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Traffic Cops running amok in Chiang Mai


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got me today, driving across road when I should have turned right (LK/night Bazaar).

Gave me a ticket then tried to stop me driving ahead when I should turn left (LK/Iron Bridge).

No mate, you just gave me a ticket, I can do what I like for the next week.

He agreed, and waved me off.

They are everywhere!

If only you'd obey the traffic laws you wouldn't have this problem, you bring it on yourself you know.giggle.gif

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@ folkguitar (out of room on my post) In reply to your post to me) Each side of the moat is roughly 2,400 meters long. Are you now telling us that you've actually seen FOUR police roadblocks on one side of the moat at the same time? Or even two, turn a corner and find two more? And you were stopped at each of them? Something tells me that you are not being completely honest with us... Except for one occasion when one of the roadblocks had a secondary 'catcher' set up for people trying to scoot through the first, I don't believe I've EVER seen more than one roadblock set up on the roads around the moat in the past 15 years. There are times when I've seen on set up on the moat, another set up several streets away, but that's about it.

Please, when did you see this massive police roadblock system?

Hahaha! Okay I was exaggerating about the every 500 meters bit but I've been stopped on 3 sides of the moat road in one hit, more than once too. I now avoid the moat road where possible

O I hope you are right about the 2.4 kilometer long moat. If it is I am in better shape than I thought.clap2.gif

Might enter a marathon cheesy.gif

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i ride a Lifan 250, modified to look like a harley (without the badges and stickers).

Just how gay is that?

I expected this, non thais hate wrong doers u ntil they do it themselves. Whats wrong with being pulled over for a spot check, the cops are doing their jobs, no doubt made to, by the nice flower giving general. No bribes any more, pay your dues and get legal

Rubbish! The BIB will make up any reason, legit or not to stop and fine bikers. Often there is no reason given, just a demand for a bribe. That's why I never stop for the uniformed mafia.

I'm fully legal, WP, DL etc. but still waiting for my book and license plate after 9 months due to a screw up from Suzuki Thailand. I have the paperwork so I hope that's good enough for the BIB in the rare event they're able to stop me.

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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got me today, driving across road when I should have turned right (LK/night Bazaar).

Gave me a ticket then tried to stop me driving ahead when I should turn left (LK/Iron Bridge).

No mate, you just gave me a ticket, I can do what I like for the next week.

He agreed, and waved me off.

They are everywhere!

see that u are a new boy around the traps

the coppers are frequently there booking fools like yourself, who decide to take the short cut across chang klan road, instead of turning right and continue on

the coppers were completely in the right, u have broken the law

three cheers for the c/mai coppers

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stop making a fuss, you dont have to worry about bald tyres, no insurance, no lights working, exhausts that sound like a low level jet passing, mots ( UK test for cars 3yrs an older)......you know all those "safe" things but heaven forbid no Thai Driving licence........well thats really <deleted> serious aint it!

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got me today, driving across road when I should have turned right (LK/night Bazaar).

Gave me a ticket then tried to stop me driving ahead when I should turn left (LK/Iron Bridge).

No mate, you just gave me a ticket, I can do what I like for the next week.

He agreed, and waved me off.

They are everywhere!

see that u are a new boy around the traps

the coppers are frequently there booking fools like yourself, who decide to take the short cut across chang klan road, instead of turning right and continue on

the coppers were completely in the right, u have broken the law

three cheers for the c/mai coppers

yes he broke the law and such a heinous crime it was, should be a jail sentence not a fine

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I wonder how much action this thread would have seen had it been more accurately titled "traffic cops checking licenses and issuing tickets to unlicensed drivers".

OP probably read too many Nation headlines in the Thai news form whistling.gif

Or the "fires raging in BKK & CM" in our news & events forum w00t.gif

Edited by MESmith
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The average licensed citizen has the right and freedom to use the roads relatively unhindered, or for that matter, walk down the footpath unhindered, unless a police officer has some reason to suspect that person is breaking the law.

