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Junta head to hold politicians responsible for their past wrongful management of the country

Lite Beer

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Amazing, isn't it? Be interesting to see how many cheerleaders remain if the Powers That Be decide it would be a good idea to start confiscating non-Thai citizen assets held in Thai banks.

... or revoke their visas and whatnot. The current powers That Be are not really interested in remaining a fruitful "friendship" with farungs, the latest "crackdown" should have been a lesson.

What is amazing is reading the two post above. "a drowning man will clutch at a straw" comes to mind.

Why stop at confiscating non-Thai citizen assets held in Thai banks, revolking visas and what not? Why not round them all up and make them walk the plank? That will show them a thing or two about who's the boss.

Yes, because that sort of thing never happens during military dictatorships. It will be different under the Thailiban.

And that explains the Shinawatra red-shirt dictatorship murdering several thousand Thais HOW ?

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These 28 people were killed by both sides and not only one or have you forgotten the monk and his well trained, high on Krathom, freelancing Navy seals?

You don't know who killed the 28 people, neither do I. Now that the RTP have been pushed into doing their job and some arrests have been made we may get to find out.

Why not wait until murderers and hopefully their paymasters have been convicted instead of making up accusations based on political bias?

were all above? That thing that allowed them to kill 28 innocent people with no recourse? That allowed them to break their word to the farmers?? That law??

not true - we all know who killed them and on whos orders - rememerb the sms messages on the killers from Trat rememebr the photo of the policeman standing next to the M79 grenade firer from central world who killed the two little children - stop hiding from your actions and renouncing them - take responsibility for your demi gods actions!!

My my we have had our overdose of melodramatic soaps lately havn't we ?

i think secretly you must quite fancy Mr T , you are rather obsessed with him yknow wink.png

Very intelligent response truly you have found your posting level - did the bars in nana open early this morning ??

Seeing as you insist on levelling insults insults at people all the time who dont fit your approval I assumed youd appreciate the banter. I take it Thats a yes to fancying Mr T then ? thumbsup.gif

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If this was to include both sides (with people such as Suthep getting locked up for example) it would be great,

Sadly its just more of a witch hunt to underscore the dominance of one group prior to someones, shall we say, departure. This will all backfire in epeic fashion eventually. Its the final backlash of a dieing establishment living on borrowed time.

codswallop.... and you know it.

For every Dem that goes to prison for wrongdoing, 50 Thaksin politicians will go in... Because that is probably the ratio.

I genuinely pity people like yourself who think this is all a big fight against corruption. To live in (or have some attachment) to a country and know so little about the underlying situation really is sad. On the plus side you arnt alone and whilst most of the outside world laughs at you theres lots of other sex pats on here that agree with your insular views.

On a serious note would you accept that on the above Suthep should be locked up for all the well documented corruption he has been involved in? Yes or no question, no man in Dubai BS please...

I am sure he neither needs nor wants your pity and the fact is that brainwashed sheeple who love Thaksin such as yourself are truly the pitiable ones. And then you go on to call him a 'sexpat' when you don't even know him, typical rouge tactics trying to smear your opponent. Typically sad post from a brainwashed sheeple.

As for Suthep's ''well documented corruption'' - all you have are allegations. Where is the proof ? Yeah, that's what I thought.....How about the 'well documented' corruption committed by your beloved PT party - for which there is proof ? Would you agree that all politicians regardless of which side they are on should be banged up if there IS PROOF of their wrongdoing ? Or only the ones you don't like ?

There are few Suthep's corruption charges (not allegation) sitting in the NACC desk. Just that the NACC made the decision which cases they want to go after and which cases should stay in the backburner.

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You just dont like the fact that theyve cleared up the past Governments garbage in 1 month and have the country feeling like a more honest, on track place!! Maybe one day youll realise that the answer to Thailands problems is in Thailand NOT in Dubai!!

Love, just what has been cleared out. What the general did was to stop the PDRC and the UDD from killing each other and put an end to the 7 months of economic impasse. The party act, election act and the all the previous government projects are still on track. No one from the previous government has been convicted for corruption. You really have to stop being Dubai centric and just focus on Thailand.

You need to catch up a bit Eric. Projects have been put on hold - to be checked and evaluated by experts, rather than politicians and family members.

