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What to do with noisy neighbors


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KittenKong: Your post presents and significant lack of healthy balance - A gun wasn't forced to your head in choosing to live in a Condo with other people, including families with children. Perhaps it is you who should seek a quiet hillside or equally remote dwelling.

Why? I dont make a noise. I dont bother my neighbours in any way. In fact my neighbours are probably unaware that my condo is even occupied and I'm sure they appreciate this. I certainly appreciate that they live as I do.

People with families seem to imagine that everyone likes and is interested in their ghastly offspring, and are delighted to have them around. This could not be further from the truth.

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I have recently moved to a new apartment because my old apartment was also incredibly noisy.

Well it was all good for 2 months but then 1.5 month ago a family moved in next door and they have a kid that cries and screams every single day. I have complained to the owner and the mother and they just say sorry but nothing changes.

I just can't take it anymore. At this moment its extremely difficult to restrain myself. What is the proper way to deal with these sort of things? Can I call the police? Last time I just moved to a new place and I lost my deposit. This time I gave the owner a massive amount of cash for the deposit. I hate to lose it

How loud is your hifi?

Turn up the bass man! [emoji106]

Oh, and just crank it up that extra couple if notches on your way out [emoji6]

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If it was loud music or some other voluntary noise, fair enough, but this is a crying child, for Goodness sake. Such is life. What do you really expect the mother to do? Gag the kid? By complaining to the mother you have just put more pressure on her when she has enough on her hands already.

Children cry for a reason. If it is constant, and screaming, then my heart goes out to it. It's unhappy and probably sick.

Learn to tolerate it, with the help of earplugs maybe, but get over it.

Go for a jog, come home tired, have a few whiskeys, put the earplugs in, and go to sleep.....praying the poor child gets well.

This is why we have social services in civilised countries but it's still not the answer and doesn't solve anything as the neighbour will soon suffer when the child is out into care.

But in this case as with a lot of parents around the world, the kid obviously isn't being looked after properly, no doubt it is not being loved [emoji174]

Love is the fastest and easiest way to make a child feel happy and feel wanted.

Laughter is the best medicine as we all know and has been proven time and time again.

Too many people have unplanned (unwanted) children therefore the poor kid is the one that ends up suffering.

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A lot of apartment buildings in Thailand ban children for this reason.

You should have checked that before you moved in. There is nothing you can do other than move.

Hear hear

If you want a stable family, plan ahead and use a condom!!!

The 5 P's come into play here...

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I disagree. They are the one that wanted kids not me. I think its extremely selfish to think she wants me to carry the burden of her child too. She should have thought of that before moving in or better yet before having kids

And I have this theory about the father since I rarely see him. My guess is that he dumped this brat next door since he doesn't want deal with him either. He just pops by once in a while. This kid is such a difficult kid to raise. He starts crying at 6-7 in the morning every single day (except weekends) and in the most ridiculous way too. I am still sleeping at 6-7. Its not fair to let me deal with this kid while the father is comfortably somewhere else.

If the sun shines brightly into your window, do you ask it to shine elsewhere, or do you get curtains, or move?

A sick child is a fact of life and your ever so selfish worldview resents a fact of life; People have children, and sometimes those children get sick or are otherwise inconsolable.

Your post here is so incredibly selfish, that I tend to believe the whole thread is a troll. I can not believe a person would be so lacking in empathy and compassion.


If I was a parent of the child and you complained to me about it, my solution would be to smack your ears so hard that your eardrums burst; thereby rendering you deaf. Problem solved for you.

You'd want to be good, by the time your hand got half way to my ear, half ur teeth would be relocated half way down ur throat ! These virtual punch ups are fun. tongue.png

What about the consideration for your neighbours, works both ways seas. Having kids doesn't give you automatic right to damn everyone else to hell.

Just sayin wink.png

I agree with you in principle about consideration, and about no automatic rights. YOU'd want to be good, old fella, because I have lightning reactions; you'd be deaf before you knew it, and if you tried to bring a fist up through the agony and shock, I'd have you in an armlock with your head pointing towards the ground before you'd reach halfway to connecting with my teeth. After your apology, I'd let you go.