We believe this to be true in the USA. Our Constitution guarantees it. Could you please tell us where we can find the Thai equivalent of this guarantee? I'd like to think one exists, but I know I've never heard of it myself. A link would be sufficient, thanks.

Now, under martial law, (whether one agrees with it or not) the military government can deem anyone and everyone suspect, and instruct the police to check everyone in the hopes of catching "enemies of the state". In this case, it would appear that the police are not acting under instructions and are just profiteering from the current martial law situation,

Where can I find the instructions given to the police? I like to keep abreast of what is going on and am envious of your access to this sort of information. Personally, I don't really know just what the police have been told to do by either their police upper echelon or the military. I just know that they are being more careful when checking to see if drivers are in possession of the papers required by the vehicle codes. In this crack-down on corruption, perhaps the police are looking to stop corrupt drivers? It certainly is a valid interpretation of the term.

...and are just profiteering from the current martial law situation,

By 'profiteering,' do you mean penalizing people for violations of the vehicle regulations? Just as they were doing before the current martial law situation. For we've already heard from many that they never see folks giving money to the police on the streets except in very rare instances.

It strikes me that, at least in this thread, the ones complaining that the police are breaking the law have all been stopped by the police for breaking the law in the first place. If it's wrong for the police to break the law (and I agree that it is,) isn't it just as wrong for the drivers to break the law? Is one more wrong than the other? Some say that they are protesting laws that they believe to be unfair. Perhaps the police are protesting laws that THEY believe to be unfair. Or... are only farang permitted to do this?

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It strikes me that, at least in this thread, the ones complaining that the police are breaking the law have all been stopped by the police for breaking the law in the first place. If it's wrong for the police to break the law (and I agree that it is,) isn't it just as wrong for the drivers to break the law? Is one more wrong than the other? Some say that they are protesting laws that they believe to be unfair. Perhaps the police are protesting laws that THEY believe to be unfair. Or... are only farang permitted to do this?

Why do you assume everyone posting here is a white foreigner?

Can't black, yellow and brown people break the law and/or post on TV too?

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Several consecutive posts critical of CM police activity...

Time for FG to rejoin the fray.

On a side note: Isn't it remarkable just how many posters in these last two threads have just a couple of posts to their names, or joined TV in the last 24 hours...

it's because 2 or 3 of the posters are the same person under different aliases.

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It strikes me that, at least in this thread, the ones complaining that the police are breaking the law have all been stopped by the police for breaking the law in the first place. If it's wrong for the police to break the law (and I agree that it is,) isn't it just as wrong for the drivers to break the law? Is one more wrong than the other? Some say that they are protesting laws that they believe to be unfair. Perhaps the police are protesting laws that THEY believe to be unfair. Or... are only farang permitted to do this?

Why do you assume everyone posting here is a white foreigner?

Can't black, yellow and brown people break the law and/or post on TV too?

For the same reason you 'assume' that everyone uses the word 'farang' in its most exacting definition. But then, you know what they say about the word 'assume...'

Please forgive my misuse of the word. I don't believe language is static. It evolves and changes with the times. New words come and old words change.

While more traditionally it does mean white foreigner, I was using the more commonly accepted modern definition of simply 'foreigner.'

And... I believe you were well aware of that!

Now that this is settled, would you like to address the substance of the paragraph you quoted, or are you only here to obfuscate the issue with petty semantics?

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Several consecutive posts critical of CM police activity...

Time for FG to rejoin the fray.

On a side note: Isn't it remarkable just how many posters in these last two threads have just a couple of posts to their names, or joined TV in the last 24 hours...

it's because 2 or 3 of the posters are the same person under different aliases.

Five or six different aliases, as far as I can tell.

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I know of a guy here at the moment on holidays [one month] who rides a rented bike all over the city.

