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Teacher Hitting Kids!


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Thanks PlanetX it wont be the best father's day (US tomorrow) but sure will be very fatherly.

CC if in fact you are trolling as been suggested then you should be not be on here as this is not a subject about pizza or the best bargin.

If you're being real, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, it's quite apparent that your not reafing the post completely or properly. In my OP I said "my gut reaction is to tell the teacher ..." which implies I'm upset, knowingly, and that that's not what I indend to do but I've consirderd it and my phyiscal description was just added to show that it would be effective to scare him, never did I mention fighting him, as opposed to haveing my 36 kg GF do it. Also that we have deciede to change schools next semester due to overcrowded class rooms so not ther remained of the year nor just the possiblity nor because that his hand was smacked. Also said I'll find out about the other families as it happened yesterday after school and the meeting is only tomorrow morning. Also you said I wasnt acting my age and then you said you thought I was mature. You insulted me and my family and have not offered much useful advice. If it walks like a troll ....

I respecfuly request that you keep your advice to yourself on this thread (I didnt say you could'nt so dont cry that I taking away your rights) as this is a time I'm looking for the TV communites help which I'm reciveing from others as well as their comfort.

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That was almost a daily occurrence for me when i was at school,

and it was a thin bamboo cane,either across the hand or arse,up to 6,

yes it hurt like hell, but i don't think it did me any harm,maybe a bit of

good,as i did not turn into a serial killer,shoot school kids,become a

bank robber or anything like that.

So they stopped all the corporal punishment what happen,the kids

don't respect the teachers or anything else really,society as a whole

is in a right mess,thats the view i get of whats happening in the UK,

i expect the same is happening in other Western countries,and could

happen here. theres too much PC and human rights for people that

don't deserve it i.e.prisoners,terrorists,and criminals.

regards Worgeordie

I think Worgeordie is makeing an excellent, well-informed point here. In the more fundamentalist portions of the Moslem world, parents and teachers are allowed to beat children with impunity. With the result that they've got the terrorist situation well in hand. Yes, inflicting violence on children truly does teach them a thing or two.

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Fortunately my children have had enough good parenting that I would find it highly doubtful they'll be strapping on a suicide bomb. But seriously this was some boys playing, maybe they were told to stop a few times I don't know, but it's only the teachers in this case acting powerful by picking on my kid half his size when he's suppose to be a role model teaching him, which I pay a nice sum for.

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That was almost a daily occurrence for me when i was at school,

and it was a thin bamboo cane,either across the hand or arse,up to 6,

yes it hurt like hell, but i don't think it did me any harm,maybe a bit of

good,as i did not turn into a serial killer,shoot school kids,become a

bank robber or anything like that.

So they stopped all the corporal punishment what happen,the kids

don't respect the teachers or anything else really,society as a whole

is in a right mess,thats the view i get of whats happening in the UK,

i expect the same is happening in other Western countries,and could

happen here. theres too much PC and human rights for people that

don't deserve it i.e.prisoners,terrorists,and criminals.

regards Worgeordie

I think Worgeordie is makeing an excellent, well-informed point here. In the more fundamentalist portions of the Moslem world, parents and teachers are allowed to beat children with impunity. With the result that they've got the terrorist situation well in hand. Yes, inflicting violence on children truly does teach them a thing or two.

Also look to the West were corporal punishment is now frond upon, the kids have respect for no one,there were no teachers stabbed or

shot while i was at school,in the whole country,and whats happening now ?, I thought fundamentalism was about religious differences ?

regards Worgeordie

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I was brought up in a home where spanking was reserved as a last resort and i probably had my Dad's open palm on my behind only a couple of times. The city was upper middle class with good school systems with the citizens often doctors, lawyers and University Proffessors (as my Dad was). Very little corporal punishment and never in the schools and we respected, and leanrt from our teachers (and our parents and the law). We were brought up by parents who too it seriously and put in a lot of energy, perhaps one of the downfalls of some of the kids nowadays. We were given a long leash, trusted and never got in trouble and grew up to be upstanding members of society and continue with our children in the same vain.

