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I would say that it's just about time for you return to you born country and pay 3-4 x the price for what you pay down here.

You have stayed here too long now and you need to go back home, to get your priority in place.

Out here you have more buing power that at your home country.

Maybe if you move to Combodia, Laos, or Vietnam, far out in the countrysite you get the lokal prices. But what can you buy. Lokal stuf, that you don't like anyway.

Anywhere in the world in turist areas you pay more for you things and Thailand is a very big turist area and you pay more than the lokals do. If you had in income the same as a lokal Thai,Ii really could understand your complains. You probably got 3-4 times as much as a hard working Thai and maybe even much more. So what's the problem?

I really don't understand your complain and think you have very small shoes to walk in. You are grumpy and think of yourself as somthing special that should have special prices and treatment. But gues what you already have that, you just forget how good you have it here.

So go home and pay 3-4 times more for your things and try complsin about it there and se how far you get with your complains.

I see it as you just make it more problematik for you to stay here in thelandof smile and you really don't derserw to be hare with your attitude and your opinion towards Thailand and leve to those who are happy here.

Don't walk around being this grumpy, it brings you down. Stay happy and enjoy that you are able to stay here at all.

Life is better when you are happy and you live longer. Grumpy have no joy and live a Shorter life.

(Sorry about my bad english, but it's my second language, but hope you understand what I'm trying to tell.)

Perhaps you have only been here a short period of time to think like that, do you pay taxes including income tax here? True many Thais are on low wages, however there is now a sizeable percentage of the Thai population who are very,very rich, far richer than the majority of farangs. It's all down to discrimination,simple as that.

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if you mean that double pricing is ok, than it is also ok, that you not allowed to sit in a bar because you are black, or chinese, or latin. or when you get fined in court for an offence you get 10 years for something a thai get 1 year, so your thai bank can charge you for your bank card 3000 baht a year instead of 300 baht,

too many racist here on TV, double pricing is one of the hardest form of discrimination, what is in all the countrys where you are come from illegal and a crime!

if you dont care in Thailand than be a big guy and pay all the time 10 times more for the product you purchase. An dont offend people who dont want to pay more for a product than what is the real price, because they also not get a 10 times higher pension because living in a double pricing state, or get 10 times more for their work than market value.


if you mean that double pricing is ok, than it is also ok, that you not allowed to sit in a bar because you are black, or chinese, or latin. or when you get fined in court for an offence you get 10 years for something a thai get 1 year, so your thai bank can charge you for your bank card 3000 baht a year instead of 300 baht,

too many racist here on TV, double pricing is one of the hardest form of discrimination, what is in all the countrys where you are come from illegal and a crime!

if you dont care in Thailand than be a big guy and pay all the time 10 times more for the product you purchase. An dont offend people who dont want to pay more for a product than what is the real price, because they also not get a 10 times higher pension because living in a double pricing state, or get 10 times more for their work than market value.

You are complete out of line with Your examples. The topic is about "doing Things", not buying things or anythings else.

Troll, thats what You are and You succeded to make mewaste my time to comment on Your writing which made no sence at all.....

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So, what's the point of your post ? I'd guess 99% of TV members agree with you. But as someone previously commented, it's been this way for like forever & ain't likely to change. It's their country, their culture, their rules.... It's inbred, they don't know any better. Get over it.

I beg to differ - discrimination is discrimination in any language, creed, nationality or culture. It is not globally acceptable period, not for Thais, Aussies, Vietnamese, Italians - nobody.

If you accept that its been this way forever and ain't likely to change is defeatist. We all realise that it has become a common practice in Asia eg.. Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand but its wrong.

Personally if I find a venue or business that discriminates either way - then I choose. I choose to keep the income that they would earn in my pocket.

Its a principle that is very strong with Kiwis

Every body is treated with the same respect.


Getting annoyed easily is a farang trait. The longer you live here, the more patience and tolerance you will have to the point that eventually you will develop a "mai pen rai" like Thai's. Life is not always fair and will never be so we learn to adapt otherwise the frustration and unhappiness eats you up.


