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Arrest warrant for Chakrapob for alleged storing of war weapons

Lite Beer

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This guy has a video on youtube where he denounces the coup in very good English! I wonder if this is the real reason. If he had been in exile for a long time how would he be involved in weapons storage, not saying it's not true. Just wondering.

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animatic, on 28 Jun 2014 - 17:48, said:animatic, on 28 Jun 2014 - 17:48, said:

Very simple.
He was being ignored because bigger fish needed frying. But he would be monitored,
because of his tight connections with the current trouble making clique.
Still as long as he shut his mouth he would not be pursued.
He then opened it wide, and now no longer in Cambodia being protected
by Hun Sen, he has left himself vulnerable.

He also is a direct link between Thaksin and the UDD leadership.
A useful potential proof of Thaksin's guilt in several cases.

In the best Thai tradition he could have stayed off shore, clipped coupons,
And been left alone... But he is too much of a 'cadre rouge ' to leave it alone.
All he needed was to have provided money to the gun runners, left email instructions,
Been monitored on cellphone giving orders etc. lots of ways to gather
conspiracy evidence, without him having set foot in country.
You need not be in country to foment insurrection.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Additionally, this loud & running mouth colorful specific has a history of mouthing off, in fact if you dig back into the time when he was the PM's Office minister there was several occasions when the paymaster had to very quickly: shut him up / disown him / publically disagree with his statements / apologize for his comments.

Also, if you dig you'll find the back away comments from the paymaster in regard to his colorful son.

Edited by scorecard
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

animatic, on 28 Jun 2014 - 17:48, said:animatic, on 28 Jun 2014 - 17:48, said:

Very simple.

He was being ignored because bigger fish needed frying. But he would be monitored,

because of his tight connections with the current trouble making clique.

Still as long as he shut his mouth he would not be pursued.

He then opened it wide, and now no longer in Cambodia being protected

by Hun Sen, he has left himself vulnerable.

He also is a direct link between Thaksin and the UDD leadership.

A useful potential proof of Thaksin's guilt in several cases.

In the best Thai tradition he could have stayed off shore, clipped coupons,

And been left alone... But he is too much of a 'cadre rouge ' to leave it alone.

All he needed was to have provided money to the gun runners, left email instructions,

Been monitored on cellphone giving orders etc. lots of ways to gather

conspiracy evidence, without him having set foot in country.

You need not be in country to foment insurrection.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Additionally, this loud & running mouth colorful specific has a history of mouthing off, in fact if you dig back into the time when he was the PM's Office minister there was several occasions when the paymaster had to very quickly: shut him up / disown him / publically disagree with his statements / apologize for his comments.

Also, if you dig you'll find the back away comments from the paymaster in regard to his colorful son.

Graduate of The Duangchalerm Finishing School of Etiquette?

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This guy has a video on youtube where he denounces the coup in very good English! I wonder if this is the real reason. If he had been in exile for a long time how would he be involved in weapons storage, not saying it's not true. Just wondering.

He's not been in Thailand since 2009. But hey, maybe they found a picture of him next to the weapons or a lock of his hair or something...

The victors write the history and take the spoils....
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I remember before the boom gate was lifted on the untravelled road to democracy on the 22nd of May the comments were:

  • When I said there is rice missing from the warehouses. The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?
  • When I said there is corruption in the rice scheme. The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?
  • On September 25, 2013 when yingluck said the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme until 2014 I said she was lying. Guess what the red apologists said? Show me the proof?
  • When I said the UDD are a violent terrorist organization and where involved in the Trat attacks. Guess what? The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?
I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, but this will suffice.

So when you make comments like "when was Red Siam ever involved in "violence and mayhem" and "if you believe this stuff about him "stockpiling war weapons" I laugh, more out of pity for the misguided than out of humor and this direction resembles the road I have been down before with the red apologists after stating the above.

Luckily​ that road has an exit now with a destination sign stating that the town of "True Democracy" is 430 days away.

Time to stop defending terrorist organizations my friend. We are on the boat to reconciliation and there is always room for you too emptyset. I saved you a seat!!!

