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Thailand's NBTC to impose new system to register prepaid SIM cards


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My phone went 'Mobile Operation not in operation' last week. I moved the SIM card to my old phone. Then I got 'Unregistered'. So I took it to AIS. They asked me to wait 20 minutes. They issued me with a new SIM card [old one 2G new one 3] and my number remained the same. And they asked me to register. This involved writing my name and signing at the bottom.

It's no coincidence at all that the army comes in all ready to take large steps like having all foreigners and all phone numbers registered. No, it will not be paper registration nor will all documentation they presently gather. There computer system will surely be given to them will rules and regulations, and where to send the funds.

When a new government, per-say, is placed, it always comes from the direction of the IMF families. Yes the IMF is privately owned as is banks with names like

THE FEDERAL RESERVE, CENTRAL BANK OF such and such,,,,,every country has one. They want us enslaved and need records to watch and control us.

It's not the USA, it's the people who are doing the same to them. The people behind the scenes run all governments. 130 countries went bankrupt to the IMF people in 1930, it was then they created the Birth Certificate. The 130 countries promised to repay the IMF people with our labor, without our permission. Other countries have fallen since then and all will.

Watch what the so-called Alcida (sorry, no spell check for this word yet) will do with the Middle-east over the next 5 years. One new Arab state like the Euro nations. A common Americas, a common Asia, not sure where Russia will fit in or whether there will be a fight or not but the end goal is to control all of us in their NEW WORLD ORDER. We work and they enjoy. By the way,,,there are way too many of us on this earth to keep them happy. Many of us must leave.

I'm sure many of you know all this but please do educate others that don't.

Google any portion I just spoke about above.

Alcida is American CIA which was set up for the IMFs interest...Period...the same goes for the new "privet" army they say will be needed in the US.

Thailand will never be the same.

After that entire speech you lead people to Google? ( "Google any portion I just spoke about above." ) Seriously?

I'm not saying the information you are stating is incorrect, I wouldn't know either way because I don't have access to that kind of information since I don't work for a top level bank or government office, but have you personally verified everything you are talking about by sitting in on top level IMF meetings or new world order think tanks before you try to 'educate others' on it or are you just acting as a repeater for a popular brand of 'us vs. them'? I'm going to assume you watched a bunch of Youtube videos and used Google for your research since you are 'educating' others on Googling this stuff?

Really, it's just getting exhausting. I mean, it's inevitable that the planet will run out of things and better positioned people, families, countries, etc. will have access to those things that the rest of us will not. Really, the world has always been that way. As I type this there are people starving to death who are already living the reality of your paranoia we are just luckily a little bit further from the disaster than they are. But over time, even with a full global revolution that resets everything, people will most likely end up right back in the same situation...just a little further down the road. That's how a lot of the people in power became powerful in the first place. They were well positioned and made the right decisions when the time was right. That's all.

As much as I hate to say it, if it wasn't for the global dominating 'they' then most of us wouldn't have the lifestyles we currently have. The game belongs to them, the choice to play is ours....and everybody on this forum is playing. Monasteries are all over the country in the event you want to stop playing they might accept you. But you'll still have to play by the rules of the monastery but I'm pretty sure THEY won't be out to get YOU.

Seriously, educating people on the IMF, CIA, FBI and every other alphabet combination is worthless unless you are gong to be at the tip of the spear trying to get the party started. Otherwise, you are just like all of us, just another point of view on the internet who will never REALLY stand up to the evils you are trying to educate others about because deep down you know their war machine is a lot bigger than yours and there is nothing you will ever be able to do about it but complain and pretend you have some kind of insight on what's going on behind the scenes. But by all means, feel free to complain, I just had to rant because I'm seeing so much of that stuff lately and it so tiring because most of the people who talk about it are just repeating what they saw on a Youtube video. It's worse when people are trying to 'educate' others on it. Unless you're sitting in on meetings with whoever runs the IMF, CIA, FBI, etc. you really have no idea what's going on and when it comes to trying to 'educate' others about it, you really don't have a pot to pee in, so to speak.

I was at Dukes in Chaing Mai a few weeks ago and had to listen to some guy bore the people he was eating with to death with this stuff. I've looked into it too and it's all the same thing and everybody talks about it in the same exact way. Quoting what this guy or that guy said. True or not true, who cares. Again, it's 'their' game, we are just participating in it. if you don't want to participate, go ahead and toss out your phone, shut off your internet, move to a remote area of the planet where no one will mess with you (or track you), grow your own food and build your own shelter out of the resources around you. Stop traveling, stop eating spending the money 'they' have created and just check out. Nobody is going to stop you...as long as the area is remote enough. You better get on it too because technology is growing exponentially and 'they' will have full access to your brain before you know it.

