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Arrest warrant for Chakrapob for alleged storing of war weapons

Lite Beer

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Jakropob's loyalty to the fugitive is a wonder to behold. He seems to have made assisting Thaksin steal every last baht from the Thai citizens his life's work. There is just one thing I would like to know, when Thaksin said abhisit made bad decisions "because he surrounded himself with homosexuals" just what exactly were Jakrapob and young Oak thinking !!!

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Jakropob's loyalty to the fugitive is a wonder to behold. He seems to have made assisting Thaksin steal every last baht from the Thai citizens his life's work. There is just one thing I would like to know, when Thaksin said abhisit made bad decisions "because he surrounded himself with homosexuals" just what exactly were Jakrapob and young Oak thinking !!!

Probbably not much. They knew when Thaksin spoke of "purple people" he was referring to a specific person. That said, I don't condone that kind of moronic stereotyping either, but it's used by both sides (and has been used against Jakrapob in particular).

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Many reactions on this topic today remind me, in minor, thank God, of the general attitude in my home country's intellectual circles, with in front university professors, human rights activists (Amnesty International, ...), NGOs, and socialist party leaders, defending, with teeth and claws, sponsoring, the marvellous experience the peacefull father Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge were bringing to Cambodia in creating a new, just, social, egalitarian society for the happiness of all citizens... Some even resisted, remaining in denial, years after the truth about the killing fields had started to emerge... Intellect is a privilege, it's precious, important, but it should not become obsessive, masking off the perceptions of sheer common sense. And History is full of well mannered, well educated, good looking, sweet talking people, who were in fact despicable personalities, full of evil, hatred and violence, and mostly very vain and self centered. Please try to remember you defended Jakrapop with such stamina, when the truth comes out, and don't hesitate to make your mea culpa in front of us here then...

The problem, in part, with the type of persons you describe is that they define themselves by their ideas, so if and when their ideas are proven to be wrong they feel their very identity is in question and denial kicks in as a defense mechanism. There are a few stuck in that circle of intellectual dishonesty posting here.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'm not defending terrorist organizations - Red Siam never was one. I'm not actually asking you for proof of this because I already know there isn't any. Even some reds spuriously blamed Red Siam for attacks simply on the basis that they were "radical" and had a former communist nsurgent as a leader. Actually apart from Jakrapob who got involved with Red Siam after falling out with the other UDD leaders, no one in Red Siam had any affiliation to PT or Thaksin. They weren't allowed on the UDD stage either and unlike some other fringe groups who were allowed small stages at the UDD protests (like Somyot's group), they held their protests completely separately from the UDD after the split in March 2010. Even if Red Siam wanted to use violence, they wouldn't have had the capability, connections or resources to do it.

That said, I don't think the UDD were directly behind the Trat bombings either. As I've said before, peripheral figures might be involved but this is not something under the control of the main UDD leaders (who differ signicantly in their attitudes to violence anyway). I'm all for cracking down on the terrorist element, but dismissing everyone in the movement on the basis of these attacks is frankly stupid. Imagine, for instance, if people had flat out refused to negotiate with the IRA or seek a compromise. The conflict would still be going on now.

Anyway, it's hard to believe that you could be credulous enough to think Jakrapob - of all people - would be stockpiling weapons in Thailand. A country which he hasn't been in since 2009. And that the evidence for this just happened to be found for this a few days after he started a movement which the junta evidently believes could prove troublesome. They actually provide the reasoning for it themselves. They couldn't extradite him for LM, so needed to charge him with something which is also a crime in other countries. I wonder if Rose will be found to have been stockpiling weapons too...

So because he hasn't physically been in Thailand since 2009 it's impossible that he's involved in storing war weapons.

Great deduction.

What's your next one - Monday can't follow Sunday because it sometimes rains?

