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Disaster experts stomp on Phuket tsunami prediction


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I want to state up front that I do not believe in fortune tellers, but in December 2004 an Irish woman that I know told me not to travel to Asia that Christmas because something really bad was going to happen, she didn't know what or where, just that something really bad was going to happen in Asia

Could you provide the week that something bad did not happen in Asia? One could make that prediction every day and never be wrong.

"You will escape a dangerous situation today." And sure enough, that night you tell everyone you got across a Bangkok street without being knocked over, just like the fortune teller predicted.


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My faith in so called fortune tellers is non excitant

I remember 1 in Sydney's Kings Cross, in the early 80's

As she was predicting a guy's fortune he was shot by a stray bullet.

Guess the near future is a bit hard to predict facepalm.gif

Ha ha very funny monkey4u

... but way back then, not every one shared your view. For example, the world's most powerful man in the 1980s, aided by his loyal wife, was always willing to consult them before making important policy decisions in his fight against the Evil Empire.

"Not since the days of the Roman emperors, and never in the history of the United States Presidency, has an astrologer played such a significant role in the nation's affairs of State."


Here in Lamai, on Koh Samui, he is still fondly remembered. Indeed, well-groomed Thais still aspire to look like him:


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Finally she mentioned the T word: “The main reason will be a new fault in the Gulf of Thailand. This will cause a bigger tsunami [than in 2004].” Peninsular Thailand will actually disappear, she said, though without saying whether this would be next week or 2,000 years from now.


A fault in the gulf of Thailand that will cause a tsunami in Phuket and Krabi..... What a genius.

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In a country where fairytales & science are one and the same are we really surprised?????

NO birth on weds, shave a babies head, call a baby ugly, which bowl of water will the buffalo drink from?? and on it goes, if this is light hearted fun, such as the football predicting octopus then fine, the problem is here people cannot seperate the two!

Actually not much different that believing in a virgin birth to a son of god, walking on water, and rising from the dead and flying up to heaven.

Dont get me started on that bullsh!t

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just another parasite exploiting Thai mentality/culture...and the talk show host giving credence to her...(same thing in other countries)

of course this will all stop when people start thinking for themselves, no forget it - too much work!

How many hundreds-of-millions of people check their daily astrological horoscope? Even many of the ones that don't believe do it? How many people reading this ... and don't believe in astrology ... do it?

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"Peninsular Thailand will actually disappear, she said, though without saying whether this would be next week or 2,000 years from now." If it doesn't happen in next 2,000 years, I know many who believe her will be speechless. Rather large window of time I dare say. Reminded me of Joni Mitchell song with lines "She'll predict your death. Won't say when, won't say when".

"Peninsular Thailand will disappear" Ahhh ! now i get it. She has been talking with Prayuth and this is why he says No to the Kra Canal............might loose half of Thailand.

Edited by oldsailor35
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These fake fortune tellers (and I haven't met one single person yet that truly could predict the future, even though I believed very much in fortune telling in the past) should all be made legally responsible for the damage they cause with their poking around in the dark... One of these idiots causing mass panic and slumps in business/tourist revenue due to his/her "warning" but with no disaster actually happening, should pay for the losses. We'll then see how many of them still dare to make any of those "the world as we know it is coming to an end" statements. There will be none!

I almost got killed in the 2004 Tsunami, lost home and both parents, friends and neighbors, and (apart from the expert who got booted for stating that there is a big possibility for a Tsunami on Thailand's Westcoast many years before 2004) no fortune teller ever mentioned any tsunami back then. After 2004 all of a sudden, several of those "Wannabe Nostradami" came out the closet and predicted tsunamis all over the place - if all predictions would have become reality, there would have been over 20 subsequent tsunamis by now. Beware of the false prophets! Best throw them in a dungeon and let them lay the Tarot to the sewer rats!

I want to state up front that I do not believe in fortune tellers, but in December 2004 an Irish woman that I know told me not to travel to Asia that Christmas because something really bad was going to happen, she didn't know what or where, just that something really bad was going to happen in Asia

Asia is very big... If let's say in Moscow a big shopping center would have burned down on Christmas 2004 due to electrical failure, with 120 shoppers incl. children dying, or if a plane heaed for India would have crashed killing 230, she would have been correct as well.

Perhaps she could try to claim the 1m USD given by this foundation to anyone who can show "under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power." here:


No one has claimed the price so far...

I myself have had and still have premonition dreams, knew the gender of two of my four kids before the ultrasound check, dreamt of a car accident I was involved in 14 days before it happened with my squashed car looking exactly like in the dream, but I would not really dare to go on stage and make predicitons to the whole world because now I believe I am a prophet. There certainly are things out there that can't be rationally explained, but believe me that 99% of so-called fortune tellers are crooks! Anyone who gives his "visions" to people free of charge, might be one of those remaining 1%, anyone who makes predictions to get rich, is a crook. End of story.

Edited by catweazle
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I knew the gender of two of my four kids before the ultrasound check

Woah - so you were correct 50% of the time?!!

Truly, you have the gift of second sight ...

If you would have taken the time to read the full text of my posts, you would have realized that I did neither claim to have prophetic powers nor did I try to self indulge in "see what I can do!"... Taking a quote or a sentence out of the whole text and turning it against the author is something bad media and politicians do, nothing to be proud of. You have just discredited yourself by showing that you are unable to see (and read) the whole picture.

Edited by catweazle
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I knew the gender of two of my four kids before the ultrasound check

Woah - so you were correct 50% of the time?!!

Truly, you have the gift of second sight ...

If you would have taken the time to read the full text of my posts, you would have realized that I did neither claim to have prophetic powers nor did I try to self indulge in "see what I can do!"... Taking a quote or a sentence out of the whole text and turning it against the author is something bad media and politicians do, nothing to be proud of. You have just discredited yourself by showing that you are unable to see (and read) the whole picture.

My apologies. I was hoping to convey gentle humor - it was not intended to cause any offence, and I'm sorry if it did.

There is some scientific evidence suggesting that some women can predict the sex of their children - it's an interesting mystery.

Have a good day. smile.png

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Quote from the headline post; "The tsunami evacuation route signs are very important. Even though the signs were set up 10 years ago, they can still point people to the right way to escape".

Unfortunately if folk follows these signs then many of them will find themselves gridlocked in Nanai Road and unable to escape to anywhere. I was caught in this massive traffic jam when the island experienced a few minor tremors a few years back and people just abandoned their cars and tried to walk to safety, wherever that might have been.

It was an unmitigated disaster in itself and showed that the officials that "plan" theses routes had the mental capacity of a tin of sardines.

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