Another thing I love about this stuff is, think of what you could have created or experienced during the time you have spent researching all of this stuff that is entirely out of your control. Isn't that exactly what 'they' want? When you watch videos and use Google you are contributing to the machine you are 'educating' against. I'll break it down for you really quick...when you use the internet, ads get served, server resources get consumed (servers require electricity), bandwidth gets used, your electric meter spins, etc...YOU are helping the machine stay alive. Don't forget you are using a computer you bought with imaginary money (part of the system) that also used precious resources (including the time and energy of other humans) to create. YOU are the very problem you are fighting against. Without you (us), there is no 'them'. Personally, I enjoy sending cartoon graphics on line chat waaaayyy to much to let a little things like tracking and data mining stop me from using my phone. :)

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I don't see the huge potential threat, although I personally don't agree with the practice.

Since I'm very liberal I can't agree with any system that can be used and abused for control. But as someone else said, you are not forced to buy a sim. It's not like they are green shape-shifting lizard people from the 5th dimension forcing us to insert control-cards in our brains as Niburu is slowly coming back to us in the dark space, and the Annunaki beings will come to take control on their genetically modified offspring called humans........ No... I don't buy the Alex Jones and David Icke BS... Zeitgeist has good points, but somewhere people just gave in to some kind of mass psychosis...

For you who did, where you some of the guys being completely enchanted by the 21st Dec 2012 "event"?? Did you fall in love the apocalyptic horror theories? Or perhaps it wasn't the horror, but a wake up of all humanity as timewave zero reached it's end, and either we all would die to our own destruction, or we all needed to take huge amounts of DMT or Psilocybin (schrooms) to understand the REAL reality... No, I like McKenna, but I think he's just like most philosophers or scientists who sooner or later fall in love with their own theories to the point where they stop being skeptic and asking more questions unless the questions favor their theory...

This is common practice in many nations. Cambodia, India, Norway to name a few. Not Sweden for some reason, not sure why, but so far we've succeeded to bypass that. Perhaps it's not needed with all other surveillance anyway... Sure we will see an increase in more and more control. But people being paranoid of all from the Junta to Shape-shifting lizards better stop smoking for a few days and see that on an individual plane the world is not that terrible.. The only thing that has changed is this mass communication around the world, which makes it seem like the world is at a tipping point. But seriously the world as a whole is getting more and more peaceful, which can easily be demonstrated by real historical graphs...

And yea, we might be too many people, but I believe that will change as countries develop more. Look at Japan. They had a real boom in the 80's-90's. Today they have loads of old people in really good health, while the young don't get enough kids to make up for the pensions these folks claim and have the rights to. It's a pyramid upside down, but it will even out. India is for sure next. China got their ways make the population less and less, as well as Korea, like it or not. But they are kind of killing themselves by choosing to give birth to boys while aborting the girls...

I don't know why I even bother. perhaps cause I have too much free time on my hands...

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I don't see the huge potential threat, although I personally don't agree with the practice.

Since I'm very liberal I can't agree with any system that can be used and abused for control. But as someone else said, you are not forced to buy a sim. It's not like they are green shape-shifting lizard people from the 5th dimension forcing us to insert control-cards in our brains as Niburu is slowly coming back to us in the dark space, and the Annunaki beings will come to take control on their genetically modified offspring called humans........ No... I don't buy the Alex Jones and David Icke BS... Zeitgeist has good points, but somewhere people just gave in to some kind of mass psychosis...

For you who did, where you some of the guys being completely enchanted by the 21st Dec 2012 "event"?? Did you fall in love the apocalyptic horror theories? Or perhaps it wasn't the horror, but a wake up of all humanity as timewave zero reached it's end, and either we all would die to our own destruction, or we all needed to take huge amounts of DMT or Psilocybin (schrooms) to understand the REAL reality... No, I like McKenna, but I think he's just like most philosophers or scientists who sooner or later fall in love with their own theories to the point where they stop being skeptic and asking more questions unless the questions favor their theory...

This is common practice in many nations. Cambodia, India, Norway to name a few. Not Sweden for some reason, not sure why, but so far we've succeeded to bypass that. Perhaps it's not needed with all other surveillance anyway... Sure we will see an increase in more and more control. But people being paranoid of all from the Junta to Shape-shifting lizards better stop smoking for a few days and see that on an individual plane the world is not that terrible.. The only thing that has changed is this mass communication around the world, which makes it seem like the world is at a tipping point. But seriously the world as a whole is getting more and more peaceful, which can easily be demonstrated by real historical graphs...

