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Long timers - Is Thailand better or worse than 10 years ago?

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i like this post, and have many days where i feel exactly like OP.

Used to look at Thailand as a place to retire, now look at it as a place to stay before i retire. Thailand is not for everyone and you really need to look at everything with a smile and keep being positive, which can be extremely difficult at times.

I know, someone will say, if you don't like it, just go home... personally i have some family here which i would like to see on a regular basis, if i left to go home, i would feel i "abandon" someone which are very important for me.

Thailand seem to be a nice place to go on holiday though.. basically because many tourist done undertand or see the things that long-timers do and as such don't worry to much about it.

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No, a private hospital in Thailand. I have found the care here to be better and faster than my experiences in the USA.

in a soap opera?

exactly, a private hospital! you pay for it or have to be insured(same as in U.S) and once they got you there they perform all sorts of unwanted or needed procedures, you may have the success story and good luck to you, glad you survived the ordeal but believe me theres plenty of horror stories on this forum.

what about a real story of a retired man from Europe living up country in Thailand driving his pick up and some moron just pulls out in front of him on their motorbike and is killed, it's an accident and if anyone is to blame then the cretin on the bike should be but no.... European man pays 1 million baht compensation to the family!

Happy driving thumbsup.gif

Let me be correct though.... England the US or even a tropical island are not the perfect places to live just like the land of frowns isn't.... it has some great qualities that make me return from time to time and I always have a great experience and get what I want from it.... the only people who think it is utopia are the newbies, that was me once saying I will never return back to the UK and here forever... my advice is don't burn your bridges as you never know what situation and when it may change wai.gif

Happened to me three times in three different cities. Proper treatment. Great care at a reasonable cost.

Three times I don't think it was a coincidence. I know I'm old so I never live more than 20 minutes away from a good hospital. Proper planning prevents poor performance.


AS you said yourself: " This is a proper useless rant" . So why bother the rest of us ?

"Proper useless rant" ah the quality " English teachers " they have in Thailand.... Sounds like an extra out of Eastender's or some other low class British soap..... During empire nobody spoke like this and if they did a good thrashing would be had

OMG! Soutpeel, I'm amazed how you can take each and every thread and turn it into an English teacher bash.

What's your issue with teachers?

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I totally agree with OP. I was in LOS for much longer than he and now I am back in England. Devon as it happens Torbay, lovely here !

I shall go to Thailand for holiday but that is all.

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No, a private hospital in Thailand. I have found the care here to be better and faster than my experiences in the USA.

in a soap opera?

exactly, a private hospital! you pay for it or have to be insured(same as in U.S) and once they got you there they perform all sorts of unwanted or needed procedures, you may have the success story and good luck to you, glad you survived the ordeal but believe me theres plenty of horror stories on this forum.

what about a real story of a retired man from Europe living up country in Thailand driving his pick up and some moron just pulls out in front of him on their motorbike and is killed, it's an accident and if anyone is to blame then the cretin on the bike should be but no.... European man pays 1 million baht compensation to the family!

Happy driving thumbsup.gif

Let me be correct though.... England the US or even a tropical island are not the perfect places to live just like the land of frowns isn't.... it has some great qualities that make me return from time to time and I always have a great experience and get what I want from it.... the only people who think it is utopia are the newbies, that was me once saying I will never return back to the UK and here forever... my advice is don't burn your bridges as you never know what situation and when it may change wai.gif

Happened to me three times in three different cities. Proper treatment. Great care at a reasonable cost.

Three times I don't think it was a coincidence. I know I'm old so I never live more than 20 minutes away from a good hospital. Proper planning prevents poor performance.

You are an exception.... you should get some lucky dips on the lottery or something, like I said good for you.... many others cannot and will not agree with you on the end result.... yes the service is good and theres plenty of staff but the end result in many peoples experience will differ to yours.

