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A Force To Be Reckoned With


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I think there should only be a penalty in soccer if there is a head high tackle.

Like if someone 'clotheslines' a player in the penalty area? I can't imagine the reaction of that ever happened. With most footy players you just tap them and they go down like a wounded daffodil. A full on clothesline would probably cause a decapitation, or at the very least a lot of tears and phonecall home to mummy. Suggest this is phased in, starting with the next Italian match.

Picture below is along the right lines, what one might call a good start.


Edited by tourleadersi
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They should be banned form the next World Cup on the grounds that half their team is Croatian,

but half the Croatian team is Australian - not that that helped much!!!!

Soccer is really for cheats and handbags, so I'm focussing back onto the real footy...carn Eagles.


I think there should only be a penalty in soccer if there is a head high tackle.

I think there should be a penalty in soccer if there aren't any head high tackles.

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Seems an injustice but your man brought him down in the box at the end of the day. Try going through a semi and then having a goal disallowed in extra time after many other dubious decisions and then going out... not good for ones' karma. Pretty thin line with progressing in the world cup or not... you have to have everything going for you... bit of skill, luck, unbias refs and a tad of divine intervention, it seems. Brazil had most of those last night against Kofi's side. :o

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I remember a few years back the cricket between the Ozzies and the Kiwis - didn't the ozzies on the last bowl, deliver one along the ground to stop the opposition getting a 4?

Is the hate for the English based in personal experience or is it something that is just handed down and followed blindly. I don't recall any English lords claiming prima nocturna recently, or burning down any dwellings on the Glens....

I think that it must be passed down from our ancestors. Don't forget that England did a pretty nasty thing to us, albeit a few years back! Thai people ask me often about the movie Braveheart and the history of our skirmishes. They are shocked with the reality of what happened and understand my wanting England to lose against Portugal. :D

I heard from my relatives that where they stay in Deeside, there are a lot of English nobs coming(not the royalty, they're already there)and buying summer cottages, forcing the locals to move elsewhere.

The football team as individuals are all quite likable, but the rugby team on the other hand are mostly smug arrogant public school <deleted>. :o

Come on Portugal!!! :D

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BS, the italian dived, he basically just jumped over him.

I think they should change the rule to no blood, no foul.

Then atleast people wont be diving all over the place

Well you all knew the Latin-blooded ones were into that, so why tempt fate? If the tables were turned, the Aussies would have done the exact same thing, if he did indeed dive. Shit happens. :o

Edited by jackr
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BS, the italian dived, he basically just jumped over him.

Errr...only because an aussie decided to slide in front of him in the penalty box and was laying at his feet...What an idiot..

the only reason they got as far as they did is because they had a top drawer coach and got people sent off in games...

Lets face it they are a weak side..

Australians generally are used to genuine body contact sports: the two rugby codes, and Australian Rules. While we can watch soccer from time to time, and are happy for kids to play it until they are big and strong enough to play the more manly games, we will never, ever, adopt a game where grown men play-act as our national sport.

Thats got to be the worse excuse for a poor team i have ever seen, it makes me wonder why they even want to take part if its not manly enough for them...

I do seem to remember a few aussie players (including the great Viduka) waving imagination red cards in the air to get the croations sent off (the second one!!!), thats very very sad, they should feel ashamed..

Im glad Totti had the guts to put that ball away under such pressure..

No doubt they will blame everyone else for having to go home early, but at the end of the day if a player doesnt know what happends if you slide into someone in the box then they shouldnt be on the pitch


Viduka gets his man again, good on ya sport... :o

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BS, the italian dived, he basically just jumped over him.

I think they should change the rule to no blood, no foul.

Then atleast people wont be diving all over the place

Well you all knew the Latin-blooded ones were into that, so why tempt fate? If the tables were turned, the Aussies would have done the exact same thing, if he did indeed dive. Shit happens. :o

Aussies dont dive, coz were real men. We play fair and square.

