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be honest, how much do you drink?

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Myself I regard as an incipient alcoholic, as I like being mildy drunk better than I like being sober.
On the other hand I restrict myself to 30 UK alcohol units a week,  (one pint of lager is about 2.5 units, a bottle of wine 10 units, and a bottle of whisky 30 units), with two to three days non-drinking a week to rest the old liver.
Government health advice in western countries on the maximal amount of alcohol you should drink weekly to have minimal or low risk of adverse health effects varies from between 17 to  35 units, so this suggests the risk can't be determined with much certainty at this level of drinking.
So  I reckon 30 units a week is a good compromise between between drinking what I would like to drink (about a bottle of wine every evening, i.e. 70 units) and what I know I should stick to for health reasons.
I've stuck to this regime for a decade or so, so it seems to be working, but the fact that I have to discipline myself I think suggests a dependency!
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[quote name="thailiketoo" post="8056304" timestamp="1404469516"][quote name="larsjohnsson" post="8056227" timestamp="1404468130"] [/quote]
You shold try beer from most of the Europen countries then...............[/quote]

Yes I agree 100%. From countries like Belgium, Germany or Czech republic
"How long have English brewers been using American hops? Much longer than you think"[/quote]

Those American hops are actually resurrected European hops. We have the US to thank for bringing them back.

As a Brit real ale drinker I must say that I have grown fonder and fonder of US craft beer. Outrageously good.

Sent from my ASUS_T00I using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app[/quote]

Words of wisdom (as usual). English beers are great, but so are American beers devolved from English beers.


^That was my point to the other fella, Crafted U.S. beers are excellent. Your generic big brand name stuff is junk. There are well over 2000 breweries in the U.S. that are making crafted beers and ale's. The number is growing every year. I am currently back in the states for contract job with my wife. I am back to enjoying the good stuff. Sad shame you can't open up a micro brewery in Thailand. I would love to enjoy some wheat beers. I just picked up a 12 pack 4 days ago that was a Wheat Beer with a hint of Orange and Agave. Unfiltered. Incredibly good. I will miss it when I head back along with the availability of really good Tequilas and Vodkas

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I found I drank significantly more when I lived in the states because quite honestly the alcohol and beer selection is far superior to anything Thailand can offer. Singha, Chang, Leo is utter garbage. Typical higher end spirits are rare in Thailand and when you find them they are quite pricey. With that said I seldom drink here but I do have former colleagues that regularly travel to Thailand and they mule over a nice 750 of Vodka, Tequila, Rum for me. So my collection is growing quite well and I enjoy them sparingly.
There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. It has been around for thousands of years. Its the people that can handle it or have zero self control that make it a big deal. I love a top shelf spirit "Neat" out in the sala.

Same with any other drugs.. there is no problem using drugs.. only those who loose control and damage themselves are a problem.
Its the persons body and he / she should be able to do with it what he / she wants as long as you don't cause problems for others.

Beer in the USA superior. You must to be joking. All the common and most drinked beers in the US are terrible. Among the worst in the world



I hate to tell you (no I don't) but beer culture is alive and well in the States. Brewpubs and microbreweries all over the place. Some 20 years ago what you said was still largely true, but now it's Ale, Ale, Ale, everywhere. Of course the most beer consumed in the States is still crap, but an endless selection of quality traditional and/or innovative brews are available. And I don't think JAFO meant just American beers when he was talking about the selection of beers available. Below is a link to a place I visited on my last brief visit to Florida. 60-70 beers on the menu, plus specials. Where in Thailand (other than my cold room) would you find something like that...?



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Myself I regard as an incipient alcoholic, as I like being mildy drunk better than I like being sober.
On the other hand I restrict myself to 30 UK alcohol units a week,  (one pint of lager is about 2.5 units, a bottle of wine 10 units, and a bottle of whisky 30 units), with two to three days non-drinking a week to rest the old liver.
Government health advice in western countries on the maximal amount of alcohol you should drink weekly to have minimal or low risk of adverse health effects varies from between 17 to  35 units, so this suggests the risk can't be determined with much certainty at this level of drinking.
So  I reckon 30 units a week is a good compromise between between drinking what I would like to drink (about a bottle of wine every evening, i.e. 70 units) and what I know I should stick to for health reasons.
I've stuck to this regime for a decade or so, so it seems to be working, but the fact that I have to discipline myself I think suggests a dependency!


This is good to know and thanks!

One pint equals 475cc. So, a big bottle of beers is 640cc which translates to 3.38 units per bottle.

Taking the middle value of 26 units (between 17 to 35 units), it translate to 7.69 bottles of beer per week in Thailand.