Get a Thai driving license - problem sorted (more or less) but the thing is why are you surprised by this type of thing and why does it bother you? Go to Hyde Park and watch the tourists get gouged by the ice cream vendors (and black cab drivers) if you want a fine example of this kind of thing. This discrimination is not peculiar to Thailand, you will see far worse in Spain, for example!


I totally disagree with you. It is not a higher fee for farangs. It is a lower fee for Thais. Everything you say is the same in USA. Go to a Virginia historical site and show your USA ID. Discount given. Many places do that. Do you think Americans discriminate against Mexicans, etc. You bet they do. You should be discriminated also but not necessarily in a negative way all of the time.

Really you should stay in the country where you were born but you live in a foreign country. There is a huge difference being in another country - language, cost of living, culture, etc

For example, what does $10 mean to you. That is a whole day's wages for a Thai. They would like to go out also but cannot because you have increased their cost of living by simply being here as a tourist, as a business owner, big corp selling into this market, etc. You caused the inflation along with foreign companies that want to do business here. You have actually ruined many of their lives. Now - get on track - pay more!!!!!! Let the Thais - who own this land and are citizens of this land - have their normal price that should go along with $10/day income. You pay more! I am American and have no problems paying more. I should.

Your post starts with a brilliant observation "lower fee for Thais" but quickly moves to ridiculous. Putting your sound comment first doesn't make the rest true. The absurd assertion that "Americans discriminate against Mexicans" is offensive and wholly incorrect. The entire north American landmass is being integrated with Latin America by refusal to enforce existing national laws. To even assert that the law should be enforced has "citizens" silenced for fear of retribution. The arrangement is so one sided as to be madness, but Americans, by an large, are not as you suggest. Moronic statements deserve rebuttal. American or not, your self loathing does not constitute an indictment of an entire population!

The idea that $10 is nothing to an older, disabled western steel worker living on a fixed income in Ubon with his wife is equally unfair; you have no idea! None! ( I quickly peeked again at your further comments and "yep!" they continue to grow idle, and cancerous. Your post is actually a hate filled diatribe, concealed as a Thai Public Defender.) The obvious underlying point the OP presents is that his life experiences and observations inform him that universally, people should be treated equally both before the law and in commerce. Doesn't mean he is correct, but this is not an issue that is easily extrapolated to reach the poppycock conclusions you have.

I found my lip curling at the corner imagining you speaking your hate filled invective. Any of your points could/may be valid. You may note I never once defend the OPs point. The reason is in large part I tend to agree with you. However, I don't express myself with poison as you do, and when someone masks ignorance for discourse they should be called on it! You just don't achieve any contrary point with your attack. Your post even gets personal and blames a poster for greater Thai woes- indeed the poster's very presence here makes the Thai's suffer. Yours is not fairly called a point of view because an advocate for you would have to sift through the acid you wrote to produce some free standing ideas/rebuttal from your post. It's just an inferior and rude post to others. It's drivel!

BTW- your arrogance that you are an American and are okay paying more does not confer upon you any additional credibility. As your final comment it's fair to suspect this was your closing, your wrapping up. All this does is reinforce your arrogance!

Please understand.

I’m not trying to act as the devil’s advocate for us poor frowned upon flouncing members, however it needs be said’ I believe some of these individuals should loosen up and not be so hasty with scathing and vile retorts or act so quickly to pounce upon anyone as if their life depended on it. There is much more to life than just responding to forums. Thus, trying to impress these virtual avid readers on ‘how they themselves personally think’ or having the absolute given right’ to denounce anyone. This, because they’ve spent a lot of their spare time replying to topics. One doesn’t gain any brownie points in the real world’ with such innuendo nor does it install any wisdom in one’s daily grind for endurance. This drivel that pours out these subhuman septic tanks, leaves a lot to be desired. It’s not wise to let people rip you off on a daily basis with a smile. I’m not saying it happens all the time nonetheless makes one very displeased to be taken for a ride, especially because you’re a foreigner.