My point is, no special rights taken for granted, what exactly do you want the mother to do? Be realistic, not selfish. A sick child can not stop itself crying and a mother is limited in what she can realistically do.

Do you want to to; 1. drug the child, 2. gag the child, 3. pack up and leave because some insensitive neighbour who never had kids "can't stand the noise"? or 4. something else?

Thunder storms and sick children are facts of life. We don't complain about thunderstorms.

If John Thomas Thompson is so desperate because of daytime noise, perhaps instead of complaining to the mother he could buy some child panadol or a treat for the child. Enquire with the mother if he can help. Maybe all she needs is some medicine or a pacifier.

Everyone keeps assuming I'm an old guy, most likely because of the wisdom I exude, but I'm a young fit well trained killing machine. You are injured badlyseastallion , but don't worry, eventually you make a recover after a few years of rehab, you can get to the dentist to have a set of white pearly fake teeth screwed into ur melon :P

I disagree with you, but, it's not the end of the world, I acknowledge your right to be wrong on occassions ;)

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I recorded this audio file this morning. This is what I have been enduring for the last 2 months, almost every day, almost 2x per day, 5 days per week. Can anyone still say that this is normal?

And I am not going to be civil anymore. I tried that for 2 months and its getting me nowhere. I have to think about myself too. All because a someone wishes to have a child and that person know what kind of child it is yet she still moved in this condo knowing fully that it would disturb other people. That is selfish. What is even more selfish is the father. He wants nothing to do with that child and now I have to deal with that mess because he does not want to take responsibility.

It's clear by the sound of the kid is just being annoying and no doubt looking for attention.

Just buy a good ar$e kicking stereo mate and drown it out, leave it on when you go out in the evening...

Turn the tables and keep them awake when your not there so the little sh!t is tired when you need to sleep...

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I disagree. They are the one that wanted kids not me. I think its extremely selfish to think she wants me to carry the burden of her child too. She should have thought of that before moving in or better yet before having kids

And I have this theory about the father since I rarely see him. My guess is that he dumped this brat next door since he doesn't want deal with him either. He just pops by once in a while. This kid is such a difficult kid to raise. He starts crying at 6-7 in the morning every single day (except weekends) and in the most ridiculous way too. I am still sleeping at 6-7. Its not fair to let me deal with this kid while the father is comfortably somewhere else.

If the sun shines brightly into your window, do you ask it to shine elsewhere, or do you get curtains, or move?

A sick child is a fact of life and your ever so selfish worldview resents a fact of life; People have children, and sometimes those children get sick or are otherwise inconsolable.

Your post here is so incredibly selfish, that I tend to believe the whole thread is a troll. I can not believe a person would be so lacking in empathy and compassion.


If I was a parent of the child and you complained to me about it, my solution would be to smack your ears so hard that your eardrums burst; thereby rendering you deaf. Problem solved for you.

You'd want to be good, by the time your hand got half way to my ear, half ur teeth would be relocated half way down ur throat ! These virtual punch ups are fun. tongue.png

What about the consideration for your neighbours, works both ways seas. Having kids doesn't give you automatic right to damn everyone else to hell.

Just sayin wink.png

I agree with you in principle about consideration, and about no automatic rights. YOU'd want to be good, old fella, because I have lightning reactions; you'd be deaf before you knew it, and if you tried to bring a fist up through the agony and shock, I'd have you in an armlock with your head pointing towards the ground before you'd reach halfway to connecting with my teeth. After your apology, I'd let you go.


What a loser seamonkey [emoji87]... Only in your dreams I guess,,, I'm sure you've got all the mouth and no trousers aye... Couldn't punch your way out of a wet paper bag! [emoji23]

The amount of likes on the original posts says it all [emoji322]

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I just got my shiny new Laney120w Combo. I'm available for Weddings,barmitsthingys. birthdays and noisy babies. I'll bring the 5 string and give them plenty of low B at 3-4 am..I chortle at the fool who said Led Zeppelin...