Good for me, as I now drink only 3 bottles a time every 4 days.


ps: I've heard Eastern doctors saying that it takes about 2 weeks for the liver to heal itself after a hard drink!


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Two years ago I was back in the States visiting.  My daughter's friend bought me some beers.  I looked at the bottles and said, what kind is this?  Her friend said, it's a foreign brand, the American brands are s_h_i_tty!  My daughter was winking to her friend signaling not to say something like that to her dad!  Well, my daughter knows me well!


Well, people say beers in Thailand are bad but I don't find them so bad especially the alcohol content is higher here than in other countries.  Perhaps I have been here too long?  In the States, I used to buy what's on sale, be it Blue Ribbon, Budweiser, Milwaukee Bud, Coors, or what have you!  For whisky, I can't drink the Thai whiskey for they smell alcohol/gasoline.

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Myself I regard as an incipient alcoholic, as I like being mildy drunk better than I like being sober.
On the other hand I restrict myself to 30 UK alcohol units a week,  (one pint of lager is about 2.5 units, a bottle of wine 10 units, and a bottle of whisky 30 units), with two to three days non-drinking a week to rest the old liver.
Government health advice in western countries on the maximal amount of alcohol you should drink weekly to have minimal or low risk of adverse health effects varies from between 17 to  35 units, so this suggests the risk can't be determined with much certainty at this level of drinking.
So  I reckon 30 units a week is a good compromise between between drinking what I would like to drink (about a bottle of wine every evening, i.e. 70 units) and what I know I should stick to for health reasons.
I've stuck to this regime for a decade or so, so it seems to be working, but the fact that I have to discipline myself I think suggests a dependency!


This is good to know and thanks!

One pint equals 475cc. So, a big bottle of beers is 640cc which translates to 3.38 units per bottle.

Taking the middle value of 26 units (between 17 to 35 units), it translate to 7.69 bottles of beer per week in Thailand.

Good for me, as I now drink only 3 bottles a time every 4 days.


ps: I've heard Eastern doctors saying that it takes about 2 weeks for the liver to heal itself after a hard drink!




Well of course I am ignoring the fact that binge drinking (defined as any amount over 5 units at a single sitting) is more harmful than non-binge drinking, so this needs to be considered at least.  


Again it is hard to quantify the excess risk caused by binge drinking.


I think this is because most data on this topic comes from large epidemiological studies where people are given questionnaires about their drinking habits, and most people either drink not much, or a huge amount, so the number of people who  drink moderately is numerically small.  It's easy to monitor the health risks of those who drink half a bottle to a bottle of vodka daily, but not so much those who drink, say, 3 pints of beer every day.


My rule, backed up by how I feel the next day, is that 10 units spread over a pretty long time, preferably with food, is the absolute maximum, and not really advisable. However, I do it.  (Incipient...)



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I'll have 3 or 4 cans of Leo everyday after sundown. If i don't and sometimes I don't feel like a drink, the wife gets a bit worried and bring me one anyway. She will have a Spy and claim "helicopter" when half finished and save the rest for the next day.  Ah the wife, her bloods worth bottling (although you would get more alcohol by bottling mine) 

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Usually about 2-3 beers a week, or maybe one glass of very nice single malt a month.
Some weeks might have 4-6 beers, an occasional mojito, but then back to normal.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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How much do I drink?


Any given amount...........................rolleyes.gif


At least that would have been my answer 15 years ago when I last had an alcoholic drink. Thailand can do many strange thing to many different people.



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you don't (probaby do coffee1.gif ) know what it means to me to hear that 'rgs'


Can you Post a picture of the Label?


The last bottles of the good medicine was the rubbish Export stuff, with the Yellow Label in English

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you don't (probaby do coffee1.gif ) know what it means to me to hear that 'rgs'


Can you Post a picture of the Label?


The last bottles of the good medicine was the rubbish Export stuff, with the Yellow Label in English


Bad news old chap, if you were expecting this,





Afraid you are out of luck, this is what I saw,


[attachment=274468:mekong 2.jpg]



I only looked at the small bottles, 350 size, 35 degrees and cost 206 baht.

Right beside it was Sang Som, same size bottle, 40 degrees and cost was 135 baht.


Where I live the local shops dont sell it, the locals prefer to drink Sang Som or Hong Tong.

Must have a look in my local 7, its not something I keep usually look for, it was the fancy new label that caught my eye.

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I'm perhaps whats called a binge drinker.. which I read, is the worst regarding health concerns...


I haven't had a drink for a while (because I'm away working).