Telling people the old howling wailing lamentation on why they should return back to where they came from – no longer holds water. It’s just total toxic verbiage that dribbles off the side of these tyrannical tv desktop soldiers pent on shaming people into the state of abject cringing submissiveness.

I don’t want to drone given that it’s a pointless exercise. Trying to teach a pig to sing is time wasted and the pig just gets annoyed.

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The pricing is not based on "race" as you mistakenly type.

My advice to you is if this small matter disturbs you, it is a signal to get out of Thailand.

The more I read on ThaiVisa the more I realize what a bunch of sour and grumpy, artificially self important and arrogant blank blank foreigners live here.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Post it on Tripadvisor http://www.tripadvisor.com/ A lot more people will see it on there.

I hold a Thai DL, but I will not do business with anyone who has double pricing.

How do you know they have double pricing?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thai driver's license usually works for me. However, at the Emerald Pool in Krabi (Sa Morakot), the officer was really smart and said that anyone can get a driver's license, and wanted to see a Thai ID Card (really), to give the Thai price.

Same for me at this pool, so now we do not go there and of course do not take visitors there. Are they bothered, not a bit, they still have all the tourist from Ao-nang who pay the full amount through the tour companies.

How did you know they have double pricing?


Luk kreung are regarded as "not Thai"......unless it suits them (think Tiger Woods and Vanessa Mae)..

From what 1963 propaganda leaflet did you retain that silly idea?


There should be a rule - anyone who can prove they have been here at least twenty years, is a permanent resident or who can read the sign in Thai out loud should be given the Thai price.

There is a rule on who is a permanent resident. But who in your fantasy would enforce this "rule" about "Thai price".

Perhaps some organisations could also extend this to anyone who can politely ask for the Thai price in Thai language could also gain cut price admission. This might encourage people to learn the language rather than getting het up because of their own inadequacies....otherwise known as ฝรั่งวีน

In other words, anyone who can't read or speak Thai should pay more.

Er. Isn't that what set off the 487th Official Thai Visa Double Pricing Thread in the first place?



Agreed ---

Mediation --- you are living in Thailand. Great views and normally cheap prices for most stuff.

Accept it for what it is.

Certain times I have my wife (a Thai national) purchase stuff for me. Even then my ticket gets rejected as they have a special color ticket for farangs. I pay the extra fee and go on.


There are probably more things that annoy me in my own country - I never go or live somewhere expecting everything to be the way I think it should be… I have the DL too and the rare time I am charged the farang price, it is still my choice to pay it or not… and there have been a couple of times it was not… mostly, it doesn't matter.


Agoda.com allows companies to advertise different prices on the different language sites of Agoda.

That is technically true, but having used the Agoda YCS system to manage hotels for 11 years, I can tell you that it is not easy to configure different room rates for different Agoda language web-sites, (you would have to set a common price and then configure a discount price for a specific language web-site). I can't see that it would be worth the effort....


I am fine with a "discount" for citizens / income tax payers on government run or heavily subcedised venues.

I think it is despicable, when private companies, I.e. Pattaya Aquarium, charges Caucasians more. Went their with some Family and Asian friends, I was the only one who would have had to pay much more, being Caucasian. I do understand however that asking all Asians to show an ID would be not practical.

Final word, all humans are one race.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Post it on Tripadvisor http://www.tripadvisor.com/ A lot more people will see it on there.

I hold a Thai DL, but I will not do business with anyone who has double pricing.

How do you know they have double pricing?

Because I didn’t ride the short bus to school.

I observe and speak enough Thai to figure it out.

Jeez, 12 likes and 1 troll.

Edit: Took out comment suggesting Jumbolai rode the short bus.


I like it when I go with my Thai cycling club riding out to various tourist sites and I just breeze in with the rest of the guys. Many of them are business men and no one ever gives them or me any crap 555.


Something not touched on, its not only the tier pricing system, its the way its presented many times even by educated and reasonably polite Thais but the smugness and oh I am so special compared to you falang of saying they get it cheaper is the icing on the cake to just avoid anything that suggests as a Foreigner you pay more


I can only think of one time that I was unable to get the Thai price when producing my Thai DL, maybe had to also produce my WP if any hassle. Mind you I have my Thai wife for back-up. That one time refused I just walked away. Just vote with your feet and save having any anger.

