and rhyming couplets to be more precise.

I have just started a new one,

I will let you know how it goes.


Off topic personal attack and a reply removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I really couldn't handle " sitting in a bar " every day and night! - I would be bored and " twitchy " after 5 minutes! ( also i dont drink ...) also with this lovely weather who would want to sit in a bar all day?

I live in Naklua ( Pattaya ) and get out and about on Thailand's wonderful " Railway " Pattaya 's Train station is only a 20 minute gentle stroll from Pattaya Klang and is great fun! I often catch the afternoon train to Si Racha ( it takes 30 minutes ) and it costs only 6 baht. ( an affordable price for everyone! )

Just an idea!

Farang Jaidee wai2.gif


That sounds good, I have never been on a train in Thailand, can you then catch a later train back to Pattaya or do you stay overnight in Siracha ?

I have tried a google search but where else could one go by train from Pattaya in less than 1 hour ?


As a general comment, I`m certainly not bored in Pattaya, wish there were more hours in the day and days in the week.

Taking a break from Thailand currently, going around UK & Europe, enjoying it, some things better than Thailand, others not.

Pros and cons everywhere really.

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Another flame and a reply to it deleted.

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