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Farang marrying prostitues?

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this site is going down topics like this use to be on other low life sites about Pattaya.

Pattaya is a low life town for low life's didn't you know?

Paedo city

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Now, now, have you never been to soi Bintabat?

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I met and fell in love with a Thai girl 14 years ago and married her 2 years later. She was a go-go dancer in Pattaya, a prostitute/whore, whatever label you wanna give her. We are still together now with a 2 year old son and are very happy. The stereotype of a Thai bar girl doesn't apply to a lot of the girls that I know who have worked the bars in Pattaya/BKK.

Your story is indeed the other side of the coin of how good it can be. Must be many factors in play though which are not present as there are with many other prostitutes. Greedy and manipulative inlaws to name 1.

Good luck though.

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I met and fell in love with a Thai girl 14 years ago and married her 2 years later. She was a go-go dancer in Pattaya, a prostitute/whore, whatever label you wanna give her. We are still together now with a 2 year old son and are very happy. The stereotype of a Thai bar girl doesn't apply to a lot of the girls that I know who have worked the bars in Pattaya/BKK.

Very good. My friend owns a bar on patpong. I used to hang out there all the time. I got to know allot of the girls working there. Most were there hoping to find an ex-pat husband. Some just to make some good money quickly and then go back home. Others had no plan just there making good money. Some girls started out sweet and after time being lied to by customers that they love them and coming back to marry them got tough and learned that all ex-pats lie trying to get free sex. These are the ones that turn hard core thinking better to get as much out of a guy as possible as he is just lying to her. They dont trust anyone anymore and just look out for themselves.

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I met and fell in love with a Thai girl 14 years ago and married her 2 years later. She was a go-go dancer in Pattaya, a prostitute/whore, whatever label you wanna give her. We are still together now with a 2 year old son and are very happy. The stereotype of a Thai bar girl doesn't apply to a lot of the girls that I know who have worked the bars in Pattaya/BKK.

Very good. My friend owns a bar on patpong. I used to hang out there all the time. I got to know allot of the girls working there. Most were there hoping to find an ex-pat husband. Some just to make some good money quickly and then go back home. Others had no plan just there making good money. Some girls started out sweet and after time being lied to by customers that they love them and coming back to marry them got tough and learned that all ex-pats lie trying to get free sex. These are the ones that turn hard core thinking better to get as much out of a guy as possible as he is just lying to her. They dont trust anyone anymore and just look out for themselves.

Well, thats 1 side of the story you have heard. Undoubtedly true in some cases. The onset however for most of them is based on monetary reasons to find an expat. Most of them have kids to raise and take care of, usually left by familymembers back home. In general they dont think about the needs of the expat they hook. Sex and taking care, on their way, is sufficient they think. In general it isnt enough for any selfrespecting foreigner IMO.

The lying starts in general with the girls....the foreigners who want free sex, funny to write this btw from a western point of view, one cant blame them. At the end of the day it is more familypressures and sheer manipulation , the wrong loyalty, keeping the girls in the scene of prostitution. Not out of necessity. Being away from the control in the villages and having the freedom to do what they want without somebody judging them is a positive aspect as well.

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The word " prostitute " carries a stigma. I won't research the definition because I think we all have a fairly good grasp on what it means. A woman and a man can screw around all they like, but when they charge money for it it gets a different name. How many folk that denounce prostitution would actually think it ok if their girl had slept around a lot but did it for free ? Would they somehow feel better about that ? Don't get me wrong, none of this is personal to me, but I just think the word " prostitute " creates an image in people's mind of the " off the wall punk rocker type, " probably with multiple addictions patrolling late night bus stations in the dark and the cold dressed in a mini skirt and talking fellas down dark alleys for a quickie !

This is not really how it is in Asia is it ?

Just as we are not allowed to call a nigger a nigger, or a Paki a Paki in what are considered. 1st world countries, maybe the same should apply to the girls that work the bars in Asia because the image this word creates is quite different to what we find - in most cases - isn't it !