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It's pretty easy to make a Brit more miserable because they are normally already miserable. :D

If their space is invaded by a herd of loud, shallow, supercilious septics, who can blame them for being anything other than miserable ...? :D:D

Edit: The Aussies were robbed... :o

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Agreed, the Italian did "earn" his penalty, but let's get a sense of realism here. If the game was still going on now the Aussies wouldn't have scored.

Australia beat a very poor Japan side only in the last few minutes which was purely down to fitness levels. Got beaten by an under performing Brazil and then got a lucky draw with Croatia.

I don't buy into this "breath of fresh air" nonsense at all. The best "small side" in this World Cup by far has been the Ivory Coast who sadly were drawn in the group of death.

Now the Aussies have entered the Asian region, let's see how they get on qualifying next time round against the likes of Japan, Korea, Saudi, Iran.

"Flash in the pan", not a "Breath of fresh air"...!!!

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BS, the italian dived, he basically just jumped over him.

I think they should change the rule to no blood, no foul.

Then atleast people wont be diving all over the place

Well you all knew the Latin-blooded ones were into that, so why tempt fate? If the tables were turned, the Aussies would have done the exact same thing, if he did indeed dive. Shit happens. :D

Aussies dont dive, coz were real men. We play fair and square.

What a crock of Faeces, Aussies playing fair and square, Cobblers!!experts at cheap shots,vindictive tackles, and world champions in spitting the dummy, some of their behaviour on and off the field has been despicable(not the socceroos)but league, union and AFL,but they just get slapped on the wrist and fined a few bucks, their drunken assaults and drug abuse just boyish pranks, of course a few stupid english racist thugs caused trouble in Stuttgart, but believe me, they are not half as Bad as the Bulldog supporters at any match. I love my footie whether the Lions at the Gabba ,or the Bronco,s at Suncorp or the reds when they play at home., so have seen enough so called aussie fairplay :o Nignoy
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Edit: The Aussies were robbed... :o

Robbed of what, they lost..even if the spot kick had not have been given could you have honestly seen them getting a goal..

backpack_thailand tells us above as it was, they got lucky to get where they did..

robbed!!?.... hardly...

"A force to be Reckoned with" now thats funny :D:D

Edited by techie
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First this:

I think there should only be a penalty in soccer if there is a head high tackle.

Followed by this:

I think they should change the rule to no blood, no foul.

Then atleast people wont be diving all over the place

And now this:

We would beat the poms anyday of the week


To the village that's lost its idiot, look no further; we have found him... :D

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We would beat the poms anyday of the week

1. The Aussies are out of the World Cup, England are still in...

2. Currently England holds The Ashes...

3. Currently England holds The Rugby World Cup...

4. Aussies and English are now both as <deleted> as each other at tennis...

Any other sports you play apart from Aussie "No Rules" Football...???


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We would beat the poms anyday of the week

1. The Aussies are out of the World Cup, England are still in...

We've played Brazil, Croatia, Italy and 3 refs. England has played ........

2. Currently England holds The Ashes...

With the help of two South Africans, a Welshman and A PNG player. (just a few more months to justice day!)

3. Currently England holds The Rugby World Cup...

Old history. Australia crapped on England in two test matches played this month! .....

4. Aussies and English are now both as <deleted> as each other at tennis...

Nearly right. Hewitt has just won the Queens Tournament for the forth or fifth time and has a couple of grand slams.

Any other sports you play apart from Aussie "No Rules" Football...???

Virtually everything and we can beat England in all of them.


Edited by Old Croc
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First this:

I think there should only be a penalty in soccer if there is a head high tackle.

Followed by this:

I think they should change the rule to no blood, no foul.

Then atleast people wont be diving all over the place

And now this:

We would beat the poms anyday of the week


To the village that's lost its idiot, look no further; we have found him... :D

Your a funny guy, did you think that up all by yourself??

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We would beat the poms anyday of the week

1. The Aussies are out of the World Cup, England are still in...

We've played Brazil, Croatia, Italy and 3 refs. England has played ........