And yea, we might be too many people, but I believe that will change as countries develop more. Look at Japan. They had a real boom in the 80's-90's. Today they have loads of old people in really good health, while the young don't get enough kids to make up for the pensions these folks claim and have the rights to. It's a pyramid upside down, but it will even out. India is for sure next. China got their ways make the population less and less, as well as Korea, like it or not. But they are kind of killing themselves by choosing to give birth to boys while aborting the girls...

I don't know why I even bother. perhaps cause I have too much free time on my hands...

At least you have your mind open.

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My phone went 'Mobile Operation not in operation' last week. I moved the SIM card to my old phone. Then I got 'Unregistered'. So I took it to AIS. They asked me to wait 20 minutes. They issued me with a new SIM card [old one 2G new one 3] and my number remained the same. And they asked me to register. This involved writing my name and signing at the bottom.

It's no coincidence at all that the army comes in all ready to take large steps like having all foreigners and all phone numbers registered. No, it will not be paper registration nor will all documentation they presently gather. There computer system will surely be given to them will rules and regulations, and where to send the funds.

When a new government, per-say, is placed, it always comes from the direction of the IMF families. Yes the IMF is privately owned as is banks with names like

THE FEDERAL RESERVE, CENTRAL BANK OF such and such,,,,,every country has one. They want us enslaved and need records to watch and control us.

It's not the USA, it's the people who are doing the same to them. The people behind the scenes run all governments. 130 countries went bankrupt to the IMF people in 1930, it was then they created the Birth Certificate. The 130 countries promised to repay the IMF people with our labor, without our permission. Other countries have fallen since then and all will.

Watch what the so-called Alcida (sorry, no spell check for this word yet) will do with the Middle-east over the next 5 years. One new Arab state like the Euro nations. A common Americas, a common Asia, not sure where Russia will fit in or whether there will be a fight or not but the end goal is to control all of us in their NEW WORLD ORDER. We work and they enjoy. By the way,,,there are way too many of us on this earth to keep them happy. Many of us must leave.

I'm sure many of you know all this but please do educate others that don't.

Google any portion I just spoke about above.

Alcida is American CIA which was set up for the IMFs interest...Period...the same goes for the new "privet" army they say will be needed in the US.

Thailand will never be the same.

You should consult your psychiater pronto.

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Due to mobile phones being used to trigger IEDs, registration when buying a SIM card was introduced about 8 years ago for security reasons but, like so many things, just petered out. So, what's to be upset about the re-introduction of something that is already 'on the books'?

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My phone went 'Mobile Operation not in operation' last week. I moved the SIM card to my old phone. Then I got 'Unregistered'. So I took it to AIS. They asked me to wait 20 minutes. They issued me with a new SIM card [old one 2G new one 3] and my number remained the same. And they asked me to register. This involved writing my name and signing at the bottom.

It's no coincidence at all that the army comes in all ready to take large steps like having all foreigners and all phone numbers registered. No, it will not be paper registration nor will all documentation they presently gather. There computer system will surely be given to them will rules and regulations, and where to send the funds.

When a new government, per-say, is placed, it always comes from the direction of the IMF families. Yes the IMF is privately owned as is banks with names like

THE FEDERAL RESERVE, CENTRAL BANK OF such and such,,,,,every country has one. They want us enslaved and need records to watch and control us.

It's not the USA, it's the people who are doing the same to them. The people behind the scenes run all governments. 130 countries went bankrupt to the IMF people in 1930, it was then they created the Birth Certificate. The 130 countries promised to repay the IMF people with our labor, without our permission. Other countries have fallen since then and all will.

Watch what the so-called Alcida (sorry, no spell check for this word yet) will do with the Middle-east over the next 5 years. One new Arab state like the Euro nations. A common Americas, a common Asia, not sure where Russia will fit in or whether there will be a fight or not but the end goal is to control all of us in their NEW WORLD ORDER. We work and they enjoy. By the way,,,there are way too many of us on this earth to keep them happy. Many of us must leave.

I'm sure many of you know all this but please do educate others that don't.

Google any portion I just spoke about above.

Alcida is American CIA which was set up for the IMFs interest...Period...the same goes for the new "privet" army they say will be needed in the US.

Thailand will never be the same.

WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING? WHAT A DREAM WORLD YOU ARE IN! You are hilarious! One of your brilliant statments (I'm sure you must have at least a PhD degree!) is, "Alcida is American CIA which was set up for the IMFs interest...Period."

"Alcida" (sic) is American CIA? Where exactly is your proof for that bizarre statement!

WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING? You must be too busy smoking.

It is a fact that Alkida is CIA, Google it damit.

Infowars will show you where to look.

You are exactly like they want us to be,,,,dumb and submissive. Your type will bring us all into slavory.

O.K. i''l bite. Alkida???? meaning Al Queda? (never seen anyone refer to it by this spelling). are you for real? CIA??? hahahahaha LOL laugh.pngcheesy.gif

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"Need not worry about security." So says the Thai and the Thai press in describing how it works. No one will need to be concerned that SIM card sellers will not breach personal information security. The Thais say so, it must be so.

They may be creating a market for counterfeit sim cards where one didn't exist previously due to the low cost of sims. But, the next step will be that you will not be able to top up without registering.

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Brilliant idea. Can work even for tourists and foreigners. If for any crime prevention or safety, it's a good idea.

Tha's exactly how they want us to think and why were done,,,wake up. Ignorance is very deadly.

Do some goole and youtube serches.

Yes these type of things are always sold to the public as a way to protect us from crime or "terrorism".There are some people who will never wake up no matter how much verified information you put in front of their nose. They will go to the grave still believing whatever disinfo has been fed to them their whole lives by the controlled mainstream media so don't waist your time on them bro.

Funny. Spoken like a true American.

Once you have phone detonated bombs like in Southern Thailand and other places in the world then you may appreciate putting identities on these SIM cards which are way too convenient to get here. This is why it is harder to get in the US because it's always been implemented with having to register.

I am assuming your retort relates to the NSA and American intelligence 'policing' the war on terror which has bled to the citizens themselves. I believe the American and west have been eating their government Cheerios for decades already. Democracy at its finest.

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I don't see the huge potential threat, although I personally don't agree with the practice.

Since I'm very liberal I can't agree with any system that can be used and abused for control. But as someone else said, you are not forced to buy a sim. It's not like they are green shape-shifting lizard people from the 5th dimension forcing us to insert control-cards in our brains as Niburu is slowly coming back to us in the dark space, and the Annunaki beings will come to take control on their genetically modified offspring called humans........ No... I don't buy the Alex Jones and David Icke BS... Zeitgeist has good points, but somewhere people just gave in to some kind of mass psychosis...

For you who did, where you some of the guys being completely enchanted by the 21st Dec 2012 "event"?? Did you fall in love the apocalyptic horror theories? Or perhaps it wasn't the horror, but a wake up of all humanity as timewave zero reached it's end, and either we all would die to our own destruction, or we all needed to take huge amounts of DMT or Psilocybin (schrooms) to understand the REAL reality... No, I like McKenna, but I think he's just like most philosophers or scientists who sooner or later fall in love with their own theories to the point where they stop being skeptic and asking more questions unless the questions favor their theory...

This is common practice in many nations. Cambodia, India, Norway to name a few. Not Sweden for some reason, not sure why, but so far we've succeeded to bypass that. Perhaps it's not needed with all other surveillance anyway... Sure we will see an increase in more and more control. But people being paranoid of all from the Junta to Shape-shifting lizards better stop smoking for a few days and see that on an individual plane the world is not that terrible.. The only thing that has changed is this mass communication around the world, which makes it seem like the world is at a tipping point. But seriously the world as a whole is getting more and more peaceful, which can easily be demonstrated by real historical graphs...

And yea, we might be too many people, but I believe that will change as countries develop more. Look at Japan. They had a real boom in the 80's-90's. Today they have loads of old people in really good health, while the young don't get enough kids to make up for the pensions these folks claim and have the rights to. It's a pyramid upside down, but it will even out. India is for sure next. China got their ways make the population less and less, as well as Korea, like it or not. But they are kind of killing themselves by choosing to give birth to boys while aborting the girls...

I don't know why I even bother. perhaps cause I have too much free time on my hands...

You make an interesting read but please don't put Alex Jones in the same sentence with David Ike and his lizard theories. Jones functions are hard documented facts and constantly begs his listeners to research the info for themselves.

You say you are very liberal. I guess maybe if your not an American you may not realize that it is the far left liberal power structure in the US with Obama as the front man that is using the system to use and abuse the public more and more. It has been going on under other presidents also but exponentially expanding now at a faster pace under Obama.

