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who are you behind that avatar?


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I first came to Thailand in 1975 while I was still in school, shortly before my 21st birthday. Two yeas later I moved here and I recently turned 60. Thirty years in Bangkok and seven years in Chiang Rai.

cudos brother, I am older than you, came her before you, but have not lived here as long as you; although I have lived outside my home country more than 37 years

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Since I recently turned 60 my mind has deteriorated.

I don`t know where I`ve been, where I am or who I am. The benefits of this is that I no longer dwell on the past, no longer worry about the future, live life from day to day and rarely wonder who or what is behind the avatars.

And here is what I really do here that is probably the reality as to what most of the posters whatever they call themselves actually do in Thailand:

I can imagine you explaining yourself at the border, with a monumental Overstay ...

"I don`t know where I`ve been, where I am or who I am. The benefits of this is that I no longer dwell on the past, no longer worry about the future, live life from day to day and rarely wonder who or what is behind .... all this immigration stuff."


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What I got from the answers to this is simple. People here enjoy their privacy.

apparently so..that way they can continue to be keyboard warriors without any worry at all about anyone ever knowing squat about them

So says the member named "Smurkster" with the profile data:

  • AgeAge Unknown
  • BirthdayBirthday Unknown
  • Gender mystery.png.pagespeed.ce.yVEHjFjYy3.png Not Telling

You beat me to it! I was just about to check the OP's profile. Basically he/she is asking everyone to publish details without offering anything about him/herself.

In a previous topic started by him he does say that he lives in Nongbualamphu, is 25 years old and married to a Thai girl.

Edited by BWPattaya
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Arrived in 2001, been here continuously since then, now I'm 36. I was travelling but I wanted to learn a new language and live in a new culture. My first visit back home (Scotland) was in 2011. That was an adventure - I realised that I was completely used to living in Thailand.

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I first came to Thailand in 1972 at the age of 22, serving with the U.S. Air Force. Spent a total of Three years at Udorn & Korat back when. Eventually my Thai wife and I retired back to Thailand in 2007 (Chiang Rai). Now I am coming up on the age of 65 years young now, how time passes us by. But I am not planning on dying, but just fading away into retirement paradise here in Northern Thailand.

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I have my genuine photograph and contact details on my profile.

Perhaps if everyone did the same the forums might become a bit calmer. There's something about anomimity that turns normal polite people into something very different once they get behind a keyboard !


Well it's kinda hard to wrangle some of the well-heeled ThaiVisa members as clients if you are anonymous. My situation is the opposite: I once mentioned on here my contact details and that my US NGO work involves the United Nations and all that followed was a stream of comments that the UN would be better off if it fell into the East River of NYC.

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A bit disingenuous of the OP Smurkster to ask. He won't disclose any information whatsoever about himself, yet interrogates everyone else on this forum.

My private details are private (obviously). My avatar's on an LSD trip and google "tubby johnson" if you're at all interested.

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A bit disingenuous of the OP Smurkster to ask. He won't disclose any information whatsoever about himself, yet interrogates everyone else on this forum.

My private details are private (obviously). My avatar's on an LSD trip and google "tubby johnson" if you're at all interested.

It also creates a problem for those whose identity and life-story behind the avatar/Member name is totally fictitious.

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It could be a generation thing. I would guess most of us on here are a good deal older than 25. Facebook is apparently where everyone gives their information away, quite freely not me, now or ever. I'm on LinkedIn for business purposes but will ditch that when I retire.

In person, once I've know someone for a while, I will give of myself, in cyberspace that's not the case as experience has taught me that information is retained in the ether forever and I'm not comfortable with that.

All that said, it seems to me that the main attraction of TVF is the anonymity? One man's meat......

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There are places out in the web-o-sphere especially Twitter where you will not be taken seriously or given any credibility if you post anonymously. It's just on here that I don't care if I am taken seriously or given any credibility.

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I have my genuine photograph and contact details on my profile.

Perhaps if everyone did the same the forums might become a bit calmer. There's something about anomimity that turns normal polite people into something very different once they get behind a keyboard !


Maybe it should be mandatory for all posters to have name, age & gender listed prior to posting. What do you have to hide ? Old saying goes something like..... "if you're not prepared to sign your name to it, don't say it." Pretty simple really.

Just my opinion.

Cheers..... Mal.

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I have my genuine photograph and contact details on my profile.

Perhaps if everyone did the same the forums might become a bit calmer. There's something about anomimity that turns normal polite people into something very different once they get behind a keyboard !


Maybe it should be mandatory for all posters to have name, age & gender listed prior to posting. What do you have to hide ? Old saying goes something like..... "if you're not prepared to sign your name to it, don't say it." Pretty simple really.

Just my opinion.

Cheers..... Mal.

Ooooooooh noooooooooo, then we will have the young bucks continually using the "age" card, or perhaps visa versa. coffee1.gif Plus, lady members will get flack, seen it with known lady members.sad.png

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What I got from the answers to this is simple. People here enjoy their privacy.

apparently so..that way they can continue to be keyboard warriors without any worry at all about anyone ever knowing squat about them

So says the member named "Smurkster" with the profile data:

  • AgeAge Unknown
  • BirthdayBirthday Unknown
  • Gender mystery.png.pagespeed.ce.yVEHjFjYy3.png Not Telling

Best answer to OP so farclap2.gif + cheesy.gif + thumbsup.gif

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