My noise problem was 5 chihuahuas next door. Tried talking nice to the lady and of course I was the a-hole for even mentioning it. I downloaded a sound clip of dobermans and pit bulls barking like they were killing something and played it through my window facing her house with my Laney CX P.A. system (345 watts rms per channel) every time they started barking. Problem solved. Now she keeps them in the house. Thais usually won't listen to reason and will only get mad at you. You have to "fight fire with fire" with them. Edited by JoeInSurin
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I thought this post was going to be about noisy neighbours which I guess we all understand. The OP is dirty on a young child crying though.. seems a little rich eh. Failing that you don't seem like the most social person so why not go and punch 7 shades of sh!* out of the child then maybe you will feel better. Have you ever had children? They are frequently noisy especially in their early years and not the parents, you or which ever deity you proscribe to can silence the child. How about looking inside yourself and applying some compassion, failing that move to Alice Springs not much chance of you being disturbed by anything there you callous prick

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I disagree. They are the one that wanted kids not me. I think its extremely selfish to think she wants me to carry the burden of her child too. She should have thought of that before moving in or better yet before having kids

And I have this theory about the father since I rarely see him. My guess is that he dumped this brat next door since he doesn't want deal with him either. He just pops by once in a while. This kid is such a difficult kid to raise. He starts crying at 6-7 in the morning every single day (except weekends) and in the most ridiculous way too. I am still sleeping at 6-7. Its not fair to let me deal with this kid while the father is comfortably somewhere else.

If the sun shines brightly into your window, do you ask it to shine elsewhere, or do you get curtains, or move?

A sick child is a fact of life and your ever so selfish worldview resents a fact of life; People have children, and sometimes those children get sick or are otherwise inconsolable.

Your post here is so incredibly selfish, that I tend to believe the whole thread is a troll. I can not believe a person would be so lacking in empathy and compassion.


If I was a parent of the child and you complained to me about it, my solution would be to smack your ears so hard that your eardrums burst; thereby rendering you deaf. Problem solved for you.

You'd want to be good, by the time your hand got half way to my ear, half ur teeth would be relocated half way down ur throat ! These virtual punch ups are fun. tongue.png

What about the consideration for your neighbours, works both ways seas. Having kids doesn't give you automatic right to damn everyone else to hell.

Just sayin wink.png

I agree with you in principle about consideration, and about no automatic rights. YOU'd want to be good, old fella, because I have lightning reactions; you'd be deaf before you knew it, and if you tried to bring a fist up through the agony and shock, I'd have you in an armlock with your head pointing towards the ground before you'd reach halfway to connecting with my teeth. After your apology, I'd let you go.


What a loser seamonkey [emoji87]... Only in your dreams I guess,,, I'm sure you've got all the mouth and no trousers aye... Couldn't punch your way out of a wet paper bag! [emoji23]

The amount of likes on the original posts says it all [emoji322]


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I'm a bit surprised at some of the comments towards the OP. WHAT HE is experiencing is at the extreme end of the scale.

So what if it's a kid, doesn't make it right.

Why do people with kids think that others should just put up and shut up with their kids.

As for Richard Smith, I've ridden in Business Class with kids, they were well behaved and well trained/rounded individuals and I'd expect nothing less in that part of the plane.

If there was a kid playing up in Business Class, either he/her and his folks wouldbe southbound to economy or I'd be movin north into First, care of the airline. simple really and it does happen.

Everyone in that apartment building has the right to quite time without that sort of circus going on. Pity so many think they've got the right to negatively impact on others.

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I'm a bit surprised at some of the comments towards the OP. WHAT HE is experiencing is at the extreme end of the scale.

So what if it's a kid, doesn't make it right.

Why do people with kids think that others should just put up and shut up with their kids.

As for Richard Smith, I've ridden in Business Class with kids, they were well behaved and well trained/rounded individuals and I'd expect nothing less in that part of the plane.

If there was a kid playing up in Business Class, either he/her and his folks wouldbe southbound to economy or I'd be movin north into First, care of the airline. simple really and it does happen.

Everyone in that apartment building has the right to quite time without that sort of circus going on. Pity so many think they've got the right to negatively impact on others.

