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THAI yet to discuss cancellation of free tickets for board


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These people are on the BOD they should get free passage on planes . Its like saying that the BOD of APPLE cannot give the board members free tablets or the head of burger king cannot have free burgers

Get real people the run the company

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Surely the Board's job is to make the airline pay - to ensure a profit is made for the people of Thailand (I'm presuming the airline is nationalised) in a highly competitive market - I say, 'perks' should be performance related or maybe as other posts suggest to me, the airline is just one big 'perk' for government staff.

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These people are on the BOD they should get free passage on planes . Its like saying that the BOD of APPLE cannot give the board members free tablets or the head of burger king cannot have free burgers

Get real people the run the company

You're right - get real people to run the company!!

Pay for them for profitable performance of the company NOT perks whether the company is successful or not.

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Mean while Thai army officer gets free car, free chauffeur, free house boy, free hospital, free education for his kids through to university and a big fat pay off and pension.

As said yesterday, THAI is only a scapegoat, and pretty well every incoming regime hacks at it. Yingluck hacked at its perks big time right after she took office, in September 2011. But all the board perks and assignments and all the rest go to the military AND to the boards of all the places the military sits. This idea of cutting Thai Airways International is old, yawn material. It's as significant as making the entertainment places turn off half their neon lights when there's a fuel shock. Old Bill Shakespeare got it right with his "sound and fury signifying nothing".

The junta will cut perks in the military, in the bureaucracy and at state firms or it won't. So far it hasn't.

I'm curious to know if the officers' salary plus all those perks mentioned amount to the monthly salary plus remuneration given to directors of Thai Airways or any other SET listed company? My guess is probably not even half.

Why would a military dictator or an elected democratic government care about the salaries paid by SET-listed companies?

But yes, to answer the question, almost all top military officers get more total all-in remuneration than most hired hands of a SET-listed company.


Hmmm, you must've misunderstood my original post which was to say that BOARD DIRECTORS of listed companies are probably better compensated than miliatary officers when comparing all-in packages (no mention of the average working Joe). All of this was in turn to address a poster's implication that the army was being a hypocrite for dinging Thai's perks when they themselves receive perks (at a much lower total monetary value)
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Mean while Thai army officer gets free car, free chauffeur, free house boy, free hospital, free education for his kids through to university and a big fat pay off and pension.

When he cuts out the hundreds that get that free package he is maybe reforming in a real way, but that he will never do. Just the headline Grabbing cuts. Thai suffering to the point of going out of business thanks to the pre Coup and more now during the coup. So he saved a few bob but lost Thai millions.

What he should do to save the airline is bring in a foreign expert like British Airways and Emirates did, but off course Thai folks know best. The bunch in charge now all friends and chums of last regime. Thai is approx same size as Cathy Pacific and Malaysian Airlines but with 10,000 more jobs, drop 10,000 do nothing know thing employees, but again wont happen as that's a bad head line maker.

And Generals don't in your country????

Have a closer look.

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