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When I get my glass delivered, I will be having only one glass of whiskey per day.




I think I would manage one glass of wine per day with that glass. Order me 1 pls.

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Fortunately, I guess, drinking doesn't seem to be a problem--maybe that in itself is a problem--but I rarely get drunk. In 35 years of marriage, my wife says she has seen me drunk maybe 10 times.


I have a well-stocked bar in my home, but rarely, if ever, drink alone at home--only when we have guests and that is maybe two or three times a month. However, I go out bar-hopping regularly, maybe three, or four, times a week. Then, I drink. I like San Miguel Light in the daytime, Jack Daniels and soda in the evenings, and wine with meals and cognac with coffee when dining out. Ten beers, or even fifteen beers on a heavy day, is no big deal. Similarly, I can drink ten, or more, JD sodas when out in the evenings. I am generally the last man standing.


The only days I would call bad, even though they are good times, are when an afternoon toot turns into an all night binge. then, and only then, do I have hangovers. However, as I age, recuperation from the hangovers takes longer. When I do overindulge, which to me means those all-day/all-night binges, it takes me a full day of sleep, rest, and coffee to get back to normal.



Geez, just went back to read over this and I see a drunk with a drinking problem. Never seemed a  problem, have maintained this drink regimen all my adult life--even during four years in Saudi Arabia, where JD turned to Sid and beer and wine were home made--but never lost a job, relationship, or friend because of drink. Just  asked my wife again, she says she agrees, my drinking does not create any problems and she rarely drinks--perhaps she's trying to get rid of me.

I am a recovering alcoholic. I used to drink 10-15 liters of beer per week. Anyone who drinks 20 bottles of chang/leo is an alco. Fool yourself with a joke like it's only oil for a dance machine but it's alcoholism and that's real bad. Alcoshism will degrade your flesh and rot your bone. Make you a puff-face fool, eat away your social life make your mouth that of an obnoxious bonehead. I was unfortunate enough to have worked in an alcoshist environment and had an alco gf which had just done me in. I have been making a concentrated effort to cut down on booze and keeping a diary where I log every single drink I take. I'm down to 4L/week of beer and plan to reduce it by another 1L by end of this year. Wish me luck.
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I only drink if somebody offers me a free drink.

Otherwise, can't afford to buy any drinks.

Offer you a free drink???. I bet you have never been in the company of a Scot.



I have many Scots friends, most regularly buy rounds. Maybe you don't have any Scots friends.




I only drink if somebody offers me a free drink.

Otherwise, can't afford to buy any drinks.

Offer you a free drink???. I bet you have never been in the company of a Scot.



I have many Scots friends, most regularly buy rounds. Maybe you don't have any Scots friends.



Sorry Costas, I misread your post.



Beer in the USA superior. You must to be joking. All the common and most drinked beers in the US are terrible. Among the worst in the world


As per usual bashing away without a clue. 


2,456 breweries to be precise — the Brewers Association cites in its 2012 data on U.S. breweries. 




Do you think all 2456 breweries stay open because no one drinks the beer?  In 1900 there were 1751 breweries in America do you think no one drank at those too? 


Australia is not defined by the people with no taste who drink Fosters in the same way American beer is not defined by the people who use Budweiser for baking or the occasional drink.  There is bad beer made in every country. 

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as oz we are feed beer at birth   i have been drinking beer every afternoon for 55yrs and still going strong my mate and i worked out in our lifetime we had drank a fuel tanker of beer between use cheeerrrssss




I found I drank significantly more when I lived in the states because quite honestly the alcohol and beer selection is far superior to anything Thailand can offer. Singha, Chang, Leo is utter garbage. Typical higher end spirits are rare in Thailand and when you find them they are quite pricey. With that said I seldom drink here but I do have former colleagues that regularly travel to Thailand and they mule over a nice 750 of Vodka, Tequila, Rum for me. So my collection is growing quite well and I enjoy them sparingly.
There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. It has been around for thousands of years. Its the people that can handle it or have zero self control that make it a big deal. I love a top shelf spirit "Neat" out in the sala.

