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What to do with noisy neighbors


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I disagree. They are the one that wanted kids not me. I think its extremely selfish to think she wants me to carry the burden of her child too. She should have thought of that before moving in or better yet before having kids

And I have this theory about the father since I rarely see him. My guess is that he dumped this brat next door since he doesn't want deal with him either. He just pops by once in a while. This kid is such a difficult kid to raise. He starts crying at 6-7 in the morning every single day (except weekends) and in the most ridiculous way too. I am still sleeping at 6-7. Its not fair to let me deal with this kid while the father is comfortably somewhere else.

If the sun shines brightly into your window, do you ask it to shine elsewhere, or do you get curtains, or move?

A sick child is a fact of life and your ever so selfish worldview resents a fact of life; People have children, and sometimes those children get sick or are otherwise inconsolable.

Your post here is so incredibly selfish, that I tend to believe the whole thread is a troll. I can not believe a person would be so lacking in empathy and compassion.


If I was a parent of the child and you complained to me about it, my solution would be to smack your ears so hard that your eardrums burst; thereby rendering you deaf. Problem solved for you.

You'd want to be good, by the time your hand got half way to my ear, half ur teeth would be relocated half way down ur throat ! These virtual punch ups are fun. tongue.png

What about the consideration for your neighbours, works both ways seas. Having kids doesn't give you automatic right to damn everyone else to hell.

Just sayin wink.png

I agree with you in principle about consideration, and about no automatic rights. YOU'd want to be good, old fella, because I have lightning reactions; you'd be deaf before you knew it, and if you tried to bring a fist up through the agony and shock, I'd have you in an armlock with your head pointing towards the ground before you'd reach halfway to connecting with my teeth. After your apology, I'd let you go.

My point is, no special rights taken for granted, what exactly do you want the mother to do? Be realistic, not selfish. A sick child can not stop itself crying and a mother is limited in what she can realistically do.

Do you want to to; 1. drug the child, 2. gag the child, 3. pack up and leave because some insensitive neighbour who never had kids "can't stand the noise"? or 4. something else?

Thunder storms and sick children are facts of life. We don't complain about thunderstorms.

If John Thomas Thompson is so desperate because of daytime noise, perhaps instead of complaining to the mother he could buy some child panadol or a treat for the child. Enquire with the mother if he can help. Maybe all she needs is some medicine or a pacifier.

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Have a really loud sh** session. If she complains, just say sorry. If she doesn't, maybe she's keen to join? Ya' never know.

The "a" and the "g" were edited out. An "i" and a "t" would put an amusing spin on the rest of it. LOL.

I was thinking, at least the mother would understand how the sound carries between the flats, although I would like to think she also doesn't care for the sound of her kid wailing away. Hopefully it's just a phase. Good luck, man, I feel for you. I've only lived in flats twice, 2 years in total. Never again, unless there's no other option.

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I disagree. They are the one that wanted kids not me. I think its extremely selfish to think she wants me to carry the burden of her child too. She should have thought of that before moving in or better yet before having kids

And I have this theory about the father since I rarely see him. My guess is that he dumped this brat next door since he doesn't want deal with him either. He just pops by once in a while. This kid is such a difficult kid to raise. He starts crying at 6-7 in the morning every single day (except weekends) and in the most ridiculous way too. I am still sleeping at 6-7. Its not fair to let me deal with this kid while the father is comfortably somewhere else.

It's all an insidious plot to destroy your sanity and ruin your life... Seriously, Thailand in general has to be one of the noisiest places I have ever been... One loud child next door would be a blessing to many... As far as a solution short of moving again, get a set of noise-canceling headphones...

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I disagree. They are the one that wanted kids not me. I think its extremely selfish to think she wants me to carry the burden of her child too. She should have thought of that before moving in or better yet before having kids

And I have this theory about the father since I rarely see him. My guess is that he dumped this brat next door since he doesn't want deal with him either. He just pops by once in a while. This kid is such a difficult kid to raise. He starts crying at 6-7 in the morning every single day (except weekends) and in the most ridiculous way too. I am still sleeping at 6-7. Its not fair to let me deal with this kid while the father is comfortably somewhere else.

If the sun shines brightly into your window, do you ask it to shine elsewhere, or do you get curtains, or move?

A sick child is a fact of life and your ever so selfish worldview resents a fact of life; People have children, and sometimes those children get sick or are otherwise inconsolable.

