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Retaliationship without a sex life possible or not?


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Gee Sandman, sounds like a sad story. I'm in the opposite position. Missus is sex mad and extremely liberal, so is her identical twin sister. Whenever her sister comes to stay they insist on us all sleeping together - after a week of that I have to make excuses to get out of the house. My latest excuse is "twilight golf" which she doesn't really understand but seems to believe me.

The twin is coming down this weekend and bringing a cousin. I've seen photos and she looks so much like the wife and her sister that they may as well be triplets. I'm looking forward to the first few days of their visit but it's going to be draining. I've checked on the Kamagra supply and I think I should be OK. Last time the sister was here I OD'd on the stuff and developed an involuntary erection situation for the next fortnight that was a tad discomforting. Any sort of bump or touch and whamo, up she goes. Riding the scooter became a nightmare.

But my real problem is this. I invested a considerable amount of baht in updating the Missus' breasts, to the point that they are totally exquisite. I don't mind the investment and she is totally in love with them - a bit like a new toy for us both. But of course, her twin sister has au natural breasts and therefore although they will be facially and frame size identical, their breasts will be different. I suspect this will cause some friction and competitiveness between them vis a vis me, and this may be more draining than usual. Add the cousin into the mix and it's potentially lethal.

If I stop posting by about next Friday I'd be grateful if one or two TV members could hold a requiem service for me. Nothing lavish, but make sure you play my favorite song by The Stones "I can't get no Satisfaction".

Actually, I'm wondering if I should offer to buy new (matching) bolt-ons for the sister to even things out. It'd be a relatively small investment for the potential pleasure we'd all receive. Not sure about the new cousin - I'll see after a test drive. biggrin.png

And then you woke up.... LoL


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Sandman if you have reciepts to show you paid for the house, you have full rites by Thai law to demolish it to a pile of dust.

As we all know (except for the yanks) expats can only own 49% of the land/business that owns the land.

But we can outright own the building we bought and paid for as you say

Hire a Caterpillar D10 for the day and have some fun fun fun in the sun sun sun !

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What your wife needs is an aphrodisiac. Another house, maybe?


Your quote reminds me of the old Thai joke...

When a farang first meets his Thai woman she's always saying "Korp Khun Kaa" so he buys her a car, then, a house and she changes it to "Korp Khun house"!

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Sorry to hear of your problem. This is not an easy problem to solve but you can try this. Start by being kind in word and action do not try to engage in any sex or physical contact what so ever. If she starts to want you do NOT do more than except her approaches but do not do more than that and be kind. In time she might come round you will know when it's good. Note: Don't make it into a war of wills for she will win. This might take some time but once she starts to see that you are unmoved by her coldness she will then start to change if only to see if you are still interested in her. Good luck time will tell.

Yeah and in the meantime she's boning the 25 yr old samy noi down the road!

Get real will you!

It's obvious where they met!

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I think your wife is having sex with someone else. If you're not happy with that situation . move away , I

've heard tthat the akha people in north Thailand live like they did 2000 years ago , it might work for you .

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She doesn't love you!

She shagged a house out of you.

Now the game to winkle you out begins.


Congratulations, I could actually understand your post.

And commiserations on being taken for a house.

Sorry but I agree. She got the house and now she doesn't want sex with you. Good luck
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Sorry to hear of your problem. This is not an easy problem to solve but you can try this. Start by being kind in word and action do not try to engage in any sex or physical contact what so ever. If she starts to want you do NOT do more than except her approaches but do not do more than that and be kind. In time she might come round you will know when it's good. Note: Don't make it into a war of wills for she will win. This might take some time but once she starts to see that you are unmoved by her coldness she will then start to change if only to see if you are still interested in her. Good luck time will tell.

You're making the mistake of believing that this is the kind of marital issue that an occasional glass of wine, some Barry White and a few sweet nothings in her ear can fix. It isn't

I think the OP's several years older than his wife, maybe overweight, bald, ropey and she made her pussy available until she got the house.

It's not that she's uninterested in sex per se; she's just uninterested in it with him because she's already got what she wanted and there's no need to endure sex with someone she may very well NEVER have been attracted to

My guess is that she is regularly being bottomed out by a local guy(s) who is/are significantly younger than her husband.

That's pretty much it. He should move on and, if he's so inclined, bulldoze the house

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What's going on sandman?

You've got posts on borrowing true vision boxes lie detectors not getting any sex and controlling your dreams all in one go.

If I was you and your posts are fair dinkum I'd be more worried about the 2014 financial that's going to descend on you in the next couple of months when you get you marching orders.

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I already stayed in a akha

Village over one month!

The emphatic is very strong!

No fake smile detected!

Every house have a picture of the people who lives inside on the front or the door!

All village people are named on a big shield at village entry!

And the good thing akka woman's cannot run away the live forever in the wood with you!

My wife also never say something when Iam iPhone addicted !

Upp to you that's the only positive side on it?

Western woman would run away or would force the husband to chancel his hobby !

Hinduism realation ship sounds for me difficult !

Balinese woman told me must be married with 22 have first children and stay together forever!

Sounds very strict!

But proberbly only when she born into a high casts!

From the OP:

"After a long search on google, I read one article on google of a frustrated expats , he says, try a retaliation ship with a akka woman, in every village is a house where people can met each other and he says Akkas are very sexual open minded, honest and not lie!

Have someone experience about this?"

You spent a month in an Akha village yet you know nothing about them?

Something is starting to smell trollish.

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What's going on sandman?

You've got posts on borrowing true vision boxes lie detectors not getting any sex and controlling your dreams all in one go.

If I was you and your posts are fair dinkum I'd be more worried about the 2014 financial that's going to descend on you in the next couple of months when you get you marching orders.

and ice cream

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What's going on sandman?