Same with any other drugs.. there is no problem using drugs.. only those who loose control and damage themselves are a problem.
Its the persons body and he / she should be able to do with it what he / she wants as long as you don't cause problems for others.
Beer in the USA superior. You must to be joking. All the common and most drinked beers in the US are terrible. Among the worst in the world
Oh My......... Clearly you have only tried Budweiser, Michelob, Miller and Coors which in comparison is like enjoying Leo, Chang, Singha and Archer. 
The US has the widest variety of beers anywhere in the world. I am not saying all are good but the majority are absolutely excellent. The only beer I have found that is noteworthy in Thailand, but is imported and pricey, is Hoegaarden. 

you must be again an anglo saxon, myself as all normal human been, i drink when i am thisty  only...not to get pissed or for socialysing like most do !






I only drink if somebody offers me a free drink.

Otherwise, can't afford to buy any drinks.

Offer you a free drink???. I bet you have never been in the company of a Scot.



I have many Scots friends, most regularly buy rounds. Maybe you don't have any Scots friends.


Smotherb, read post 55.





I only drink if somebody offers me a free drink.

Otherwise, can't afford to buy any drinks.

Offer you a free drink???. I bet you have never been in the company of a Scot.



I have many Scots friends, most regularly buy rounds. Maybe you don't have any Scots friends.


Smotherb, read post 55.


Already did Possum, read post 67.


Sounds like OP is not a “long term farang” but only two-week holiday guest…
Normally I don’t drink much – never did – like a glass of wine or wine cooler or a cocktail now and then, but mostly when going out I never drink, often driving, and still have great fun – and am oily enough for dancing... rolleyes.gif  
So “every long term farang is a miserable drunk” may not be that true, can also be like when the holiday is over and one comes home, and only “drink three times per month” – sometimes I have a hard time to keep up with just one time a month… whistling.gif
However, I read in medical news, that it is considered very healthy and advisable for males over 50 to drink 1 or 2 glass or red wine or similar amount of alcohol every day – red wine seems to be no better than any alcohol, even beer is now considered healthy. thumbsup.gif
Have decided to become healthier and try to keep up with enjoying a glass a day… tongue.png
[quote name="Kudel" post="8055401" timestamp="1404455190"]

[quote name="JAFO" post="8054866" timestamp="1404446924"][quote name="larsjohnsson" post="8054707" timestamp="1404444871"]

 [quote name="robblok" post="8054493" timestamp="1404442187"]
 [quote name="JAFO" post="8054488" timestamp="1404442080"]
I found I drank significantly more when I lived in the states because quite honestly the alcohol and beer selection is far superior to anything Thailand can offer. Singha, Chang, Leo is utter garbage. Typical higher end spirits are rare in Thailand and when you find them they are quite pricey. With that said I seldom drink here but I do have former colleagues that regularly travel to Thailand and they mule over a nice 750 of Vodka, Tequila, Rum for me. So my collection is growing quite well and I enjoy them sparingly.
There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. It has been around for thousands of years. Its the people that can handle it or have zero self control that make it a big deal. I love a top shelf spirit "Neat" out in the sala.
 [/quote]Same with any other drugs.. there is no problem using drugs.. only those who loose control and damage themselves are a problem.
Its the persons body and he / she should be able to do with it what he / she wants as long as you don't cause problems for others.[/quote]Beer in the USA superior. You must to be joking. All the common and most drinked beers in the US are terrible. Among the worst in the world
Oh My......... Clearly you have only tried Budweiser, Michelob, Miller and Coors which in comparison is like enjoying Leo, Chang, Singha and Archer. 
The US has the widest variety of beers anywhere in the world. I am not saying all are good but the majority are absolutely excellent. The only beer I have found that is noteworthy in Thailand, but is imported and pricey, is Hoegaarden. 
 [/quote][/quote]The US has de widest variety of beers?Errrhum ever been to Belgium fella?I think where at 450 different kinds now but ive lost count i think.