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More draconian measures, more rules, more regulations, and they do with all that information?

nothing, nada, lip service from the bureaucrats, hey look at us, we 're working here....

Registering your ID and new SIM is common practice in most countries. You want a SIM card, you register name and address, show your ID or passport. Easy done. Thailand is just catching up with the rest of the world.

There are also security aspects to this, I'm sure, where stolen SIM cards are used for remote control of things that go bang.

It's not common practise where I come from in Europe. When I get a new sim card it's up to me if I like to register it or not. And I never have to show my id card or anything like that

not sure where you come from in Europe - just a guess would be one of the Scandinavian countries...but in Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic - no ID = no mobile SIM card. i'm sure it's the same in almost every other country in Europe but i don't know about Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark but my guess is some of those countries have a law - perhaps not all.

it's for everyone's protection and is a very good idea to have implemented here besides in Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat, Songhkla, etc.

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"The commission believes that this application-based method will make registering much more convenient for consumers."

Yes, since it will take "choice" out of the equation. Up until now, it was possible to change sims as often as changing clothes, with no registry of personal info. Naturally, this cannot be tolerated under the new order.

In Malaysia, registering a new sim is a major deal, especially for a foreigner. Unless they have automated the system, as outlined above, the shop had to write all of your passport and local address data down by hand, then (I think it was by fax?) send it all to the police, then wait for clearance, then install your card.

Freedom, slip-sliding away.

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great news for the used simcards vendors who will make fortunes buying simcards from departing tourists and selling them to guys who for obvious reasons wish to hide under an umbrella of anonimity... in Singapore its a lucrative business and quite a process to track down the departed people who sold their simcards prior to departure on the blackmarket... a criminal country will stay criminal, this measure will not stop criminals do crime, it will merely make it more difficult to track them, and the added benefit of having increased civil surveillance is just a bonus...

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I don't see the huge potential threat, although I personally don't agree with the practice.

Since I'm very liberal I can't agree with any system that can be used and abused for control. But as someone else said, you are not forced to buy a sim. It's not like they are green shape-shifting lizard people from the 5th dimension forcing us to insert control-cards in our brains as Niburu is slowly coming back to us in the dark space, and the Annunaki beings will come to take control on their genetically modified offspring called humans........ No... I don't buy the Alex Jones and David Icke BS... Zeitgeist has good points, but somewhere people just gave in to some kind of mass psychosis...

For you who did, where you some of the guys being completely enchanted by the 21st Dec 2012 "event"?? Did you fall in love the apocalyptic horror theories? Or perhaps it wasn't the horror, but a wake up of all humanity as timewave zero reached it's end, and either we all would die to our own destruction, or we all needed to take huge amounts of DMT or Psilocybin (schrooms) to understand the REAL reality... No, I like McKenna, but I think he's just like most philosophers or scientists who sooner or later fall in love with their own theories to the point where they stop being skeptic and asking more questions unless the questions favor their theory...

This is common practice in many nations. Cambodia, India, Norway to name a few. Not Sweden for some reason, not sure why, but so far we've succeeded to bypass that. Perhaps it's not needed with all other surveillance anyway... Sure we will see an increase in more and more control. But people being paranoid of all from the Junta to Shape-shifting lizards better stop smoking for a few days and see that on an individual plane the world is not that terrible.. The only thing that has changed is this mass communication around the world, which makes it seem like the world is at a tipping point. But seriously the world as a whole is getting more and more peaceful, which can easily be demonstrated by real historical graphs...

And yea, we might be too many people, but I believe that will change as countries develop more. Look at Japan. They had a real boom in the 80's-90's. Today they have loads of old people in really good health, while the young don't get enough kids to make up for the pensions these folks claim and have the rights to. It's a pyramid upside down, but it will even out. India is for sure next. China got their ways make the population less and less, as well as Korea, like it or not. But they are kind of killing themselves by choosing to give birth to boys while aborting the girls...

I don't know why I even bother. perhaps cause I have too much free time on my hands...

You make an interesting read but please don't put Alex Jones in the same sentence with David Ike and his lizard theories. Jones functions are hard documented facts and constantly begs his listeners to research the info for themselves.

You say you are very liberal. I guess maybe if your not an American you may not realize that it is the far left liberal power structure in the US with Obama as the front man that is using the system to use and abuse the public more and more. It has been going on under other presidents also but exponentially expanding now at a faster pace under Obama.

