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Israel PM pledge over murdered teen


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Netanyahu pledges justice for murder of Palestinian teen

(BBC) Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to bring to justice the killers of a Palestinian teenager whose death has sparked days of rioting.

He was speaking after Israeli police arrested six Jewish suspects over the killing of Mohammed Abu Khdair in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

Police believe there was a nationalist motive to the killing, which followed the murder of three Israeli teenagers.

Meanwhile, Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip have killed six people.

One strike on Sunday evening - reportedly from a drone - left two people dead and came at the end of a day that saw at least 20 rockets fired from Gaza into Israel.

Two later Israeli strikes on Gaza left another four people dead. All six were described as Hamas militants, in what the movement called the biggest single hit against the Islamist group since 2012.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28189031

-- BBC 2014-07-07

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Mohandis Gandhi said "an eye for an eye with only make the whole world blind"

An interesting perspective can be seen presented by Miko Peled, the son of an israeli general war hero and influential family.

When will the insanity stop?

Edited by atyclb
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Headline could be a little shaky right now, as rifts appear within the Israeli coalition government.

On the face of it, right wing parties demanding more aggressive stance vs. the Palestinians and Arab Israeli rioters.

Could be for real or could be political muscle flexing, they been there done that many times before. Not necessarily

a real crisis, could be more about right wing parties showing their electorate that they're still acting tough, but then

quitting the coalition and the government at this time could be seen as irresponsible.

Just pointing out for those who think Netanyahu is the far right wing marker, that there are hardliners that see him as

weak. Guess in the current USA political speak that would come out as sort of RINO.

Lieberman ends partnership with Netanyahu, dismantles Likud-BeiteinuForeign Minister Avigdor Lieberman announced Monday that he plans on ending his partnership with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and to dismantle the Likud-Beiteinu partnership.

Lieberman and Netanyahu exchanged verbal blows over the past few days over how to respond to the rocket fire from Gaza.

In his televised statement at the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting, Netanyahu jabbed at Lieberman and Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, who have been calling for a large-scale operaion in Gaza and criticizing the government's policies. "In these moments we must be level-headed and responsible," Netanyahu said, not use "inflammatory and brash" rhetoric. "We will do everything possible to restore calm in the south," he said.


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Off-topic posts deleted along with replies. This topic is not about all things related to Muslims/Jews/Palestinians/Arabs/Christians and the myriad of other things thrown into the mix. These statements are inflammatory. Please stick to the topic.

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Mohandis Gandhi said "an eye for an eye with only make the whole world blind"

Gandhi was dealing with the British. If he was leading protests against Stalin, Hitler or Arab extremists occupying his country, he would not have been around long enough to become famous.whistling.gif

I appreciate the context you provide however if you look at the endless cycle of retaliation and counter retaliation, etc etc there is wisdom in mr gandhi's words. The cycle either stops at some point or goes on forever. You should take a break and watch the video i posted as it comes from a prominent israeli jew war hero israeli general's son.

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Mohandis Gandhi said "an eye for an eye with only make the whole world blind"

Gandhi was dealing with the British. If he was leading protests against Stalin, Hitler or Arab extremists occupying his country, he would not have been around long enough to become famous.whistling.gif

I appreciate the context you provide however if you look at the endless cycle of retaliation and counter retaliation, etc etc there is wisdom in mr gandhi's words. The cycle either stops at some point or goes on forever. You should take a break and watch the video i posted as it comes from a prominent israeli jew war hero israeli general's son.

But in this case retaliation is not by the state but by individuals and there is no way to stop or control that.

State retaliation to Hamas firing 29 rockets into Israel yesterday may not sound justifiable, but what are the alternatives, to sit back and watch civilians being killed?

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Mohandis Gandhi said "an eye for an eye with only make the whole world blind"

Gandhi was dealing with the British. If he was leading protests against Stalin, Hitler or Arab extremists occupying his country, he would not have been around long enough to become famous.whistling.gif

I appreciate the context you provide however if you look at the endless cycle of retaliation and counter retaliation, etc etc there is wisdom in mr gandhi's words. The cycle either stops at some point or goes on forever. You should take a break and watch the video i posted as it comes from a prominent israeli jew war hero israeli general's son.