That's not the only basis upon which I make my judgement, lol. From what I know about the composition and organization of these groups, I find it extremely unlikely Jakrapob is involved. But you can believe whatever you like as far as I'm concerned, Scorecard. If you believe, as someone else on this thread previously averred, that Jakrapob is the next Pol Pot, then I'm not going to convince you otherwise. Just saying if you're actually interested in the truth, and not simply in believing whichever nonsense fits with your preconceived narrative, you'd perhaps be less inclined to take these stories at face value as the actual evidence for Jackie's involvement in armed attacks is... well... what evidence is there, other than the usual - banal - conjecture by anti-red Thaivisa posters?

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This jackass is the worst of the Thaksin sycophants. May he and Chalerm die in each other's arms.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I don't think so. One of the reasons I am wary of Jakrapob is that I think he's associated himself with Thaksin more than I think he needs to - or more than is justified by circumstance. But I think Jakrapob is actually well aware of Thaksin's flaws. Just he's got another target - the traditional Thai establishment - in mind and he sees TS as the lesser of two evils. I don't necessarily think he's right. Just that Jakrapob is a more complex character than you suggest.

But, as Goethe said: Conscience is the virtue of observers and not of agents of action.”

Edited by Emptyset
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Is it just me or does his head look strangely out of proportion to the rest of his body ?

LOL! He does look like he has strings working him.

A bit like his old boss I guess. smile.png

Right. giggle.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I remember before the boom gate was lifted on the untravelled road to democracy on the 22nd of May the comments were:

  1. When I said there is rice missing from the warehouses. The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?
  2. When I said there is corruption in the rice scheme. The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?
  3. On September 25, 2013 when yingluck said the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme until 2014 I said she was lying. Guess what the red apologists said? Show me the proof?
  4. When I said the UDD are a violent terrorist organization and where involved in the Trat attacks. Guess what? The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?

I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, but this will suffice.

So when you make comments like "when was Red Siam ever involved in "violence and mayhem" and "if you believe this stuff about him "stockpiling war weapons" I laugh, more out of pity for the misguided than out of humor and this direction resembles the road I have been down before with the red apologists after stating the above.

Luckily​ that road has an exit now with a destination sign stating that the town of "True Democracy" is 430 days away.

Time to stop defending terrorist organizations my friend. We are on the boat to reconciliation and there is always room for you too emptyset. I saved you a seat!!!

I'm not defending terrorist organizations - Red Siam never was one. I'm not actually asking you for proof of this because I already know there isn't any. Even some reds spuriously blamed Red Siam for attacks simply on the basis that they were "radical" and had a former communist insurgent as a leader. Actually apart from Jakrapob who got involved with Red Siam after falling out with the other UDD leaders, no one in Red Siam had any affiliation to PT or Thaksin. They weren't allowed on the UDD stage either and unlike some other fringe groups who were allowed small stages at the UDD protests (like Somyot's group), they held their protests completely separately from the UDD after the split in March 2010. Even if Red Siam wanted to use violence, they wouldn't have had the capability, connections or resources to do it.

That said, I don't think the UDD were directly behind the Trat bombings either. As I've said before, peripheral figures might be involved but this is not something under the control of the main UDD leaders (who differ signicantly in their attitudes to violence anyway). I'm all for cracking down on the terrorist element, but dismissing everyone in the movement on the basis of these attacks is frankly stupid. Imagine, for instance, if people had flat out refused to negotiate with the IRA or seek a compromise. The conflict would still be going on now.

Anyway, it's hard to believe that you could be credulous enough to think Jakrapob - of all people - would be stockpiling weapons in Thailand. A country which he hasn't been in since 2009. And that the evidence for this just happened to be found for this a few days after he started a movement which the junta evidently believes could prove troublesome. They actually provide the reasoning for it themselves. They couldn't extradite him for LM, so needed to charge him with something which is also a crime in other countries. I wonder if Rose will be found to have been stockpiling weapons too...

So because he hasn't physically been in Thailand since 2009 it's impossible that he's involved in storing war weapons.

Great deduction.

What's your next one - Monday can't follow Sunday because it sometimes rains?

This is why he needs our support and pity.

When he says he is all for cracking down on the terrorist element and also says he is not defending terrorist organizations then in the same sentence defends the terrorists then one can only hope the fanatical thought processes become repressed.