Yea, you are right. It's not fair to put Alex Jones and David Icke together in that way, the later is obviously way further out in space. But I hold on to my notion between the lines, although it may have been lost in translation or while I was simply rambling, that they are both just over the top of paranoia.

Yes, I rather listen to Alex Jones than David icke any day of the week. My (missing) point was both have gone completely paranoid. And I must say that I have done quite a lot of research on the AJ stuff. And while he has many good points some are just not liable to perceive the bigger picture. Or to put it another way, he is trying to give the whole bigger picture, which, I personally, again believe is an artifact of the fast mass communication and bombardment of information. I'm not saying he is straight out wrong. But he is very biased and many of his proofs have been completely debunked over and over.

Who ever said anything about far left liberals? I am neither far left or far right. Right and left are mostly the economical aspects of politics. If we add the dimensions up and down as in "the political compass" where up is Authoritarian and down is libertarian, then it's easier to pinpoint your own political standpoint on a map.

"Far left" or "Far right" tend to meet in a circle. Take DPRK as an example, they are said to be a "Far left communist state", but are they really? Or are they more are "Far right fascist state"? I guess it all comes down to what is far left or far right to you, since that seems to be different depending on whom I'm speaking with.

I like skepticism. I don't like the federal reserve or any fiat currency for that matter. But I don't believe economy should have to be uprooted all together. But to bring back a standard value that banks need to have to be able to lend money doesn't seem too far out there in my idea. I.e. gold or whatever. I'm personally not so involved in economics so I can't say much, if I do it would be a "copy paste" moment again where I'm simply repeating what others have said before, as someone stated above.

My view on liberalism/libertarianism is that I do want to have a state, but I do want the states to have less influence and power.

I am not an American, but I do like the idea of America as a nation at it's roots constitutions. However as it seems the free nation has become just another police state, including all the abbreviation mentioned before, FBI, CIA, DEA, FDA and so on and on and on. I bet soon you need a prescription to buy bananas since they contain vitamins. Ridiculous... (And I'm not saying that as a diss against USA. Sweden is not better. In fact we have insane rules as well. Like one of the new rules: "The customs have the rights to seize, destroy or return to sender, any items that they believe may become illegal in the future". That could more or less be anything they don't like.. And in the end boils down to the mood of the custom worker of the day.. it's that kind of authoritarian BS I hate... And Sweden is pretty far left in the eyes of most Americans..)

Edited by banglassie
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Every time I go out, I think I'm being checked out

Faceless people watching on a TV screen

Do you begin to sense it just beneath the surface

Reflections of a window whilst walking down the street?

Computers are abused, school records are fed

Police are checking on what you said

The number of your car is fed into a box

Your journey's being checked, it's a paradox

Duplicate forms and ID cards are next in line to disregard

Future generations are relying on us

It's a world we've made, incubus

I too was paranoid until I was put on medication. (I think it was really a nano-camera with a transmitter and it's reading my thoughts). :)

You may laugh but this is the new reality. We are all being watched, listened to and monitored. Cameras are everywhere, watching your every move, satellites can and do listen and record your telephone calls, your travels are indeed recorded by various goverments, and undercover cops are everywhere plus your internet usage is also monitored, censorship is now commonplace in most countries.

If you think you are free then you live in a fool's paradise!

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Lets face it; it is in thew nature of all military around the world to want to gather information - by fair means or foul... in the west there are institutions and organisations that try to limit this within the realms of constitution, law and privacy.
One has to expect a military government that has come to power via a coup to want to gather as much info as they can, and by any means available.

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More draconian measures, more rules, more regulations, and they do with all that information?

nothing, nada, lip service from the bureaucrats, hey look at us, we 're working here....

Registering your ID and new SIM is common practice in most countries. You want a SIM card, you register name and address, show your ID or passport. Easy done. Thailand is just catching up with the rest of the world.

There are also security aspects to this, I'm sure, where stolen SIM cards are used for remote control of things that go bang.

Absolutely correct.

On the other hand, it would be extremely unpleasant for one to live in a country where one does not trust the authorities or the people there and to live perpetually in suspicion and mistrust.

Should they not move on? Life is short, why not enjoy?

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More draconian measures, more rules, more regulations, and they do with all that information?

nothing, nada, lip service from the bureaucrats, hey look at us, we 're working here....

Registering your ID and new SIM is common practice in most countries. You want a SIM card, you register name and address, show your ID or passport. Easy done. Thailand is just catching up with the rest of the world.

There are also security aspects to this, I'm sure, where stolen SIM cards are used for remote control of things that go bang.