No one has been convicted of corruption - yet. The prospect has increased now the politically controlled Tarit has been removed, CAPO has been dissolved and can't block things anymore and 16 incompetent or "influenced" very senior policeman removed to inactive posts.

Watch this space.

PS - do you consider breaking rules and nepotism corruption or do you define it differently?

If you mean old wine in a new bottle, then it is. Not that it's unexpected that the junta will review and evaluated but still the old wine.

I will watch the space regarding conviction. If the previous government didn't stand a snowflake of chance in hell in previous courts, I tend to think kangaroo courts.

Are you still talkng about just the NSC Thawil case or there are more to conclude nepotism. In any case, I still feel that it's the prerogative of any government to select their top civil servant and moreover Priewpan was well qualified and in line for promotion.

The previous government would not have had a chance in hell of escaping the convictions had it been held in UK, different court same action--no Kangaroos just you get usually what you deserve.

To dish dung out you have to be prepared to receive it back 2 fold, not make excuses like politically motivated----kangaroo----only picking on me cause i'm PTP party----always got it in for the Shins----------again Sutheps-Abhisits-farrangs--Elite-Army--their fault for interfering with the regime.

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What gives a military dictatorship the right to hold ELECTED politicians, filthy though they may be,'accountable'?

One simple word: law.

It's the same Red Shirt propaganda/lies all the time

PTP were "elected" so they can do what they want, regardless of the laws

Anyone breaking the law should be punished according to the law.

There must be a lot of worried PTP people.

I can almost hear the Thaksin's Bombardier jet coming to "rescue" them, but I am not sure it will be big enough to carry all the bags of cash


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Dodged that bullet.

Pretty sure you didn't have a chance, mate.

Well, I was ready to marry you, but now no. You just showed your true colors as the song goes and it is red.

"foreigners living in Thailand would be protected, Prayuth said."


Continuing the Cyndi Lauper theme - "she bop, she bop a lu bop.....whooooo, she bop...da da da da da da da da - boom".

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all great, but only if both sides would be held accountable... which is unlikely to happen I guess.

Yes it would be, but only if, in addition to politicians, they also include the 2006 coup makers and do not pass legislation to absolve themselves from all responsibility for their own actions. They have to walk the walk, not talk the talk.

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codswallop.... and you know it.

For every Dem that goes to prison for wrongdoing, 50 Thaksin politicians will go in... Because that is probably the ratio.

I genuinely pity people like yourself who think this is all a big fight against corruption. To live in (or have some attachment) to a country and know so little about the underlying situation really is sad. On the plus side you arnt alone and whilst most of the outside world laughs at you theres lots of other sex pats on here that agree with your insular views.

On a serious note would you accept that on the above Suthep should be locked up for all the well documented corruption he has been involved in? Yes or no question, no man in Dubai BS please...

I am sure he neither needs nor wants your pity and the fact is that brainwashed sheeple who love Thaksin such as yourself are truly the pitiable ones. And then you go on to call him a 'sexpat' when you don't even know him, typical rouge tactics trying to smear your opponent. Typically sad post from a brainwashed sheeple.

As for Suthep's ''well documented corruption'' - all you have are allegations. Where is the proof ? Yeah, that's what I thought.....How about the 'well documented' corruption committed by your beloved PT party - for which there is proof ? Would you agree that all politicians regardless of which side they are on should be banged up if there IS PROOF of their wrongdoing ? Or only the ones you don't like ?

There are few Suthep's corruption charges (not allegation) sitting in the NACC desk. Just that the NACC made the decision which cases they want to go after and which cases should stay in the backburner.

What proof ? You have seen it ? Care to share ?

The usual red suspects keep continually bleating the same party line. ''But, but, but, Suthep....'' and ''everyone else is just as bad'' and ''oh oh it's all a big conspiracy against us''. They conviniently forget everything bad the reds and their numerous associated underlings and overlings have gotten up to. Remarkable the effects the brainwashing has had on even the foreigners who are subjected to it via their Thai families.....

Yeah yeah, 'yellows are just as bad' the 'reds' will cry. I have no doubt some people on that side are also guilty of crimes, let the courts decide.

EVERYONE who has committed crimes regardless of which side they are on must have the allegations investigated and charged equally in a court of law. The same standards must be held for everyone. There is no witch hunt happening here, there is no conspiracy. This is purely about right and wrong. If a lot more 'reds' than yellows are brought before the courts and charged, it is not that they are being treated unfairly, it is just the facts that they committed wrongdoings. So let's stop this pointless bickering, the namecalling, the instant accusations based on no evidence. Let's let the army do their job and see the results later and they will no doubt speak for themselves....