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Junglechef, I think you doth protest too much, its much to do about nothing,

spare the rod and spoil the child, as with anything,people have different views

on a myriad of subjects,i have expressed mine as thats what i believe,and you

have your views.and you are taking a strong stance,so thats to be respected,

So please return and let us know the outcome of your meeting with the teacher,

and i hope you find satisfaction,as you don't want your son to be punished and

you are paying the school fees,its your right to complain.

regards Worgeordie

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I agree with you and have said it's not that big of a deal. I'm just responding to peoples responses to me as is courteous and I respect yours and the other's. As I feel I have appropriate things to say to add to the discussion I guess it's ones opinion if I'm posting too much. Hope I'm just interpreting that you're telling me cease because I'm pissed off at this whole thing. Anyway isn't complaining the main purpose of TV smile.png

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You have to pity the people who cannot and did not appropriately dicipline their children through means other than violence. :(

Not physically abusing children doesn't mean that you're spoiling them, you know. :rolleyes:

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I know they happen as I have posted in detail about one instance . Two wrongs don't make a right and all that kind of thing as well as a good lesson for my children as what is accepetable behaviour, one that many need, and what's not plus how to deal with an issue if necessary. We have a no hitting policy between the kids, even my 2 yr old, unless it's rough house fun and we often play really hard incl. no pad full tackle Amercian football in the yard. Believe me when I say when Thai's see us they cant believe it! The boys don't cry unless they are hurt so they are building character too. I don't buy toy guns nor donwload violent video games for them. In turn I will be calm, at least in front of them, tomorrow.

As I'm sure I'll need the teachers info to file any kind of complaint so I'll get it tomorrrow from both him and the administration with the intenention of filing a police report, if I do so or not is another matter as I feel a stern warning might be appropraite at this time (thanks AnotherOneAmerican).

Sorry if I'm going on alot about this but I'm just a concern parent and trying to be culturally sensitve while at the same time not taking any bullhsit!

Why are you afraid to go the police only that will work unless you get the teacher.

Going to police is easier

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I'm not afraid and have gone to the police before for other issues but it really has never given many positive results except lots of wasted time and polite chatter. If I was convinced that it would work as you believe I would have already but agree with others to get both sides of the story and still debating if the ones who says it's the correct route to take or not. Obviously I don't know what will work but if I can fix it myself as I previously mentioned without the polices participation I'd rather. I usually give those in charge a chance before going above their heads and as no huge crime has taken place I will start there but as you reposted get all the information to proceed if necessary.

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this kid didn't do his homework.....


I also recall several years ago, when a foreign teacher watched in horror, as his thai teaching partner made a 6 or 7 yo kid, who pissed in his pants, spend the rest of the day naked from the waste down. The foreign teacher went to the front office screaming bloody murder, and guess who was visited by the police and taken n for questioning? After about 10 hours at the police station I believe they decided nothing had really happened...just a mis-understanding.

Maybe just buy the teacher a non-metallic ruler or a wooden one, and remove that pesky metal edge, and call it a day.

BTW, letting young kids play tackle football is negligent, at best....and would get you terminated and found liable in the West.

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I know they happen as I have posted in detail about one instance . Two wrongs don't make a right and all that kind of thing as well as a good lesson for my children as what is accepetable behaviour, one that many need, and what's not plus how to deal with an issue if necessary. We have a no hitting policy between the kids, even my 2 yr old, unless it's rough house fun and we often play really hard incl. no pad full tackle Amercian football in the yard. Believe me when I say when Thai's see us they cant believe it! The boys don't cry unless they are hurt so they are building character too. I don't buy toy guns nor donwload violent video games for them. In turn I will be calm, at least in front of them, tomorrow.

As I'm sure I'll need the teachers info to file any kind of complaint so I'll get it tomorrrow from both him and the administration with the intenention of filing a police report, if I do so or not is another matter as I feel a stern warning might be appropraite at this time (thanks AnotherOneAmerican).

Sorry if I'm going on alot about this but I'm just a concern parent and trying to be culturally sensitve while at the same time not taking any bullhsit!

Why are you afraid to go the police only that will work unless you get the teacher.

Going to police is easier

for one, the police would not give him the time of day as he has already stated he is not the father and not married to the mother of the child. under Thai law, even a biological father not legally married to the mother of his child has no legal rights unless there is a legal document from the amphur or the court granting him those rights.

also i too would urge him to take a deep breath... making a Thai teacher lose face could backfire in many ways....

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i'm not saying it is right to punish children at school, but as can be seen from the couple of videos posted it is a fairly common occurrence in Thailand. the wife's cousin was whacked a couple of times at school in C.M. with a bamboo stick (along with several other students) when she was about 15 and she was an excellent student. they said she and the others were disrespectful to the teacher.

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So not only violence, but doing it in public to humiliate and embarrass them.