My experience after having a throat infection and being supplied low strength antibiotics was to turn up to hospital and once they established I was insured was to be taken up to a private room and put on a drip for 5 days again on low strength medication.... it's a business and had they supplied the correct medication for the right price then that shiny hospital I ended up in wouldn't be in business... I was so weak from the virus I just let them do what they want to me.... when you are truly sick you will trust pretty much anyone and just need sorting out.



Did 18 years.

Finally ran out of love for it last year. Came home to the UK. Best thing I ever did.

You must have plenty of money to afford all these taxes, to run a car, to pay lots of income tax, council tax etc etc etc.You must also be happy to walk about in all that wind and rain, be stuck in huge traffic jams (not just in the cities, everywhere) almost every time you go into your car.

No thanks, even allowing for about 90% of drivers and riders having very little road sense, I will just stay here.

Is that all you got? it's 27 degrees in London today and not a cloud in sight....

Will it be 27 degrees with not a cloud in site next February?


There is nothing wrong with the odd rant here and there. My philosophy is, when the ranting becomes constant about job or home,

quit and/or move. Don't work at a job you hate, don't live in a city/country you don't like. No shame in moving on.

  • Like 2

Did 18 years.

Finally ran out of love for it last year. Came home to the UK. Best thing I ever did.

You must have plenty of money to afford all these taxes, to run a car, to pay lots of income tax, council tax etc etc etc.You must also be happy to walk about in all that wind and rain, be stuck in huge traffic jams (not just in the cities, everywhere) almost every time you go into your car.

No thanks, even allowing for about 90% of drivers and riders having very little road sense, I will just stay here.

Is that all you got? it's 27 degrees in London today and not a cloud in sight....

Will it be 27 degrees with not a cloud in site next February?

maybe but probably not!.... the fact that the UK has 'seasons' both hot and cold is some what attractive to many people and that February weather is what makes me appreciate today's weather and my holidays to warmer climates much like the Thai's I have seen in my country enjoy the snow.

Did you get what you was hoping to achieve with your comment?


Rather nasty post removed.

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definitely worse. they are jaded from too many sex tourists... they only like us for money... the immigration now is a joke! from new Zealand we used to get a 3 month stamp on arrival (it was 3 months too, not 2 months then go to immigration line up like the cattle they think we are and pay 1900 baht for the last month)

the price of everything has risen heaps was in bkk the other day 135 baht for a sing in some street front bar in sukhumvit the traffic is a nightmare their manners especially on the road are shocking they cant lie straight in bed lieland the land of false smiles....

there ive ranted a little hope some of you are happy here but im over it too!

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Better - the economy is improving, more Thais are getting a fair deal, education is improving.And the NCPO are going after the villains effectively...Rock on LoS..

Personal experience? first visit 1968.- long stay now in my second decade...

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Well, my first comment would be as you suggested.

If you don't like it here, leave.

You have had WAY different experiences than I.

But, I am married and have children here and speak Thai.

I have been here for 30 years and wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

I am sorry for the way that you have been treated.

Look inside yourself.

Are you sure that you have not brought it all on yourself ?

Do you speak Thai ?

Do you have Thai family ?

Do you pay taxes here ?

Do you have friends that are in the Gov't, Immigration, police and/or military ?

Without some of this stuff here life would surely be hell.

But of that I can not speak from experience.

Man, get it together.

What do you do here anyway ?

Drink and womanize ?

Cough up the truth and maybe you will see the truth.

  • Like 2

I totally agree with OP. I was in LOS for much longer than he and now I am back in England. Devon as it happens Torbay, lovely here !

I shall go to Thailand for holiday but that is all.