Where in what universe pray tell is the OP is at the "extreme" end of the scale? We are in Asia, Bangkok alone nearly has the population of Australia so you have to interact with those around you. On a side note I have many friends work for Qantas and if their kids played up there would be no way they would be moved to economy more BS. Lets remember we are talking about CHILDREN but I guess from your response you have never had the joy of a family and all the ups and downs that come with having them. Why is it a circus? Do you know to what degree the child is causing mayhem? Nothing worse than an ill informed prejudiced poster especially in regards to children for F@#*$ sake but you were always a composed well mannered baby when you were a child yeah?
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I have to agree with ND regarding noisy little shits on planes.

Yes, well errrr, the Policies vary from airline to airline and I wouldn't know what Qantas is doing these days, even Alan Joyce can't work out what he's doin either.

I don't think it's normal behaviour for a child to bellow at the top of its lungs 24/7 like the OPs neighbours kid.....I call tan extreme, none of the children in my family carry on like that and I will tell you I had a very strict up bringing, my father would if snapped me in half if I tried that type if caper.

Then again, I'm not a sensitive new age dad who's worries about my weekend latte and weekend perm job and licra biking shorts.......bit tooo, 'special' for my liking. :)

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I'm a bit surprised at some of the comments towards the OP. WHAT HE is experiencing is at the extreme end of the scale.

So what if it's a kid, doesn't make it right.

Why do people with kids think that others should just put up and shut up with their kids.

As for Richard Smith, I've ridden in Business Class with kids, they were well behaved and well trained/rounded individuals and I'd expect nothing less in that part of the plane.

If there was a kid playing up in Business Class, either he/her and his folks wouldbe southbound to economy or I'd be movin north into First, care of the airline. simple really and it does happen.

Everyone in that apartment building has the right to quite time without that sort of circus going on. Pity so many think they've got the right to negatively impact on others.

Where in what universe pray tell is the OP is at the "extreme" end of the scale? We are in Asia, Bangkok alone nearly has the population of Australia so you have to interact with those around you. On a side note I have many friends work for Qantas and if their kids played up there would be no way they would be moved to economy more BS. Lets remember we are talking about CHILDREN but I guess from your response you have never had the joy of a family and all the ups and downs that come with having them. Why is it a circus? Do you know to what degree the child is causing mayhem? Nothing worse than an ill informed prejudiced poster especially in regards to children for F@#*$ sake but you were always a composed well mannered baby when you were a child yeah?

I don't agree.

All parents have the ability to control their kids and keep them quiet, there's safe meds out there for teething etc and as I quoted earlier... LOVE is the key, love a child and it will be happy, make it laugh and the pin goes away... Laughter's the best medicine.

I blame the parents...

I've also heard about crappy parents and their sh!tty kids being downgraded because of the discomfort caused to Business & 1st class... If more than half the class complain then action has to be taken.

Malaysia airlines are one that I know of where kids are excluded from Business & 1st class.

You'll also find that on most airlines the wide bodied planes that have an upstairs also exclude kids from the upstairs section.

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I'm a bit surprised at some of the comments towards the OP. WHAT HE is experiencing is at the extreme end of the scale.

So what if it's a kid, doesn't make it right.

Why do people with kids think that others should just put up and shut up with their kids.

As for Richard Smith, I've ridden in Business Class with kids, they were well behaved and well trained/rounded individuals and I'd expect nothing less in that part of the plane.

If there was a kid playing up in Business Class, either he/her and his folks wouldbe southbound to economy or I'd be movin north into First, care of the airline. simple really and it does happen.

Everyone in that apartment building has the right to quite time without that sort of circus going on. Pity so many think they've got the right to negatively impact on others.

Where in what universe pray tell is the OP is at the "extreme" end of the scale? We are in Asia, Bangkok alone nearly has the population of Australia so you have to interact with those around you. On a side note I have many friends work for Qantas and if their kids played up there would be no way they would be moved to economy more BS. Lets remember we are talking about CHILDREN but I guess from your response you have never had the joy of a family and all the ups and downs that come with having them. Why is it a circus? Do you know to what degree the child is causing mayhem? Nothing worse than an ill informed prejudiced poster especially in regards to children for F@#*$ sake but you were always a composed well mannered baby when you were a child yeah?
I don't agree.

All parents have the ability to control their kids and keep them quiet, there's safe meds out there for teething etc and as I quoted earlier... LOVE is the key, love a child and it will be happy, make it laugh and the pin goes away... Laughter's the best medicine.