I only drink to steady my nerves. Sometimes I'm so steady I can't even move. 
- - W. C Fields



Steady like Stevie Wonder in a boat?



I don't drink and prefer not being around people when they are drinking.  Never could see the attraction.

Drinking alcohol is OK in moderation, if I decided I would prefer not to be around people when they are drinking, I would have no friends at all. I have never touched alcohol in my life, and back home in Scotland, apart from being with girls and playing with the band, I would have no social life at all.


 i have been with a few guys who I thought were friends and when out in their company, never stood my round and had a couple of soft drinks I bought myself that would last me all night, I have found some of them interesting to talk to, and whenever I have ask to meet them, they always made excuses, or never turned up.


One thing that has bothered me all my adult life is the Scottish custom of always being expected to stand my round, ie a guy decides he wants to go out for a couple of pints, he meets other aquaintences and those two pints end up being nine or ten, when all he wanted was two.


The checkbin out here in Thailand is the way to go. I am always included in my friends nights away, and nobody expects me to "stand my round", and I have not lost one friend or aquaintence because I don't drink. The same also applies to any TV members I have met.


I can identify with your situation and found my own way of coping.  These days I see people during the daylight hours and we usually get home before dark to take care of the pets.  But I spent 20 years in my youth going out every night in Bangkok.  
I drank orange juice and my main focus was on the girls but I was a regular and friendly with many other regulars.  By going out by myself I was not obligated to stick with a particular group of guys, buy rounds or hang around and deal with their increasingly bad behavior as the night wore on.
I haven’t lived that kind of life for 17 years now and don’t miss it.
Just an observation but in my country if you drink in the morning or lunchtime unless you are on a sunset holiday or its Christmas or similar, then you might be seen as weird, unsophisticated or even a loser

I suspect it's the same in most western countries

Maybe there is a correlation between those that want to drink in the mornings that want to live in thailand especially in the countryside where the behaviour is often tolerated especially for rich farangs and hence why that group of people make the move

My commentis not a criticism but merely an observationand possibility of a correlation

When I was out doing business in Thailand in 89 and 90, it's at least 4 nights a week out drinking with people of different nationalities.  Each time, it's about half a bottle of Chivas or Black plus 3 big bottles of beer.  During the financial crisis, I drank all - about 2 dozen bottles - the XO cognac at home.  To SAVE money, I drank Chang, 3 for B100, almost everyday.  The record was 19 bottles in a 10 hour period.


Nowadays, I drink 3 bottles of large beer a time every 4 days.  It has reduced from 5 bottles then to 4 a time.  It's all done at home now!


I'm perhaps whats called a binge drinker.. which I read, is the worst regarding health concerns...


I haven't had a drink for a while (because I'm away working).


When I'm in Bangkok I'll go out 2 or 3 nights a week, I'll drink anywhere between half and three quarters of a bottle of Chivas - Less if the night is slow, more if we are having an excellent time. 

The bottle will go on the table, Friends and I will talk, tease, enjoy and get drunk..... this is the same when I'm out with Just Thai friends or Western Friends or as often is the case, a mixture.

I start off nice and strong to bring on the sparkle early, when I feel I'm getting too drunk I'll cut back my mix (usually at about midnight).


I've never had any issues and enjoy drinking this way. All my friends are generally good drunks, no one gets into trouble, no one has a loose mouth, all just good fun.


Staying at home and not drinking is a not a problem, some nights I don't want a drink, some nights I'll enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, some nights I'll enjoy a nice Whisky in front of the TV. 


I thoroughly enjoy drinking, I enjoy being around people who can handle their juice and remain fun and polite... Alcahol is a great social lubricant around the right people. 

The issue is that some people aren't the right people and don't know how to behave when drunk... I've long suspected alcohol brings out the true person, some people become wonderful, if not a little incoherent !... others become idiots... I find alcohol useful tool in judging character... 


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Since this has more to do with expats and living in Thailand, it's best we move this topic over to The Farang Pub.


Topic Moved.