Registering one's ID and sim are certainly not common practice in most countries, it is only common practice in a minority of countries, like Singapore, Malaysia for instance, two quite paranoid countries.

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Is it possible that Thailand doesn't have a computer system set up to handle all this registration data? With thousands of SIM card sellers, how will they train them all and how will they enforce compliance or even know who is complying? You can bet there will be plentiful unregistered and pre-activated SIM cards on the 'black' market if you don't mind paying a little extra. Introducing this before the end of the month timetable sounds like Chalerm is back and been put in charge of this scheme. smile.png

p.s. soon, a new cottage industry will spring up to 'spoof' the system and be available at all the usual tech shop locations..

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"Need not worry about security." So says the Thai and the Thai press in describing how it works. No one will need to be concerned that SIM card sellers will not breach personal information security. The Thais say so, it must be so.

cheesy.gif OOOOH so profound.w00t.gif And anyplace else it would be different, eh?wink.png

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More draconian measures, more rules, more regulations, and they do with all that information?

nothing, nada, lip service from the bureaucrats, hey look at us, we 're working here....

Registering your ID and new SIM is common practice in most countries. You want a SIM card, you register name and address, show your ID or passport. Easy done. Thailand is just catching up with the rest of the world.

There are also security aspects to this, I'm sure, where stolen SIM cards are used for remote control of things that go bang.

Absolutely correct.

On the other hand, it would be extremely unpleasant for one to live in a country where one does not trust the authorities or the people there and to live perpetually in suspicion and mistrust.

Should they not move on? Life is short, why not enjoy?

In what country on planet earth is your privacy not a crucial asset to protect? Give me access to everything you do on your phone, every search, every call, every text, and I guarantee I can harvest you. Understand that’s what this is all about; they want the information because it gives them the ability to control and harvest. Respect and protect your privacy or you could pay a dear price.

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More draconian measures, more rules, more regulations, and they do with all that information?

nothing, nada, lip service from the bureaucrats, hey look at us, we 're working here....

Registering your ID and new SIM is common practice in most countries. You want a SIM card, you register name and address, show your ID or passport. Easy done. Thailand is just catching up with the rest of the world.

There are also security aspects to this, I'm sure, where stolen SIM cards are used for remote control of things that go bang.

It's not common practise where I come from in Europe. When I get a new sim card it's up to me if I like to register it or not. And I never have to show my id card or anything like that

not sure where you come from in Europe - just a guess would be one of the Scandinavian countries...but in Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic - no ID = no mobile SIM card. i'm sure it's the same in almost every other country in Europe but i don't know about Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark but my guess is some of those countries have a law - perhaps not all.

it's for everyone's protection and is a very good idea to have implemented here besides in Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat, Songhkla, etc.

So show us a link to a place on internet where we can read about this. I don't belive that in almost every European country you have to register your ID and simcard together.

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I don't see the huge potential threat, although I personally don't agree with the practice.

Since I'm very liberal I can't agree with any system that can be used and abused for control. But as someone else said, you are not forced to buy a sim. It's not like they are green shape-shifting lizard people from the 5th dimension forcing us to insert control-cards in our brains as Niburu is slowly coming back to us in the dark space, and the Annunaki beings will come to take control on their genetically modified offspring called humans........ No... I don't buy the Alex Jones and David Icke BS... Zeitgeist has good points, but somewhere people just gave in to some kind of mass psychosis...

For you who did, where you some of the guys being completely enchanted by the 21st Dec 2012 "event"?? Did you fall in love the apocalyptic horror theories? Or perhaps it wasn't the horror, but a wake up of all humanity as timewave zero reached it's end, and either we all would die to our own destruction, or we all needed to take huge amounts of DMT or Psilocybin (schrooms) to understand the REAL reality... No, I like McKenna, but I think he's just like most philosophers or scientists who sooner or later fall in love with their own theories to the point where they stop being skeptic and asking more questions unless the questions favor their theory...

This is common practice in many nations. Cambodia, India, Norway to name a few. Not Sweden for some reason, not sure why, but so far we've succeeded to bypass that. Perhaps it's not needed with all other surveillance anyway... Sure we will see an increase in more and more control. But people being paranoid of all from the Junta to Shape-shifting lizards better stop smoking for a few days and see that on an individual plane the world is not that terrible.. The only thing that has changed is this mass communication around the world, which makes it seem like the world is at a tipping point. But seriously the world as a whole is getting more and more peaceful, which can easily be demonstrated by real historical graphs...