I blame the parents...

I've also heard about crappy parents and their sh!tty kids being downgraded because of the discomfort caused to Business & 1st class... If more than half the class complain then action has to be taken.

Malaysia airlines are one that I know of where kids are excluded from Business & 1st class.

You'll also find that on most airlines the wide bodied planes that have an upstairs also exclude kids from the upstairs section.

Yes, but he knows someone that cleans the Qantas plane !

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I had an <deleted> neighbor that thought he was above everybody else. I set out to irritate the crap outa him and his hideous wife and videoed all their many indiscretions. Being the mindless idiots that they are they were too stupid to know what I was doing and blindly continued to behave like a family of apes. When they were again caught out doing something illegal I made sure the entire mooban knew what they did. Now they are so quiet I hardly know that they are there.

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I used to live in a very hot apartment in Bangkok. I was too tight-fisted to turn on the air-con due to the mega non-MEA rates apartments charge. I used to leave the door open and have the fan on.

A 2-year-old kid used to escape from her apartment and come into my room, wander around, crawl under the bed and investigate my things. She liked coloured plastic. She was completely fearless. After around 5 minutes, the mother would come looking. She knew the kid would have headed to my room. The mother would loiter at the door, hesitating for a while and then swoop in, grab the child and hot-tail it out.

By the time the child was 3, she had been conditioned by the environment and would look scared and hide behind her parents' legs when we passed in the corridor and say, "farang." Shame really.

you should have eaten her when you had the chancelaugh.png

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I'm a bit surprised at some of the comments towards the OP. WHAT HE is experiencing is at the extreme end of the scale.

So what if it's a kid, doesn't make it right.

Why do people with kids think that others should just put up and shut up with their kids.

As for Richard Smith, I've ridden in Business Class with kids, they were well behaved and well trained/rounded individuals and I'd expect nothing less in that part of the plane.

If there was a kid playing up in Business Class, either he/her and his folks wouldbe southbound to economy or I'd be movin north into First, care of the airline. simple really and it does happen.

Everyone in that apartment building has the right to quite time without that sort of circus going on. Pity so many think they've got the right to negatively impact on others.

Where in what universe pray tell is the OP is at the "extreme" end of the scale? We are in Asia, Bangkok alone nearly has the population of Australia so you have to interact with those around you. On a side note I have many friends work for Qantas and if their kids played up there would be no way they would be moved to economy more BS. Lets remember we are talking about CHILDREN but I guess from your response you have never had the joy of a family and all the ups and downs that come with having them. Why is it a circus? Do you know to what degree the child is causing mayhem? Nothing worse than an ill informed prejudiced poster especially in regards to children for F@#*$ sake but you were always a composed well mannered baby when you were a child yeah?

When I pay £2500 for a business ticket Ill make more noise than any squawking kids if they keep me awake MUCH MORE.

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I had an <deleted> neighbor that thought he was above everybody else. I set out to irritate the crap outa him and his hideous wife and videoed all their many indiscretions. Being the mindless idiots that they are they were too stupid to know what I was doing and blindly continued to behave like a family of apes. When they were again caught out doing something illegal I made sure the entire mooban knew what they did. Now they are so quiet I hardly know that they are there.

Pervy cam, nice!

Do you climb ladders and stuff to get footage when their upstairs ?

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I disagree. They are the one that wanted kids not me. I think its extremely selfish to think she wants me to carry the burden of her child too. She should have thought of that before moving in or better yet before having kids

And I have this theory about the father since I rarely see him. My guess is that he dumped this brat next door since he doesn't want deal with him either. He just pops by once in a while. This kid is such a difficult kid to raise. He starts crying at 6-7 in the morning every single day (except weekends) and in the most ridiculous way too. I am still sleeping at 6-7. Its not fair to let me deal with this kid while the father is comfortably somewhere else.

Jesus H. Christ, with an attitude like that toward children, of all the places in the world to move to, WHY did you move to Thailand?! Or anywhere else in Southeast Asia? Almost nobody shares your attitude. I don't think you're going to be very happy (or welcome) there....

Edited by Saastrajaa
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