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China praises NCPO even as US cuts military aid


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Thailand is already on the verge of being a Chinese satellite with the massive influx of all those quality Chinese tourists that seem to be literally everywhere these days.

Chinese influence in neighbouring countries has being growing rapidly, so Thailand makes a great prize for them.

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Well, isn't that just precious. A communist country praising a military dictator.

Yea.. but so far China did not invade as many countries as the USA did. They leave a mess everywhere in the world.

Never smart the USA.. loosing an ally over this.

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Thailand is the place to be easy now to walk down the street with any coloured shirt.

The word coup is totally wrong and the image it has created does no benefit to the Thai people

We have a General and his team looking after Thai people forget democracy it is a meaningless stamp

that allowed corruption to breed.

The USA lives in an isolated world of its own choosing meddling and not understanding

A cook knows how to cook a cleaner cleans the USA is stuck in the middle trying to impress by its military might

ends up making a mess. Use the ingredients and follow the receipe. China is smart and who is to argue with her

especially in this neck of the woods.

The problem really is the EU and the UK I wonder if they support the so called Govt in exile and is there pressure

being put on those Govts by business interests that would have benefited if Yingluck was still in place.

At the end of the day if the Military keeps doing its best and we get into 2015 without further bloodshed and restore

confidence within the AEC then the doubters will come begging.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well Us needs to get their heads out of their <deleted> and look a little harder at the ramifications of imposing sanctions.. With China so near it would only take a meager offer of support from them to sway Thailands political relationships with foreign countries... Does America want to lose their place here in Thailand to the Chinese? It very well could happen if the US tries to interfere more in Thai politics and with this coupe... The Us should bow down to the Army for stopping a civil war and for trying to end the corruption here but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen.... The Us has it's own idea of Democracy and if it does not benefit them they refuse to accept change...

Where does it say that the U.S. has imposed sanctions??? Is this someything that you are hoping for or is it just your wild imagination at work rolleyes.gif All the U.S. did was cut back a few million Dollars of military aid that they were forced to do becuase of the military overthrow of a Democratically elected government. I see you think that the U.S. should bow down to the Thai army, BTW this is the same Thai army that is curently going from house to house throughout Issan and seizing legally owned weapons, sounds a lot like Germany in 1933 to me thumbsup.gif Sieg Heil my clueless friend smile.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thailand is already on the verge of being a Chinese satellite with the massive influx of all those quality Chinese tourists that seem to be literally everywhere these days.

Chinese influence in neighbouring countries has being growing rapidly, so Thailand makes a great prize for them.

Be careful Hawk, speaking the truth isn't always popular here on thaivisa biggrin.png You are 100% correct though, Thailand could easily fall into the Chinese trap and wind up becoming a vassel of the Chinese state wai2.gif

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Well, isn't that just precious. A communist country praising a military dictator.

What's really weird is that the military junta removed a political party hell bent on trying to establish a one family one rule totalitarian regime that pretended to have some socialist values.

The US have been very careful not to support or criticize either side in Thailand per se, but to emphasize their support for a return to democratic elected government and maintenance of peace. (Although haven't made any comment about governments that act illegally - guess that's a road they don't want to go down).

China is right in what it says - there is more confidence in Thailand now brought about by a move towards law and order rather than the corrupt anarchy that was being allowed. China doesn't pretend to support an ideology but takes longer term views based on economic gain. The US, and the EU for that matter spout PC rhetoric whilst behaving differently when it suits.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well Us needs to get their heads out of their <deleted> and look a little harder at the ramifications of imposing sanctions.. With China so near it would only take a meager offer of support from them to sway Thailands political relationships with foreign countries... Does America want to lose their place here in Thailand to the Chinese? It very well could happen if the US tries to interfere more in Thai politics and with this coupe... The Us should bow down to the Army for stopping a civil war and for trying to end the corruption here but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen.... The Us has it's own idea of Democracy and if it does not benefit them they refuse to accept change...

Where does it say that the U.S. has imposed sanctions??? Is this someything that you are hoping for or is it just your wild imagination at work rolleyes.gif All the U.S. did was cut back a few million Dollars of military aid that they were forced to do becuase of the military overthrow of a Democratically elected government. I see you think that the U.S. should bow down to the Thai army, BTW this is the same Thai army that is curently going from house to house throughout Issan and seizing legally owned weapons, sounds a lot like Germany in 1933 to me thumbsup.gif Sieg Heil my clueless friend smile.png

So you think all those weapons cashes that have been found and all the weapons in Issan are legally bought and registered with the correct permits?

And you think others are clueless. Dream on if it makes you happy.