YES! I was hoping it wouldn't have to be me first. We finally made it after skirting in the fringes. Torbay, the English Riviera, and Torquay it's jewel in the crown. The palm trees are real, over 27 beaches, with red sand, shingle, rocks, pebbles, coarse sand, fine sand, yellow sand and white, the choice is yours. Cliff railways, and varieties over the ocean, the cider, and Devon cream teas. The only thing better? A traditional Cornish pasty. Well, it's the sweet life from May to September. Then unfortunately, it goes quiet and winter kicks in...and then I smile in the land of (well come on there are many worse places) smiles. I think really if it works for you enjoy it, if it doesn't don't fester try somewhere else and reflect.

  • Like 1

I totally agree with OP. I was in LOS for much longer than he and now I am back in England. Devon as it happens Torbay, lovely here !

I shall go to Thailand for holiday but that is all.

YES! I was hoping it wouldn't have to be me first. We finally made it after skirting in the fringes. Torbay, the English Riviera, and Torquay it's jewel in the crown. The palm trees are real, over 27 beaches, with red sand, shingle, rocks, pebbles, coarse sand, fine sand, yellow sand and white, the choice is yours. Cliff railways, and varieties over the ocean, the cider, and Devon cream teas. The only thing better? A traditional Cornish pasty. Well, it's the sweet life from May to September. Then unfortunately, it goes quiet and winter kicks in...and then I smile in the land of (well come on there are many worse places) smiles. I think really if it works for you enjoy it, if it doesn't don't fester try somewhere else and reflect.

Yup. Been saying it for years.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


One more thing.

Yes, there is a difference everywhere in the last 10 years.

This is inescapable.

I will however say that it's gotten A LOT better since the military took over.

Everyone I know is happier.

No worries of bombs and guns like before.

Then again I live in a town with no falang.

Maybe that's been your mistake all along........wai.gif

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OP, I really enjoyed your post. You raise a lot of good points, and I wish you well, wherever you land. I sometimes think I should return to America to end out my days, but whenever I've visited I felt like a stranger. Life seems to be changing everywhere, to judge by the stories one hears every day, and not for the better. As you have suggested, maybe you might spend time in the North, Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai. It's not paradise, but it's pretty good.

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I don't remember those days of smiling and jokes at Don Muang tbh.

I still get smiling and jokes at swampy but I guess I am not the average bear wai.gif



After reading most of the posts, i do believe that the ones who want to leave Thailand get jaded and too high expectation, causes this.

I have not seen any evidence of thais having more hatred for non thais, not seen thais changing.

What i have seen is many farangs getting jaded due to alcohol, a total lack of reality, the hatred to thais, yes it happens,read any forum, and the hatred is very evident, mainly the whore mongers. I here farangs moaning about the cost of ciggies/ booze compared to 5 years ago, give me a life please.Most farangs who have a good relationship, and dont drink to excess seem to be the happiest.

Very well said ! wai.gif


I came here from England a little over 8 years ago. It was a stick more than a carrot move, and a friend invited me here for a holiday which was supposed to be just 2 weeks (lol). There's a lot I'd like to see different about Thailand, but compared to my home country, this country I find much better, so for any moaning I may do, my actions speak louder than the words I spout.

I contribute money to the local economy, from money generated outside of the country - not huge, but I'm certainly not a burden on the country in that particular sense.

Most of the world is having issues right now, and it's easy to paint the blame on the local environment rather than taking in the macro picture. I'm tempted to explore some other places, as the area I'm in is getting a bit too western in its aspirations, and the pursuit of money is rampant (and folly, if it is for seeking happiness, although realistically as foreigners we need to have some kind of interface with the financial system for the time at least).

You may be interested to watch this link (15 mins or so) from a Thai guy on TEDx

Many people will object to the simplicity of his message, but the comments below help balance out the meaning of the message. You may decide you want to go and spend some time with him in Chiang Mai perhaps(?). I haven't, but each to their own.
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There is nothing wrong with the odd rant here and there. My philosophy is, when the ranting becomes constant about job or home,

quit and/or move. Don't work at a job you hate, don't live in a city/country you don't like. No shame in moving on.