When I'm in Bangkok I'll go out 2 or 3 nights a week, I'll drink anywhere between half and three quarters of a bottle of Chivas - Less if the night is slow, more if we are having an excellent time. 

The bottle will go on the table, Friends and I will talk, tease, enjoy and get drunk..... this is the same when I'm out with Just Thai friends or Western Friends or as often is the case, a mixture.

I start off nice and strong to bring on the sparkle early, when I feel I'm getting too drunk I'll cut back my mix (usually at about midnight).


I've never had any issues and enjoy drinking this way. All my friends are generally good drunks, no one gets into trouble, no one has a loose mouth, all just good fun.


Staying at home and not drinking is a not a problem, some nights I don't want a drink, some nights I'll enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, some nights I'll enjoy a nice Whisky in front of the TV. 


I thoroughly enjoy drinking, I enjoy being around people who can handle their juice and remain fun and polite... Alcahol is a great social lubricant around the right people. 

The issue is that some people aren't the right people and don't know how to behave when drunk... I've long suspected alcohol brings out the true person, some people become wonderful, if not a little incoherent !... others become idiots... I find alcohol useful tool in judging character... 


You wrote, " I've long suspected alcohol brings out the true person,"  No.  All the professional information is 100% the opposite.  You might want to google alcoholic personality change.  Or drunk hit and run drivers.  Or drunk wife abusers.  


We all know that when you start to drink, inhibitions go," says internist Nicholas A. Pace, a member of the medical-scientific committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. And as the level of alcohol increases, the effects increase. "Three or more drinks in an hour can lead you to do things you would never do otherwise and may not remember afterward.



We believe alcohol disrupts cognitive functioning, making us unable to look at different problem-solving

options," Parrot suggests.



Other symptoms of alcoholism specific to the brain include personality changes, - See more at: http://www.dana.org/Publications/GuideDetails.aspx?id=49988#sthash.qQS9dwTE.dpuf




I can't really argue with all that research...  Well I can, just a little anyway... 


From my perspective - I know a good number of people who when drunk, continue to enjoy themselves, don't get into silly arguments or flights, don't have problems with their wives or girl friends etc... I also know a couple of people who become idiots when they are drunk.


The research may show that these people are suffering the effects of 'personality change' due to alcohol...  I suspect otherwise. These people are already idiots, its just that when they are sober they have better self control. Its not their personality which changes, its their ability to control themselves, their true personality surfaces. 


A good person, who is also a good drunk doesn't do bad things - there may be errors in judgement we are all familiar with, but there is no personality switch.


A bad drunk may blame alcohol, but they have made the decision to drink knowing they may become violent, or drink drive, or make exceptionally poor, violent, dangerous decisions... Their personalities were not changed when they made this decision to drink. It could be argued that this research is simply giving bad drunks an excuse for their behaviour... (just food for thought).....

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i think  someone should get facts right about 30yrs ago billy connolly and i were togther at beach resort in central qld oz and had some wild times there and we wasnt drinking water or tea

  and another thing my father never drank maybe 1 glass ayear  as always said waste money  strange when he died in home had dementia  dr said to me it was a strange why the clean and sober people seem to get dementie before others  cheers

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i think  someone should get facts right about 30yrs ago billy connolly and i were togther at beach resort in central qld oz and had some wild times there and we wasnt drinking water or tea

  and another thing my father never drank maybe 1 glass ayear  as always said waste money  strange when he died in home had dementia  dr said to me it was a strange why the clean and sober people seem to get dementie before others  cheers


We live long enough to get dementia, and actually notice it when it does happen.  Not sure most practicing drunks can tell.


30 years ago, I drank like a fish.  Haven't touched it in 26 years.  Maybe Billy's the same, and the facts are straight?  


BTW, no disrespect meant for folks who enjoy their drink.  If you like it and it's not causing problems, by all means- enjoy.  I mean that sincerely.  But not all of us can.

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I'm perhaps whats called a binge drinker.. which I read, is the worst regarding health concerns...
I haven't had a drink for a while (because I'm away working).
When I'm in Bangkok I'll go out 2 or 3 nights a week, I'll drink anywhere between half and three quarters of a bottle of Chivas - Less if the night is slow, more if we are having an excellent time. 
The bottle will go on the table, Friends and I will talk, tease, enjoy and get drunk..... this is the same when I'm out with Just Thai friends or Western Friends or as often is the case, a mixture.
I start off nice and strong to bring on the sparkle early, when I feel I'm getting too drunk I'll cut back my mix (usually at about midnight).
I've never had any issues and enjoy drinking this way. All my friends are generally good drunks, no one gets into trouble, no one has a loose mouth, all just good fun.
Staying at home and not drinking is a not a problem, some nights I don't want a drink, some nights I'll enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, some nights I'll enjoy a nice Whisky in front of the TV. 
I thoroughly enjoy drinking, I enjoy being around people who can handle their juice and remain fun and polite... Alcahol is a great social lubricant around the right people. 
The issue is that some people aren't the right people and don't know how to behave when drunk... I've long suspected alcohol brings out the true person, some people become wonderful, if not a little incoherent !... others become idiots... I find alcohol useful tool in judging character... 

