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Bill Clinton says Hillary 'not out of touch' on wealth


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She is worth something like 100 million dollars and claims that she is not "truly well off". She is right up there with Romney who never once pretended to not be “truly well off.” She sounds very out of touch to me. blink.png

She is a Bildeburger and rubs elbows with billionaires who do not think $100 million is a lot of money so I guess it is a matter of perspective.

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Okay, factually she was correct when she spoke. Due to the huge legal bills from multiple investigations into their finances (they were cleared of any wrong doing) and then due to Bill's blow job, they were broke and in debt when they left the White House. They had debts of I think 12 million dollars and assets of less than 2 million dollars I believe. However, they had huge earning potential which she should have spoken about. They weren't about to collect unemployment or be a door greeter at Walmart to put food on the table.

Actually they were in debt due to the legal bills following his impeachment on perjury and obstruction of justice charges. The blow job had nothing to do with it.

And why was he impeached? For lying about his blow jobs or in legalize, perjury and obstruction of justice in regards to his testimony in both the Lewinsky case "I did not have sex with that woman" and the Paula Jones case.

Edited by kamahele
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There is a new book coming out by Edward Klein, Blood Feud, which will tell you all you need to know about the cover-up.

Hillary allegedly didn't want to go with the video hoax but the big guy insisted. She trotted out the faux story only hours after the murders.

I can only assume that those who disbelieve a cover-up just don't care about the death of an Ambassador.

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Okay, factually she was correct when she spoke. Due to the huge legal bills from multiple investigations into their finances (they were cleared of any wrong doing) and then due to Bill's blow job, they were broke and in debt when they left the White House. They had debts of I think 12 million dollars and assets of less than 2 million dollars I believe. However, they had huge earning potential which she should have spoken about. They weren't about to collect unemployment or be a door greeter at Walmart to put food on the table.

Actually they were in debt due to the legal bills following his impeachment on perjury and obstruction of justice charges. The blow job had nothing to do with it.

And why was he impeached? For lying about his blow jobs or in legalize, perjury and obstruction of justice in regards to his testimony in both the Lewinsky case "I did not have sex with that woman" and the Paula Jones case.
if it was only a blow job, why did he lie? Or was it a material fact in another legal proceeding?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand sky ohm. San nmfg

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Ok, I'll try again. Klein is a right wing birther hack. PM me and I'll find the info, again. Perhaps that fits within the 'rules'. What does that lying book have to do with Hillary stating they were broke? Hillary, spelled correctly I hope, was very, very wrong in her statement about being poor. Bill may have been at one time when young. No modern day President has ever left the White House broke and headed to the unemployment/food stamp line. I've been there, it ain't fun. I don't like Hillary, hope she faces legitimate opponents in the primaries and that statement is used against her. Maybe, just maybe she won't get the nomination and somebody worthwhile that really cares about the nation and it's people will.

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I'm to the left of Hillary but in this election cycle with a perceived leftist (but not really) Obama leaving office rather unpopular, someone positioned to the left of Obama or Hillary doesn't have a chance in the general election though. In the primary, maybe. It will be interesting to see who challenges Hillary.

Wow, you'er to the left of Hillary? When I think of people to the left of Hillary, Kim Jong-un comes to mind, lol. Hillary along with Obama are a menace to society. I am still amazed these two could even get a security clearance.

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If you think Klein is a "right wing birther hack" I suggest you review his credentials.

The book says mrs. clinton didn't want to trot out the lie. Deal with it.