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This is so easy it is like shooting fish in a barrel. Compile a list of every person who

has held office for say the last 15 years. Multiply the number of years in office

by their salary. Then add in the asset declaration they had to make before entering

office to come up with a number. Then index that list against bank accounts in

Thailand. Do not really think there is a need to try to check off shore accounts,

as most politicians here are too stupid or too arrogant to even think about that.

Just think about the transportation dept guy who was caught with millions of

baht in boxes in his closet to know what you are dealing with. Then add in all

their other assets, ie resorts, mansions, exotic cars and come up with a number.

Compare the two numbers. Then bring each politician in to have them them

explain how their assets increased by umpteen million baht while in office.

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The Thailiban. It's a thing.

What are you talking about? What thing? What's its function and purpose. Please enlighten us.

Thailiban....Taliban....comparison, play on words. Capisce?

Yes I understand. I figured that's what you were doing. Compare what you will, up to uou. But this comparison either shows your total ignorance of the taliban or you are just being flippant which i expect the latter..

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He warned that politicians that have had their hands in wrongfully managing the country in the past must take responsibility for what they have done, stressing such people could not be trusted as they could not keep their promise and carry out their duty properly.

Wow, many PTP in the Yingluck maladministration must be worried sick, including ol' Yingy. I hope the General digs deep and then prosecutes any and all involved in corruption. Maybe it is time to bring Thaksin home. w00t.gif

If there are some democrats involved in corruption, fine, add them to the list. ANYONE, regardless of which side of the aisle they are from, should be targeted for investigation. If found guilty, confiscate any and all ill gotten gains, add a hefty penalty and then jail time, preferably in the Bangkok Hilton and not some 5 star resort.

For the worst of the worst offenders, try the China solution... execution.

It would appear that there may be light at the end of the tunnel after all.

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The Thailiban. It's a thing.

What are you talking about? What thing? What's its function and purpose. Please enlighten us.

Thailiban....Taliban....comparison, play on words. Capisce?

Yes I understand. I figured that's what you were doing. Compare what you will, up to uou. But this comparison either shows your total ignorance of the taliban or you are just being flippant which i expect the latter..

The word flippant is being kind. If and when the red shirts start capturing farangs, torture them,

and cut off their heads while being video taped, then perhaps the comparison can be made. Until then it just looks moronic....

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I think secretly, many Readers on ThaiVisa wouldn't mind this happening in their country; power wrested off the major political parties (whose policies are similar and gouge public's funds), and just pass the baton over ... with business as usual ...

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Yes indeed, corruption and the abuse of power over the past 40 years in Thailand has only just been done by the Yingluck Administration huh? The country's Governments have, since 1975 been rotten to the core with corruption and abuses of power, Yinglucks one just took it to a whole different level.

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Thailiban....Taliban....comparison, play on words. Capisce?

What are you talking about? What thing? What's its function and purpose. Please enlighten us.

The Thailiban. It's a thing.

Yes I understand. I figured that's what you were doing. Compare what you will, up to uou. But this comparison either shows your total ignorance of the taliban or you are just being flippant which i expect the latter..

The word flippant is being kind. If and when the red shirts start capturing farangs, torture them,

and cut off their heads while being video taped, then perhaps the comparison can be made. Until then it just looks moronic....

Nice try....take a reference to a repressive military dictatorship and try to conflate it to the opposition. FAIL, lol.

Forgot to add: cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

Edited by Diplomatico
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I think secretly, many Readers on ThaiVisa wouldn't mind this happening in their country; power wrested off the major political parties (whose policies are similar and gouge public's funds), and just pass the baton over ... with business as usual ...

And that's what is just amazing...the number of TV members who apparently support totalitarianism. Astounding and not in a good way.

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He warned that politicians that have had their hands in wrongfully managing the country in the past must take responsibility for what they have done, stressing such people could not be trusted as they could not keep their promise and carry out their duty properly.