You wrote, " I've long suspected alcohol brings out the true person,"  No.  All the professional information is 100% the opposite.  You might want to google alcoholic personality change.  Or drunk hit and run drivers.  Or drunk wife abusers.  
We all know that when you start to drink, inhibitions go," says internist Nicholas A. Pace, a member of the medical-scientific committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. And as the level of alcohol increases, the effects increase. "Three or more drinks in an hour can lead you to do things you would never do otherwise and may not remember afterward.
We believe alcohol disrupts cognitive functioning, making us unable to look at different problem-solving
options," Parrot suggests.
Other symptoms of alcoholism specific to the brain include personality changes, - See more at: http://www.dana.org/Publications/GuideDetails.aspx?id=49988#sthash.qQS9dwTE.dpuf
I can't really argue with all that research...  Well I can, just a little anyway... 
From my perspective - I know a good number of people who when drunk, continue to enjoy themselves, don't get into silly arguments or flights, don't have problems with their wives or girl friends etc... I also know a couple of people who become idiots when they are drunk.
The research may show that these people are suffering the effects of 'personality change' due to alcohol...  I suspect otherwise. These people are already idiots, its just that when they are sober they have better self control. Its not their personality which changes, its their ability to control themselves, their true personality surfaces. 
A good person, who is also a good drunk doesn't do bad things - there may be errors in judgement we are all familiar with, but there is no personality switch.
A bad drunk may blame alcohol, but they have made the decision to drink knowing they may become violent, or drink drive, or make exceptionally poor, violent, dangerous decisions... Their personalities were not changed when they made this decision to drink. It could be argued that this research is simply giving bad drunks an excuse for their behaviour... (just food for thought).....

I don't know If this disproves or supports your post but I'm a binge drinker

And when I get drunk I get extremely happy, never violent, never aggressive, never bad mood, never argumentative. It's like all my senses are numbed and the happy senses get magnified

I become very happy, chatty, more easy going however I start talking garbage

As in I might say I have the hots for a girl that I have no interest,
I might say I want to go to a country that I've never thought about
Or I say I'm going to get a new hobby like scrabble which I have no interest in

I think I'm lucky as I'm a generally a very happy and positive optimistic person when in everyday life
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I'm perhaps whats called a binge drinker.. which I read, is the worst regarding health concerns...
I haven't had a drink for a while (because I'm away working).
When I'm in Bangkok I'll go out 2 or 3 nights a week, I'll drink anywhere between half and three quarters of a bottle of Chivas - Less if the night is slow, more if we are having an excellent time. 
The bottle will go on the table, Friends and I will talk, tease, enjoy and get drunk..... this is the same when I'm out with Just Thai friends or Western Friends or as often is the case, a mixture.
I start off nice and strong to bring on the sparkle early, when I feel I'm getting too drunk I'll cut back my mix (usually at about midnight).
I've never had any issues and enjoy drinking this way. All my friends are generally good drunks, no one gets into trouble, no one has a loose mouth, all just good fun.
Staying at home and not drinking is a not a problem, some nights I don't want a drink, some nights I'll enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, some nights I'll enjoy a nice Whisky in front of the TV. 
I thoroughly enjoy drinking, I enjoy being around people who can handle their juice and remain fun and polite... Alcahol is a great social lubricant around the right people. 
The issue is that some people aren't the right people and don't know how to behave when drunk... I've long suspected alcohol brings out the true person, some people become wonderful, if not a little incoherent !... others become idiots... I find alcohol useful tool in judging character... 

