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Russia expects 'straightforward' extradition of alleged mob boss captured in Thailand


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this guy can use some years in a thai jail, he will shed the pounds like it is icecream in the sun on a bangkok prison diet

just wondering, do you have to do visa extentions on a fake passport ?


"....this guy can use some years in a thai jail,....'

Did you read the headline? Russia expects straightforward extradition of alleged mob boss"

This means there's probably a nice room waiting for him at Lubyanka and he's going to be welcome back in The Motherland.

The Thais want to get rid of this piece of detritus.

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Think it is time to face the facts - in the few years since Russians "discovered" Thailand, they made up the majority of bad press whenever it comes to crimes, accidents, and other misconduct committed by foreigners in Thailand. I have never seen such a plethora of bad press about foreigners of any origin in my past 23 years of Thailand ever - not in the era where Germans made up the majority of Thai travellers, not when the Scandinavians enlightened us with avalanches of happy and financially sound tourists rolling in, not when English and Aussies assembled the main force of Thai travellers in the early days, not in the few years where the Japanese suddenly realized that Thailand might be "it"... never!!! How about the masses of Chinese now? Ok, they are killing your eardrums when they flock into a 7Eleven, I give them that, but that's about it... no Chinese mobsters, drug dealers, human traffickers, killers, etc. in the press in Thailand...

In the past I always have been the one trying to defuse anti-russian threads, especially when they resulted in Rus-bashing, but by now I am sick and tired to stand in for a certain nationality that appears to have a seriously deranged gene pool...

By now (even though I have met very nice and friendly Russians and even have one befriended couple I simply adore), it is obvious to me that a majority of Russians travelling to or living in Thailand not only have bad temper and short fuses, but have more than just one skeleton in the closet, let's better say it flat out: are downright criminals. Time to put a lid on it before they pull the rest of us so-called "farangs" down with them. Just takes a few rotten apples to infect the whole basket. Our standing here in Thailand as such already is fragile enough, we don't need an army of empathyless Homonculi to destroy the brittle foundation we are standing on for us - I think we can handle this ourselves if we ever wanted to. Time for super tough visa and work regulations for Russians, and perhaps also time to check out their finances a bit more thoroughly. Might sound drastic, conservative and perhaps even right wing, but as I see it, the Russians f#$%ed it up themselves and should suffer the consequences.

Edited by catweazle
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Where are all the posters that have previously argued that there are no Russian mafia in Thailand? Surprisingly quiet smile.png

Maybe because they finally got it through their thick skulls, how wrong they were? Or are they still acting like ostriches? Who knows?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It has not been stated that he's been involved in any criminality here in Thailand, except if he really did enter on a fake passport.

And it is stated that he is "accused" of being the leader of a criminal gang,

So all I can gather from that is that he's entitled to be considered innocent until proven otherwise.

A new, "Fairness Program" is being developed to house accused criminals in private homes. You can volunteer to 'adopt' up to 6 of them from the time of their arrest until the court date. You must house them and feed them well and treat them with respect as they are innocent, no capital. It will be best if you have someone keep them company 24/7 like your wife or teen age kids. To volunteer for the program email your home address and a list of the food and beverages you will be serving. email your application to [email protected]

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A new, "Fairness Program" is being developed to house accused criminals in private homes. You can volunteer to 'adopt' up to 6 of them from the time of their arrest until the court date. You must house them and feed them well and treat them with respect as they are innocent, no capital. It will be best if you have someone keep them company 24/7 like your wife or teen age kids. To volunteer for the program email your home address and a list of the food and beverages you will be serving. email your application to [email protected]


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A new, "Fairness Program" is being developed to house accused criminals in private homes. You can volunteer to 'adopt' up to 6 of them from the time of their arrest until the court date. You must house them and feed them well and treat them with respect as they are innocent, no capital. It will be best if you have someone keep them company 24/7 like your wife or teen age kids. To volunteer for the program email your home address and a list of the food and beverages you will be serving. email your application to [email protected]


I can handle that humour.

Many posters cannot or do not understand. Tough s**t!

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The Russians can take comfort that Thailand will standby its extradition treaty obligations even if pressed from outside not to do so.

The extradition of Viktor Bout is a clear example for the Russians to observe.

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It has not been stated that he's been involved in any criminality here in Thailand, except if he really did enter on a fake passport.

And it is stated that he is "accused" of being the leader of a criminal gang,

So all I can gather from that is that he's entitled to be considered innocent until proven otherwise.

Absolutely. On top of that, he looks tremendously innocent, does he not ?