You've got posts on borrowing true vision boxes lie detectors not getting any sex and controlling your dreams all in one go.

If I was you and your posts are fair dinkum I'd be more worried about the 2014 financial that's going to descend on you in the next couple of months when you get you marching orders.

You missed the key one... on top of all this, he is moaning about the bad smelling busses from his current place to BKk... where is is trying to get a Schengen Visa for his wife to go with him to Europe...

Just crazy stupid... except he wants to drop her in Austria and return home alone...

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many women (all around the world) lose their interest in sex over time as a relationship goes on, and (as i know from personal experience) it is really frustrating to be the guy in that situation

but given that Thai law doesn't preclude husbands from having sex with other women, and given there are so many pretty and available girls here, i think you can overcome this issue

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Me A old man fat ,looked lot better 20 years ago , married Young good looking thai lady , why should she marry me ,wake up ,i have ,would you buy house car for young lady in the west if they asked ? never have in the last 50 years ,Thai Ladies all about money ,But the cost can be less than OAP home ,and nearly all of us get Sex ,sometimes wish i could get a rest , Sex is part of the contract ,i would get new contract or go over to pay as you go ,can work out cheaper

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many women (all around the world) lose their interest in sex over time as a relationship goes on, and (as i know from personal experience) it is really frustrating to be the guy in that situation

but given that Thai law doesn't preclude husbands from having sex with other women, and given there are so many pretty and available girls here, i think you can overcome this issue

I think in this case its probable that the majority of replies here are right, but its possible that brit1984 is correct, and its just the honeymoon period being finished and rather too quickly moving into a sexless relationship.

You could consider if you yourself have changed over that 3 year period? Got fatter? less personal grooming and hygeine, do you show any interest in her life anymore? If that is the case, try a bit of romancing, and smarten yourself up. If after a couple of weeks that you still get no positive response at all (don't expect everything straight away, but you will know if things are heading in the right direction), you will know the relationship is dead, and her fidelity then becomes irrelevant. Just get out of the relationship and take as much as you can with you.

Edited by cyborgx
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Gee Sandman, sounds like a sad story. I'm in the opposite position. Missus is sex mad and extremely liberal, so is her identical twin sister. Whenever her sister comes to stay they insist on us all sleeping together - after a week of that I have to make excuses to get out of the house. My latest excuse is "twilight golf" which she doesn't really understand but seems to believe me.

The twin is coming down this weekend and bringing a cousin. I've seen photos and she looks so much like the wife and her sister that they may as well be triplets. I'm looking forward to the first few days of their visit but it's going to be draining. I've checked on the Kamagra supply and I think I should be OK. Last time the sister was here I OD'd on the stuff and developed an involuntary erection situation for the next fortnight that was a tad discomforting. Any sort of bump or touch and whamo, up she goes. Riding the scooter became a nightmare.

But my real problem is this. I invested a considerable amount of baht in updating the Missus' breasts, to the point that they are totally exquisite. I don't mind the investment and she is totally in love with them - a bit like a new toy for us both. But of course, her twin sister has au natural breasts and therefore although they will be facially and frame size identical, their breasts will be different. I suspect this will cause some friction and competitiveness between them vis a vis me, and this may be more draining than usual. Add the cousin into the mix and it's potentially lethal.

If I stop posting by about next Friday I'd be grateful if one or two TV members could hold a requiem service for me. Nothing lavish, but make sure you play my favorite song by The Stones "I can't get no Satisfaction".

Actually, I'm wondering if I should offer to buy new (matching) bolt-ons for the sister to even things out. It'd be a relatively small investment for the potential pleasure we'd all receive. Not sure about the new cousin - I'll see after a test drive. biggrin.png

What about changing your song to 19th Nervous Breakdown, because that's what you will get after finishing with the three of them, but personally, i think your post is a figment of your imagination.

I think he is just talking about;;;;Missus Palmer and her Five Daughters;;;; 55 55 55 55 tongue.png

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Gee Sandman, sounds like a sad story. I'm in the opposite position. Missus is sex mad and extremely liberal, so is her identical twin sister. Whenever her sister comes to stay they insist on us all sleeping together - after a week of that I have to make excuses to get out of the house. My latest excuse is "twilight golf" which she doesn't really understand but seems to believe me.

The twin is coming down this weekend and bringing a cousin. I've seen photos and she looks so much like the wife and her sister that they may as well be triplets. I'm looking forward to the first few days of their visit but it's going to be draining. I've checked on the Kamagra supply and I think I should be OK. Last time the sister was here I OD'd on the stuff and developed an involuntary erection situation for the next fortnight that was a tad discomforting. Any sort of bump or touch and whamo, up she goes. Riding the scooter became a nightmare.

But my real problem is this. I invested a considerable amount of baht in updating the Missus' breasts, to the point that they are totally exquisite. I don't mind the investment and she is totally in love with them - a bit like a new toy for us both. But of course, her twin sister has au natural breasts and therefore although they will be facially and frame size identical, their breasts will be different. I suspect this will cause some friction and competitiveness between them vis a vis me, and this may be more draining than usual. Add the cousin into the mix and it's potentially lethal.

If I stop posting by about next Friday I'd be grateful if one or two TV members could hold a requiem service for me. Nothing lavish, but make sure you play my favorite song by The Stones "I can't get no Satisfaction".

Actually, I'm wondering if I should offer to buy new (matching) bolt-ons for the sister to even things out. It'd be a relatively small investment for the potential pleasure we'd all receive. Not sure about the new cousin - I'll see after a test drive. biggrin.png

Certainly you are posting this because you wish to purge yourself of the shame that you feel for having so much wantonness in your life. :rolleyes:
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