You wrote, " I've long suspected alcohol brings out the true person,"  No.  All the professional information is 100% the opposite.  You might want to google alcoholic personality change.  Or drunk hit and run drivers.  Or drunk wife abusers.  
We all know that when you start to drink, inhibitions go," says internist Nicholas A. Pace, a member of the medical-scientific committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. And as the level of alcohol increases, the effects increase. "Three or more drinks in an hour can lead you to do things you would never do otherwise and may not remember afterward.
We believe alcohol disrupts cognitive functioning, making us unable to look at different problem-solving
options," Parrot suggests.
Other symptoms of alcoholism specific to the brain include personality changes, - See more at: http://www.dana.org/Publications/GuideDetails.aspx?id=49988#sthash.qQS9dwTE.dpuf
I can't really argue with all that research...  Well I can, just a little anyway... 
From my perspective - I know a good number of people who when drunk, continue to enjoy themselves, don't get into silly arguments or flights, don't have problems with their wives or girl friends etc... I also know a couple of people who become idiots when they are drunk.
The research may show that these people are suffering the effects of 'personality change' due to alcohol...  I suspect otherwise. These people are already idiots, its just that when they are sober they have better self control. Its not their personality which changes, its their ability to control themselves, their true personality surfaces. 
A good person, who is also a good drunk doesn't do bad things - there may be errors in judgement we are all familiar with, but there is no personality switch.
A bad drunk may blame alcohol, but they have made the decision to drink knowing they may become violent, or drink drive, or make exceptionally poor, violent, dangerous decisions... Their personalities were not changed when they made this decision to drink. It could be argued that this research is simply giving bad drunks an excuse for their behaviour... (just food for thought).....

I dunno about the last paragraph, as per my post, I don't get violent or aggressive as that's not my nature, however I do things that I would normally never do,

I've driven home drunk but I never speed when I'm sober

I swear a lot when I'm drunk in a non aggressive way, a lot of fuks and shits when talking with friends, but normally I don't swear thay much
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I'm perhaps whats called a binge drinker.. which I read, is the worst regarding health concerns...


I haven't had a drink for a while (because I'm away working).


When I'm in Bangkok I'll go out 2 or 3 nights a week, I'll drink anywhere between half and three quarters of a bottle of Chivas - Less if the night is slow, more if we are having an excellent time. 

The bottle will go on the table, Friends and I will talk, tease, enjoy and get drunk..... this is the same when I'm out with Just Thai friends or Western Friends or as often is the case, a mixture.

I start off nice and strong to bring on the sparkle early, when I feel I'm getting too drunk I'll cut back my mix (usually at about midnight).


I've never had any issues and enjoy drinking this way. All my friends are generally good drunks, no one gets into trouble, no one has a loose mouth, all just good fun.


Staying at home and not drinking is a not a problem, some nights I don't want a drink, some nights I'll enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, some nights I'll enjoy a nice Whisky in front of the TV. 


I thoroughly enjoy drinking, I enjoy being around people who can handle their juice and remain fun and polite... Alcahol is a great social lubricant around the right people. 

The issue is that some people aren't the right people and don't know how to behave when drunk... I've long suspected alcohol brings out the true person, some people become wonderful, if not a little incoherent !... others become idiots... I find alcohol useful tool in judging character... 


You wrote, " I've long suspected alcohol brings out the true person,"  No.  All the professional information is 100% the opposite.  You might want to google alcoholic personality change.  Or drunk hit and run drivers.  Or drunk wife abusers.  


We all know that when you start to drink, inhibitions go," says internist Nicholas A. Pace, a member of the medical-scientific committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. And as the level of alcohol increases, the effects increase. "Three or more drinks in an hour can lead you to do things you would never do otherwise and may not remember afterward.



We believe alcohol disrupts cognitive functioning, making us unable to look at different problem-solving

options," Parrot suggests.



Other symptoms of alcoholism specific to the brain include personality changes, - See more at: http://www.dana.org/Publications/GuideDetails.aspx?id=49988#sthash.qQS9dwTE.dpuf




I can't really argue with all that research...  Well I can, just a little anyway... 


From my perspective - I know a good number of people who when drunk, continue to enjoy themselves, don't get into silly arguments or flights, don't have problems with their wives or girl friends etc... I also know a couple of people who become idiots when they are drunk.


The research may show that these people are suffering the effects of 'personality change' due to alcohol...  I suspect otherwise. These people are already idiots, its just that when they are sober they have better self control. Its not their personality which changes, its their ability to control themselves, their true personality surfaces. 


A good person, who is also a good drunk doesn't do bad things - there may be errors in judgement we are all familiar with, but there is no personality switch.


A bad drunk may blame alcohol, but they have made the decision to drink knowing they may become violent, or drink drive, or make exceptionally poor, violent, dangerous decisions... Their personalities were not changed when they made this decision to drink. It could be argued that this research is simply giving bad drunks an excuse for their behaviour... (just food for thought).....


No.  I can't argue with anecdotal evidence.  Two people you know does not contradict scientific fact.  


Go to the doctor and ask him.  He will tell you something very similar to what I said.  "Symptoms of alcoholism specific to the brain include personality changes." 


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