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What was the biggest lie and hoax you ever read in a book or travel guides about Thailand ?


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That their smiles are genuine....

you beat me to it

should read "the land of fake smiles" in the adverts.

The smiles aren't fake, just misinterpreted by foreigners. There's a whole smile system, with 13 officially documented smiles, and many more understood by Thais. Take time to learn what these smiles mean and everything will start to make sense. Sadly, this ultimately spoils the middle-aged white man's fantasy that every smile from a Thai female means she fancies him.

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I read in a travel book you should never point to something with your foot in Thailand.But my Thai girlfriend says this is rubbish.

Its considered very impolite to point with your foot in Thailand as its a Buddhist country and a foot is considered unclean. That's pretty basic manners in Thai! I would be worried as to why your girlfriend is not aware of it...That would be akin to a British person not spitting in front of someone!!

My wife still freaks out when I point at something with my foot, and she's lived in America for 6 years now.

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You are completely correct 101%, I hope for all those that have never visited this country they never read your threads.

Come to that have you ever actually been here?

For starters, perhaps Sandman could sign up for some English and grammar lessons. Would help him to understand the text on all those travel books correctly...

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I read the books in German and translate back to you otherwise you would not understand it!

Because the rest of the world is not forced to learn German in school we have do it!

The content of book is same no matter what language!

But in most books there is a bad idiology behind, or should I call it interpretation ?

Iam not sure if any Thai ask,themselves how other country's see there culture!

So I cannot read Thai,means I don't know what the talking about us

Proberbly the same !

An importent part I think not everybody accept there own culture on the same way,for some is importend for others not!

A importend part is the media manipulation , and also internet of our minds, in the western world culture disappears!

You are a outsider when you talk about in your home country tradition gone!

Same will happen in Thailand also proberbly slowly, but it will come,proberbly on that day when people begin to search there own identity in there own culture, if the search is unsuccessful , we reach apart that called culture shock , I not mean that one , from another western culture comparing to here, I mean if someone cannot identify himself with there own culture, this person will not follow the rules and guidelines!

Exactly this problem I have in the meantime , with my own farang culture , so more you know how the system works , so more you proberbly beginn dislike many parts of myown culture!

Every one had his own level of understanding aspects , and how works thinks together Iam not sure is it for Thais also possible , same way not follow cultural aspects , like other nations. Do!

We always try to match to cultures our own and the thaiculture , I try to stop this personal process but I failed, because I did not find out yet!,how a culture shock treatment looks like!

Would be are more happy , never visiting another culture , Iam not sure, so more we know , so much more questions we may have!

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The biggest lie in travel books is that sitting in a coffee shop "people watching" is an interesting thing to do.


Yes it can be, not a lie, but it's not "watching people" that is interesting when you sit in a cafe. You have to watch their FOOTWEAR and make yourself secret notes on how many shoes do not fit, too small, to big, too old or just the weird ones with plain feet hanging out of them sideways. It's a nice game one can do while sitting in a cafe, and a funny one, though !

I prefer looking at tits, but to each his own.


Same, same.

Plenty of tits to see in Thailand.

Many of them use Thaivisa forum.

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Before i came to Thailand i read up on what women should wear.
It said Thai women are very conservative in their dress and long dresses should be worn and blouses which cover the shoulders. ..!

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I once read that a person visiting Thailand should watch out for the vicious dogs running after you. I wasn't long here before I realized that the majority of dogs here were too lazy to bother running after anybody and compared to the dogs at home....they are like lambs.

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I read in a travel book you should never point to something with your foot in Thailand.But my Thai girlfriend says this is rubbish.

Your girlfriend obviously missed a few social studies lessons in school then, pointing to stuff with your feet is considered extremely rude and fairly disgusting

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The biggest lie in travel books is that sitting in a coffee shop "people watching" is an interesting thing to do.

Sit in the Starbucks in Exchange Tower when all the cuties go by on their way to work.

You'll be one of about a dozen guys who stake out a seat with a view each morning, who would disagree with you.

That's not people-watching. That's just sad. I'm neither a dirty old man, or a sad young one.

However I'm not averse to women approaching me. In the perennial battle between Kindle and iPad (what, you didn't know there was an epic battle in progress??), it seems that The Ladies (the brainier ones, I suppose) are attracted to Kindle-toting men.

To double my chances of women flocking to me, I've been sauntering around the shopping malls toting TWO Kindles. So far it hasn't panned out, but I'm patient. I've considered carrying three, but I think that might come off as a little bit creepy.


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The biggest lie in travel books is that sitting in a coffee shop "people watching" is an interesting thing to do.