He has been stopped at least 4 times near Narrawat Bridge [where he stays, so cannot miss the regular blockade sadly]

On each occassion he is asked the usual questions and to then present his licence..he does so and is told that even on holiday he must have an IDL and that his Australian one is not accepted.

He then is told to go to the police station and pay, but because he has Astynomiaphobia.he wont go through the hoops involved and debate it,and just pays the cop 200baht and off he goes.

Not a big deal to him to pay, but he ,as far as i know is correct and legal in presenting his valid Aus licence.

Correct or not?

If correct they are indeed being naughty..

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Under the previous administration...people of Chiang Mai have had a free ride...while the rest of the country bought tea...now it is your time to join ranks with the rest of the nation...equality for all...

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I guess I've been pretty lucky (only got stopped twice in 5 minutes to have my drivers license checked).

To be honest though, this is not nearly as bad as in US and Canada. It really isn't a joke back there. You WILL be stopped for going on yellow, failing to come to a full-stop (i.e. 0mph) at the stop sign etc etc. Cops really are everywhere. And the fine will be at least $150 at a time, going up to $800. Yes you can go to court and loose a full-day worth of pay and perhaps not get any money back anyways. Oh and did I mention that the insurance goes up every time? In Toronto it's $200/mo for drivers my age.

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I know of a guy here at the moment on holidays [one month] who rides a rented bike all over the city.

He has been stopped at least 4 times near Narrawat Bridge [where he stays, so cannot miss the regular blockade sadly]

On each occassion he is asked the usual questions and to then present his licence..he does so and is told that even on holiday he must have an IDL and that his Australian one is not accepted.

He then is told to go to the police station and pay, but because he has Astynomiaphobia.he wont go through the hoops involved and debate it,and just pays the cop 200baht and off he goes.

Not a big deal to him to pay, but he ,as far as i know is correct and legal in presenting his valid Aus licence.

Correct or not?

If correct they are indeed being naughty..

He needs to do what the locals do and discover the backroads, tell him to use the Iron Bridge or Nakorn Ping Bridge.

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All civilian laws are not suspended; surely that would be insane


I'd have thought martial law just gives the army the right to enforce the existing laws and add new ones as they see fit. Also they said they are working with the police assistance.

I think it's great the military are making the police do a bit more work than previously. Crack the whip. Wish there were more check points out side town to catch the drunks also.

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All civilian laws are not suspended; surely that would be insane


I'd have thought martial law just gives the army the right to enforce the existing laws and add new ones as they see fit. Also they said they are working with the police assistance.

I think it's great the military are making the police do a bit more work than previously. Crack the whip. Wish there were more check points out side town to catch the drunks also.

Go home please.

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..................Wish there were more check points out side town to catch the drunks also.

Inside of town too. It would certainly make walking and driving at night a lot safer for the rest of us. With the easy availability of public transportation around town, and the low cost, it doesn't make much sense to risk injuring others by driving drunk.

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You are lucky, they are hanging around the toll booths in Bangkok and telling you you were speeding after you pay the toll. I worked it out, while you pay the toll, a traffic cop on foot writes down your plate number on his clipboard and a speed he comes up with next to it, blocks you from getting much past the toll gate, shows his clipboard to you and points to your plate number and a photo-copy of something in Thai aside from the Bht 1,000 that is on it twice. Then asks for your license and says "camera, 7 days police station" "Or Bht 1,000 now" with his hand out.

My reply would be please lock me up, unless you can show me proof (a radar gun) that I was speeding. Otherwise I have your job officer, and you will have to answer to General Prayuth. Have you forgotten that I have his number and you are now answerable for all of your crimes? Things are different. There is a new sheriff in town. You are not going to purchase a new villa, or BMW with my money, so unless you have proof, lock me up now, you toad of a man. Or do the right thing and let me go, and then go out there and fight crime. Oh, I forgot you do not fight crime. You just collect money. Good job.


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Will you be wearing your spider-man costume when you lay in bed dreaming you say that?

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