What's wrong with calling a Paki a Paki? Paki is short for Pakistan. I am from Scotland, and I don't mind being called a Scot. Scot is short for Scotland, same thing is it not?

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Very good. My friend owns a bar on patpong. I used to hang out there all the time. I got to know allot of the girls working there. Most were there hoping to find an ex-pat husband. Some just to make some good money quickly and then go back home. Others had no plan just there making good money. Some girls started out sweet and after time being lied to by customers that they love them and coming back to marry them got tough and learned that all ex-pats lie trying to get free sex. These are the ones that turn hard core thinking better to get as much out of a guy as possible as he is just lying to her. They dont trust anyone anymore and just look out for themselves.

You need to remember, the girls tell you what they think you want to hear.

It is rarely the truth, or anywhere near the truth.

You didn't really get to know them, you were just another potential customer to play.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I met and fell in love with a Thai girl 14 years ago and married her 2 years later. She was a go-go dancer in Pattaya, a prostitute/whore, whatever label you wanna give her. We are still together now with a 2 year old son and are very happy. The stereotype of a Thai bar girl doesn't apply to a lot of the girls that I know who have worked the bars in Pattaya/BKK.

Shhhh. Don't spoil this silly little cliched thread! It's good therapy for all those married to their "good" girls!

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The word " prostitute " carries a stigma. I won't research the definition because I think we all have a fairly good grasp on what it means. A woman and a man can screw around all they like, but when they charge money for it it gets a different name. How many folk that denounce prostitution would actually think it ok if their girl had slept around a lot but did it for free ? Would they somehow feel better about that ? Don't get me wrong, none of this is personal to me, but I just think the word " prostitute " creates an image in people's mind of the " off the wall punk rocker type, " probably with multiple addictions patrolling late night bus stations in the dark and the cold dressed in a mini skirt and talking fellas down dark alleys for a quickie !

This is not really how it is in Asia is it ?

Just as we are not allowed to call a nigger a nigger, or a Paki a Paki in what are considered. 1st world countries, maybe the same should apply to the girls that work the bars in Asia because the image this word creates is quite different to what we find - in most cases - isn't it !

What's wrong with calling a Paki a Paki? Paki is short for Pakistan. I am from Scotland, and I don't mind being called a Scot. Scot is short for Scotland, same thing is it not?

My Thai wife calls it Scot's tape.

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Who is this anonymous prick, looked at his other post about giving 20 bt to a beggar and getting pissed because the guy did not kiss his feet in gratitude, go back to your worm hole sunshine!

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Is it really different than the isa??

man runs out of money anywhere, there gone!

better to rent short time!

Thats not always true ,a friend married a bar girl 25 years ago ,they have always been happy ,even now that they live a very poor life ,they are still together ,its ,no good some guys coming on here and trying to say a bar girl is not a "prostitute" she is ,but that does not mean that she cant fall in love as well ,as i have always said i have no problem with them ,i would not risk marrying one myself ,but that does not mean many are not nice people

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Who is this anonymous prick, looked at his other post about giving 20 bt to a beggar and getting pissed because the guy did not kiss his feet in gratitude, go back to your worm hole sunshine!

Who is, "anonymous prick," The normal way to post is to respond to a quote. But you didn't so I don't know why you are referring to.

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I think if you are going to marry a prostitute, you need to find one that can perform like a porn star. Surely that can never get boring?

They change. Chambers was married three times. First was to Doug Chapin, whom she met while he was playing bagpipes for money on the streets of San Francisco. She later ran for Vice President.


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Very good. My friend owns a bar on patpong. I used to hang out there all the time. I got to know allot of the girls working there. Most were there hoping to find an ex-pat husband. Some just to make some good money quickly and then go back home. Others had no plan just there making good money. Some girls started out sweet and after time being lied to by customers that they love them and coming back to marry them got tough and learned that all ex-pats lie trying to get free sex. These are the ones that turn hard core thinking better to get as much out of a guy as possible as he is just lying to her. They dont trust anyone anymore and just look out for themselves.