I think there is no argument about that the violence must stop one way or the other. The argument is about how to reach that goal. in 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza Strip unilaterally, hoping that it will be a step in the right direction. The outcome you can see today:Hamas (the equivalent of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood), won the elections, and is continuing to shoot rockets, kidnap Israeli citizens, and preach for terror.

The same thing concerning Lebanon, after Israel withdrew from it, Hizzbollah declared it wont stop fighting Israel until they will free all Palestine (whole Israel) from the Jews. The same with USA withdrawing from Iraq, just to get ISIS taking control...

The facts show that if you give up to terror and extremists, they just becomes stronger and in the end come back to attack you.

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First of all i dont believe hamas has anything to do with it. Hamas whenever they indulge in such acts are proud of taking responsibility and they already said they don't have anything to do with it. Whoever the killers are of the three young boys they indulged in a very gruesome act and should be punished as much as the killers of the palestinian kid.

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First of all i dont believe hamas has anything to do with it. Hamas whenever they indulge in such acts are proud of taking responsibility and they already said they don't have anything to do with it. Whoever the killers are of the three young boys they indulged in a very gruesome act and should be punished as much as the killers of the palestinian kid.

Hamas may or not not be responsible but they were and are still celebrating the killings.

Hamas also learned that taking responsibility dies not pay off as Israel hits them hard.

Whoever responsible is still free, enjoying the freedom and being harbored either by Hamas or PA.

Israeli PM made direct contact with killed Arab boy parents to extend condolences while PA Abbas has done very little to nothing

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Mohandis Gandhi said "an eye for an eye with only make the whole world blind"

Gandhi was dealing with the British. If he was leading protests against Stalin, Hitler or Arab extremists occupying his country, he would not have been around long enough to become famous.whistling.gif

I appreciate the context you provide however if you look at the endless cycle of retaliation and counter retaliation, etc etc there is wisdom in mr gandhi's words. The cycle either stops at some point or goes on forever. You should take a break and watch the video i posted as it comes from a prominent israeli jew war hero israeli general's son.

I think there is no argument about that the violence must stop one way or the other. The argument is about how to reach that goal. in 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza Strip unilaterally, hoping that it will be a step in the right direction. The outcome you can see today:Hamas (the equivalent of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood), won the elections, and is continuing to shoot rockets, kidnap Israeli citizens, and preach for terror.

The same thing concerning Lebanon, after Israel withdrew from it, Hizzbollah declared it wont stop fighting Israel until they will free all Palestine (whole Israel) from the Jews. The same with USA withdrawing from Iraq, just to get ISIS taking control...

The facts show that if you give up to terror and extremists, they just becomes stronger and in the end come back to attack you.

Then why do israel go occupy their neighbors ? Israel's occupation of south Lebanon was illegal under the international law and they were forced out by Hezbollah. Israel's current occupation of syrian golan heights is also illegal. Believe me when i say israel is much safer under syria ruled by assad's regime compared to the opposition. As for the US, they are siding with rebels in syria and siding with iraqi goverment against those same people fighting bashar in iraq

How does That work? Supplying both sides weapons? Remember iranian contra affair back in the days of iraq-iran war same thing is happening today.

Edited by shariq607
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What a stark difference. Israel will go all out to find the suspects and treat them as common criminals. Israeli Justice is real.

Hamas will consider their killers good guys.

Not much difference in the pain the deceased childrens' family feel.

Not much difference in the hate motivation of the killers.

Not much difference in the fact they were all innocent kids.

But, yes, difference in the way the two societies punish the offenders.

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I think there is no argument about that the violence must stop one way or the other. The argument is about how to reach that goal. in 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza Strip unilaterally, hoping that it will be a step in the right direction. The outcome you can see today:Hamas (the equivalent of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood), won the elections, and is continuing to shoot rockets, kidnap Israeli citizens, and preach for terror.