Wow, many PTP in the Yingluck maladministration must be worried sick, including ol' Yingy. I hope the General digs deep and then prosecutes any and all involved in corruption. Maybe it is time to bring Thaksin home. w00t.gif

If there are some democrats involved in corruption, fine, add them to the list. ANYONE, regardless of which side of the aisle they are from, should be targeted for investigation. If found guilty, confiscate any and all ill gotten gains, add a hefty penalty and then jail time, preferably in the Bangkok Hilton and not some 5 star resort.

For the worst of the worst offenders, try the China solution... execution.

It would appear that there may be light at the end of the tunnel after all.

What about the military? You think they should be included in THE LIST regardless?

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I think secretly, many Readers on ThaiVisa wouldn't mind this happening in their country; power wrested off the major political parties (whose policies are similar and gouge public's funds), and just pass the baton over ... with business as usual ...

And that's what is just amazing...the number of TV members who apparently support totalitarianism. Astounding and not in a good way.

and how do feel (what country are you from) about your country's political transparency with respect to (politicians) being financially sponsored by and then making policy benefiting for corporations?

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I think secretly, many Readers on ThaiVisa wouldn't mind this happening in their country; power wrested off the major political parties (whose policies are similar and gouge public's funds), and just pass the baton over ... with business as usual ...

And that's what is just amazing...the number of TV members who apparently support totalitarianism. Astounding and not in a good way.

Maybe the words you should be using is Change--clean up-convict-reform-elections.

Isn't it just amazing the overwhelming TVF members are in support of what is happening, and many are tolerating the fact it's the army.

Isn't it amazing you the same few that were shouting down the critics of Shins regime, and shouting for quick elections to solve the problems are at it again finding the fault of the repairers rather than the damagers.

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I think secretly, many Readers on ThaiVisa wouldn't mind this happening in their country; power wrested off the major political parties (whose policies are similar and gouge public's funds), and just pass the baton over ... with business as usual ...

And that's what is just amazing...the number of TV members who apparently support totalitarianism. Astounding and not in a good way.

The others prefer post-feudalism, in which a small group of families oppress and live on the backs of the working class. That was a better way to go, huh?

Thailand ain't a democracy, and attempts at going that route just don't work here. At least the Army gets stuff done, and is the only force at work here; instead of a farce at work, like PTP.

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Not sure how long it will last or how deep army will dig, but it appears this time around Army is very serious about cleaning up the country.

Starting in 1957, the coup commander Sarit Thanarat was not only serious about this, but had public executions of recalcitrant people opposed to his serious cleanups. These executions and other summary "justice" were quite popular actually. Many older Thais recall with some great fondness those days of the Sarit cleanup, just as many recall Thaksin's drug war.

The problem is, you can look out your window or look at a newspaper/magazine, or look into your computer or TV news screen and see how well it worked and how strongly it took hold and survived.

The entire problem here is that these people are doing exactly what has been done many times, and poised to do it many times. Why you or they expect a different result ... well, only you know. Even the manner of the coup two weeks ago is right out of Field Marshal Sarit's "how to conduct a coup" manual, nothing of importance changed. And the language you quote is right from a Sarit/Thanom/Pibulsonggram/Prem/Thaksin/Sonthi/Suchinda playbook speech, not a word changed.

After 60 years, you know, you'd think someone important or influential would ponder briefly and say, "That's not a feature. That's a bug."

Even the excuses are the same. "Thais are not ready to take part in politics as they don't know how to excercise their rights properly and can be easily exploited". This written by Khun Suchit 30 years ago !!!

As you rightly put it, we keep repeating the same cycle & hope for different results. While in fact, we have the answer to our problems right in front of us - political participation and people as power base. It is legimate and more effective than monopoly of power.


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Great let's hope that he doesn't forget the obscene budgets that the army have received year after year just do they don't stage a coup

What "obscene" budgets are you referring to?

As a percentage of GDP, Thailand's military expenditures are right in the middle when compared to its ASEAN neighbors with Vietnam Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, and Myanmar all spending, proportionally, more (and often much more) of their GDP than Thailand.

Are we to presume then that the military of those nations spending much more are much more "obscene"?


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Well, I was ready to marry you, but now no. You just showed your true colors as the song goes and it is red.

"foreigners living in Thailand would be protected, Prayuth said."


I'm as red/yellow as Thaksin is innocent of corruption and foreigners will be protected as much as Prayuth said that it was not a coup when he imposed martial law. My favorite colors btw are pink, purple, lime green, black and white and you can't even stand a chance. :P

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