Edited by metisdead
Oversize font reset to normal.
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Hillary didn't 'mis-speak' she tried a tact that will not work and got caught at it, good. Kim is not left, he is a despicable dictator that doesn't run on all 8 cylinders. President Eisenhower was to the left of Obama and Hillary. Nixon was to the left, as much as I despise him. They are NOT left, not socialists, certainly not Marxists, not even centrists they are conservatives (at best) in centrist disguise. Hillary in particular is a neocon on foreign affairs and a neoliberal on monetary matters, a disastrous combination. Please look up the definitions as I doubt you understand. You sir, watch too much faux (not the) news. Hillary is full of it, if she every was even close to poor, Bill might have been at an early age, she has long forgotten as well as Bill. What was America has moved so far to the right it is unrecognizable from the perspective of somebody that grew up in the conservative atmosphere of the 40/50's. Jingthing is not the only one with enough working brain cells to be to the left of Hillary. Rest assured, I'm to the left of Jinthing and proud of it. There are more of us out here than you think, and many of us earned the right, we are Vets.

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Like I said, you want to know about Klein pm me. It is off subject and I'm not going to get drawn into it. Not even faux (not the) news supports him. And you forgot to capitalize Mrs. Clinton, shame on you, how disparaging of a politician.

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What was America has moved so far to the right it is unrecognizable from the perspective of somebody that grew up in the conservative atmosphere of the 40/50's.

Ain't that the truth.

I have been fairly static in my politics as a fiscal conservative and a social moderate.

Now I am considered a liberal by my fellow conservatives and a conservative by my liberal friends.

Seems everyone has gone to one extreme or the other.

To my way of thinking, the resulting hatred doesn't bode well for America.


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Clutch, it sounds like you are a real conservative. Nothing wrong with that. We need both sides. Hey, sometimes we are both wrong. With somebody like that one should be able to agree to disagree and still remain friends and work together to better things. That actually was the case for many years in the American government, ah wasn't perfect. It is the right wing wacko's that have ruined everything, they aren't conservatives. Just like many of the attacks on Hillary, based on nothing. Her comments about being broke are being jumped on by both sides, as well they should be. I agree, there is a hatred and polarization that I have never seen before, not even during the Nixon regime and it was bad then. I know all too well. I fear for America's future and I think the rest of the world fears much more than the ignorant American public. Hang in there.

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I might have been sympathetic at one time, but because of her strong involvement in the Benghazi COVER UP, I don't have good opinion of her. The recent revelations about her defending a child rapist and blaming the 12 year old victim did not help.

So who do you think would be a good choice for POTUS?

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Hillary didn't 'mis-speak' she tried a tact that will not work and got caught at it, good. Kim is not left, he is a despicable dictator that doesn't run on all 8 cylinders. President Eisenhower was to the left of Obama and Hillary. Nixon was to the left, as much as I despise him. They are NOT left, not socialists, certainly not Marxists, not even centrists they are conservatives (at best) in centrist disguise. Hillary in particular is a neocon on foreign affairs and a neoliberal on monetary matters, a disastrous combination. Please look up the definitions as I doubt you understand. You sir, watch too much faux (not the) news. Hillary is full of it, if she every was even close to poor, Bill might have been at an early age, she has long forgotten as well as Bill. What was America has moved so far to the right it is unrecognizable from the perspective of somebody that grew up in the conservative atmosphere of the 40/50's. Jingthing is not the only one with enough working brain cells to be to the left of Hillary. Rest assured, I'm to the left of Jinthing and proud of it. There are more of us out here than you think, and many of us earned the right, we are Vets.

Nixon was a leftist?? OMG, lol. Why do liberals refer to Fox News as "Faux News?" I agree with you 100% when you stated, "there are more of us out here than you think." How else could you explain Obama, being elected not once but twice, and Hillary is actually being considered as the next president.

If Hillary ends up as the next president, (God forbid) this will mean Bill Clinton, will be allowed back into the White House. Wow, that's a sobering thought. Maybe Hillary will require Bill to wear an ankle monitor, because of his threat to young female interns. The last time Bill was in the White House, he assaulted former White House Intern Monica Lewinsky, with a cigar and then shot his semen all over her now famous dress.