Your post here is so incredibly selfish, that I tend to believe the whole thread is a troll. I can not believe a person would be so lacking in empathy and compassion.


If I was a parent of the child and you complained to me about it, my solution would be to smack your ears so hard that your eardrums burst; thereby rendering you deaf. Problem solved for you.

You'd want to be good, by the time your hand got half way to my ear, half ur teeth would be relocated half way down ur throat ! These virtual punch ups are fun. tongue.png

What about the consideration for your neighbours, works both ways seas. Having kids doesn't give you automatic right to damn everyone else to hell.

Just sayin wink.png

I agree with you in principle about consideration, and about no automatic rights. YOU'd want to be good, old fella, because I have lightning reactions; you'd be deaf before you knew it, and if you tried to bring a fist up through the agony and shock, I'd have you in an armlock with your head pointing towards the ground before you'd reach halfway to connecting with my teeth. After your apology, I'd let you go.

My point is, no special rights taken for granted, what exactly do you want the mother to do? Be realistic, not selfish. A sick child can not stop itself crying and a mother is limited in what she can realistically do.

Do you want to to; 1. drug the child, 2. gag the child, 3. pack up and leave because some insensitive neighbour who never had kids "can't stand the noise"? or 4. something else?

Thunder storms and sick children are facts of life. We don't complain about thunderstorms.

If John Thomas Thompson is so desperate because of daytime noise, perhaps instead of complaining to the mother he could buy some child panadol or a treat for the child. Enquire with the mother if he can help. Maybe all she needs is some medicine or a pacifier.

Maybe he should have a John Thomas,might take his mind of it.

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How ridiculous. Some of the posts in this thread, including the OP, seem to assume this woman chooses for her child to cry, as if she can flick a switch. Calling the police or having a word is not going to suddenly give the woman the ability to shut the kid up.

OP should have moved into a place where kids are not allowed. Let's hope he learns something on his third attempt at finding the right place to live. In the meantime, try to swap rooms in the building and failing that, put up and shut up or lose your deposit and learn a lesson for next time.

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Why is the child crying? Is he teething? Could be colitis, the croup, any number of things that may or may not have an easy solution. Cripes, maybe she doesn't get enough money from the father for formula. You might try being neighborly and ask the mum if there's something you can do to help.

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Sorry mate no sympathy on this one facepalm.gif

If you complain to the mother you will get the blank stare (I am sure you have seen it and you know what I am talking about) and when you run around in frustration because nobody is listening to you, you will hear “ding dong falung” “ding dong falung” from all the neiughbours.

Report to police non starter the answer will be (if they bother to visit) it’s life don’t like it the airport is now only an hour away.

The father has probably dumped her and the kid there because he can’t stand the noise and it is interfering with his daytime sleeping.

This type of winging story is one that makes people back home think this place is full of idiots with to much money that they don't know how to look after.

Why on earth do people keep handing over large cash deposits and then start whining when it goes wrong, will you never learn from the many similar horror stories like this one???????????? there are hundreds if not thousands of empty condo's/appartments/concrete boxes for rent in this area offer two months upfront and they will snap your hand off.

I think we will be hearing many more complaints like this one the way they are throwing up condo’s now as small as 45, and 60 sq m must be like living in a concrete box, before living there you must have thought about it and realize there will be noise you must of stayed in hotels 2 in the morning and listening to the drunk falung dragging home his clip clopping girlfriend then the dragging around of furniture, the TV full volume, then the headboard banging on the wall, then the smoking on the balcony and having to close your doors as yours is a non smoking room.

Sorry but I get irritated when people are making big decisions and they don’t sit down have a cup of teacoffee1.gif and plan ahead.

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The woman and kid moved in AFTER the OP. So, tell me how he could plan for that? But the kid-free apts, he sure could (Never heard of these before.) I can sympathise because I've had to endure the same thing for the past year - these people bought the house next to mine two years after I bought mine. Ear plugs and ear muffs help modt of the time, and I guess it's just a question of waiting till the kid grows up a little (although I fear he's going to be one of those spoilt brats who has learnt that screaming tantrums win him the most attention). Good luck, OP.

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I think its extremely selfish to think she wants me to carry the burden of her child too. She should have thought of that before moving in or better yet before having kids

Hmm anti social much?

This is what happens when society breaks down and everyone is alienated from one another. Intolerance festers and everything turns to sh*t. We as humans are called to look after one another, to be our brother's keeper.

In a perfect world the reaction should be: how can I help this lady calm her child? Not, should I call the police?