I hate terrorist, BUT BUT BUT.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Folks while you write reasonably well en francais,
the forum language is english and it is all likely to be deleted by mods. Just saying.

Londonthai relayed an utterly predictable Jackrapob response to the charges.
Filled with boiler plate and attempts to spin the discussion away from himself.
The best defense being a belligerent offense.
Right on schedule.

I call him Jack Rabbit Bob, for the speed he decamped to Cambodia after his
mouth and zealotry sank his ship of state pretenses.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Also note that the other newspaper reported the Thai Consul General in Hong Kong attended the address given by jakraphob at the HK Press club, and after the event the Thai consult general, rather emotional, said 'it's all lies'.

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I remember before the boom gate was lifted on the untravelled road to democracy on the 22nd of May the comments were:

  1. When I said there is rice missing from the warehouses. The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?
  2. When I said there is corruption in the rice scheme. The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?
  3. On September 25, 2013 when yingluck said the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme until 2014 I said she was lying. Guess what the red apologists said? Show me the proof?
  4. When I said the UDD are a violent terrorist organization and where involved in the Trat attacks. Guess what? The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?

I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, but this will suffice.

So when you make comments like "when was Red Siam ever involved in "violence and mayhem" and "if you believe this stuff about him "stockpiling war weapons" I laugh, more out of pity for the misguided than out of humor and this direction resembles the road I have been down before with the red apologists after stating the above.

Luckily​ that road has an exit now with a destination sign stating that the town of "True Democracy" is 430 days away.

Time to stop defending terrorist organizations my friend. We are on the boat to reconciliation and there is always room for you too emptyset. I saved you a seat!!!

I'm not defending terrorist organizations - Red Siam never was one. I'm not actually asking you for proof of this because I already know there isn't any. Even some reds spuriously blamed Red Siam for attacks simply on the basis that they were "radical" and had a former communist insurgent as a leader. Actually apart from Jakrapob who got involved with Red Siam after falling out with the other UDD leaders, no one in Red Siam had any affiliation to PT or Thaksin. They weren't allowed on the UDD stage either and unlike some other fringe groups who were allowed small stages at the UDD protests (like Somyot's group), they held their protests completely separately from the UDD after the split in March 2010. Even if Red Siam wanted to use violence, they wouldn't have had the capability, connections or resources to do it.

That said, I don't think the UDD were directly behind the Trat bombings either. As I've said before, peripheral figures might be involved but this is not something under the control of the main UDD leaders (who differ signicantly in their attitudes to violence anyway). I'm all for cracking down on the terrorist element, but dismissing everyone in the movement on the basis of these attacks is frankly stupid. Imagine, for instance, if people had flat out refused to negotiate with the IRA or seek a compromise. The conflict would still be going on now.

Anyway, it's hard to believe that you could be credulous enough to think Jakrapob - of all people - would be stockpiling weapons in Thailand. A country which he hasn't been in since 2009. And that the evidence for this just happened to be found for this a few days after he started a movement which the junta evidently believes could prove troublesome. They actually provide the reasoning for it themselves. They couldn't extradite him for LM, so needed to charge him with something which is also a crime in other countries. I wonder if Rose will be found to have been stockpiling weapons too...

Trat - I thought I read suspects had been arrested now. So let's see where the trail leads before speculating which UDD leaders might or might not be innocent. Their differing attitude to violence seems that some are more open whist others more covert. Applaud the murder of innocent children or keep quiet - but don't condemn it says a lot about their attitude; and the probability they thought they knew who likely did it.

The IRA suddenly became more interested in negotiating when Bush declared war on terrorism after 9/11. They realized, as a terrorist organization they would be targeted instead of being able to con funds out of sympathetic Americans. A change brought about through necessity. They too, were guilty of murdering innocents including children when it suited.

Who knows what this guy has really been up to - no one on TV, that's for sure.

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I want Chalerm.

Where is Chalerm ?

Bring back Chalerm or I will hold my breath until they do !