Ps, can you find any reference citing a reliable source that says legal weapons were seized from people in 1933 Germany? Talking of wild imaginations,

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Baerboxer, You my friend are obviously clueless as to what is going on in Issan currently, the Thai army is not just searching the homes of leftwing red activists looking for "weapons cashes" they are going through every home in the village, village after village and seizing legally owned weapons from poor farmers. Let us objectively take a look what has transpired in the last few months- (1) The Military overthrows a democratically elected government (2) The military then declares martial law and sets curfews (3) The military then tears up the Thai constitution (4) The military makes it be known that there will be severe penalties for questioning its motives and actions (5) The military marches through Issan entering house after house and confiscates any and all weapons weather they be legally owned or not. If you can not see the parallels between what is occuring in Thailand right now and what the Nazis did in 1933 then you are blind my friend wai2.gif Or as Santayana once put it "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" thumbsup.gif

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well Us needs to get their heads out of their <deleted> and look a little harder at the ramifications of imposing sanctions.. With China so near it would only take a meager offer of support from them to sway Thailands political relationships with foreign countries... Does America want to lose their place here in Thailand to the Chinese? It very well could happen if the US tries to interfere more in Thai politics and with this coupe... The Us should bow down to the Army for stopping a civil war and for trying to end the corruption here but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen.... The Us has it's own idea of Democracy and if it does not benefit them they refuse to accept change...

Where does it say that the U.S. has imposed sanctions??? Is this someything that you are hoping for or is it just your wild imagination at work alt=rolleyes.gif> All the U.S. did was cut back a few million Dollars of military aid that they were forced to do becuase of the military overthrow of a Democratically elected government. I see you think that the U.S. should bow down to the Thai army, BTW this is the same Thai army that is curently going from house to house throughout Issan and seizing legally owned weapons, sounds a lot like Germany in 1933 to me alt=thumbsup.gif> Sieg Heil my clueless friend

So you think all those weapons cashes that have been found and all the weapons in Issan are legally bought and registered with the correct permits?

And you think others are clueless. Dream on if it makes you happy.

Ps, can you find any reference citing a reliable source that says legal weapons were seized from people in 1933 Germany? Talking of wild imaginations,

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America has one of the most broken Governments of any developed nation at the moment. Congress has messed things up to the point where they are completely dysfunctional. The level of corruption at the top has never been higher. Big banks and corporations have been controlling the puppets in Congress for decades now. There is no possibility of the politicians ever correcting the situation.

Perhaps the US is afraid that if the world sees how quick and effective the reform in Thailand is that their own citizens might demand some of the same reforms? If the US citizens can see how quickly significant changes can be made, how fast the corrupt politicians can be brought to justice then they should be afraid that they might be subject to the same fate and be held responsible for their crimes against their own society and the world economy.

If I was in their shoes (Congress) I would be trying to spin the coup into something more evil as well. The fact is Thailand has not been this safe in a long time and the positive changes that are happening in such a short time span would not be possible from any democratically elected Government anywhere in the world.

Suck it democracy!!!

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Well Us needs to get their heads out of their and look a little harder at the ramifications of imposing sanctions.. With China so near it would only take a meager offer of support from them to sway Thailands political relationships with foreign countries... Does America want to lose their place here in Thailand to the Chinese? It very well could happen if the US tries to interfere more in Thai politics and with this coupe... The Us should bow down to the Army for stopping a civil war and for trying to end the corruption here but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen.... The Us has it's own idea of Democracy and if it does not benefit them they refuse to accept change...

Where does it say that the U.S. has imposed sanctions??? Is this someything that you are hoping for or is it just your wild imagination at work rolleyes.gif All the U.S. did was cut back a few million Dollars of military aid that they were forced to do becuase of the military overthrow of a Democratically elected government. I see you think that the U.S. should bow down to the Thai army, BTW this is the same Thai army that is curently going from house to house throughout Issan and seizing legally owned weapons, sounds a lot like Germany in 1933 to me thumbsup.gif Sieg Heil my clueless friend smile.png

So you think all those weapons cashes that have been found and all the weapons in Issan are legally bought and registered with the correct permits?

And you think others are clueless. Dream on if it makes you happy.

Ps, can you find any reference citing a reliable source that says legal weapons were seized from people in 1933 Germany? Talking of wild imaginations,

Thnx bareboxer for replying some of what i wanted to say..

But also to the guy who tries to twist my words about sanctions... try learning english because in my text it says they should look harder at imposing sanctions... that means they should look harder at doing it! It meaning imposing sanctions

I did not say they imposed sanctions already

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ah well that is an oxymoron isnt it? using America and thinking in the same sentence.

Being an American I have the right to praise or criticize the actions of my government.

