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Yesterday my wife was bringing in the washing and was stung on her hand/ leg by a spikey looking insect about one half inches long . It has a spiky body that injects anyone who touches it with many thorn type needles, quite deeply. The needles are very painful!

Can anyone please identify this Insect from the photos enclosed.

I have lived in Thailand for 5 years and have never seen anything like this!!

Thank you.




Just sitting in an open restaurant in rural area, showed this around but no one identified it. The patron has now brought us a plate of crunchy salted grasshoppers, thanks for that :)

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To my bad eyes, that looks like the 'house' for a damsel or dragon fly larva, with some thorns stuck into the house.

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To my bad eyes, that looks like the 'house' for a damsel or dragon fly larva, with some thorns stuck into the house.

OP, did you actually see this insect crawl?


To my bad eyes, that looks like the 'house' for a damsel or dragon fly larva, with some thorns stuck into the house.

Yes some sort of larvae never seen one but the thorns don't come from the insect inside so it shouldn't be venomous. Maybe you should keep it and see what it turns into? But it looks carnivorous.


Caterpillar larva. Spikes are from a plant it was in.

A caterpillar is a larva, but never mind.

The spikes don't seem to be regular, so presumably they are not part of the creature (I don't say insect because we don't know that that's what it is).

Did OP try to remove the spikes from the creature?

I can see a nice urban legend arising from this one!


I did not think it was larva as at one end it had pinchers and looks like 1 eye? I squashed it straight away when it was brushed to the floor by my wife! So did not see it alive. Also we have found another insect look alike on another piece of washing but this one was very small but not alive!


That`s not an insect, it is a piece of dead grass, weed or plant seed, even a blind man could see that.

Sometimes these bits of plants can be sharp or thorny and cause irritation to the skin, even cause an allergic reaction in some cases.

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I did not try and pull needles out of it but did take 30 mins to extract all of the needles from my wifes skin some were in so deep drew blood ,but no swelling so not poisonous!!

Caterpillar larva. Spikes are from a plant it was in.

A caterpillar is a larva, but never mind.

The spikes don't seem to be regular, so presumably they are not part of the creature (I don't say insect because we don't know that that's what it is).

Did OP try to remove the spikes from the creature?

I can see a nice urban legend arising from this one!


Maybe you are right , but please do not be so sarcastic!!!! ( I am not blind either!)The reason I thought it was an insect is if you look closely it has pinchers on 1 end also what looks like an eye?

That`s not an insect, it is a piece of dead grass, weed or plant seed, even a blind man could see that.

Sometimes these bits of plants can be sharp or thorny and cause irritation to the skin, even cause an allergic reaction in some cases.


Its a coccoon for sure.

Can see its pinchers sticking out though.

Bloody ugly looking thing.


Looks like a dried up old dog turd covered with grass seeds and thorns.

Good point.

It could be a piece of turd, soil or clay with vegetation stuck to it. Whatever, that is not an insect.

Sometimes when doing gardening I often find these bits of thorny items attached to my trousers or hairs on my legs and can feel quite sharp, but there is no way these things could be mistaken for insects on a second glance and by the feel of them. Usually hard, brittle and light to the touch.


That`s not an insect, it is a piece of dead grass, weed or plant seed, even a blind man could see that.

Sometimes these bits of plants can be sharp or thorny and cause irritation to the skin, even cause an allergic reaction in some cases.

Even a blind man can see that it is a caterpillar of some sort. What is not clear to the well-sighted is if it is still in a cocoon or if this is it's wonder of nature actual form.


It's a bagworm partial to thai basil and lemongrass. The second pic is a plaster bagworm get a lot of these in the house.




It could be the result of some diabolical experiment created in a laboratory somewhere or a totally new yet undiscovered species, otherwise I`m going to consider this as a piece of dead vegetation.

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