I'm not defending terrorist organizations - Red Siam never was one. I'm not actually asking you for proof of this because I already know there isn't any. Even some reds spuriously blamed Red Siam for attacks simply on the basis that they were "radical" and had a former communist insurgent as a leader. Actually apart from Jakrapob who got involved with Red Siam after falling out with the other UDD leaders, no one in Red Siam had any affiliation to PT or Thaksin. They weren't allowed on the UDD stage either and unlike some other fringe groups who were allowed small stages at the UDD protests (like Somyot's group), they held their protests completely separately from the UDD after the split in March 2010. Even if Red Siam wanted to use violence, they wouldn't have had the capability, connections or resources to do it.

That said, I don't think the UDD were directly behind the Trat bombings either. As I've said before, peripheral figures might be involved but this is not something under the control of the main UDD leaders (who differ signicantly in their attitudes to violence anyway). I'm all for cracking down on the terrorist element, but dismissing everyone in the movement on the basis of these attacks is frankly stupid. Imagine, for instance, if people had flat out refused to negotiate with the IRA or seek a compromise. The conflict would still be going on now.

Anyway, it's hard to believe that you could be credulous enough to think Jakrapob - of all people - would be stockpiling weapons in Thailand. A country which he hasn't been in since 2009. And that the evidence for this just happened to be found for this a few days after he started a movement which the junta evidently believes could prove troublesome. They actually provide the reasoning for it themselves. They couldn't extradite him for LM, so needed to charge him with something which is also a crime in other countries. I wonder if Rose will be found to have been stockpiling weapons too...

ones guilt is a guilt by deed, action, associate, association, or not stepping away totally. He may be guilty by being involved in some small way and the world is a better place if cockroaches like these are exterminated
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Had a long chat with Jakrapob at one of the National Health Assemblies some years ago. I found him to be an intelligent and likeable person, and am treating this story with scepticism. His English is excellent,.as stated above.

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Statement today by Jakrapob Penkair of the Free Thai movement https://www.facebook.com/pages/จักรภพ-เพ็ญแข-Jakrapob-Penkair/560398830659767 :

The charges levelled against me today by Thailands illegitimate coup regime reveal, once again, the desperation of the Generals and the Establishment they represent. The false claim that I am behind some kind of armed element is not only a fiction but yet another example of the injudiciousness of the fraudulent Thai junta.

Let me be clear - there is simply no evidence whatsoever to connect me to the juntas seizure of arms and I would challenge them to produce such evidence. Of course, even the seizure of said arms have more than a whiff of suspicion about them. There has been no independent investigation regarding these arms seizures, no chain of evidence has been preserved and the kind of claims the junta are putting forward are so flimsy they would be washed away very quickly when subject to proper cross-examination.

As for any attempt to extradite me on such charges, the junta must know that no government on earth would succumb to their threats and that I would be given full access to any evidence they have concocted and also the platform to challenge such evidence.

For the record, I must state that I have no involvement in any kind of armed struggle.

I believe fully in a political, social and cultural struggle secured in reality by the democratic will of the Thai people. The Generals and their Establishment masters know very well that if the democratic will of the Thai people is expressed, power will be removed from them and returned to more accountable and legal forms.

It's only two days ago our organisation was being dismissed as irrelevant by the junta. Now we face allegations of being behind a regime-concocted "armed struggle" along with attempts to curtail our rights to travel via the revocations of passports. These actions by the junta reveal only one thing - their increasingly obvious insecurity - something which will only grow in the days and weeks to come.

Thats why the only judicial vehicle they could use to expedite their false charges would be through their own military-run courts where due process and the rule of law have long been abolished in favour of despotism. It must be said that any and all cases coming before the military courts exist in the context of a form of jurisprudence that is little more than a theatre of the absurd, such is the lack of any form of legal rights.

At the moment the military and the forces they represent are the only agents engaged in any kind of illegitimate armed struggle against the will of the Thai people. Those who believe in democracy have no need to use force of arms as we are confident that the moment the franchise is returned to Thais the junta will be little more than an historical aberration.

I should add that the revocation of passports by the junta is not only another grotesque repressive act it also turns any Thai citizen who stands against the military regime into political refugees. Such revocations will further expose to the global community that the junta are little more than petulant tyrants operating far beyond the norms of international law.

We ask our supporters to remain steadfast and not be distressed or disheartened by the juntas threats and games. The only action the junta have available to themselves is to attempt to crush the hopes and aspirations of ordinary Thais. Yet, with each turn of the repressive screw, the junta just further seal their own fate and will strengthen your resolve to return sovereignty to the Thai people.

Edited by londonthai
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