You need to remember, the girls tell you what they think you want to hear.

It is rarely the truth, or anywhere near the truth.

You didn't really get to know them, you were just another potential customer to play.

I didnt really get to know them, just another customer? You have no idea what you are talking about. One I never took any girls from his bar, this is where i drank and I never mess around where I drink so I don't have problems in the future. Yes I got to know several of the girls. I hung there every Friday and Saturday for 5 years. The owner would have parties at his house from time to time during the day and some of the girls would be there. Sometime after the place closed I would hang out with a few of the girls that I became friends with. Most of the information I got came from the mama san which I was very good friend with. Between the mama san, the owner wife and a few friends that hung out there that their girl friends that used to work at the bar I would hear all the gossip. I believe what I was told was true.

I'm not saying these are the reasons for all the girls that work in a bar. I know one girl that came there just out for money. Had a husband and family back home. They wanted to build a house. Took her 1 year to get the house built. I saw her go with 2-3 guys in a night all short time, she refused any long time offers. She was nice but strictly out for money. Another girl I knew was on drugs, she didn't care about anything or anybody. only cared about making enough money to keep her in good supply of drugs. She didn't send money home, didn't care about her customer just wanted money to buy drugs. Another girl that I knew her dad was a professor at a university in Chang Mai, she dont get along with him. He knows she works in a gogo bar and hates it, but she don't care. I think she does it just to piss him off, of course she likes the easy money. So many stories.

I like the way some of you guys think you know everything and everyone else is wrong. Been living in Thailand almost 20 years I have seen allot.

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Another way to look at it. Do good thai men marry thai prostitutes.................................lol.

What's a 'good' Thai man?

Of course Thai men don't marry them, nor do foreign men who have lived here for a long time. Only the guys off the boat , or on Thai love sites marry them as they know no better.

You both need to out more!

Ever seen a Thai guy drop his wife off at a bar to work, kiss her on the cheek and say goodbye? Plenty!

Yes - you can see lots of young Thai guys dropping their wives off at the bars and entertainment places if you observe. Often have the kids with them, all on one motorbike as usual. Sad really, the this is seen as viable employment socially, economically and at a personal level.

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I didnt really get to know them, just another customer? You have no idea what you are talking about. One I never took any girls from his bar, this is where i drank and I never mess around where I drink so I don't have problems in the future. Yes I got to know several of the girls. I hung there every Friday and Saturday for 5 years. The owner would have parties at his house from time to time during the day and some of the girls would be there. Sometime after the place closed I would hang out with a few of the girls that I became friends with. Most of the information I got came from the mama san which I was very good friend with. Between the mama san, the owner wife and a few friends that hung out there that their girl friends that used to work at the bar I would hear all the gossip. I believe what I was told was true.

I'm not saying these are the reasons for all the girls that work in a bar. I know one girl that came there just out for money. Had a husband and family back home. They wanted to build a house. Took her 1 year to get the house built. I saw her go with 2-3 guys in a night all short time, she refused any long time offers. She was nice but strictly out for money. Another girl I knew was on drugs, she didn't care about anything or anybody. only cared about making enough money to keep her in good supply of drugs. She didn't send money home, didn't care about her customer just wanted money to buy drugs. Another girl that I knew her dad was a professor at a university in Chang Mai, she dont get along with him. He knows she works in a gogo bar and hates it, but she don't care. I think she does it just to piss him off, of course she likes the easy money. So many stories.

I like the way some of you guys think you know everything and everyone else is wrong. Been living in Thailand almost 20 years I have seen allot.

Excuse me but you said you hung out at a go go bar every Friday and Saturday for 5 years? Man do you still have your hearing? I could not see how it would be possible to hang out at a go go for more than a couple of sets.