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Think it is time to face the facts - in the few years since Russians "discovered" Thailand, they made up the majority of bad press whenever it comes to crimes, accidents, and other misconduct committed by foreigners in Thailand. I have never seen such a plethora of bad press about foreigners of any origin in my past 23 years of Thailand ever - not in the era where Germans made up the majority of Thai travellers, not when the Scandinavians enlightened us with avalanches of happy and financially sound tourists rolling in, not when English and Aussies assembled the main force of Thai travellers in the early days, not in the few years where the Japanese suddenly realized that Thailand might be "it"... never!!! How about the masses of Chinese now? Ok, they are killing your eardrums when they flock into a 7Eleven, I give them that, but that's about it... no Chinese mobsters, drug dealers, human traffickers, killers, etc. in the press in Thailand...

In the past I always have been the one trying to defuse anti-russian threads, especially when they resulted in Rus-bashing, but by now I am sick and tired to stand in for a certain nationality that appears to have a seriously deranged gene pool...

By now (even though I have met very nice and friendly Russians and even have one befriended couple I simply adore), it is obvious to me that a majority of Russians travelling to or living in Thailand not only have bad temper and short fuses, but have more than just one skeleton in the closet, let's better say it flat out: are downright criminals. Time to put a lid on it before they pull the rest of us so-called "farangs" down with them. Just takes a few rotten apples to infect the whole basket. Our standing here in Thailand as such already is fragile enough, we don't need an army of empathyless Homonculi to destroy the brittle foundation we are standing on for us - I think we can handle this ourselves if we ever wanted to. Time for super tough visa and work regulations for Russians, and perhaps also time to check out their finances a bit more thoroughly. Might sound drastic, conservative and perhaps even right wing, but as I see it, the Russians f#$%ed it up themselves and should suffer the consequences.

I find your post very interesting, all the more so because it's not just another hateful rant against Russians in Thailand, and everything you say here makes perfect sense. I've been living in Thailand 13 years myself (3 in BKK then 10 in Pattaya) and like you I saw it happen. I also reacted the way you did ie I tried to defuse anti-Russian sentiment whenever I heard it even though I found it more and more difficult to stir up enough conviction in myself ! Now, sometimes, I just wish they would just all pack up and leave, which of course they won't, because they're buying condos, houses, businesses and what-have-yous like crazy, so like it or not, we're in for a long term occupation !!

What I did was try to understand why most of them behave in such an anti-social way. When we think of Pushkin, Tchekov, Tchaikovsky or Soljenitzin and Nabokov, Nureyev and Nijinsky we see a high level of civilisation, art and culture, but all these geniuses were 'products' of the pre-communist era (yes, even Nureyev). What Communism (in its Soviet version which had of course nothing to do with the original marxist ideas except the label on the bottle) did to destroy Russian culture and society is simply immeasurable (and very different from what happened in China, notwithstanding the fact that Maoïsm, with its score of 70 million dead, was the deadliest regime ever in the history of humanity).

For anyone trying to understand the Russian situation now, in terms of sociology, behaviour, faith, ideas, I think the books of Svetlana Alexievich are a must-read. Especially the latest : Vremia sekond hend (Second-hand Time), Moscow: Vremia, 2013. ISBN 978-5-9691-1129-5

One of the things you get to understand when you read that book is that in the Soviet era, everyone was a potential enemy, because everybody could give you up to the police, and they did. Neighbors, pupils, teachers, 'friends', co-workers, family members, spouses, parents, children, it's simply unbelievable, and it went one for 70 years, along with the constant fear of death, torture, deportation. How could such ordeal not destroy a nation's common sense, its values, its faith, its hope, its capacity to socialize ... ?

You see it in small things, and in everyday life. The fact, for example, that Russian people very seldom look you in the eye, or that some of them seem ready to kill you when they do (look at you I mean), as if it was 'kill or get killed', no other option... The pharaonic quantities of alcohol absorbed, the need to 'live dangerously' as if there was no tomorrow, the homophobia and misogyny, the general loudness, as if tremendous noise was constantly required in order to silence the voice of anguish inside (or perhaps the sheer void)...

But you know what ? In the last year or so, I have seen several Russians, especially young couples with kids in my building who are beginning to behave normally (and that includes the kids, who'll sometimes even look at you and smile). The elevator is of course a place of choice for observing all these meaningful details. So, I guess I'm closing on an optimistical note after all smile.png

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For a Russian mobster he is remarkably free of tattoos which I was led to believe are a rite of passage.

Then again I don't imagine Putin has any tattoos

the tattoos are prison issue :)

if hes never been in prison ,no reason to be inked up

just like putin lol

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