2. Currently England holds The Ashes...

With the help of two South Africans, a Welshman and A PNG player. (just a few more months to justice day!)

3. Currently England holds The Rugby World Cup...

Old history. Australia crapped on England in two test matches played this month! .....

4. Aussies and English are now both as <deleted> as each other at tennis...

Nearly right. Hewitt has just won the Queens Tournament for the forth or fifth time and has a couple of grand slams.

Any other sports you play apart from Aussie "No Rules" Football...???

Virtually everything and we can beat England in all of them.


we just won the world longboard surfing championship

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We would beat the poms anyday of the week

1. The Aussies are out of the World Cup, England are still in...

We've played Brazil, Croatia, Italy and 3 refs. England has played ........

2. Currently England holds The Ashes...

With the help of two South Africans, a Welshman and A PNG player. (just a few more months to justice day!)

3. Currently England holds The Rugby World Cup...

Old history. Australia crapped on England in two test matches played this month! .....

4. Aussies and English are now both as <deleted> as each other at tennis...

Nearly right. Hewitt has just won the Queens Tournament for the forth or fifth time and has a couple of grand slams.

Any other sports you play apart from Aussie "No Rules" Football...???

Virtually everything and we can beat England in all of them.


Hee, hee. Touched a nerve there!!!


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Now that we've proven ourselves on the world stage it would be great to have a regular Ashes type Aus vs England football game. There was talk about it after the last friendly that we won but it didnt eventuate. Once every 18 months with the venue alternating between England and Oz would be ideal.

I'm sure it would be a sell out and a big TV event.

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We would beat the poms anyday of the week

1. The Aussies are out of the World Cup, England are still in...

We've played Brazil, Croatia, Italy and 3 refs. England has played ........

Every team that has been placed in front of them and not lost!!!!!!!!!

2. Currently England holds The Ashes...

With the help of two South Africans, a Welshman and A PNG player. (just a few more months to justice day!)

Belive is or not Wales is within the selection area of the Selectors, I know you are old but the MCC touring side passed away a long time ago.

Did you not have a South African operner and a Tasmanian operner some years ago?

3. Currently England holds The Rugby World Cup...

Please read ..You do not hold the world cup at rugby,you lost it at home to England, you cannot hold the world cup at rugby until you play in the final and WIN !!!!

Old history. Australia crapped on England in two test matches played this month! .....

4. Aussies and English are now both as <deleted> as each other at tennis...

Nearly right. Hewitt has just won the Queens Tournament for the forth or fifth time and has a couple of grand slams.

Sorry but Hewitt as you say is history

Any other sports you play apart from Aussie "No Rules" Football...???

Virtually everything and we can beat England in all of them.


As per a previous mail.............one game and they THINK they are world champions

as a New Zealand guy said when I asked how far Austrail was from New Zealand....reply NOT FAR ENOUGH :D

Hee, hee. Touched a nerve there!!!


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Now that we've proven ourselves on the world stage it would be great to have a regular Ashes type Aus vs England football game. There was talk about it after the last friendly that we won but it didnt eventuate. Once every 18 months with the venue alternating between England and Oz would be ideal.

I'm sure it would be a sell out and a big TV event.

Big problem with this is where would the matches be played.Most of you HOME matches are played in Europe since ALL your players would be here.It would be a B International as the last one was

and after a few years have little or no meaning except to the Austrailians.We found that this also happened with the football home internationals we dropped these since most of the matches were one sided,a shame since the Scot would really be worth playing in their current state.

I really think that if you stick to you own sports(ie ones that you are world champions at Aussie rules ect) you will have a better development.

As to the Italy match, 11 against 10 not cricket really.The Aussie full back obviouly went to ground to early and the Italian do what they do best, fell over him......easy decision for the ref.....

Please will all the Aussies stop whinnging.....you lost....

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It was a blatant BS call from the ref, We would play england anywhere in the world I think, you can have the home court advantage, it wouldnt matter.

We only have 20mill people, and we are the best in the world at alot of sports. Soccer will be next

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