Yes it can be, not a lie, but it's not "watching people" that is interesting when you sit in a cafe. You have to watch their FOOTWEAR and make yourself secret notes on how many shoes do not fit, too small, to big, too old or just the weird ones with plain feet hanging out of them sideways. It's a nice game one can do while sitting in a cafe, and a funny one, though !
I prefer looking at tits, but to each his own.


Plenty of tits to see in Thailand.

Many of them use Thaivisa forum.

Yeah. And some of them are unduly sensitive.


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  • 3 months later...

If somebody points with the finger
In the direction of a budha statue
The hand can hacked off!

If Sandmann points with his ungloved fingers at his wife, his tiny thing can disappear over night. Then given to the starving ducks.

Are you still around, with your cruel horror stories about stuff, where even old Isanejros don't know anything about?

I hope you could increase your love percentage.....facepalm.gif

Edited by lostinisaan
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whistling.gif Not exactly about Thailand, but I once saw a tourist poster printed pre 1950 by the French about Vietnam showing a french gentlemen dressed in a Safari Suit holding up a Tiger carcass which said. "Vietrnam Paradise for Hunters".

The one I like about Thailand though is the often repeated asseration that the Thais are a simple and gentle people who will welcome you with a smile.


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The biggest lie in travel books is that sitting in a coffee shop "people watching" is an interesting thing to do.


Yes it can be, not a lie, but it's not "watching people" that is interesting when you sit in a cafe. You have to watch their FOOTWEAR and make yourself secret notes on how many shoes do not fit, too small, to big, too old or just the weird ones with plain feet hanging out of them sideways. It's a nice game one can do while sitting in a cafe, and a funny one, though !

I prefer looking at tits, but to each his own.

Tit watching in Thailand is actually bra watching.

The bras, ( even the A cups, the most common size here)are about 60% padding.

They say opening a bra in Thailand is like opening a bag of chips or crisps...it's usually 50% empty inside!

Thongs, on the other hand are full and very visible, when worn on the feet!

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I think that the biggest lie that I have ever seen in a book about Thailand was in 'The Damage Done' by Warren Fellows.

Here is a man who would have a very interesting story but he ruins the whole book by trying to beef up the book by adding glaring lies.

I think that the worst one was about the guy who had a cockroach borrow into his neck and lay eggs under the skin, which then hatched and the baby cockroaches crawled out.

If I had not been over 10 years old, this story may have been credible.

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The negative slant of the post heading could read:

"What was the best information that you ever read in a book or travel guide about Thailand?".

IMO, the biggest lie and/or hoax continues to be revealed by the sad, dark and negative minded trolls that lurk behind the cloak of anonymity. I will steer clear and head for calm waters.

Live and Let Live.

Report the thread to Charlie, so he can close it, or you could grow some skin.

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I think that the biggest lie that I have ever seen in a book about Thailand was in 'The Damage Done' by Warren Fellows.

Here is a man who would have a very interesting story but he ruins the whole book by trying to beef up the book by adding glaring lies.

I think that the worst one was about the guy who had a cockroach borrow into his neck and lay eggs under the skin, which then hatched and the baby cockroaches crawled out.

If I had not been over 10 years old, this story may have been credible.

Wasn't that the crappy story of that retard that locked up for drug smuggling? Glad I never read it.

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And how about , take your shoes of

When you enter a house!

That is a good thing to do. Why should you drag all the crap underneath your shoes into the house?

You don't need to,the dirt still gets dragged in with bare feet,don't believe me ??? look at the soles of those that took their shoes off!

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And how about , take your shoes of

When you enter a house!

That is a good thing to do. Why should you drag all the crap underneath your shoes into the house?

You don't need to,the dirt still gets dragged in with bare feet,don't believe me ??? look at the soles of those that took their shoes off!

No problem if you wash your feet.

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And how about , take your shoes of

When you enter a house!

That is a good thing to do. Why should you drag all the crap underneath your shoes into the house?

You don't need to,the dirt still gets dragged in with bare feet,don't believe me ??? look at the soles of those that took their shoes off!

No problem if you wash your feet.

And have you seen anyone washing their feet???

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Matthew 1:18-25

The Birth of Jesus the Messiah

18 Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah* took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 19Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. 20But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.’ 22All this took place to fulfil what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet:

23 ‘Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,

and they shall name him Emmanuel’,

which means, ‘God is with us.’ 24When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife, 25but had no marital relations with her until she had borne a son;* and he named him Jesus.

I'm pretty sure this took place in Thailand and not Bethlehem.

Somebody somewhere couldn't remember the word Buriram so made it sound similar.

He was a good carpenter, I guess he did the right thing and built her a house, sadly only later to be nailed to a cross and tortured by her husbands friends, for having the cheek to try and feed 5000 of them with only 5 loaves and 2 fish.

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