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90 Day Borderbounce: 'Denied' Exit in Ranong despite non-B

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Question is, was your extension based on your job (National Police Order 777/2551 Case 2.1) or working with a Thai family (National Police Order 777/2551 Case 2.18)?

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I was going to reply to Harry's last post, but will answer here to address two points.

Harry, I don't understand the wording that a non-O only gives you the right to apply for a work permit? I have been in country working for the last 9 years on a non-O visa, rather extensions based on that non-O. At the time, mine didn't have any stamps forbidding me to work. We have had a position filled last year with the employee on a non-O as well, no change to the visa required and extension based on the non-O.

To my knowledge the reason the non-B came into existence was for the convenience of travelers visiting Thailand, enabling them to conduct work at irregular intervals. The non-B visa has evolved somewhat since that time.

Your WP will be granted dependent on your extension basis, if you are already on an extension, not the visa that you entered on 9 years ago.

'B" is the norm, but many labour departments will issue WPs based on non immigrant 'O' entry stamps, provided there is no exclusion clause against working (often put in if the applicant has applied for retirement purposes).

In fact the non immigrant 'O' is the generic catch all visa - 'O' stands for other.

The 'B' visa has always been, certainly during the 14 years that I have been here, the first stop for some one wishing to either apply to work in Thailand or to 'do business' here.

I initially entered Thailand with a multi non-O with the reason as dependency (support Thai wife). I was offered work, issued with work permit and the reason on the non-O changed to work (I presume). Perhaps not in that particular order.

Point being, the extensions were based on the original non-O multi entry which at the time I wasn't on an extension.

Not arguing about it, just commenting.

You extension would not have been based on you non immigrant status, but that 90 day non immigrant status would simply have allowed you to be considered for an extension.

The extension status will probably be hand written in Thai above your extension stamp.

The non immigrant visa status per se is never changed.

Yes, the extension was based on my job, the work permit was issued during the last 30 days of the multi non-O, which was originally issued for the reason of dependency (support Thai wife). I'm not sure what got changed and when, the original visa is in my old passport, so not sure what the notations were.

Anyway, cheers for the clarification. I think i have wasted enough time off-topic, sorry about that.

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I would like to ask...

He says he has a non-imm B. Based on what? B is for business. Can you just get a B visa for no reason other than you want one?

Did he have a re-entry permit? His only reason for going to Myanmar was for shopping? Other than "business in Rayong" he does no work here?

I am playing devil's advocate here to try and get a feel for the actions of the imm. officer. On being presented with the documents of a person who didn't actually need to leave, maybe he felt he was doing a favor.

'nuff said


Ranong not Rayong dear boy

As I posted in another thread, I heard a rumour not so long ago that people arriving in Thailand on non imm B visa where going to be required to have a least a temporary WP sponsored by the host entity in Thailand, and it seems at least in this case, the rumour may have some foundation

What about if you have a non b visa to ENQUIRE. About business?

On the immi website they say you need it to attend meetings and investigate business opportunities.

No WP required for that

So the officer has no idea of visas he is enforcing it seems to me

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A reminder: this topic is not about working in Thailand, not about a work permit, not about an extension of stay for employment. It is about a person in the employ of a company outside Thailand and required by his employer to travel to Thailand several times a year "to conduct business", eg to meet with buyers or suppliers, and the multiple-entry non-B visa is intended precisely for this type of traveller, among others.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The officers do what they want!!! This have to stop in the future. The rules have to be clear !!!!

The personal circumstances (how many ins, no out/ins, how long spend abroad, how long spend in Thailand, ticket out available, nationality, etc.) really determine the judgement in 'cases' like this.

So no, the rules can not and will never be clear.

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Go do your crossing an Ban Phu Nam Ron.... you will have no trouble there... (near Kanchanaburi) 100% sure.

Actually I have read right here on TV that Thai immigration now wants to see a Myanmar visa in your passport at that crossing.

I would recommend the same for Ranong. In fact, almost no country permits you to enter, even for a day without a visa if your nationality requires one. Myanmar seems to be a funny exception with a dual system, but that could be changing. If you show up with a Myanmar visa, stay away from Thailand for a few days then I don't see many problems re-entering on a multi non-B even with no WP. A one day border hop could be an issue though, which is what the OP tried to do.

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