Washington continues to review other programmes and engagements and would consider further measures as circumstances warrant, Marciel said.
"Our hope is that this strong international message, plus pressure from within Thailand, will lead to an easing of repression and an early return to democracy," he said.

I expected a certain level of condemnation of the coup from the US but not to the extent displayed currently. I have yet to determine the true reasons for the US escallating the rhetoric and threats toward Thailand. Since 1949 the US has actively supported at least thirty eight coups or regime changes worldwide either by direct military intervention, CIA subversion or financial support even to the extent of replacing democratically elected governments with military dictators who favored US foreign policy.

Through communication with the American Embassy in Bangkok and other sources the US state department is fully aware of the events leading up to the coup. Compare the US reaction to their full support of the coup lead by the neo-nazis in the Ukraine where Sen. John McCain and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland literally traveled to the Ukraine joining the protests. The US was not alone in the destabilization of the Ukrainian government. They were joined by Germany, France, Britain and other NATO powers. The new coup-led government was selected by a rump session of the parliament when many elected members could not show up to vote for fear of physical attack. It is filled with fascist and semi-fascist forces, as well as powerful billionaire oligarchs. The fascist forces promote hatred toward Russians, Jews, Poles and other minorities.

Something just doesn't add up here. The truth has a way of coming out in time. I guess we'll just have to wait until that time.

Maybe its because with the level of knowledge the US will have of Thailand, through channels we can only dream of, they know that the Coup is nothing to do with reform, reconciliation and cleaning up corruption. Perhaps they think the Coup was for more nefarious reasons, hiding behind the reform, and as such will not support it, as they know long term it will come to bite them on the ass, when eventually people are allowed to vote again.

Having said that i really cannot understand the stance they have taken with Egypt which for me is really strange. I presume their fear of the Muslim brotherhood outweighs there desire for a non military Government.

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Chinese envoy confident NCPO will improve Thai-Chinese economic ties
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, June 26 -- The Chinese ambassador to Thailand has voiced his confidence that the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) will improve Thailand's economic relations with Beijing.

Air Force spokesman Monthon Satchukorn said Chinese ambassador Ning Fukui called on Air Force chief/deputy NCPO chief Air Chief Marshal Prajin Juntong at Air Force headquarters yesterday.

Air Marshal Monthon said that the ambassador expressed his understanding of the situation in Thailand and said that past situations had seriously affected Thai-Chinese economic relations, but relations and confidence were improving now as the NCPO had implemented economic stimulation measures in the past month.

Ambassador Ning Fukui expected Thai-Chinese economic cooperation would grow from now on.

The ambassador commented that Thailand had the potential to be the center of ASEAN. In addition, Chinese investors will return to Thailand in the near future as the countries had had close connections for a long time.

"The Chinese ambassador said with the leadership of Army chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha and the NCPO, and ACM Prajin, Thai-Chinese trade that was stalled would recover soon and China would focus on investment and trade with Thailand to boost Thai-Chinese relations," AM Monthon said.

ACM Prajin explained the Peace and Order Council's solutions to national problems would show results soon and promised that the council would take good care of foreigners and foreign investors.

The air force chief encouraged Chinese tourists to continue to visit Thailand as in the past. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-06-26

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Being an American I have the right to praise or criticize the actions of my government.

Washington continues to review other programmes and engagements and would consider further measures as circumstances warrant, Marciel said.

"Our hope is that this strong international message, plus pressure from within Thailand, will lead to an easing of repression and an early return to democracy," he said.

I expected a certain level of condemnation of the coup from the US but not to the extent displayed currently. I have yet to determine the true reasons for the US escallating the rhetoric and threats toward Thailand. Since 1949 the US has actively supported at least thirty eight coups or regime changes worldwide either by direct military intervention, CIA subversion or financial support even to the extent of replacing democratically elected governments with military dictators who favored US foreign policy.

Through communication with the American Embassy in Bangkok and other sources the US state department is fully aware of the events leading up to the coup. Compare the US reaction to their full support of the coup lead by the neo-nazis in the Ukraine where Sen. John McCain and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland literally traveled to the Ukraine joining the protests. The US was not alone in the destabilization of the Ukrainian government. They were joined by Germany, France, Britain and other NATO powers. The new coup-led government was selected by a rump session of the parliament when many elected members could not show up to vote for fear of physical attack. It is filled with fascist and semi-fascist forces, as well as powerful billionaire oligarchs. The fascist forces promote hatred toward Russians, Jews, Poles and other minorities.

Something just doesn't add up here. The truth has a way of coming out in time. I guess we'll just have to wait until that time.

Maybe its because with the level of knowledge the US will have of Thailand, through channels we can only dream of, they know that the Coup is nothing to do with reform, reconciliation and cleaning up corruption. Perhaps they think the Coup was for more nefarious reasons, hiding behind the reform, and as such will not support it, as they know long term it will come to bite them on the ass, when eventually people are allowed to vote again.