There is rumor Hollywood is getting ready to make the movie, "Rise of the Liberals." It will be another horror film much like "Rise of the Zombies." Rumor has it Obamas half brother Malik (aka) Abongo, will play Obama. They haven't found anyone as sinister as Hillary yet.

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Lets face it...there will never be a President-elect that is in touch with the financial concerns of most Americans.

Every president has tried to appear as the common, everyday "guy", but that is simply "packaging".

In fact, Bill Clinton and Obama came from far more humble beginnings than the Bush family. (And, no, I am not a fan of Obama at all).

Even Bush 41, who I voted for and who I consider the last politician/statesman who will ever hold the Oval Office came from a very wealthy Wall Street Banker family (see Prescott Bush). As for 43, he used to love to roll up his sleeves or put on his Carhart jacket but nothing could be further from the truth...the man-child grew up with a silver spoon in a wealthy family and was a shoe-in at Yale since both his father and grandfather were alumni.

Attempting to suggest any Presidential-elect is in touch with the common man is simply a marketing strategy and that is true of both dominant political parties.


Edited by ClutchClark
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Bill claimed Hillary is not out of touch, and to prove it he pointed out they go grocery shopping each weekend. The can chat with their donors while they buy their turnips.

They live in the fifth richest zip code in the US. http://www.businessinsider.com/the-wealthiest-zip-codes-in-america-2014-5?op=1

Here is what an MSNBC host thought about that claim:

Please note, this is NOT Fox News.


Joe Scarborough Rips Clintons for Grocery Store Comment
Scarborough: 'They ain't in East St. Louis, they're in Chappaqua, New York'
BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
June 25, 2014 9:14 am
Joe Scarborough ripped into the Clintons on Morning Joe, criticizing Bill Clinton’s recent attempt to defend his wife by saying she’s not out of touch because “We go to our local grocery store on the weekend.”
Scarborough pointed out that the Clintons’ local grocery store is not exactly middle class America: “They ain’t in East St. Louis, they’re in Chappaqua, New York.” Chappaqua’s median income, according to the New York Times, is $163,201.
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Come on people there was no 'Benghazi cover up' and no brain clots, right wing lies.

NONSENCE, she said it was a internet video. Thats left wing lies. Thats the cover up. Grand mother Clinton is too old, and only thin skinned cowards lie.

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And I certainly hope they keep getting worse. Bill helped wreck the economy by supporting the repeal of Glass-Steagall Act. Had that not been done the banksters and Wall Street criminals would not have looted America. Hillary's latest claim of being poor is so far off base as to almost be laughable and shows just how far out of touch she is with the 99%.

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Bill Clinton claiming they are several million dollars in debt then doesn't put him or Hilary in a good position to run for president. If they can't handle their personal finances how can they be expected to manage a nation?

Actually it places her really well, the Nation has no money either, so it's right up her alley ;)

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And I certainly hope they keep getting worse. Bill helped wreck the economy by supporting the repeal of Glass-Steagall Act. Had that not been done the banksters and Wall Street criminals would not have looted America. Hillary's latest claim of being poor is so far off base as to almost be laughable and shows just how far out of touch she is with the 99%.

Yes Bill did many bad things, but he certainly put young Monica to some good use.

Wonder if Hillary will have a little male PA when she's running the Oval Office ?

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I'd say they did quite will with money management, even for the working/middle class during Bill's term. Ah, there was a working/middle class back then wasn't there? I do believe there was a surplus until Bush threw it all away with tax breaks to the rich and ill advised, illegal, immoral wars. Of course we are now seeing the fruit of the repeal of Glass-Steagall. They seem to have done even better for themselves. The only reason the US is supposedly broke is the 1%, plutocrats and corporations don't pay taxes for all the benefits they receive from the government, i.e. police protection, roads, and the unfunded wars etc. Hillary, while oh, oh so poor (sob, sob) when leaving the White House, will only worsen the situation. Bring on more gaffes and bring on the primaries.

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