The same thing concerning Lebanon, after Israel withdrew from it, Hizzbollah declared it wont stop fighting Israel until they will free all Palestine (whole Israel) from the Jews. The same with USA withdrawing from Iraq, just to get ISIS taking control...

The facts show that if you give up to terror and extremists, they just becomes stronger and in the end come back to attack you.

Then why do israel go occupy their neighbors ? Israel's occupation of south Lebanon was illegal under the international law and they were forced out by Hezbollah. Israel's current occupation of syrian golan heights is also illegal. Believe me when i say israel is much safer under syria ruled by assad's regime compared to the opposition. As for the US, they are siding with rebels in syria and siding with iraqi goverment against those same people fighting bashar in iraq

How does That work? Supplying both sides weapons? Remember iranian contra affair back in the days of iraq-iran war same thing is happening today.


Why do people continue to talk about "international law" when we are talking about sovereign nations which have every right to defend themselves? Screw international law. It's not working anywhere, especially for the the suckers who signed up for it. Islamic terrorists and some law, LOL?

After 15 years of attacks by Hezbollah from S. Lebanon on Israel, Israel set up a no man's land in Lebanon and defended that. Who can blame them?

Scott just asked us to stay on topic so I'll stop.

Edited by NeverSure
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I think there is no argument about that the violence must stop one way or the other. The argument is about how to reach that goal. in 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza Strip unilaterally, hoping that it will be a step in the right direction. The outcome you can see today:Hamas (the equivalent of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood), won the elections, and is continuing to shoot rockets, kidnap Israeli citizens, and preach for terror.

The same thing concerning Lebanon, after Israel withdrew from it, Hizzbollah declared it wont stop fighting Israel until they will free all Palestine (whole Israel) from the Jews. The same with USA withdrawing from Iraq, just to get ISIS taking control...

The facts show that if you give up to terror and extremists, they just becomes stronger and in the end come back to attack you.

Then why do israel go occupy their neighbors ? Israel's occupation of south Lebanon was illegal under the international law and they were forced out by Hezbollah. Israel's current occupation of syrian golan heights is also illegal. Believe me when i say israel is much safer under syria ruled by assad's regime compared to the opposition. As for the US, they are siding with rebels in syria and siding with iraqi goverment against those same people fighting bashar in iraq

How does That work? Supplying both sides weapons? Remember iranian contra affair back in the days of iraq-iran war same thing is happening today.


Why do people continue to talk about "international law" when we are talking about sovereign nations which have every right to defend themselves? Screw international law. It's not working anywhere, especially for the the suckers who signed up for it. Islamic terrorists and some law, LOL?

After 15 years of attacks by Hezbollah from S. Lebanon on Israel, Israel set up a no man's land in Lebanon and defended that. Who can blame them?

Scott just asked us to stay on topic so I'll stop.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Rocket attacks into israel by hezbollah prior to the invasion since 15 years? Hezbollah didnt even exist that time. Hezbollah came into existence after the invasion.

The official israeli justification for invasion of south lebanon in 1982 at that time was an assassination attempt against israeli ambassador to uk which was heavily criticized by the international community.

You talk about a sovereign country defending itself? So do not the lebanese citizens have the right to defend itself against a foreign invasion? Just as much as american people had the right to defend itself from foreign occupation by britain?

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I'm not going to defy Scott by staying off topic with you. I'll just tell you that you can't name the date that Hezbollah came into existence.

This is supposed to be about Israel's honor in making a pledge about the murdered boy.