Again, well said. wai.gif


OP, I really enjoyed your post. You raise a lot of good points, and I wish you well, wherever you land. I sometimes think I should return to America to end out my days, but whenever I've visited I felt like a stranger. Life seems to be changing everywhere, to judge by the stories one hears every day, and not for the better. As you have suggested, maybe you might spend time in the North, Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai. It's not paradise, but it's pretty good.

Or, maybe try somewhere with NO falang.

Live in the REAL Thai culture.

I am a farmer and life is just grand here.

Has been for decades.wai.gifxWPFflags.gif.pagespeed.ic.52UL_9jJ74.pn


OP, we need to remember that the VIP in VIP bus does not mean Very Important Person.

It stands for Vehicular Incident Probable.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Great i say, 46, do you have anything inside your head? meaning do you have any brains at all.

After thinking for another minute or so, she replies, NO.

So i double check what she says, and ask her again,, You do not have any brain?

Response was, No, i do not, its hot outside.


And I am concerned that I had a blistering headache this the morning,

I should be happy, at last I can confirm it myself:

No Brain - No Headache :-)


I totally agree with OP. I was in LOS for much longer than he and now I am back in England. Devon as it happens Torbay, lovely here !

I shall go to Thailand for holiday but that is all.

YES! I was hoping it wouldn't have to be me first. We finally made it after skirting in the fringes. Torbay, the English Riviera, and Torquay it's jewel in the crown. The palm trees are real, over 27 beaches, with red sand, shingle, rocks, pebbles, coarse sand, fine sand, yellow sand and white, the choice is yours. Cliff railways, and varieties over the ocean, the cider, and Devon cream teas. The only thing better? A traditional Cornish pasty. Well, it's the sweet life from May to September. Then unfortunately, it goes quiet and winter kicks in...and then I smile in the land of (well come on there are many worse places) smiles. I think really if it works for you enjoy it, if it doesn't don't fester try somewhere else and reflect.

Exactly, I couldn't have worded it better myself. In the winter, still lovely here. I have lots to do and see. Cliff Railway is about 2-3 minutes walk from my lovely home (That I OWN, in my name) . Babbacombe and Oddicombe beach !!!! Hmmmmmmmm !!

  • Like 1

I totally agree with OP. I was in LOS for much longer than he and now I am back in England. Devon as it happens Torbay, lovely here !

I shall go to Thailand for holiday but that is all.

YES! I was hoping it wouldn't have to be me first. We finally made it after skirting in the fringes. Torbay, the English Riviera, and Torquay it's jewel in the crown. The palm trees are real, over 27 beaches, with red sand, shingle, rocks, pebbles, coarse sand, fine sand, yellow sand and white, the choice is yours. Cliff railways, and varieties over the ocean, the cider, and Devon cream teas. The only thing better? A traditional Cornish pasty. Well, it's the sweet life from May to September. Then unfortunately, it goes quiet and winter kicks in...and then I smile in the land of (well come on there are many worse places) smiles. I think really if it works for you enjoy it, if it doesn't don't fester try somewhere else and reflect.

Exactly, I couldn't have worded it better myself. In the winter, still lovely here. I have lots to do and see. Cliff Railway is about 2-3 minutes walk from my lovely home (That I OWN, in my name) . Babbacombe and Oddicombe beach !!!! Hmmmmmmmm !!

You should start a thread about it.


Well 20 years ago Thais would approach me on the street to practice their English, that has not happened for a long time. Last year I was verbally abused twice in shopping malls for no reason by complete strangers complaining about falang. Last month I did a 90 day report and was asked for 3 photocopies from my passport, when i asked why the officer got quite impatient, I am not making this up. But some things never change, banks still tell me I cannot open an account here without a WP, despite being retired and having had 9 previous accounts. They still won't return an ATM card to falang (security risk) and Thais still think all foreigners are rich. A few things are better and more convenient but mostly the magic has worn off and that makes it seems a duller more boring place to be.

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