Edited by greytown
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Be grateful they are not renovating next door.

Or a group of aspiring musicians.

Or wannabe rap artists.

Renovations don't last forever and are restricted to certain hours/days, and in my building it is not permitted to make music that is audible in other units or in the corridor.

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The woman and kid moved in AFTER the OP. So, tell me how he could plan for that? But the kid-free apts, he sure could (Never heard of these before.) I can sympathise because I've had to endure the same thing for the past year - these people bought the house next to mine two years after I bought mine. Ear plugs and ear muffs help modt of the time, and I guess it's just a question of waiting till the kid grows up a little (although I fear he's going to be one of those spoilt brats who has learnt that screaming tantrums win him the most attention). Good luck, OP.

Include in your plan that if you choose to live in a small concrete box it is going to be noisey so don't move there in the first place.

Stupid suggestion "wait till the kid grows up a little" then she has another little brat and it all starts again do you think the mothers parenting skills will have improved.facepalm.gif

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Talk to the parents and explain it to them that saying sorry will not help. Meeting their parental duties will however. That baby cries and screams all the time for a reason.

I don't understand why people who have no idea how to deal with a baby, have kids. Tell them to buy a toy instead.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I think its extremely selfish to think she wants me to carry the burden of her child too. She should have thought of that before moving in or better yet before having kids

Hmm anti social much?

This is what happens when society breaks down and everyone is alienated from one another. Intolerance festers and everything turns to sh*t. We as humans are called to look after one another, to be our brother's keeper.

In a perfect world the reaction should be: how can I help this lady calm her child? Not, should I call the police?


Get out more mate go to places where there are young women with kids and you will see bad parenting, bad behavior and bad manners and the mother and father doing nothing or shouting at the kids and the kids ignoring them.

Realize you just cannot help some people especially some mothers they seem to be immune to their offspring’s noise and bad behavior.

It's bad parenting the same if you are in a restaurant and on the next table there is an unruley kid noisey and running around do you say;

"how can I help this lady calm her child"

You will get abuse from her "F off and stop interfering" and there will be nothing you can do about it apart from shut up and grin and bear it and have a miserable night out.

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What selfish intolerant self centred muck I am reading from a handful of posters... some of you clearly forget you too were once babies....

My Wife and I have an infant child, in an apartment we own. I am fully aware our child may be disturbing to others at times.

Our child will cry at night, in the morning, in the middle of the day - or any any other time he's not best pleased about something. For the most part he's happy and smiley - but there are times when a baby is simply unconsolable and the only thing we can do is keep on trying.

Trust me - The parents of this child are dealing with much more than those of you showing intolerance.

This is not deliberate or selfish noise you are encountering - for the most part its simply a child and unavoidable. Op - you will have to learn to become more tolerant of others or you will find yourself sitting on the same stool every day in the Oriental restaurant in Emporium or complaining if your seat isn't free (read GOM thread - is that you ?)

As another poster put it, move to a mountain. You live in a condo in the city and expect not to hear others??? rather a stupid outlook.

But it was your choice to have a screaming child to deal with.

Led Zeppelin very loud at 2:00 AM sounds like a good plan. Children should not be allowed in condos or planes.

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What selfish intolerant self centred muck I am reading from a handful of posters... some of you clearly forget you too were once babies....

My Wife and I have an infant child, in an apartment we own. I am fully aware our child may be disturbing to others at times.

Our child will cry at night, in the morning, in the middle of the day - or any any other time he's not best pleased about something. For the most part he's happy and smiley - but there are times when a baby is simply unconsolable and the only thing we can do is keep on trying.

Trust me - The parents of this child are dealing with much more than those of you showing intolerance.

This is not deliberate or selfish noise you are encountering - for the most part its simply a child and unavoidable. Op - you will have to learn to become more tolerant of others or you will find yourself sitting on the same stool every day in the Oriental restaurant in Emporium or complaining if your seat isn't free (read GOM thread - is that you ?)

As another poster put it, move to a mountain. You live in a condo in the city and expect not to hear others??? rather a stupid outlook.

We are not being selfish we are just asking you to control your kids to an acceptable level so we can live a peaceful life in our retirement. We come to live in a predominately adult environment and you choose to bring up a kid here so keep control of it please and consider us and our quality of life.

I have Two children and Three grand children and they are never "simply unconsolable" you need to find the problem and solve it if you cannot then it is you as a parent that needs the help. Look up parenting skills on the internet or join a group session.

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