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Most of the groups that made up Hezbollah, such as the Shia militias, the Islamic Jihad Organization, the Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, the Islamic Resistance and the Revolutionary Justice Organization were in Lebanon well before they all adopted the same name around 1982 and so was the PLO in big numbers. Israel had little choice but to fight back against these terrorists.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It is hard to get worked up by the rockets which never seem to hit anything unless by accident. More people have been killed violently in Chicago the past 2 weekends than have been killed in Israel by rockets since 2001. Of course they are annoying but really amount to random isolated happenings which are almost always known as to their source by the IDF. The people who live in the areas attacked do not seem to want to move out of range. Gaza is among the most spied upon areas in the world at least per capita. The numbers of intelligence agents and CIs is almost unimaginable. My info on that goes back a bit but I have no reason to believe anything has changed. Very few things happen in Gaza that the Israelis do not know about. As for that last point, I am as certain as I can be. The Israelis have the most competent espionage force on our planet and are in no real danger from the Palestinians.

The rockets are really unguided but not that unguided that they can't seem to hit a town. And they miss entire towns on a regular basis. There is no reasons for mortars to miss at the rate they seem to in Israel. Mortars should be able to hit a town, but they don't seem to when fired by the Palestinians.

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It is hard to get worked up by the rockets which never seem to hit anything unless by accident.

They are meant to kill people and terrorize innocent civilians and when they hit a target it is no "accident" You would get "worked up" if they were aimed at you and your family.

Of course, the Palestinians are usually inept. People who have no strategy but relentless hatred usually are. That is why they are in a purgatory of their own creation with no country and no land after over a century of waging a pointless war that they started and refuse to end.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Is "nationalistic motive" just a pretty name for a hate crime?

Not exactly.

There's quite a bit of whitewashing terminology from both sides. Not always easy to entangle political/religious/racist motives, so "nationalistic" (as opposed to "criminal") is a generalized term used (mostly) by Israeli media to denotenthat a certain crime is related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, rather than to "ordinary" criminal activity (which may still involve Palestinians).

It doesn't necessarily cover the whole range of hate crime, though - crimes to do with religion, sexual preference, race or whatever can be unrelated to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. One major difference is that a crime defined as having "nationalistic" background, will be investigated not only by the police, but by other security agencies, as opposed to "ordinary" crimes.

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 I think there is no argument about that the violence must stop one way or the other. The argument is about how to reach that goal. in 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza Strip unilaterally, hoping that it will be a step in the right direction. The outcome you can see today:Hamas (the equivalent of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood), won the elections, and is continuing to shoot rockets, kidnap Israeli citizens, and preach for terror.

The same thing concerning Lebanon, after Israel withdrew from it, Hizzbollah declared it wont stop fighting Israel until they will free all Palestine (whole Israel) from the Jews. The same with USA withdrawing from Iraq, just to get ISIS taking control...

The facts show that if you give up to terror and extremists, they just becomes stronger and in the end come back to attack you.Then why do israel go occupy their neighbors ? Israel's occupation of south Lebanon was illegal under the international law and they were forced out by Hezbollah. Israel's current occupation of syrian golan heights is also illegal. Believe me when i say israel is much safer under syria ruled by assad's regime compared to the opposition. As for the US, they are siding with rebels in syria and siding with iraqi goverment against those same people fighting bashar in iraq

How does That work? Supplying both sides weapons? Remember iranian contra affair back in the days of iraq-iran war same thing is happening today.


From your reply i can see that you are following the civil war in Syria.That is why i dont think that i need to tell you about Assad using Gas against civilians, women and children. I also dont need to tell you about the mass murders done by ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Those are the ways the Syrians treat each other- what do you think they will do to the Jews in Israel if they get the chance?!?

Once you understand that, you can understand why Israel is forced to hold on to the Golan Heights, and any other strategic location including the ones in west bank, that they did occupy.

If you think that Israelis prefer death by Assad's gas rather than by ISIS slaughter, i can tell you non of them is an accepted option...

All the mayhem and genocide that is going around Israel in the Middle East at the moment, should clearly explain to you why they need to be strong, and not hesitate to demonstrate it, as a deterrent.

I totally agree with you that the foreign policy of Obama's administration has nothing to do with reality, not in Syria, not in Egypt, and not in Israel.

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