Just an observation but in my country if you drink in the morning or lunchtime unless you are on a sunset holiday or its Christmas or similar, then you might be seen as weird, unsophisticated or even a loser

I suspect it's the same in most western countries

Maybe there is a correlation between those that want to drink in the mornings that want to live in thailand especially in the countryside where the behaviour is often tolerated especially for rich farangs and hence why that group of people make the move

My commentis not a criticism but merely an observationand possibility of a correlation


In my country I drank every morning because of the women.  Here I only have an occasional glass of wine on Sundays.  wai2.gif


My comments are not a criticism but merely an observation and possibility of a correlation.  cheesy.gif


2 glasses of wine with a meal 2 or 3 times a week. Being old means I can get high without spending a lot.


The problem with this sort of "survey" is that those who are honest probably don't have much of a real problem and those with a real problem are in denial to themselves and others.


Of course there are people who never drink, never have smoked, never have sex, etc. Generally these are people who inherited the sanctimonious gene from both parents. They release their pent-up stress by pontificating. They don't live that much longer than anyone else, it just seems like they've been around forever ... to themselves and those around them. 


Like smoking and drinking, sanctimonious pontificating is a leading cause of death ... often by strangulation, un-tethered bungee jumping from balconies or cranial trauma from blunt instruments.



  • Like 2

I'm perhaps whats called a binge drinker.. which I read, is the worst regarding health concerns...


I haven't had a drink for a while (because I'm away working).


When I'm in Bangkok I'll go out 2 or 3 nights a week, I'll drink anywhere between half and three quarters of a bottle of Chivas - Less if the night is slow, more if we are having an excellent time. 

The bottle will go on the table, Friends and I will talk, tease, enjoy and get drunk..... this is the same when I'm out with Just Thai friends or Western Friends or as often is the case, a mixture.

I start off nice and strong to bring on the sparkle early, when I feel I'm getting too drunk I'll cut back my mix (usually at about midnight).


I've never had any issues and enjoy drinking this way. All my friends are generally good drunks, no one gets into trouble, no one has a loose mouth, all just good fun.


Staying at home and not drinking is a not a problem, some nights I don't want a drink, some nights I'll enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, some nights I'll enjoy a nice Whisky in front of the TV. 


I thoroughly enjoy drinking, I enjoy being around people who can handle their juice and remain fun and polite... Alcahol is a great social lubricant around the right people. 

The issue is that some people aren't the right people and don't know how to behave when drunk... I've long suspected alcohol brings out the true person, some people become wonderful, if not a little incoherent !... others become idiots... I find alcohol useful tool in judging character... 


You wrote, " I've long suspected alcohol brings out the true person,"  No.  All the professional information is 100% the opposite.  You might want to google alcoholic personality change.  Or drunk hit and run drivers.  Or drunk wife abusers.  


We all know that when you start to drink, inhibitions go," says internist Nicholas A. Pace, a member of the medical-scientific committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. And as the level of alcohol increases, the effects increase. "Three or more drinks in an hour can lead you to do things you would never do otherwise and may not remember afterward.



We believe alcohol disrupts cognitive functioning, making us unable to look at different problem-solving

options," Parrot suggests.



Other symptoms of alcoholism specific to the brain include personality changes, - See more at: http://www.dana.org/Publications/GuideDetails.aspx?id=49988#sthash.qQS9dwTE.dpuf



If you can pay for it drink. whatever you want. If you fall down drunk and bang your head it does not hurt until the next day. If you die while drunk my own theory is that it won't hurt much - there is no next day. Bottoms up.


I used to drink a lot in the UK, now that I'm living in Thailand I hardly drink at all. Maybe a couple of Sang Som lime and sodas and a couple of beers a week if that.


0  for 2+ years now. 
(but I used to drink about 20 beer a week for first 10 years here)  1 after work x 5 days + 15 on Friday or Saturday night.
x52 weeks = 1000+ a year. x 10 yrs = 10,000+ beers  = alot of time taking the p...

I don't drink, Im silly enough without it. Haven't had a drink for a very long time, maybe more than 10 years, cant remember.I use to drink as a young man, but not that much.

Terrible drug.

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