Wow, who wouldn't support that from those who should be leading by example. rolleyes.gif


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Oscar 2 as there are many and some long post I'll repeat the the legal Thai Mother is leading the charge with with my full support and advice. As far as I can see it the homeroom monitor has already lost face by hitting little kids. I'm sensitive to the local culture to a point but I don't claim to be Thai and won't let some bully hit my kid for kicks. He wasn't teaching the kids not to hit each other by hitting them nor did they did disrespect him by disobeying him as he didn't tell them to stop beforehand. Also I prepared and not afraid for the worst if it does backfire but what can happen, they kick my kid out of their school? If so wouldn't want him there anyway. Wouldn't be the first time I changed my kids school here. If I was too afraid to do the right thing I'd sure be a bad example of a father!

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I know times have changed but what some describe as child abuse on here was common discipline at the quite good uk school I went to many years ago. I think we all benefitted from being kept in order. I lean towards the view above of 'spare the rod and spoil the child' - but an old fashioned view maybe. But I think we paid more attention, were better behaved and learned more as a result

But I guess in today's climate, like you, I would feel protective of the child and would question why the young teacher felt public corporal punishment necessary. Maybe he had 'asked them nicely' and been ignored previously? I dont know.

But going to the police seems way OTT.

Why not talk to the teacher, express surprise and concern and ask why he found his approach necessary and whether he routinely hits the children. I would prefer to hear his side before going in all guns blazing.

You are seeking opinions and this is mine and I apologise if you dont like it or it doesnt accord with yours. But it is partly shaped by your saying that the boys is neither upset or distressed - I think you said that?

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I don't believe in kids being bullied by teachers. We had our fair share of it when we were kids in Oz, 50 - 60 years ago.

I'm sure one ear is stretched, the bruises where the blackboard duster got me on the head, the welts on the back of my legs, and once we'd survived this and into high school, they used a bamboo cane on rear end and hands.

The exception was our old Tech. Drawing teacher. When in trouble, we were invited to the front of the class room, and to bring our tee-squares with us.

I don't blame the teachers! If the parents asked about a new bruise, they said 'probably your fault anyway'. YEAH.

Somehow, we survived and I know this is a different era and different traditions in Thailand. whistling.gif

50 or 60 years ago the same thing happened to UK kids,Parents were scared witless to complain to the Teachers,who were looked up to as Superiors,it was much easier to tell the Child "It must have been your fault" and forget about it.

Since the sixties things have changed in the UK,any Teacher that uses violence on children will be unlikely to teach again,and will probably serve prison time.

Looks like the Thais are still in that Era, i.e excessive respect and fear of authority!

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I don't believe in kids being bullied by teachers. We had our fair share of it when we were kids in Oz, 50 - 60 years ago.

I'm sure one ear is stretched, the bruises where the blackboard duster got me on the head, the welts on the back of my legs, and once we'd survived this and into high school, they used a bamboo cane on rear end and hands.

The exception was our old Tech. Drawing teacher. When in trouble, we were invited to the front of the class room, and to bring our tee-squares with us.

I don't blame the teachers! If the parents asked about a new bruise, they said 'probably your fault anyway'. YEAH.

Somehow, we survived and I know this is a different era and different traditions in Thailand. whistling.gif

50 or 60 years ago the same thing happened to UK kids,Parents were scared witless to complain to the Teachers,who were looked up to as Superiors,it was much easier to tell the Child "It must have been your fault" and forget about it.

Since the sixties things have changed in the UK,any Teacher that uses violence on children will be unlikely to teach again,and will probably serve prison time.

Looks like the Thais are still in that Era, i.e excessive respect and fear of authority!

Different experiences- where I was, parents were definitely not scared to complain to teachers who were, at that time, not well paid nor particularly revered. Just normal citizens.

If parents didnt complain it was because they also used corporal punishment (or the threat of), sparingly probably, but as a child you knew bad behaviour might have unpleasant consequences -so by and large, you behaved- or misbehaved out of sight!

I dont think that respect for authority is bad thing. On the contrary lack of respect for authority causes many problems in society.

When appropriate, challenge authority without fear, but not without respect.

Many teachers in the uk are now afraid that if they appropriately admonish a child, the parent will physically admonish the teacher. A good thing for the child?- I think not

Respect has to be earned,fear of consequences,as in the case of the parents I mentioned, is not respect.

