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Aussie Partner Processing Wait times

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Ok fress that's all good..! But it's not that common. I dont believe one agent can make the process go faster then another. If the paper works all there then it's put in the que like the rest of us.

My application is a simple as you can get got no kids involved, paper is all there as they have never asked for more. Have not had nothing from them since 23rd January that's over 9 months.!!

Can't blame my agent its out of her hands and she also told me the case officer( if I had contact with mine ) could not tell me how long more it would take as once it's in for final decision they got no control.

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I don't believe she made it go faster

Or it had anything to do with her and she was in no way using as a sales pitch

It just shows how quick they can get done and how this " everyone is processed in order" is bullshit

Was simply putting a post up regarding a partner visa processing time

As far as I thought that's what this thread was about

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Fress, Mate ... no-one is doubting what you write

... we are all relating our collective experiences.

... and we are all frustrated.

Frustrated with the enormous cost of the Visa

Equally frustrated with the time taken to process in 9 - 12 months what,

essentially could be done in 9 - 12 weeks ... and even that time frame is generous.

And, to add to the frustration, the wall of silence from the Embassy ... amplified by what are their processing times.

Put all those frustrations into a melting pot, a thread where you can express those frustrations ... well, sometimes those frustrations are expressed here.

Your contributions and updates are valuable ... just as is Woddy's, or Oz or Luba or Zen and others experiencing the same processes.


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David, 9 to 12 months is a smart move by our govt to help rid this country of those in the business of sham marriages.

Not forgetting those who are purely scamming their partners into gaining quick access to our country.

The visa can be done in a week sure.

The long wait is short term when one day you look back, but the long wait is there for a very good reason.

Cost is rude I agree. Give it half a dozen years and it will be over 10grand and make todays price seem small.

Imo 5grand is nothing for the gain you get. Once she works it's paid for in no time if you look at it that way. Not to mention you're family being together is priceless.

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Ok fress that's all good..! But it's not that common. I dont believe one agent can make the process go faster then another. If the paper works all there then it's put in the que like the rest of us.

My application is a simple as you can get got no kids involved, paper is all there as they have never asked for more. Have not had nothing from them since 23rd January that's over 9 months.!!

Can't blame my agent its out of her hands and she also told me the case officer( if I had contact with mine ) could not tell me how long more it would take as once it's in for final decision they got no control.

It's always possible one agent can make things happen faster. Sometimes it's who they know.

I have no doubt the odd agent gets asked along to the end of year xmas party or is related to someone in the embassy, or maybe has just done so much reliable business with the embassy it's how the world works.

Luba if you guys are at 9 months and havn't heard anything, that means anyday now you will get your visa I think.

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David, 9 to 12 months is a smart move by our govt to help rid this country of those in the business of sham marriages.

Not forgetting those who are purely scamming their partners into gaining quick access to our country.

The visa can be done in a week sure.

The long wait is short term when one day you look back, but the long wait is there for a very good reason.

Cost is rude I agree. Give it half a dozen years and it will be over 10grand and make todays price seem small.

Imo 5grand is nothing for the gain you get. Once she works it's paid for in no time if you look at it that way. Not to mention you're family being together is priceless.

I better get MissFarmGirl toot sweet then ... laugh.png


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David, 9 to 12 months is a smart move by our govt to help rid this country of those in the business of sham marriages.

Not forgetting those who are purely scamming their partners into gaining quick access to our country.

The visa can be done in a week sure.

The long wait is short term when one day you look back, but the long wait is there for a very good reason.

Cost is rude I agree. Give it half a dozen years and it will be over 10grand and make todays price seem small.

Imo 5grand is nothing for the gain you get. Once she works it's paid for in no time if you look at it that way. Not to mention you're family being together is priceless.

While i do agree there has to be a wait to get visas ,to stop the scammers, i don't agree that everyone has to be thrown into the same pile no matter what your situation. There are people in relationships that are obviously real.Those of us that have been together for several years and those of us that have children.How could waiting 10 -12 months be reasonable. How could being away and missing your children grow be good.I am not saying my wife should get her visa before the next person, but there has to be exceptions to the 1 year wait and to say it's a smart move by the government to make us wait is a crock.
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Woody, mate, we get you guys are genuine, but the powers to be don't. You're just another application on a desk sorry to say.

I've been through it, it's not fun, but you will get there and god bless only once, never again.

It's an effort getting this far, but next week my wife is doing her PR visa. The only thing I smile at is it costs no more thank god

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In my opinion it is the cost that they use to separate the genuine from the "less genuine" rather than the waiting / processing time as i have heard stories from friends and associates saying it is between 18 months to two years for a similar visa in the Philippines so i think the time is more related to workload.

I agree that it is a stressful time for us all and having to provide further information and not knowing what exactly they want , makes it worse . I know the usually calm persona i present to the world has shattered but we have to persevere and play the game .

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I think the problem is not the time it takes,its the not knowing what stage your at and how long to go... If there was a way you could se what stage your at like some sort of tracking that would make it some much easier on us.

I have had no contact at all and got no idea how long to go ... And that is what sucks !!

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If there was a way you could se what stage your at like some sort of tracking that would make it some much easier on us.

Possibly, but possibly seeing the status 'Awaiting allocation to Case Officer' for seven or eight months without change might make the frustration worse!

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In my opinion it is the cost

Think of the amount of applications they refuse. How much money is involved.

A migration agent has to be registered in OZ to protect "the consumer" or be seen to protect.

Yet you can be unlicenced and start your own visa office factory in LOS and Australia will happily take your applications. Money for jam to the gov, jam up the queue also with applications that won't pass, jam on your bread tastes the same. Good for breaky nothing much else.