And yea, we might be too many people, but I believe that will change as countries develop more. Look at Japan. They had a real boom in the 80's-90's. Today they have loads of old people in really good health, while the young don't get enough kids to make up for the pensions these folks claim and have the rights to. It's a pyramid upside down, but it will even out. India is for sure next. China got their ways make the population less and less, as well as Korea, like it or not. But they are kind of killing themselves by choosing to give birth to boys while aborting the girls...

I don't know why I even bother. perhaps cause I have too much free time on my hands...

You make an interesting read but please don't put Alex Jones in the same sentence with David Ike and his lizard theories. Jones functions are hard documented facts and constantly begs his listeners to research the info for themselves.

You say you are very liberal. I guess maybe if your not an American you may not realize that it is the far left liberal power structure in the US with Obama as the front man that is using the system to use and abuse the public more and more. It has been going on under other presidents also but exponentially expanding now at a faster pace under Obama.

Yea, you are right. It's not fair to put Alex Jones and David Icke together in that way, the later is obviously way further out in space. But I hold on to my notion between the lines, although it may have been lost in translation or while I was simply rambling, that they are both just over the top of paranoia.

Yes, I rather listen to Alex Jones than David icke any day of the week. My (missing) point was both have gone completely paranoid. And I must say that I have done quite a lot of research on the AJ stuff. And while he has many good points some are just not liable to perceive the bigger picture. Or to put it another way, he is trying to give the whole bigger picture, which, I personally, again believe is an artifact of the fast mass communication and bombardment of information. I'm not saying he is straight out wrong. But he is very biased and many of his proofs have been completely debunked over and over.

Who ever said anything about far left liberals? I am neither far left or far right. Right and left are mostly the economical aspects of politics. If we add the dimensions up and down as in "the political compass" where up is Authoritarian and down is libertarian, then it's easier to pinpoint your own political standpoint on a map.

"Far left" or "Far right" tend to meet in a circle. Take DPRK as an example, they are said to be a "Far left communist state", but are they really? Or are they more are "Far right fascist state"? I guess it all comes down to what is far left or far right to you, since that seems to be different depending on whom I'm speaking with.

I like skepticism. I don't like the federal reserve or any fiat currency for that matter. But I don't believe economy should have to be uprooted all together. But to bring back a standard value that banks need to have to be able to lend money doesn't seem too far out there in my idea. I.e. gold or whatever. I'm personally not so involved in economics so I can't say much, if I do it would be a "copy paste" moment again where I'm simply repeating what others have said before, as someone stated above.

My view on liberalism/libertarianism is that I do want to have a state, but I do want the states to have less influence and power.

I am not an American, but I do like the idea of America as a nation at it's roots constitutions. However as it seems the free nation has become just another police state, including all the abbreviation mentioned before, FBI, CIA, DEA, FDA and so on and on and on. I bet soon you need a prescription to buy bananas since they contain vitamins. Ridiculous... (And I'm not saying that as a diss against USA. Sweden is not better. In fact we have insane rules as well. Like one of the new rules: "The customs have the rights to seize, destroy or return to sender, any items that they believe may become illegal in the future". That could more or less be anything they don't like.. And in the end boils down to the mood of the custom worker of the day.. it's that kind of authoritarian BS I hate... And Sweden is pretty far left in the eyes of most Americans..)

Thanks for the long reply. We would see eye to eye on a lot of things. I truly hope AJ is just paranoid but it's not just him, a lot of other well positioned people are saying many of the same things. I guess I like him because he focuses on the big global long term picture and doesn't get caught up in the left -right crap that you mentioned. He constantly trashes Obama but 6 years ago he was constantly trashing Bush. I remember going to a Green Party rally back in the mid nineties when Ralph Nadar was a third party candidate and Nadar saying " America has become a two party dictatorship". I really understand now what he meant by that...at the very top both major parties are controlled by the same global mega corporations especially the big banks.

And I love history which AJ has an amazing amount of knowledge of. I'm not sure which of his "proofs" you say has been debunked but he readily admits he has made mistakes over the 19 years he has been on air and tries to correct them. Remember a lot of the "debunking" is paid establishment shills putting out BS to make AJ look bad or just keep the official lies going. He exposes so much criminal activity of the elite and they hate him for it and use their control of the old media to try and discredit him. So be careful what you believe on both sides as I'm sure you are.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to believing all the official fairy tales but once you've taken the "red pill " and spent years digging down the rabbit hole there is no going back. I won't be looking at this thread again. Cheers, Bob

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