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Why do Farang that have been shafted as above then come on TV and ask the same question a million times ?

What about those times when unlike you the Farang doesn't run out of money as he isn't stupid and they live happily ever after

BUT, how can he be anything other than stupid to marry a prostitute ? Surely only fools marry prostitues.

Samson married a prostitute........

and Moses parted the red sea

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Is it really different than the isa??

man runs out of money anywhere, there gone!

better to rent short time!

Thats not always true ,a friend married a bar girl 25 years ago ,they have always been happy ,even now that they live a very poor life ,they are still together ,its ,no good some guys coming on here and trying to say a bar girl is not a "prostitute" she is ,but that does not mean that she cant fall in love as well ,as i have always said i have no problem with them ,i would not risk marrying one myself ,but that does not mean many are not nice people

I know many people married to Thai ladies. The ones who married bar girls - 20% change once they've found an husband, want children and to be loved and valued as a wife and mother. 80% don't. They want to go out drinking and clubbing as a group, mess with other guys in clubs, have affairs, gamble and a few earn some extra cash from their old profession. Old habits die hard and the peer pressure is interesting to observe.

How many people would marry a prostitute, who they met through her employment in their home country. They all claim their wife was - the cook, cashier, waitress only, was forced through poverty, met them on the first day, week or month, they were the first or second customer etc etc etc. The more they repeat and embellish these "justifications" the worse they make it appear.

Your friend has been very lucky and it's nice to read a happy story. I know many people with Thai wives - some ex bar girls some not. The two rarely mix well, IME, with the latter having married for love, expect sex to stay in the marriage and seeing marriage for life and the former seeing marriage as offering financial security and sex as something that can be sold. Sex and love have become disconnected for them and I haven't seen any who can reconnect.

If i were in my 20's, slim and trim, plagued by poverty/financial problems, married a woman that could be at the very least my mother, if not grandmother, i too might want to party with my friends, etc etc.

put the shoe on the other foot

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I think if you are going to marry a prostitute, you need to find one that can perform like a porn star. Surely that can never get boring?

Sex like romance is not eternal. It can and does get boring / less exciting. I know someone that dated a real porn star. In actuality she was a registered nurse from a prominent family. Did porn cause of a very strong appetite.

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And Munger, what experience do you have to make these comments?

Pralaad, well spoken, happily married for 13 years & both piggy banks are still full.

It's that old Anglo Saxon upbringing again, mention the word prosi & everyone gets stage fright.Get over it.

Believe me, a good lady of the night can make a wonderful relationship

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I would like to ask OP why he does not wrote "Farang marrying bar girls?"

Not shocking enough?

In LOS almost every one use the expression "Bar girl" every one understand of course, and most of those married to "prostitutes" indeed met their wife in bars, so any reason?

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It's not really being a hooker in the western sense, I don't think we really have a comparison to back home.

Find a bar waitress that actively hooks on the side, and Voilà!, there's your Bar Girl.

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»Why do farang marry prostitutes then when the mans money runs out the prostitute leaves her husband.

Why does the silly farang be confused and upset ???«

Some of the worst horror-stories Ive heard about farangs getting ripped off or cheated at, are not from those marrying bargirls or the like, but from those marrying so-called normal ladies, including the worst of all I know about, she was a very hi-so Chinese from an important family

Not saying, that normal ladies are bad, or the girls from nightlife are angels, just make me think that the more hi-so types may be cleverer when it comes to farang rip-off

On the other hand, I know many farangs who found their partner in the nightlife may not all admit it and live happily together. Perhaps the hard working girl appreciate it more, when she (finally) meet a good man who cares for her, likes or love her, provides her a good life, and she will stay with him and take good care of him?