Nz has a good model, they won't take apps from anyone OS unless the agent is registered. Stops false apps, and limits the queue. Money for nothing, visa for me. :-)

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In my opinion it is the cost

Think of the amount of applications they refuse. How much money is involved.

A migration agent has to be registered in OZ to protect "the consumer" or be seen to protect.

Yet you can be unlicenced and start your own visa office factory in LOS and Australia will happily take your applications. Money for jam to the gov, jam up the queue also with applications that won't pass, jam on your bread tastes the same. Good for breaky nothing much else.

Nz has a model, they won't take apps from anyone OS unless the agent is registered. Stops false apps, and limits the queue. Money for nothing, visa for me. :-)

And how many are actually refused.
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In my opinion it is the cost

Think of the amount of applications they refuse. How much money is involved.

A migration agent has to be registered in OZ to protect "the consumer" or be seen to protect.

Yet you can be unlicenced and start your own visa office factory in LOS and Australia will happily take your applications. Money for jam to the gov, jam up the queue also with applications that won't pass, jam on your bread tastes the same. Good for breaky nothing much else.

Nz has a model, they won't take apps from anyone OS unless the agent is registered. Stops false apps, and limits the queue. Money for nothing, visa for me. :-)

And how many are actually refused.

FOI - freedom of information. I liken it to a tax they don't want to get rid of. Except this has been going on for 50 years and cause it's OS, who checks or cares?

edit - you can check the MRT - Heaps are refused and reviewed, let alone many that aren't reviewed and just give up, lost their coin all together

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From DIBP:

"The 2013–14 outcome in the Partner category of 47,752 places was equal to the planning level. This outcome comprised 78.1 per cent of the total Family stream. This outcome comprised 42,330 Spouse visas, 5421 Fiancé visas and 1 Interdependent visa1.

Demand for places in the Partner category decreased by over 7.8 per cent (or just over 5500 places) to 64,907 applications in 2013–14. Just over 65,470 clients remain in the pipeline at 30 June 2014, an increase of 11.4 per cent over the 2013–14 programme year."

Interesting that there were 64,907 applications and 47,752 grants, but 65,470 applications are still in the pipeline...

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If there was a way you could se what stage your at like some sort of tracking that would make it some much easier on us.

Possibly, but possibly seeing the status 'Awaiting allocation to Case Officer' for seven or eight months without change might make the frustration worse!

I think the best way to put what Luba is talking about is there should just be a set date of approval, not a between 9 to 12 month timeframe.

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There's a parent visa that apparently has a 20year wait

What the??

Correct, there can be long waiting times of up to 30 years before this visa is approved.​​ My mother, since deceased, was refused even though I was financially stable & her only surviving immediate family member.


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In my opinion it is the cost

Think of the amount of applications they refuse. How much money is involved.

A migration agent has to be registered in OZ to protect "the consumer" or be seen to protect.

Yet you can be unlicenced and start your own visa office factory in LOS and Australia will happily take your applications. Money for jam to the gov, jam up the queue also with applications that won't pass, jam on your bread tastes the same. Good for breaky nothing much else.

Nz has a good model, they won't take apps from anyone OS unless the agent is registered. Stops false apps, and limits the queue. Money for nothing, visa for me. :-)

Last time I checked, the refusal rate for spouse visa's in Thailand was something like only 3%.

So your odds of getting one are extremely high. I'd suggest the majority of refusals would probably

be in satisfying the 1 year de facto relationship requirement.

As far as unlicensed migration agents, it would be pretty hard to police overseas. And, no one is putting

a gun to the applicants heads making them use dodgy agents.

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some reviews - bulletins. 1600 bucks a pop to review your case

$1600 but you get half back if you're successful. In some cases you can apply

to get the whole amount back if you're suffering financial hardship.

I haven't read all of the links but the majority of cases listed are from countries

such as Egypt, Pakistan etc. Would be interesting to read some of the cases involving Thai's.

I'm not sure how many TV members have had spouse applications refused. I cannot remember

too many at all.

I know bad decisions get made, but in the majority of cases, if you get your application refused,

IMO, you've submitted a bad one.

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If there was a way you could se what stage your at like some sort of tracking that would make it some much easier on us.

Possibly, but possibly seeing the status 'Awaiting allocation to Case Officer' for seven or eight months without change might make the frustration worse!

I think the best way to put what Luba is talking about is there should just be a set date of approval, not a between 9 to 12 month timeframe.

I don't think that's a workable solution to be honest mate.

There are just too many variables.

To go down that route, DIAC could just give you a set date of 12 months from the time you

lodge and then basically say "don't call us, we'll call you".

This way, it sounds like the majority of people are getting their visas in around 10 months.

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There's a parent visa that apparently has a 20year wait

What the??

Correct, there can be long waiting times of up to 30 years before this visa is approved.​​ My mother, since deceased, was refused even though I was financially stable & her only surviving immediate family member.


Most of the applicants die whilst waiting in the queue.

Anyway, not relevant to this topic at all.

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Is there any one here that has there visa granted and lodged in the month of Feb 2014 and willing to give to pm me there name.. As I'm trying to build up a case on the fact there saying they are granting visas in order of received .!!

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Is there any one here that has there visa granted and lodged in the month of Feb 2014 and willing to give to pm me there name.. As I'm trying to build up a case on the fact there saying they are granting visas in order of received .!!

What you're asking for will have no relevance at all.

DIAC start processing the applications from date received,

not granting visa's.

As has been said many times in this thread, you cannot compare

other cases to yours as there are just too many variables.

I thought I read on here the average wait time is about 10 months.

You're likely to get yours this month.

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