Chalerm, Chalerm he's our man, if he can't do it ( solve it, drink it ) nobody can !

He could be around and you wouldn't know it......


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I want Chalerm.

Where is Chalerm ?

Bring back Chalerm or I will hold my breath until they do !

Chalerm, Chalerm he's our man, if he can't do it ( solve it, drink it ) nobody can !

He could be around and you wouldn't know it......


Shit, I have a new next door neighbour who waves every morning and offers a dram

It couldn't be , could it ? The sons are iffy looking.

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This jackass is the worst of the Thaksin sycophants. May he and Chalerm die in each other's arms.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I don't think so. One of the reasons I am wary of Jakrapob is that I think he's associated himself with Thaksin more than I think he needs to - or more than is justified by circumstance. But I think Jakrapob is actually well aware of Thaksin's flaws. Just he's got another target - the traditional Thai establishment - in mind and he sees TS as the lesser of two evils. I don't necessarily think he's right. Just that Jakrapob is a more complex character than you suggest.

But, as Goethe said: “Conscience is the virtue of observers and not of agents of action.”

You're giving big lips too much credit.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I want Chalerm.

Where is Chalerm ?

Bring back Chalerm or I will hold my breath until they do !

Chalerm, Chalerm he's our man, if he can't do it ( solve it, drink it ) nobody can !

He could be around and you wouldn't know it......


Shit, I have a new next door neighbour who waves every morning and offers a dram

It couldn't be , could it ? The sons are iffy looking.

Try luring (a-la TAT) it with ear medicine - if he goes for it, it could be a tell.

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Is it just me or does his head look strangely out of proportion to the rest of his body ?

LOL! He does look like he has strings working him.

A bit like his old boss I guess. smile.png


thumbsup.gif I can't remember when I last saw skirts that short!

Actually, come to think of it, I can. It was at Chiang Mai University. laugh.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This jackass is the worst of the Thaksin sycophants. May he and Chalerm die in each other's arms.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I don't think so. One of the reasons I am wary of Jakrapob is that I think he's associated himself with Thaksin more than I think he needs to - or more than is justified by circumstance. But I think Jakrapob is actually well aware of Thaksin's flaws. Just he's got another target - the traditional Thai establishment - in mind and he sees TS as the lesser of two evils. I don't necessarily think he's right. Just that Jakrapob is a more complex character than you suggest.

But, as Goethe said: “Conscience is the virtue of observers and not of agents of action.”

You're giving big lips too much credit.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

In the past it was very obvious mr. j. as much as anything wanted desperately to be in the limelight / he wanted desperately to be noticed. No doubt this desire hasn't. changed.

Just wondering if the big r. might be coaching him and taking advantage of his desire for the limelight.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This jackass is the worst of the Thaksin sycophants. May he and Chalerm die in each other's arms.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I don't think so. One of the reasons I am wary of Jakrapob is that I think he's associated himself with Thaksin more than I think he needs to - or more than is justified by circumstance. But I think Jakrapob is actually well aware of Thaksin's flaws. Just he's got another target - the traditional Thai establishment - in mind and he sees TS as the lesser of two evils. I don't necessarily think he's right. Just that Jakrapob is a more complex character than you suggest.

But, as Goethe said: “Conscience is the virtue of observers and not of agents of action.”

You're giving big lips too much credit.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

In the past it was very obvious mr. j. as much as anything wanted desperately to be in the limelight / he wanted desperately to be noticed. No doubt this desire hasn't. changed.

Just wondering if the big r. might be coaching him and taking advantage of his desire for the limelight.

The big r? No shame and name here Cardsy. Amsterdam is a small player in cities of Europe. ;)

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This is a stitch up! having read the other paper today, Suthep was told to keep quite. Someone doesn't like it that Suthep claims they have been talking since 2010! Then we get this arrest warrant for Chakrapob for storing weapon. Apparently his passport has also been revoked. It even gives away that he cannot be extradited for les majeste, because no other country has a similar law. So they trump up charges and then request he extradition.

