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How soon can I start teaching when I touch down in Bangkok?

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The worst thing that happens is I spend 2-2.5 months in Thailand, and then I fly to Korea for my job in September.

Can I find part time work teaching? Is that even possible?

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Take no notice of these negative, off-topic comments...pm me and I'll give you good info!

Guess he already has enough info.

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The worst thing that happens is I spend 2-2.5 months in Thailand, and then I fly to Korea for my job in September.

Can I find part time work teaching? Is that even possible?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Maybe you can find a school or language school that's interested in your services short time.

But, be upfront. Breaking contracts, the apparent ease with which you are willing to do it, says a lot about your values and world views. The schools and pupils are not just there for your personal convenience. Would you act the same way in the US or South Korea?

You're right, that's why I'd sent the OP a message to get in touch with an agency. Guess it won't be a problem to work for them until he's leaving to SK.

Better to play with open cards, the turnover at agencies wouldn't be worse through him at all, roughly speaking.

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Also working as a teacher on a tourist visa is normal in Thailand their are 1000's of people doing this, its not a issue.

Really? On my visa it states that working on a tourist visa is not allowed. I've also read that online work counts as actual work and is not permitted in Thailand.

Don't know how true that is.

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Re wind ,before you come to Thailand, to work, you should get a non immigrant O visa that then gives you 3 months to get a work permit or move on..

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My friend, welcome to Thai Visa...some important information can be here, and it can be a life safer at odd moments. But in general, many of the regulars here are some of the meanest, most crass, right-wing individuals I've ever seen anywhere. That's definitely not everyone, but enough of them that you have to know going in that a lot of them are here only to make you feel as badly as they can. My personal theory is that a lot of them are bitter retirees, and can be extremely jealous and hostile towards anyone who is younger, more liberal, or more full of natural enthusiasm than they are.

That being said, you should be extremely aware that you are about to enter a country currently under martial law, in the middle of a political coup, and which is ACTIVELY cracking down on illegal work inside it's borders. That is a huge factor in working in Thailand as a foreigner at this particular time. Not to be underestimated, imho.

ALSO - you should be extremely aware that the traditional methods of extending visas, re-entrance and 'visa runs' are a true gamble at this time. And probably will be for some time in the future. This is a subject of some heat here, and people will disagree widely. But there are many many stories, in essence, of people lately who planned to make a border run, or extend their visa, or re-enter the country in ways that over the last many years wouldn't have been blinked at, but who are now being turned away in a state of shock. I'm not trying to rain on the enthusiasm, and - in gambling - you might have a great experience. But, it might be very different than past experiences which were taken for granted before this time.

Edited by John1thru10
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There are jobs available the chalenge you are going to have is that most schools will have already hired full time teachers.

If I can make a suggestion without getting flamed I would contact places that do teacher hiring like SIAM Computer or such and see if with your credentials they are willing to hire you as a part time teacher.

What you end up doing is going in and they assign you to a school that needs a teacher for a day.

that would be the best alternative I think for you.

If not then you are going to be having a hard time getting into a good school and by the time you do and get settled as you know it is time to leave.

Do not worry about the work permit at this stage. Just come here do a little teaching if you want and then if you decide to stay with the gf and come back you can always get a job. Leaving an agency or school can be a pain also of course if the student find out you are only there for a couple of months your crd is shot.

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Believe me when I say this - within a few hours upon arrival !!

Schools are desperate and I know for a fact were you to come to our school, we'd hire you in an instant. Obviously during this time the processing of work permit etc would be in place ..

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Believe me when I say this - within a few hours upon arrival !!

Schools are desperate and I know for a fact were you to come to our school, we'd hire you in an instant. Obviously during this time the processing of work permit etc would be in place ..

Thanks for your intelligent post.

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Once the paperwork is ready, which for us takes about 2 to 3 weeks, then the applicant has to go to Laos to get the non-immigrant B visa. After the visa is granted, then the applicant can start the Work Permit process. The paperwork will depend on having all the correct documentation.

If the school you where you are applying is in a desperate situation, then you might want to be straight forward about your plan. They may need you until they can find a permanent teacher. Also, there are language schools that are an option.

Best of luck.

You can actually change visa in Bangkok at emigration 1 in the government complex I tried it once... It's easier and quicker to go to Laos!

For me now it's a wait on the provisional teachers license. I asked my school last week if they got it yet as I want to start the WP proses ASAP, they told me that they had not applied for it yet... I given them the application and copies of my documents my first day and another set of papers again last week as they lost the first set!

When you have your provisional teacher license then you can apply for you WP and extend your stay, you don't need it to apply/get a visa.

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Once the paperwork is ready, which for us takes about 2 to 3 weeks, then the applicant has to go to Laos to get the non-immigrant B visa. After the visa is granted, then the applicant can start the Work Permit process. The paperwork will depend on having all the correct documentation.

If the school you where you are applying is in a desperate situation, then you might want to be straight forward about your plan. They may need you until they can find a permanent teacher. Also, there are language schools that are an option.

Best of luck.

You can actually change visa in Bangkok at emigration 1 in the government complex I tried it once... It's easier and quicker to go to Laos!

For me now it's a wait on the provisional teachers license. I asked my school last week if they got it yet as I want to start the WP proses ASAP, they told me that they had not applied for it yet... I given them the application and copies of my documents my first day and another set of papers again last week as they lost the first set!

When you have your provisional teacher license then you can apply for you WP and extend your stay, you don't need it to apply/get a visa.

Do you teach English in Bangkok? Just curious on what type of visa you are now......

Edited by sirchai
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You wont make any serious money teaching in Thailand, you would probable made more on the social in the USA. Not been negative, but that's the truth. Unless your moving for some other reason's like been a sxxpat or Alco I would stay where you are!

I'm very aware that I will not be making a lot of money in Thailand. That's not the point. I have a gf who lives in Bangkok so I will be staying with her. I'm not going to spend 10 years teaching in Thailand. This is just a temporary thing.

Guys, I would like to refrain from negative statements. I'm fully aware of the issues when one works in Thailand. The pay sucks. You can't make money, etc..


Really you don't f..all till you live here for long term everything will be against you as you will be a farang with no rights to own anything or say anything, a girlfriend means nothing over here LMFAO, is she poor? have a kid that's she is not telling you about? does she want to go to the west?

All you probable don't know and will learn the hard way. I'M NOT BEEN NEGIVATIVE, FAR FROM IT BUT SOME EXPERIENCED ADVISE GOES A LONG.


Sorry but your been naive on the situation, trust me I am a good guy.

I don't know about you, but I have a difficult time complying with his last statement.

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