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I know they happen as I have posted in detail about one instance . Two wrongs don't make a right and all that kind of thing as well as a good lesson for my children as what is accepetable behaviour, one that many need, and what's not plus how to deal with an issue if necessary. We have a no hitting policy between the kids, even my 2 yr old, unless it's rough house fun and we often play really hard incl. no pad full tackle Amercian football in the yard. Believe me when I say when Thai's see us they cant believe it! The boys don't cry unless they are hurt so they are building character too. I don't buy toy guns nor donwload violent video games for them. In turn I will be calm, at least in front of them, tomorrow.

As I'm sure I'll need the teachers info to file any kind of complaint so I'll get it tomorrrow from both him and the administration with the intenention of filing a police report, if I do so or not is another matter as I feel a stern warning might be appropraite at this time (thanks AnotherOneAmerican).

Sorry if I'm going on alot about this but I'm just a concern parent and trying to be culturally sensitve while at the same time not taking any bullhsit!

Why are you afraid to go the police only that will work unless you get the teacher.

Going to police is easier

for one, the police would not give him the time of day as he has already stated he is not the father and not married to the mother of the child. under Thai law, even a biological father not legally married to the mother of his child has no legal rights unless there is a legal document from the amphur or the court granting him those rights.

also i too would urge him to take a deep breath... making a Thai teacher lose face could backfire in many ways....

If he goes the police with boy they do something Just try it or take care of the teacher yourself

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You would be in a much better position if you had Thai parents join you in your efforts, if they won't that is a message.

Alternatively think about how you might address the problem from a different angle rather than head on.


Whilst I very much admire your strong desire to be a good dad, keep in mind that matters like this are handled differently to your, and my country.

The good Thai people seriously don't like any form of confrontation and if you do confront this teacher (you don't mention but I'm guessing he is Thai) you do run the risk of being seen by the other teachers, even some of the other parents as being a not nice person who causes confrontations.

On the other hand, as already said, maybe you or your gf could speak to the other parents, most of whom will never say anything, for the following reasons:

- Avoidance of confrontation

- Respect for teachers who rightly or wrongly seem to have 'permission' to do things like this.

- Fear of revenge on their child by this teacher or other teachers or even by some of the other kids.

If other parents are upset by what's happened perhaps you could ask them 'would you like me to say something'? If there is a fairly strong yes, then perhaps consider saying something.

Not the same behaviors / thinking that you, or I, were brought up with but things are different in many countries.

Another angle is to explain nicely, with a hug, to your son that you don't like anybody hitting him and that includes teachers. Perhaps even add, 'daddy is not happy about this but we need to be careful to not make a problem, but if it happens again daddy will go to the school and tell them don't do this'.

If you do take this approach watch his reaction.

Good luck.

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Thanks PlanetX it wont be the best father's day (US tomorrow) but sure will be very fatherly.

CC if in fact you are trolling as been suggested then you should be not be on here as this is not a subject about pizza or the best bargin.

If you're being real, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, it's quite apparent that your not reafing the post completely or properly. In my OP I said "my gut reaction is to tell the teacher ..." which implies I'm upset, knowingly, and that that's not what I indend to do but I've consirderd it and my phyiscal description was just added to show that it would be effective to scare him, never did I mention fighting him, as opposed to haveing my 36 kg GF do it. Also that we have deciede to change schools next semester due to overcrowded class rooms so not ther remained of the year nor just the possiblity nor because that his hand was smacked. Also said I'll find out about the other families as it happened yesterday after school and the meeting is only tomorrow morning. Also you said I wasnt acting my age and then you said you thought I was mature. You insulted me and my family and have not offered much useful advice. If it walks like a troll ....

I respecfuly request that you keep your advice to yourself on this thread (I didnt say you could'nt so dont cry that I taking away your rights) as this is a time I'm looking for the TV communites help which I'm reciveing from others as well as their comfort.

The poster who accused me of trolling had his post removed by Moderators for obvious reason.

I do not troll.

I call things as I see them and my posts have always been motivated by concern when children are at risk.

That means the risk of a teacher as well as the large risk of a father threatening physical harm to a teacher without once mentioning getting the teachers side of events--an altercation that would no doubt cause harm to the child because of the fathers actions. Possible outcomes--child forced to be re-schooled and removed from his friends. Risk of father getting a negative reputation that will follow his child throughout his schooling.

You asked for advice on a public forum. I provided advice you did not like and now you question if I am a troll. I am done with this thread. I wish the child well. For you, I hope wisdom over emotion.

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