Has Thaksins passport been cancelled! Is he not the real instigator of troubles. When will they apply for his extradition? It is beginning to look as if this is just another cycle of Thai Politics. Everyone with some sort of power will use it for their own ends and to hell with the Thai population.

There are no real politicians in Thailand.

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Had a long chat with Jakrapob at one of the National Health Assemblies some years ago. I found him to be an intelligent and likeable person, and am treating this story with scepticism. His English is excellent,.as stated above.

good verbal English skills = incapable of criminal activity


the logic is staggering

If you read the thread you will see that Jakrapob's English in an online video was mentioned by another poster.

My post was intended:

(a) suggest that on the basis of my own (limited) knowledge of the man he comes across as intelligent and likeable, as opposed to the two headed monster portrayed by some posters;

( b ) to confirm that his language ability in English is indeed excellent, in conversation as well as in a video.

That is why I used separate sentences. Talking about logic is a bit rich when reading skills and ability to make connections are so limited.

Edited by citizen33
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This jackass is the worst of the Thaksin sycophants. May he and Chalerm die in each other's arms.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I don't think so. One of the reasons I am wary of Jakrapob is that I think he's associated himself with Thaksin more than I think he needs to - or more than is justified by circumstance. But I think Jakrapob is actually well aware of Thaksin's flaws. Just he's got another target - the traditional Thai establishment - in mind and he sees TS as the lesser of two evils. I don't necessarily think he's right. Just that Jakrapob is a more complex character than you suggest.

But, as Goethe said: Conscience is the virtue of observers and not of agents of action.”

Shylock thought he was too complicated for everybody else too, but a simple pound of flesh was his downfall. There's lots of Antonios waiting for Jakrapob, and a Portia will come from nowhere to put the knife into all his losses.

As Shylock said himself, "Let is serve for table-talk", and Gratiano finished with:

"Beg that thou mayst have leave to hang thyself,

And yet, thy wealth being forfeit to the state,
Thou hast not left the value of a cord.
Therefore thou must be hanged at the state’s charge."
Jakrapob is neither that smart, not able to think beyond such. wink.png
Edited by UbonRatch
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"He said that Mr Chakrapob was already facing an arrest warrant on lese majeste charge but attempt to have him extradited from abroad to face trial in Thailand was not possible because there is no lese majeste law in countries where the fugitive have taken refuge."

That narrow it down to every other country in the world then wai.gif

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"He said that Mr Chakrapob was already facing an arrest warrant on lese majeste charge but attempt to have him extradited from abroad to face trial in Thailand was not possible because there is no lese majeste law in countries where the fugitive have taken refuge."

That narrow it down to every other country in the world then wai.gif

"That narrow it down to every other country in the world then wai.gif :

NO! The following countries also have lese majeste laws: Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Morocco, Kuwait, Jordan and Malaysia.



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"He said that Mr Chakrapob was already facing an arrest warrant on lese majeste charge but attempt to have him extradited from abroad to face trial in Thailand was not possible because there is no lese majeste law in countries where the fugitive have taken refuge."

That narrow it down to every other country in the world then wai.gif

"That narrow it down to every other country in the world then wai.gif :

NO! The following countries also have lese majeste laws: Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Morocco, Kuwait, Jordan and Malaysia.



having lese majeste law in europe is more for lough than anything else:

"Denmark: There are no historical records of §115 having ever been used, but in March 2011, Greenpeace activists who unfurled a banner at a dinner at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference were charged under this section.[8] They received minor sentences for other crimes, but were acquitted of the charge relating to the monarch.

Netherlands: In October 2007, a 47-year-old man was sentenced to 1 week imprisonment and fined 400 [11] for, amongst other things, lese-majesty in the Netherlands when he called Queen Beatrix a "whore" and told a police officer that he would have anal sex with her because "she would like it".


Spain: The Spanish satirical magazine El Jueves was fined for violation of Spain's lese-majesty laws after publishing an issue with a caricature of the Prince of Asturias and his wife engaging in sexual intercourse on the cover in 2007

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