Thailand seems to be more old fashioned like old time in the Western countries, when the man was the provider for the family. The ladies here seems to expect that marrying a farang means to marry social level up and the husband takes care of all both most normal ladies and the girls from nightlife. If husbands money runs out and he cannot provide anymore, theres a problem and that problem also appears in contemporary Western countries; you ever heard stories about couples splitting up due to financial troubles?

And yes, if you are a stupid farang you may end up in a Gold Diggers web, however you can end up with Gold Diggers everywhere in the world I would think the older the gentleman is when looking for not that old company, the more he is expected to be a good man and take good care. A man at 50-60 years or more dating a girl in her 20ies at home, is expected to be either famous or loaded, preferably both.

If you keep your brain working at some level, you may find the right balance and be happy with either a normal lady or a nightlife girl. But if you deposit your brain at the airport, which many books states some farangs are doing, you can get into all kind of troubles with both normal ladies and girls from nightlife silly, you can end up confused and upset

I dont regret my choice


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Why do Farang that have been shafted as above then come on TV and ask the same question a million times ?

What about those times when unlike you the Farang doesn't run out of money as he isn't stupid and they live happily ever after

BUT, how can he be anything other than stupid to marry a prostitute ? Surely only fools marry prostitues.

I've known some stunning prostitutes in my time in Thailand and also in Scotland. None of them would have married me sad.png

Believe it or not, but after over a decade living full time in Thailand and spending countless nights in bars and gogo bars, i am still not married, never had one wanting to marry me.

Now its even gotten worse, i can hardly pick one up from the bar.

They all tell me, they love me like a brother because i know too much.

I have tried to tell them i come for holiday, i act like an idiot, i do not speak a word of Thai, but somehow they know i am lying.

I must have some kind of stamp on my forehead that gives me up.facepalm.gif

Or a reputation as a cheap Charlie .

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Prostitution will be legalized in the uk and many western european countries soon.

The reason there is stigma about prostitution from governments is solely because the governments cannot tax prostitition

But that will all change soon in the west.

Thats why they will start teaching kids porno in uk schools a 9 years old.

So when they grow up prostitution/escorting/massage or whater you wonna call it will be a serious option for them.

The problem in the west is women now only care about their job and career.

They have an attitude like men are garbage/trash/rubbish

They see us like a bus: another one will be along in 5 minutes.

So we go to thailand and find women and love here.

What else can we do?

We cant watch porno forever.

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Prostitution will be legalized in the uk and many western european countries soon.

The reason there is stigma about prostitution from governments is solely because the governments cannot tax prostitition

But that will all change soon in the west.

Thats why they will start teaching kids porno in uk schools a 9 years old.

So when they grow up prostitution/escorting/massage or whater you wonna call it will be a serious option for them.

The problem in the west is women now only care about their job and career.

They have an attitude like men are garbage/trash/rubbish

They see us like a bus: another one will be along in 5 minutes.

So we go to thailand and find women and love here.

What else can we do?

We cant watch porno forever.

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Another ugly farang. You really are. You need a huge understand of Thai before you call them prostitutes. They are bar girls. They have few alternatives in life. They don't want a thai guy. they want to marry and be happy with a farang. Now for the truth - too many are in the business too long. they become alcoholics/drugs. If they get out of their job, life is a little boring. Remember, they worked for about 1 full year every day. they miss their friends. Even though they got their farang husband it is a difficult transition especially with a guy who thinks they were whores.

Youmust have married a whore, so I can see why you'd want to protect her honour.

There are millions of thai women who work in factories for a lot less and work a damn sight(?) harder. These prostitutes have taken the easier option. Drinking beer, socialising, and sleeping with an ugly farrang in an aircon hotel room, with a tv that shows cartoons. For some the wages are akin to a proffesional, like a doctor or a Dentist.

Bar girls would imply they work and stay in the bar. They don't. They are prostitutes. Get over it.

Couldn't agree more

Everybody in life has choices (except human trafficking)

Take the easy non respectful way out, expect no respect. You are deluded if you think they deserve the same respect as those 7-11 workers

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