Tried all that at 'Robot World' on the outskirts of Korat.

฿20 for Thais, ฿100 for non-Thais.

I have ฿100 but I have principles. Thai wife agreed and we voted with our feet.

Ironically most of the display is visible from the entrance gate and I couldn't recommend it even at ฿20


Everytime I hear a Westerner complaining about being discriminated here in Asia, I can't help but think about Indians and Malays in London, Arabs in Paris, Turks in Germany, Blacks in the US, Indonesians in Holland or Australia (and the list goes on) and I wonder how they feel in those beautiful countries... I wonder how much of the indigenous attitude towards them gets 'under their skin, as you say.

We can't help being surprised when we encounter discrimation here, as if racism could only be something that white people do to others... But it's pretty universal unfortunately (which, of course, doesn't make it right).

A practical point : if you have a local driving license, it will get you the 'Thai price' in most places, in case you didn't know, so there is a difference between tourists and residents actually.

Your post actually made me think ( for once ). I'm a Londoner and to my knowledge neither I or any of my immediate family have ever discriminated against any other race or nationality. I went to school with children from many other races and countries. I worked alongside numerous people again from many countries and race. We lived next to many families who weren't English. Greek, Turkish, West Indian, Indian, Pakistani any many others and we were all happy in our ' community '. But here in Thailand I am discriminated against. People in the village still call me farang even though they know my name. I just let the locals get on with their ignorance because we all know ignorance is bliss. Maybe that's why Thai's are all so happy and this is known as the land of smiles.....

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The pricing is not based on "race" as you mistakenly type.

My advice to you is if this small matter disturbs you, it is a signal to get out of Thailand.

The more I read on ThaiVisa the more I realize what a bunch of sour and grumpy, artificially self important and arrogant blank blank foreigners live here.


Your suggesting that some people should get out of Thailand.

IF you do live in Thailand, how long have You lived here?.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Although I agree with you in general, I don't understand why you enter race into the discussion. It is an issue of Thai or non-Thai only.

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There is more than an element of greed in what Thai's charge Farang's and unfortunately they often get it.

I as a member of the local community often get discount that the Thai's don't get, so can't complain a lot.

Have traveled a bit and have been surprised at summer rates and local rates that rip off travelers in a lot

of places around the world.


As was said before, it's not based on race. I know for a fact that Korean and Japanese sometimes have to pay more then us white folk. Why? Cause Thais think they can afford it, and cause the business thinks they can get away with it. There is really no point getting angry about it, you will only build up that negative energy inside yourself, nobody else will care and you might even start approaching Thais differently. My point here, it's not PERSONAL. I see it as a game, and try my best to get the Thai price, I use my DL, or sometimes my student card (if something states a discount price for students). I do speak a fair bit of Thai and I can read the Thai prices, that also helped a few times. And honestly, if you cannot read Thai, if you cannot speak Thai well enough to politely ask to be treated as a Thai person, you do not deserve the Thai price. Yet then again, remember all of this is not personal, so don't let it get to you. And I fully agree with anybody who says vote with your feet, just walk away if they refuse to give you the Thai price.

Couldn't have said it better, completely agree. thumbsup.gif


The pricing is not based on "race" as you mistakenly type.

My advice to you is if this small matter disturbs you, it is a signal to get out of Thailand.

The more I read on ThaiVisa the more I realize what a bunch of sour and grumpy, artificially self important and arrogant blank blank foreigners live here.


Be careful, your halo is slipping.........


The average Thai didn't ask you to come in their country and have your way or else.

I mean Thai's make 12000 baht A month.Your income is probably 2-3 million baht A year.I don't see any problem with you or

Anyone in your family paying more.If you have an attitude or whatever don't blame the people.They are only trying to live A better

Life.I would say if you can't cope with it go back to where you came from.

Me they can charge me double.I will pay it or not do it.Mi Pin Li.

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