Having said that i really cannot understand the stance they have taken with Egypt which for me is really strange. I presume their fear of the Muslim brotherhood outweighs there desire for a non military Government.

Perhaps you are right. But up to now the Army seems to be concerning themselves with the peoples troubles. They have not shown their stance to be anything more than stoppin illegal activities and getting law and order back to thailand. Also you have to take into account they had power a few years ago and didnt turn thailand into a dictatorship. So this makes it seem like the US is not concerned with thais and only worry about getting the people they suppprt back into power.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Being an American I have the right to praise or criticize the actions of my government.

That's the great thing about the democratic system of government.

The fact that citizens are allowed to criticise, and once every few years use their vote to defenestrate governments gone bad, protects citizens from the rise of would-be tyrants. Once tyrants are installed, their own paranoia and greed means that they stay in place for decades.

By the way, non-Americans who also enjoy freedom of speech are allowed to criticise your government too smile.png

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Seems to me Australia has no room to talk

With their Federal police involved in the most undemocratic arrest and detainment, know since the Natzi where involved in the 2nd world war

they refuses to even obey the australia high courts

Australia is becoming a police state, where the federal police feel they are above the law

and the Australian government had the (deleated) mind to talk about Thailand

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A pi$$y $4.7 million in military assistance. Who cares. The only time Thailand needs military assistance from the US is when it fights US led wars like Vietnam. And truth be known the US needed Thailand a hell of a lot more in that war than Thailand needed the US. I am loving this. The US is cutting it's own head off. Stupid. blink.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thailand is already on the verge of being a Chinese satellite with the massive influx of all those quality Chinese tourists that seem to be literally everywhere these days.

Chinese influence in neighbouring countries has being growing rapidly, so Thailand makes a great prize for them.

Be careful Hawk, speaking the truth isn't always popular here on thaivisa biggrin.png You are 100% correct though, Thailand could easily fall into the Chinese trap and wind up becoming a vassel of the Chinese state wai2.gif

Sure beats the current status quo of it being an American puppet state. wink.png

Edited by coma
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Well, isn't that just precious. A communist country praising a military dictator.

Yea.. but so far China did not invade as many countries as the USA did. They leave a mess everywhere in the world.

Never smart the USA.. loosing an ally over this.

Tibet ring a bell ???

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Well, isn't that just precious. A communist country praising a military dictator.

Yea.. but so far China did not invade as many countries as the USA did. They leave a mess everywhere in the world.

Never smart the USA.. loosing an ally over this.

Tibet ring a bell ???

Ok that is 1 (and a bad one at that) do you want me to make a list of countries the USA invaded ? Drone strikes on innocent people ect. The US has more blood on their hand in a single day then the Thai Junta in a month or year. The US does not care about who they back.. no matter how bad they are as long as they do what the USA says.

Mind you I don't see China as a great country.. but the US is real bad too and is killing more people all around the globe as any other country.

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Well, isn't that just precious. A communist country praising a military dictator.

Yea.. but so far China did not invade as many countries as the USA did. They leave a mess everywhere in the world.

Never smart the USA.. loosing an ally over this.

Tibet ring a bell ???

Ok that is 1 (and a bad one at that) do you want me to make a list of countries the USA invaded ? Drone strikes on innocent people ect. The US has more blood on their hand in a single day then the Thai Junta in a month or year. The US does not care about who they back.. no matter how bad they are as long as they do what the USA says.

Mind you I don't see China as a great country.. but the US is real bad too and is killing more people all around the globe as any other country.

Yes please make a list of countries that America has invaded, taken complete control of ,

and declared to be a part of America. Such as what China did to Tibet. Maybe Canada should

be afraid ?? And actually, I agree about the sad state of American adventurism abroad.

If it was up to me, every single soldier would be brought home, and not one dollar of foreign

aid would be handed out. Let the countries either squabble among themselves, or allow them themselves to be bought out by China, as has happened in Africa.....

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Well, isn't that just precious. A communist country praising a military dictator.

Yea.. but so far China did not invade as many countries as the USA did. They leave a mess everywhere in the world.

Never smart the USA.. loosing an ally over this.

Tibet ring a bell ???

I think China took control of Tibet in 1951...not really a good argument vs american aggression

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My enemy's enemy is my friend!

China is desperate for friends in Asia - everyone is worried about Chinese expansionism. Even the Vietnamese, with crowning irony, are making overtures to the Americans.

Along comes a convenient coup in Thailand mounted by the Thai/Chinese elite and Beijing is drooling.

No story here.

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